MEETING MINUTES FOR THE FULL GOVERNING BODY SWANMORE COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY 2013/14 Date: 3 February 2014 Start Time: 5.30 pm End Time: 7.45 pm Present John Ponsford (JP) (Chair) Ellie Bolton (EB) Kyle Jonathan (Headteacher) Alison Clark (AC) Jonathan Grigg (JG) Mike Allen (MA) Ian Troup (IT) Rob Beard (RB) Present Linda Byrne (LB) Kathy Frost (KF) Tonya Goldring (TG) Gavin Rumsey (GR) Claire Woollett (CW) Jenny Heighway (JH) In Attendance Jane Parker (Clerk) (JPa) Simon Harrison (SH) Apologies Ted Shaw (TS) Absent None Item Subject 1 Action Welcome and apologies Apologies were received and accepted from Ted Shaw. 2 Register of Pecuniary Interest There were no pecuniary interests declared for this meeting. 3a Approval of the Minutes of meeting of 25 November 2013 Some minor corrections were made including that on Page 6 the reference to Year groups 11 and 12 should read 10 and 11 and the Chair then signed the minutes and the Clerk filed them in the school folder. 3b Actions and matters arising from the meeting 25 November 2013 and previously (Recorded in Action Log.) Actions closed: 1a and 1b Link Governors; 2 Pupil Survey; 3 Revisions to Headteacher’s Report; 8 Admissions Policy to Website; 9a Parent Governors; 13 Election of Vice-Chair Actions updated and closed: 6 Virtual Governance; 9c Governor Conference; 12 Behaviour Policy Actions ongoing: 9b Community Governors; 10 Science Link Visit; 11 Anti-bullying Policy; 6 Virtual Governance - This has been investigated by JP and MA and the College do not have the necessary equipment to make this viable Swanmore Draft FGB Minutes 3 February 2014 Signed: _______________________________________ Date: ________________________________ Page 1 MEETING MINUTES FOR THE FULL GOVERNING BODY SWANMORE COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY 2013/14 Date: 3 February 2014 Start Time: 5.30 pm End Time: 7.45 pm in a way that does not compromise effective conduct of an FGB meeting. The reasons that governors are unavailable to attend a meeting would generally also make them unavailable for Virtual Governance. It is recognised that circumstances may change in the future so the matter will be revisited annually. Clerk to add to Agenda Planner for each September. 9c Governor Conference – AC is attending. 12 Behaviour Policy - The Clerk read out an extract of the Pupil Wellbeing policy. Governors discussed the wording being queried and agreed that it relates to a review of circumstances and whether any follow up action is required as a result of the incident. A governor reported that new smoking guidelines have been produced so there may be a need to revisit the Behaviour Policy in light of this. Action 14: Behaviour Policy to be reviewed when new smoking guidelines come into force. 4 Correspondence JP received email enquiries regarding parent governor applications. One of these led to an application. Hambledon School is changing from an Infant to Primary School and wishes to become a feeder school to Swanmore College. Governors discussed travel arrangements – the Admissions Policy lists feeder schools and this influences pupils right to transport. A governor asked what the benefits would be. The response was that when the Whiteley secondary school is built the College may lose some admission numbers from that area so this would be a step towards compensating for that. The additional intake from Hambledon School is likely to be in the region of 4 pupils per year. Governors agreed to accept Hambledon School as a feeder school. Swanmore Draft FGB Minutes 3 February 2014 Signed: _______________________________________ Date: ________________________________ Page 2 MEETING MINUTES FOR THE FULL GOVERNING BODY SWANMORE COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY 2013/14 Date: 3 February 2014 5 Start Time: 5.30 pm End Time: 7.45 pm Governor Matters Governor Awards JP presented Mike Allen with a badge and certificate on behalf of Governor Services in recognition of 8 years of service as a governor. JP presented Tonya Goldring with a badge and certificate on behalf of Governor Services in recognition of 16 years of service as a governor. Governor Vacancies The term of office for Mike Allen as staff governor is due to end on 7 February. The vacancy has been publicised to staff but there were no other staff nominations. Mike Allen is willing to restand as staff governor for a further term. Governors expressed their thanks and appreciation. 