DNVBUSINESS ASSURANCE MaNacEMENT SvsrEM CpnuFrcATE Certificate No. 88708-201 0-AQ-FIN-FINAS This is to certify that ITELLA CORPORATION LOGISTICS Postintaival 7 A, 00230 Helsinki; Finland has beenfound to conform to the Management System Standard: ISO 9001:2008 This Certificate is validfor the following product or service ranges: Developing, selling and producing road, air & sea transport and forwarding serwices and warehousing services. I nit ia I C ert ifi c at i o n dat e 28 April 1997 - Place and date: 04 March 2014 This Certificate is valid until: 31 January 2015 Espoo,04 March 2014 for o FINAS Finnl8h Accrsdltatlon Sorvlco The audit has been perforned under the supervision the Accredited Unit: DNV CEnuFrcArroN OY/AB. FrNlRNo s00r (EN rso/rEc 17021) of a;",//. Kimmo Haarala Osmo Flink Lead Auditor Manage me nt Re pre s e nt ative Lack of fulfilment of conditions as set out in the Certification Agreement may render this Certificate invalid. DNV CERTIFICATION OY/AB - KEILASATAMA 5, 02I 50 ESPOO, FINLAND. +358 IO 292 42OO - www.DNvBA.FI DNVBUSINESS ASSURANCE AppENDrx ro CpnTIFIcATE This Appendix refers to Certificate No. 88708-2010-AQ-FIN-FINAS ITELLA CORPORATION LOGISTICS locations included in the certification are as follows: Developing, selling and producing road transport. Itella Logistics Oii: Loomiie tee 13, 75306 Harjumaa; Estonia Itella Logistics Oy: Kilonkartanontie 3, 02610, Espoo; Finland Itella Logistics Oy: Rautatienkatu 41,30240 Forssa; Finland Itella Logistics Oy: Veturitie 19 C,00240 Helsinki; Finland Itella Logistics Oy: Postintaival 9, 00230 Helsinki; Finland Itella Logistics Oy: Linnanrakentajantie 00880, Helsinki; Finland Itella Logistics Oy: Leveiimiienkuja 4, 0 I 3430 Hiimeenlinna; Finland Itella Logistics Oy: Rahtikatu 3, 80100 Joensuu; Finland Itella Logistics Oy: Jukolankatu 18, 80160 Joensuu; Finland Itella Logistics Oy: Kaakkovuorentie 10,40320 Jyvtiskylii; Finland Itella Logistics Oy: Kuormaajantie 6,40320 Jyvtiskylii; Finland I nitial C efi irt c ation date : 28 April 1997 - Place and date: 04 March 2014 Espoo,04 March 2014 This Certificate is valid until: DNV CpnrrFrcATroN OY/AB, FmleNo for 3l Januarv 2015 FINAS Finnlsh Accredltatlon Sorvice The audit has been performed under the supervision sool (EN of rso/rEc 17021) the Accredited Unit: {r;"'Z/. Kimmo Haarala Osmo Flink Lead Auditor Manage ment Re pre se ntative Lack of fulfilment of conditions as set out in the Certification Agreement may render this Certificate invalid. DNVCERTIFICATIONOY/AB. KEILASATAMA 5, 02I50 ESPOO, FINLAND -+358102924200 -www.DN!tsA.FI DNV BUSNESS ASSURANCE AppENDrxro CpnUFIcATE This Appendix refers to Certificate No. 88708-2010-AQ-FIN-FINAS ITELLA CORPORATION LOGISTICS locations included in the certification are as follows: Itella Logistics Oy: Ojakatu 2,87700 Kajaani, Finland Itella Logistics Oy: Taitokatu 4,87400 Kajaani; Finland Itella Logistics Oy: Tammisaarentie 57, 10300 Karjaa; Finland Itella Logistics Oy: