Quantum Information Processing Nicolas Gisin and Hugo Zbinden GAP-Optique, University of Geneva Quantum Computing GAP Quantique Quantum Key Distribution Quantum Random Number Generators 1 Quantum mechanics (all physics you need to know) A particle can be at several locations 0 qubit = quantum bit GAP Quantique 1 • Likewise one can have 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + ... + n • 100 qubits can number all the particle there are in the entire universe ! • Upon a measurement one single result shows up 2 GAP Quantique Computing Process information: input x ⇒ output fct(x) Quantum computer: quantum processing of classical information input 0 + 1 + 2 + ... + n ⇒ fct (0) + fct (1) + fct (2) + ... + fct (n) A measurement can provide only one result This single result can provide information about a global property of the function fct. For example, the maximum value, the mean value, or information about the periodicity of the function. 3 Fact GAP Quantique Period of a function + a bit of number theory ⇒ break all of today’s public key cryptographic i.e. allows one to decipher all encrypted messages Hence, a quantum computer will render today’s public key cryptography obsolete RSA is finished 4 What happens if RSA is gone? GAP Quantique All electronic money loses instantaneously all value An enormous economic crisis, compared to which 2008 will look like a pleasant joke All encrypted messages can be deciphered retroactively Our information based society rests on an enormous bet: the bet that RSA will not be broken! 5 GAP Quantique Our society rests on an enormous bet: the bet that RSA will not be broken! The bet is likely to be lost A mathematician could find an efficient algorithm to break RSA This could happen in a century or tomorrow Nobody knows when it will happen, but most specialist agree that it is likely to happen someday (though some disagree) Everybody agrees that a quantum computer will break RSA 6 When shall we have a quantum computer ? GAP Quantique I bet in 10 years Note that 5 years ago I was betting on 20 years. Seems things are accelerating. My bet is based on the tremendous progress and investments in superconducting qubits 7 GAP Quantique The Quantum computer is around the corner 8 GAP Quantique In 10 years Google, NSA, etc will know all our secrets All governmental, financial , industrial, health etc, secrets encoded with RSA will be readable. Not only future secrets, but also today’s secrets. Indeed, all encrypted messages send today are registered and will be available in clear format. ⇒ if you want your secrets to hold for a decade, it is already too late. ⇒ you better change your crypto infrastructure as soon as possible. 9 How soon do we need to worry? Depends on: How long do you need encryption to be secure? (x years) How much time will it take to re-tool the existing infrastructure with large-scale quantum-safe solution? (y years) How long will it take for a large-scale quantum computer to be built (or for any other relevant advance? (z years) GAP Quantique Theorem 1: If x + y > z, then worry. What do we do here?? y x z time Courtesy of Prof. Michele Mosca There are only two alternatives GAP Quantique 1. In 10 years I will be retired, hence do nothing. 2. Act today. What to do ? ⇒ Quantum Safe Cryptography. • Make a new bet, betting on a new problem believed to be hard. • Exploit the gifts of nature and base future cryptography on quantum physics: Quantum Key Distribution (QKD). The only solution proven to be robust against a quantum computer. 11 Integrated QKD system GAP Quantique Future: ● Integration into ATCA blades ● Standard telecom format ● N. Walenta et al, “A fast and versatile quantum key distribution system with hardware key distillation and wavelength multiplexing,” New J. Phys. 16, 013047 (2014) Secret key rates Optimum detector temperature found for each fiber length ● Trade off between dark counts and afterpulsing GAP Quantique 3.2 bits/s at 307 km ● B. Korzh, C. W. Lim et al., “Provably Secure and Practical Quantum Key Distribution over 307 km of Optical Fibre,” arXiv1407.7427 (2014) Short distance, high rate QKD Work by Toshiba: ● Decoy state BB84 protocol ● Self-differencing detectors Over 1 Mbps ● GAP Quantique ● ● ● ● Enough for video live video call encryption with One-Time Pad M. Lucamarini et al, “Efficient decoy-state quantum key distribution with quantified security” , Opt. Express 24551 (2013) L. C. Comandar et al, “Room temperature single-photon detectors for high bit rate quantum key distribution” , Appl. Phys. Lett. 104, 021101 (2014) N. Walenta et al, “Sine gating detector with simple filtering for low-noise infra-red single photon detection at room temperature” , J. Appl. Phys. 112, 063106 (2012) Example of a commercial link running continuously since 2011 67 km GAP Quantique Installed multiplexed quantum channel for commercial users. 