5.58 AC joined the meeting. It was agreed at the 30 September 2013 FGB meeting that the post of Vice-Chair would expire on 31 January and annually thereafter. Ellie Bolton has stepped down Vice-Chair. Alison Clarke was proposed as Vice-Chair. There were no other nominees. Alison Clarke was unanimously elected as Vice-Chair of the governing body. JP informed governors that Garry Walker has resigned as governor due to work commitments. There are therefore 3 parent governor vacancies. The existing 2 parent governor vacancies had been advertised and 3 nominations had been received. No election had yet been held and governor services have confirmed that the 3 nominations can be accepted for the 3 vacancies if the governing body approves this. All governor approved that the 3 nominations are accepted for the 3 vacancies. The new parent governors are Will Kennedy Scott, Terry Murphy and Paul Whitfield and their term of office starts from 3 February 2014. JP will inform the Clerk once he has advised the parent governors of their appointment. The Community Governor vacancy was discussed. A contact is being followed up. Other suggestions were governor services, SGOSS (School Governor One Stop Shop), Solent Education Business Partnership, Parish Councillors, Romany/traveller community (via Swanmore Draft FGB Minutes 3 February 2014 Signed: _______________________________________ Date: ________________________________ Page 3 MEETING MINUTES FOR THE FULL GOVERNING BODY SWANMORE COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY 2013/14 Date: 3 February 2014 Start Time: 5.30 pm Claire Barker), service children representative. End Time: 7.45 pm It was unanimously approved that Jenny Heighway be assigned to the Curriculum, Standards and Improvement Committee and has agreed to be Link Governor for Modern Foreign Languages. 7 Headteachers Report (Verbal) A presentation on Raise Online data was given at the CS&I meeting on 27 January. Overall the results were in line with what had been anticipated. The various strategies and resources that have been implemented will result in greater improvements this academic year. Target attendance is minimum 85% (persistent absence is for more than 15% of sessions.) Tracking has shown that there are 11 fewer persistent absentee pupils than the previous term, and 52 fewer than this time last year. A governor suggested that the college should be looking at 96% attendance. KJ said that the school are pro-actively managing attendance, for example declining term time holidays. A governor asked whether there are any year group trends. KJ replied that the current Year 9 had more issues with attendance as a result of many different scenarios including a health issue. A governor said that attendance needed to be addressed ahead of Year 11. KJ said that the Family Worker is particularly pro-active with regard to pupil Premium pupils and that the combined strategies employed this year have made for huge improvements this year. The attendance for last week was 95.27% against 94.1% last year. Given the number of pupils in school this represents a good improvement. A governor asked whether those with attendance issues in Year 9 also had issues in Years 8 and 9. KJ didn’t have the full information to hand. However, there was one example of a Year 7 non-attender who was now attending under a phased return programme. The Inclusion unit is helping this process with long-term absence returners. The attainment figures (5 A* - C) including Maths and English were 68%, although higher had been hoped for. Swanmore Draft FGB Minutes 3 February 2014 Signed: _______________________________________ Date: ________________________________ Page 4 MEETING MINUTES FOR THE FULL GOVERNING BODY SWANMORE COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY 2013/14 Date: 3 February 2014 Start Time: 5.30 pm End Time: 7.45 pm 79% of pupils achieved 3 levels of progress in English which is higher than the national figure of 69%. 45% of pupils achieved 4 levels of progress in English against a national figure of 32% In Maths 76% of pupils achieved 3 levels against a national figure of 70% and 42% achieved 4 levels against a national figure of 32%. There were a very small number of ‘u’ grades and there has been issues with lower ability students attainment in 2013. However, progress in English and Maths for this cohort is likely to be much stronger. The Value Added figure is 987.5, which is significantly below previous figures. However, deducting the data for persistant absentees the figure increases to over 1000, and deducting data for those who the school struggled to engage caused the figure to increase even higher. There is currently 1 student at the Bridge who has issues at home (Social Care are involved) and another who has attended since KS3. Other than that, the school deals directly with all other students as a result of improved processes. The Value Added for English (1001.2) is significantly above the National figure, and is addressing a previous 2 year decline. Exclusions are above the national average but have reduced by 69%. One student with a large exclusion record has now been