Valionkatu 8,94450 Keminmaa; Finland Itella Logistics Oy: Kauppakaari 11,04200 Kerava; Finland Itella Logistics Oy: Terminaalikatu 6, 67700 Kokkola; Finland Itella Logistics Oy: Takojantie 32,48230 Kotka; Finland Itella Logistics Oy: Tykkimiientie 9,45200 Kouvola; Finland Itella Logistics Oy: Patterimtienkatu 5, 70800; Kuopio; Finland Itella Logistics Oy: Makasiinikatu 3, 15150 Lahti; Finland Itella Logistics Oy: Totokatu l, 53810 Lappeenranta; Finland ltella Logistics Oy: Harapaisentie 57 -59, 53 500 Lappeenranta; Finland Initial Certific ation date : 28 April 1997 - Place and date: Espoo,04 March 2014 04 March 2014 for This Certificate is valid until: 31 Januarv 2015 FINAS Flnnlsh Accr8dltatlon Servlcs The audit has been performed under the supervision s00r (EN |EonEc 17021) of the Accredited Unit: DNV CpnrrFrcArroN OY/AB. FrxteNp {r}'Z/. Kimmo Haarala Osmo Flink kadAuditor Manage me nt Re pre s e ntativ e Lack of fulfilment of conditions as set out in the Certification Agreement may render this Certificate invalid. D}{\/CERTIFICATIONOY/AB. KEILASATAMA 5, 02I50 ESPOO, FINLAND -+358102924200 -WWW.DNVBA.FI DNV BUSINES s AS STJRANCE AppENDIXTo CEnUFIcATE This Appendix refers to cerrificate No. 88708-2010-AQ-FIN-FINAS ITELLA CORPORATION LOGISTICS locations included in the certification are as follows: Itella Logistics Oy: Ahtonkaari 5,21420 Lieto; Finland Itella Logistics Oy: Ratakatu 7, 50100 Mikkeli; Finland Itella Logistics Oy: Terminaalitie 5, 90400 Oulu; Finland Itella Logistics Oy: Takalaanilantie 2, 90600 Oulu; Finland Itella Logistics Oy: Asemakatu 4,76100 Pieksiimiiki; Finland Itella Logistics Oy: Sepiinpellontie 5-7, 28430 Pori; Finland Itella Logistics Oy: Kairakatu 5,26100 Rauma; Finland Itella Logistics Oy: Tavara-asema, 96100 Rovaniemi; Finland Itella Logistics Oy: Postikatu l, 96100 Rovaniemi; Finland Itella Logistics Oy: Orninkatu 14,24100 Salo; Finland Itella Lo gistics Oy : Schaumani ntie 26, 57 23 0 Savonlinna; Finland Itella Logistics Oy: Tehtaantie 22,60100 Seiniijoki; Finland I nit ial C ert ifi c at ion date 28 April 1997 : - Place and dale: 04 March 2014 This Certificate is valid until: 3l Januarv20l5 Espoo,04 March 2014 for o DNV CpnTIFICATIoN OY/AB. FINAS FrNrr.nND ar),2/. Finnlsh Accredltetion Sorvlc6 The audit has been performed under the supervision sool the Accredited Unit: (EN rsoflEc't702'r) of Kimmo Haarala Osmo Flink Lead Auditor Manage me nt Re pre s e ntat iv e Lack of fulfilment of conditions as set out in the Certification Agreement may render this Certificate invalid. D}.IvCERTIFICATIONOY/AB. KEILASATAMA 5. O2I50 ESPOO. FINLAND-+358 IO 292 42OO.www.DrwBA.FI DNVBUSINESS ASSURANCE AppENDrxro CpnUFIcATE This Appendix refers to Certificate No. 88708-2010-AQ-FIN-FINAS ITELLA CORPORATION LOGISTICS locations included in the certification are as follows: Itella Logistics Oy: Teollisuustie 28,601 10 Seiniijoki; Finland Itella Lo gistics Oy : Lempiiiiliint ie 2, 33 | 00 Tampere ; Finland Itella