“GHEORGHE ASACHI” TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF IASI FACULTY OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING and ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Domaine: Chemical Engineering Specialization: Chemical Engineering Title of the graduated: Engineer Period of studies: 4 years Learning program: daily CURRICULUM 1st Year No. ID 2013/2017 Discipline name 101 Mathematics 1 (Differential and Integral Calculus) 102 Physics 1 FD ID FD ID 2 - 2 - E 5 103 Applied Informatics 1 FD ID 2 - 3 - C 6 104 Inorganic Chemistry FD ID 4 - 4 - E 9 105 Mathematics 2 (Numerical Methods and Statistics) 106 Physics 2 FD ID 2 2 - - E 4 FD ID 2 - 2 - E 5 107 Analytical Chemistry 1 FD ID 2 - 4 E 7 108 Computer Assisted Graphics FD ID 1 - 2 - C 3 109 Applied Informatics 2 FD ID 1 - 2 - E 4 110 Physical Training 111 The English/French/German/Russian Language CD ID CD ID - - 1 - A/R 2 2 - - VP 2 2 - Coordinative Compounds Chemistry Bio-inorganic Chemistry Culture, Civilization and European Institutions Science Communication 112 Philosophic Values and Praxeology 111 OD Discipline Code 1st Semester 2nd Semester PreNo.hours/we Fin. K No.hours/we Fin. K requiek/discipline ev. ek/discipline ev. sites C S L P C S L P 2 2 - - E 5 - - 1 2 - - - - VP 2 FD OD 1 - C 3 CD OD 2 - - - C 3 History of the European Construction FCD 114 115 116 117 Fundamental Concepts in Chemistry CD FCD Fundamental Concepts in Mathematics CD FCD European Integration CD FCD Communication Ethics CD FCD Total hours on week, total tests and credits on semester, at ID (imposed disciplines) and OD (optional disciplines) 2 2 VP 2 VP 2 2 VP 2 2 VP 2 12 4 10 - 3E 30 10 4 12 - 4E 30 2C 2C 1VP 1VP 26 26 E – exam; C – colloquium; FD – fundamental discipline; TD – technical discipline; ID – imposed discipline; SD – specialization discipline; CD – complementary discipline; OD – Optional discipline; FCD – Free choice disciplines, PE – Periodical Evaluation DEAN, Prof. Dr. Eng. Dan Caşcaval RECTOR, Prof. Dr. Eng. Ion Giurma “GHEORGHE ASACHI” TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF IASI FACULTY OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING and ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Domaine: Chemical Engineering Specialization: Chemical Engineering Title of the graduated: Engineer Period of studies: 4 years Learning program: daily CURRICULUM 2nd Year No. 201 202 203 204 205 206 ID 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 FCD OD 2013/2017 Discipline name Organic Chemistry 1 Analytical Chemistry 2 Physical Chemistry 1: Thermodynamics Electro-technics Organic Chemistry 2 Transport Phenomena, Unit Operations and Equipments 1 Physical Chemistry 2: Kinetics Electrochemistry and Corrosion Fundamentals in Mechanical Engineering Fundamentals in Mechanical Engineering Project Design Physical Training The English/French/German/Russian Language Practical Training - 3 weeks Discipline Code FD ID FD ID FD ID FD ID FD ID FD ID 1st Semester PreNo.hours/we Fin. requiek/discipline ev. sites C S L P 3 - 3 - E 2 - 4 - E 3 - 2 - E 2 - 1 - C 2nd Semester K No.hours/we Fin. K ek/discipline ev. C S L P 7 7 6 4 4 - 3 - E 6 3 - 2 - E 5 FD ID FD ID FD ID FD ID 2 2 2 - CD ID CD ID - - 1 2 - - - - - - VP 2 - FD ID 2 1 - 2 - 1 - C C 3 4 2 VP 2 2 VP 2 12 2 12 26 4 3 2 3 - 1 - A/R 2 2 - - VP 2 3*40 214 Materials Science SD OD Industrial Catalysis and Catalysts 215 Discoveries and Concepts in chemistry and CD FCD chemical engineering 216 Work policies, health and safety in the CD FCD workplace 217 Safe operation of chemical plants FD FCD 218 Anorganic Pollutants Chemistry CD FCD Total hours on week, total tests and credits on semester, at ID (imposed disciplines) and OD (optional disciplines) - E - C - C 2 VP 2 VP 2 2 VP 2 3E 30 13 2 9 2 4E 30 2C 2C 26 1VP 2VP E – exam; C – colloquium; FD – fundamental discipline; TD – technical discipline; ID – imposed discipline; SD – specialization discipline; CD – complementary discipline; OD – Optional discipline; FCD – Free choice disciplines, PE – Periodical Evaluation DEAN, Prof. Dr. Eng. Dan Caşcaval RECTOR, Prof. Dr. Eng. Ion Giurma “GHEORGHE ASACHI” TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF IAŞI FACULTY OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING and ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Domaine: Chemical Engineering Specialization: Chemical