placed at a Special School and he accounted for 13 of this year’s exclusions. The absence for SEN / Pupil Premium pupils is higher than the national figure but tracking shows that this has improved. The Average Point Score has decreased but remains positive compared to the national figure, however this does mean that the average grade has gone down. Lower ability pupils are not achieving in English and Maths as well nationally but the middle and higher grade ability students are doing better than nationally. There is a significant gap between FSM and non FSM pupils, but the gap is narrowing sharply amongst the other year groups. Swanmore Draft FGB Minutes 3 February 2014 Signed: _______________________________________ Date: ________________________________ Page 5 MEETING MINUTES FOR THE FULL GOVERNING BODY SWANMORE COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY 2013/14 Date: 3 February 2014 Start Time: 5.30 pm End Time: 7.45 pm A governor asked what the profile of the gap is for pupils between Year 7 to Year 11. KJ referred to the various charts in the Headteachers report which track data across the year groups. These suggest that some of the interventions are working and that results are more cohort dependent. A governor asked if the CAT tests help with tracking data. KJ said that the use of CAT tests will be extended by the school and that he will report on this at a later date. A governor asked whether the gap is being narrowed every year as pupils progress through the school. KJ said that this was the purpose for for the Year breakdowns in the Headteachers report and the use of AAI forms. KJ said that it was clear from the HT report that the pupil progress was better in the other year groups than the outgoing year 11. A staff teacher confirmed that teachers have data on FSM pupils and those pupils who are falling behind so that they can be monitored at subject level, and staff are building in time to be able to focus on attending to their needs. Teachers know their classes well and they are in communication with the SENCO as well. A governor noted that teachers have the difficult task of balancing addressing these needs with the needs of the whole class. KJ said that the walkthroughs help to identify whether pupils have an understanding of where their learning is, and what remedial actions they are undergoing. In class behaviours are improving. The Autumn lesson observations showed that the behaviour grade was 95% at good or outstanding, with a sharp increase in outstanding lessons from 24% to 48%. Ensuring that pupils are fully and not passively engaged has been highlighted by HIAS (Hampshire Inspector / Advisory Service.) Another indicator of improving behaviour are the ‘on call’ logs. There have been 195 cases on the log to date, whereas this was 317 last year. Improving behaviour means that the on call staffing can be reduced and redirected to small year group interventions. A quality part-time English teacher has been employed to cover maternity leave. A replacement for the Maths teacher who did not take up their place has been employed on a temporary contact. Two other Swanmore Draft FGB Minutes 3 February 2014 Signed: _______________________________________ Date: ________________________________ Page 6 MEETING MINUTES FOR THE FULL GOVERNING BODY SWANMORE COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY 2013/14 Date: 3 February 2014 Start Time: 5.30 pm End Time: 7.45 pm replacement Maths staff of good quality have been employed. There have been 2 science teacher resignations and two very experienced teachers have been appointed to replace them, both on temporary contacts. One of these overlaps for half a term with the leaving teacher. There has not been an application of sufficent calibre for the Lead Practitioner in Science. The post will be re-advertised after Easter. Other schools have also been advertising for a Lead Practitioner. There will be adverts for English, Maths, and Science teachers for September and the use of School Direct was discussed. The Head of Geography is leaving and interviews for a replacement have been set up. The teaching and learning programme this year is on focussing and embedding quality practices. The new Teaching and Learning Policy, pink points and book stickers are examples of new practices. The Learning and Teaching fortnight is to be held on 13 – 25 February. The emphasis is on non-judgemental observation and comments and supporting colleagues with sharing good practice. Action 15: SH will produce a summary of the Teaching & Learning Fortnight and on the lesson observations for the next meeting as part of the HT report. . KJ informed governors of current building improvements. He also updated governors on the site developments with regard to Linden Homes. The revised plan will be going to the Planning Department early March / April. 