Logistics Oy: Perkkoonkatu 13, 33850 Tampere; Finland Itella Logistics Oy: Ahlmanintie 61, 33800 Tampere; Finland Itella Logistics Oy: Uhrilfiteenk atu 2, 20250 Turku ; Finland Itella Logistics Oy: Liisanlehdontie 12,65380 Vaasa; Finland Itella Logistics Oy: Meijerinkatu 2-4,65100 Vaasa; Finland Itella Logistics Oy: Mallasvedenkatu 4,37600 Valkeakoski; Finland Itella Logistics Oy: Martinkyleintie 9 C, 01770Yantaai Finland Itella Logistics Oy: Tikkurilantie 148, 01530 Vantaa; Finland Itella Logistics Oy: Relanderink atu 24-26; 7 8200 Varkaus; Finland Itella Logistics Oy: Tehdastie 3, 84100 Ylivieska; Finland Initial C ertification date : 28 April 1997 - Place and date: 04 March 2014 Espoo,04 March 2014 This Certificate is valid until: for the Accredited Unit: DNV CenIFICATION OY/AB, 3l Januarv 2015 o FINAS Finnl8h Accroditation Service The audit has been performed under the supervision of Kimmo Haarala lcad Auditor s001 (EN rsoflEc 17021) FrNr.nNo {r;*Z/. Osmo Flink Manage me nt Repre s e nt at ive Lack of fulfilment of conditions as set out in the Certification Agreement may render this Certificate invalid. DI\WCERTIFICATIONOY/AB - KEILASATAMA 5, 02I50 ESPOO, FINLAND.+358IO29242W.WWW.DNVBA.FI DNVBUSINESS ASSURANCE AppENDrx ro CpnTIFIcATE This Appendix refers to Certificate No. 88708-2010-AQ-FIN-FINAS ITELLA CORPORATION LOGISTICS locations included in the certification are as follows: Itella Logistics SIA: Lidostas birojs - Cargorix termindls, 2167 Lidosta "RIga"; Latvia Itella Logistics SIA: "Ciedr", Lielv-arLi,Ifekavas pag.2123 R-rgas raj:'Latvia UAB Itella Logistics: Terminalo g. 10, 54469 Biruli5kiq km., Karmelavos sen., Kauno raj.; Lithuania UAB Itella Logistics: Liepkalnio g. 85, 02120 Vilnius; Lithuania UAB Itella Logistics: Pirkliq g. 5, 02300 Vilnius; Lithuania Itella Logistics AS: Lonningsveien2 5258, Bergen; Norway Itella Logistics AS: Lagmannsholmen 8,4610 Kristiansand; Norway Itella Logistics AS : Snipetjemv eien 2, I 405 Langhus; Norway Itella Logistics AS: Bekhuskaien 1,4013 Stavanger; Norway Developing, selling and producing air & sea transport and forwarding services. Itella Logistics Oti: Loom?ie tee 13, 75306 Harjumaa; Estonia lni t ial C ertifi c ati on date : April 1997 04March2}l4 Espoo,04 March 2014 This Certificate is valid until: DNV CpnrrFrcArroN OY/AB, Place and date: 28 for 31 Januarv 2015 'r FINAS Flnnlsh Accredltatlon SErvice The audit has been perforned under the suPerttision s00r (EN rso/rEc 1702r) of Kimmo Haarala the Ac$edited Unit: FrNr-euo {r},2/. Osmo Flink Lead Auditor Manage me nt Re pre s e nt at ive Lack of fulfilment of conditions as set out in the Certification Agreement may render this Certificate invalid. DNV CERTIFICATION OY/AB. KEILASATAMA 5, O2I50 ESPOO, FINLAND - +358 IO 292 42OO. WWW.DNVBA.FI DNVBUSINESS ASSURANCE AppENDrxro CpnuFrcATE This Appendix refers to Certificate No. 88708-2010-AQ-FIN-FINAS ITELLA CORPORATION LOGISTICS locations included in the certification are as follows: Itella Logistics Oy: Huurrekuja 2,04360 Tuusula; Finland Itella Logistics SIA: Lidostas birojs - Cargorix terminals, Ziemelu iela 16, Lidosta "Rtlga", 2167;Latvia UAB Itella Logistics: Vilnius Pirkliq g. 5, 02300 Vilnius; Lithuania Itella Logistics AS : Snipetjernv eien 2, I 405 Langhus; Norway Itella Logistics AS: Lagmannsholmen 8,4610 Kristiansand; Norway Developing, selling and producing warehousing services. Itella Logistic A/S: Kokbjerg 15, 6000 Kolding; Denmark Itella Logistics Oii: Loomde tee 13, 75306 Harjumaa; Estonia Itella Logistics Oy: Johtotie 2,16320 Pennala; Finland Itella Logistics Oy: Jokimiienti e 2, 1 6320 Pennala; Finland Itella Logistics Oy: Tikkurilantie 148, 01530 Vantaa; Finland Initial C e rtifi c ati on date : 28 April 1997 - Place and date: 04March20I4 This Certificate is valid until: 31 Januarv20l5 Espoo, for o FINAS Flnnlsh Accreditetlon Sorvice The audit has been performed under the supervision s00r GN |8o/rEc r702r) of 04March20l4 the Accredited Unit: DNV CrnrrFrcArroN OY/AB. FnqleNp A;-,2/. Osmo Flink Kimmo Haarala Lead Auditor Ma n a ge me nt Re pr e s e nt at iv e Lack of fulfilment of conditions as set out in the Certification Agreement may render this Certificate invalid. DNV CERTIFICATION OY/AB. KEILASATAMA 5, O2I50 ESPOO, FINLAND - +358 IO 292 42OO - www.DN\tsA.FI DNV BUSINESS ASSURANCE AppENDIX To CEnTIFICATE This Appendix refers to Certificate No. 88708-2010-AQ-FIN-FINAS ITELLA CORPORATION LOGISTICS locations included in the certification are as follows: Itella Logistics Oy: Satamatie 37,37800 Toijala; Finland Itella Logistics Oy: Palkkitie l, 04300 Tuusula; Finland Itella Logistics Oy: Huurrekuja 2,04360 Tuusula; Finland Itella Logistics Oy: Manttaalitie 8, 01530 Vantaa; Finland Itella Logistics Oy: Pakkalantie 2l B, 01510 Vantaa; Finland Itella Logistics SIA: "Ciedri", Lielv-arLi, $.ekavas pa5.,2123, Latvia UAB Itella Logistics: Terminalo g. 10, 54469 BiruliSkiq km., Karmelavos sen., Kauno raj.; Lithuania Itella Logistics AS : Snipetjemv eien 2, 1 405 Langhus; Norway Itella Logistics AS : Snipetjemv eien 7, I 405 Langhus; Norway Itella LLC: Logisticheskaya St, 1/10, bld. 11B, mikrorayon Sevemyy, Domodedovo, Moscow region, 1 tial C ertifi c ati on Ini 42000 : Russian Federation date : 28 April 1997 - Place and date: 04March20l4 Espoo,04 March 2014 This Certificate is valid until: 31 Januarv 2015 for o FINAS Flnnl8h Accrodltation SorYlce The audit has been performed supemision unfur the s001 (EN |sOnEC 17021) of the Accredited Unit: DNV CennFICArroN OY/AB, Frxq-aNo {r}'Z/. Kimmo Haarala Osmo Flink lcad Auditor Manage me nt Repres e ntativ e Lack of fulfilment of conditions as set out in the Certification Agreement may render this Certificate invalid. Dl.WCERTIFICATIONOY/AB. KEILASATAMA 5.O2I50 ESPOO, FINLAND -+358IO29242W.WWW.DI\I/BA.FI DNV BUSINESS ASSURANCE AppENDIX To CpnTIFIcATE This Appendix refers to Certificate No. 88708-2010-AQ-FIN-FINAS ITELLA CORPORATION LOGISTICS