Engineering Title of the graduated: Engineer Period of studies: 4 years Learning program: daily CURRICULUM rd 3 Year 2013/2017 st No. ID Discipline name 301 Physical Chemistry 3: Polydispersed Systems FD ID 302 Transport Phenomena, Unit Operations and Equipments 2 303 Technological Processes Optimization FD ID 304 Transport Phenomena, Unit Operations and Equipments 3 305 Transport Phenomena, Unit Operations and Equipments - project design 306 Process Automation in Chemical Industry FD ID 2 - 2 - E 5 2 - 1 - C 4 - 2 - FD ID - - - 2 VP 3 FD ID 3 - 2 - 307 Technological Process Optimization TD ID 2 - - 308 Chemical Process Engineering TD ID 3 - 2 309 Hydrodynamic Operations TD ID 2 - 2 310 Practical Training - 3 weeks TD ID Introduction in Biotechnology Bioprocesses in Chemical Industry Analysis and Synthesis of Technological 312 Processes Fundamentals of Chemical Engineering Manufacturing Systems Management and Engineering 313 Operational Management and Quality Systems Marketing 314 Industrial Economy Economic Policies of the European Union 315 FCD FD ID 1 Semester 2nd Semester No.hours/ Fin. K No.hours/ Fin. K week/ ev. week/ ev. discipline discipline C S L P C S L P 2 - 2 - E 5 2 311 OD PreDiscipline requiCode sites 316 317 318 319 TD OD - 1 - C 4 3 - 2 - E 5 3 1 - 1 E 5 2 - C 2 4 E 5 C 3 - E 4 - E 4 C 3 C 3 3*40 2 E TD OD TD OD CD OD Pollution Prevention and Environmental Protection TD OD Environmental Management and Sustainable Development Project management and scientific communication CD FCD Introduction to Intellectual Property TD FCD Materials and Corrosion Protection TD FCD Polymers in Medicine and Pharmacy TD FCD Total hours on week, total tests and credits on semester, at ID (imposed disciplines) and OD (optional disciplines) - - 2 1 2 1 1 - - 1 VP 2 VP 3 2 1 2 16 1 8 1 4E 30 14 0 9 3 3C 26 VP 3 VP 2 4E 30 3C 1VP 26 E – exam; C – colloquium; FD – fundamental discipline; TD – technical discipline; ID – imposed discipline; SD – specialization discipline; CD – complementary discipline; OD – Optional discipline; FCD – Free choice disciplines, PE – Periodical Evaluation DEAN, Prof. Dr. Eng. Dan Caşcaval RECTOR, Prof. Dr. Eng. Ion Giurma “GHEORGHE ASACHI” TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF IAŞI FACULTY OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING and ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Domaine: Chemical Engineering Specialization: Chemical Engineering Title of the graduated: Engineer Period of studies: 4 years Learning program: daily CURRICULUM 4th Year OD PreDiscipline requiCode sites 2nd Semester No.hours/ Fin. K week/ ev. discipline C S L P 401 Thermal Operations 402 Corrosion Protection in Chemical Industry TD ID TD ID 403 Mass Transfer Operations TD ID No.hours/ Fin. K week/ ev. discipline C S L P 2 - 2 1 E 6 2 - 1 - C 3 3 - 2 - E 5 404 Mass Transfer Operations - Project TD ID - - - 2 VP 3 405 Physical Process Engineering TD ID 2 - 2 - E 5 406 Chemical Reactor Modeling and Design 1 TD ID 2 - 2 - E 5 407 Modeling and Simulation of Chemical Engineering Processes 408 Rheology TD ID 2 - 1 - C 3 TD ID 2 - 2 - 409 Chemical Reactor Modeling and Design 2 TD ID 2 - 2 TD ID - - - - E 2 VP 5 410 Chemical Reactor Modeling and Design Project 411 Modern Systems of Automatic Control for Chemical Processes 412 Research, Design and Development of the B.Sc. Thesis 413 Experiment Programming and Data Statistical Analysis Modern Techniques of Separation for Homogeneous Systems 414 Automatic Synthesis of Chemical Systems TD ID 2 - 2 - 5 No. ID 2013/2017 1st Semester Discipline name TD ID E 4 3 E 6 VP 6 TD OD 2 - 1 - C 4 TD OD 2 - 1 - C 3 E 10 FCD Chemical Process Scale-Up 415 Protection Techniques of Heritage Pieces 416 Surface Processing and Finishing 417 Anorganic Salts in Food Engineering B.Sc.Exam TD FCD TD FCD TD FCD Total hours on week, total tests and credits on semester, at ID (imposed disciplines) and OD (optional disciplines) 2 2 2 1 VP VP VP 2 3 2 13 - 10 3 4E 30 10 2C 1VP 26 8 8 3E 30 2C 2VP PL 10 26 E – exam; C – colloquium; FD – fundamental discipline; TD – technical discipline; ID – imposed discipline; SD – specialization discipline; CD – complementary discipline; OD – Optional discipline; FCD – Free choice disciplines, PE – Periodical Evaluation DEAN, Prof. Dr. Eng. Dan Caşcaval RECTOR, Prof. Dr. Eng. Ion Giurma
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