6.55 pm GR left the meeting. A governor asked about management of the Geography staff member leaving close to GCSE exams. KJ replied that current staff could increase their hours to cover and that AT was returning from maternity leave and the interview will hopefully lead to an appointment. Swanmore Draft FGB Minutes 3 February 2014 Signed: _______________________________________ Date: ________________________________ Page 7 MEETING MINUTES FOR THE FULL GOVERNING BODY SWANMORE COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY 2013/14 Date: 3 February 2014 8 Start Time: 5.30 pm End Time: 7.45 pm College Improvement Plan The full plan has been circulated to governors. The plan will remain flexible and reactive to any matters that are flagged up during the year. The plan is more centred on data and a few important actions. A governor said that the format of the plan was good but needed to ensure that over the year it reflected any changes / progress. A governor asked how often the plan will be updated. KJ replied that new actions will be identified with dates. A governor asked how the work of the governors is linked into the College Improvement. It was agreed that this will be through governors link visits and that the data and information in the College Improvement Plan alongside the Link Visits Agenda will be the method of this involvement. Action 15: The Clerk is to set up a spreadsheet tracking Link Visits and governors are to ensure the Clerk is informed of visits and the resulting reporting process. 9 Clerk & Governors Policies & Procedures a. Sex Education Policy (for information only – approved by CS&I 27 January) Was approved at C&S meeting subject correction of some formatting corrections. b. Homework Policy (for information only – approved by CS&I 27 January) – At C&S meeting it was agreed that this policy should have reference to the Marking and Literacy Policy in order to ensure that Literacy is a responsibility within all subject areas. PG 3 should also make reference to Rewards and Sanctions. SH is overseeing the preparation of a revised proposed wording. c. Behaviour Policy (Pupil Wellbeing 2 December) Wording being clarified. d. Restrictive Physical Intervention (for information only from Pupil Wellbeing 2 December) Approved subject to missing appendices being added. e. Drugs Misuse (Pupil Wellbeing 2 December) – County Policy distributed – approval dates being checked. f. SEN Policy (Pupil Wellbeing 2 December) – Various matters surrounding SEN discussed. Swanmore Draft FGB Minutes 3 February 2014 Signed: _______________________________________ Date: ________________________________ Page 8 MEETING MINUTES FOR THE FULL GOVERNING BODY SWANMORE COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY 2013/14 Date: 3 February 2014 Start Time: 5.30 pm End Time: 7.45 pm Assessment Policy being reviewed. 10 Matters arising from the Committees a. Pupil Wellbeing 2 December. Responding from suggestions made by the School Council, there is a proposal that revision skills should be started earlier within school, for example working on metacognition skills and linking to earlier work in Primary Schools. Appropriate levels of counselling available in school, the Violent Incident Reports, the level of engagement of the Locality Team, and the Safeguarding Audit were discussed. Arising from a Pupil Wellbeing action point governors discussed the requirement for governors to have a DBS check. The limitations of such checks were acknowledged but it was felt that it would be due diligence and a deterrent to ensure that governors had received some form of check. All governors Action 16: Governors to provide Clerk with information on their CRB / DBS checks. b. Curriculum, Standards and Improvement 27 January Raise Online, the School Improvement Plan, and the Sex Education and Homework Policies were discussed. 11 13 Any Other Business RB is unavailable to Chair the Community meeting on 31 March. EB will Chair this meeting. Appreciation was given for the refreshments provided for the meeting. JH will send to the Clerk for distribution to governors a talk given by the HMI on the ‘Vision for Governance.’ Date of Next Meetings: All at 5.30pm unless stated otherwise 10 March 2014 19 May 2014 14 July 2014 Swanmore Draft FGB Minutes 3 February 2014 Signed: _______________________________________ Date: ________________________________ Page 9 MEETING MINUTES FOR THE FULL GOVERNING BODY SWANMORE COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY 2013/14 Date: 3 February 2014 Start Time: 5.30 pm End Time: 7.45 pm Swanmore Draft FGB Minutes 3 February 2014 Signed: _______________________________________ Date: ________________________________ Page 10
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