locations included in the certification are as follows: Itella LLC: Skhodnenskaya st., MLP Terminal, bld. 1, ChernayaGryazvill, Solnechnogorskiy district, Moscow region, 141580; Russian Federation Itella LLC: Moskovskoe shosse, 18, bld 2,literaA, Shushary, Pushkinskiy distr, St. Petersburg, 190000; Russian Federation Itella LLC: Omskii Trakt st., lao Ob', Novosibirsk Region, 633102; Russian Federation Itella LLC: Pushkinskoe pole st., vl. 10, bld.46, Pushkino, Moscow Region, 141202; Russian Federation Itella LLC: Tupikovyi proyezd, bld 1, Krekshino, Naro-Fominskiy district, Moscow region, 143391; Russian Federation proyezd, Itella LLC: Tupikovyy bld l, Krekshino vill, Marushkinskoe p, Moscow,143391; Russian Federation Itella LLC: Terminalnyiproyezd, bld 3, Krekshino vill, Marushkinskoe p, Moscow,14339I; Russian Federation I nitial C ertifi c ati on date : April 1997 04March20l4 Place and date: 28 Espoo, for DNV CenrFrcArroN OY/AB. This Certifcate is valid until, 31 Januarv 2015 'l FINAS Flnnlsh Accredltatlon Sorvlco The audit has been performed under the 04March20l4 the Accredited Unit: s00t (EN rso/rEc 17021) of Kimmo Haarala supervision FNr.nND {r},2/. Osmo Flink kadAuditor Manage me nt Repre s e ntativ e Lack of fulfilment of conditions as set out in the Certification Agreement may render this Certificate invalid. D}W CERTIFICATION OY/AB - KEILASATAMA 5, 02I50 ESPOO, FINLAND. +358 IO 292 4200. www.DNvBA.FI DNV BUSINESS ASSURANCE AppENDrxro CpnUFICATE This Appendix refers to Certificate No. 88708-2010-AQ-FIN-FINAS ITELLA CORPORATION LOGISTICS locations included in the certification are as follows: Itella LLC: Tupikovyi proyezd, bld 1, Krekshino vill, Marushkinskoe p, Moscow,143391; Russian Federation Itella LLC: Vashutinskoe shosse., vL.46, Khimki, Moscow region; 141400; Russian Federation Itella LLC: Energetikov st.8, bld. 3, Lesnoy Gorodok, Odintscovo district, 143080; Russian Federation Itella LLC: Proizvodstvennaya st., 44 Bataisk, Rostov region, 346880; Russian Federation Itella LLC: Novosverdlovskay HPP, Yekaterinburg, Sverdlovsk region, terminal ltella; Russian Federation Itella LLC: Novosaratovka- center vill., lit J, Vsevolozhsk distri., Leningrad region, 188681; Russian Federation Itella LLC: Rabochaya 1 st., bld.83, Artem, Primorsky Kra|692771; Russian Federation Initial C ertifi c ati on dat e : 28 April 1997 - Place and date: Espoo,04 March 2014 04 March 2014 for This Certificate is valid 31 Januarv 2015 FINAS Finnlsh Accrodltatlon Service The audit has been performed under the supemision of the Accredited Unit: DNV CenTIFICATION OY/AB. until s001 (EN lso/lEc 17021) FINII-aND {r},'Z/. Kimmo Haarala Osmo Flink Lead Auditor Manage me nt Re pr e se ntat iv e Lack of fulfilment of conditions as set out in the Certification Agreement may render this Certificate invalid. D}.IV CERTIFICATION OY/AB. KEILASATAMA 5, O2I50 ESPOO. FINLAND - +358'IO 292 42OO - WWW.DNVBA.FI
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