15 WDM: multiplex the Quantum and ≈ 109 timeson more intense !!! Classical channels a single fiber GAP Quantique QBER = QBERopt + QBERdet + QBERnoise/WDM What are the noise sources? • Crosstalk of other wavelengths into quantum channel • Generation of parasitic light at the wavelength of the Q channel • by Raman scattering (dominant for lengths > 10 km) • by Four Wave Mixing (FWM) 16 Field Trial of Multiplexed QKD/10G Data (Toshiba) GAP Quantique Four forward 10G channels Data rate = 40 Gb/s (error free) QKD key rate = 160 kb/s. Key failure probability = 10-10. Two forward , two backward 10G Data rate = 40 Gb/s (error free) QKD key rate = 110 kb/s. Key failure probability = 10-10 Choi et al, Opt Ex. 22,2014 (2014) Quantum Network Using Existing Solutions GAP Quantique Eventually, a point-topoint network becomes impractical. GAP Quantique Quantum Network Architecture With Trusted Node QKD Trusted Node Keys move securely across the network in a piece-wise fashion GAP Quantique Coherent One-Way (COW) Protocol Telecom-compatible architecture (ATCA) Up to 8 quantum blades per chassis FIPS 140-2 Certification (Planned) CC Evaluation (Planned) 20 Long Range QKD with trusted nodes Battelle QKD Backbone • Columbus OH to Washington DC Area • > 770 km • Deployment targeted in 2015 GAP Quantique ≈ 800 km Battelle Aberdeen Office Battelle Main Campus North American Quantum Network Our goal – a network of nodes that can be used as the basis for secure network across North America GAP Quantique (and the rest of the world!) 22 Korean government plan [ Quantum R&D Testbed(~’15)] [ National Administrative Network ~‘20)] Seoul : Regional Network : Backbone Bundang Suwon SKT(Bundang) – KIST(Suwon) – NSTR(Seoul) [ Quantum Backbone(~’17)] Seoul GAP Quantique Southern Gyeonggi Tentative the number of nodes Category Sejong Daejeon Seoul-Southern Gyeonggi-Sejong-Daejeon Public Administration Prosecutor & Police Office Post Office # of node 비고 347 National wide office 2,264 National wide office 3,562 National wide office Extend to defense and financial institute - Defense comm.: 516 nodes - Financial Institute(1tier) 8275 nodes(incl. branches) Quantum Backbone Chinese Trusted Node Quantum Network Based on trustable relay, setting up “Quantum Backbone” GAP Quantique Hefei Shanghai Jinan Beijing ChineseBackbone Trusted node Quantum network Quantum Total Length 2000 km 2013.6-2016.12 32 trustable relay nodes Beijing 31 fiber links Metropolitan networks Jinan Existing: Hefei, Jinan New: Beijing, Shanghai GAP Quantique Total Investment: 560 M RMB. Half by NDRC, Half by Local government Customer: China Industrial & Hefei Commercial Bank; Xinhua News Agency; CBRC Shanghai Future Chinese Trusted node Quantum network Ulumuqi GAP Quantique Hefei Shanghai Jinan Beijing GAP Quantique Mind your Random Number Generator! Advantages • Truly random process produces truly random sequences • Simple process that can be modelled influence of environment can be ruled out • Live monitoring of elementary components 27 Quantum Random Number Generator Detectors Photons 4 cm Semi-transparent Mirror GAP Quantique Source of photons 4 Mb per second of balanced random bits 28 Evaluation and Certification Non-Deterministic (Physical) RNG • PTG.1 Physical RNG with internal tests that detect a total failure of the entropy source and non-tolerable statistical defects of the internal random numbers • PTG.2 GAP Quantique PTG.1, additionally a stochastic model of the entropy source and statistical tests of the raw random numbers • PTG.3 PTG.2, additionally with cryptographic post-processing (hybrid PTRNG) Conclusions GAP Quantique Quantum Computer is already today a serious thread to standard cryptography. Not taking this fact seriously would lead to a devastating economical crisis. Solutions exist. B Quantum Key Distribution is a possible solution. ei Today QKD is limited to point to point, ji Ji but developments by several key players n n will son make QKD networks with trusted g a nodes available. n H ef ei Sh Trusted Random Number Generators is an gh another urgent need. Quantum Random Number Generator is an existingai solution. 30 Winter school 2015 7th Winter school on practical quantum communications January 18th to January 22th 2015 In Les Diablerets, Switzerland Keynote speakers – Whitfield Diffie – Nicolas Gisin – Dr. Colin P Williams, D-Wave, – Sandu Popescu – Eleni Diamanti – … Website: www.idquantique.com/instrumentation/training Contact: [email protected] GAP Quantique • • • • Further reading : 31 32 GAP Quantique Proposals for quantum communication in space Dual-downlink (ROM R&D 47 M€) Single-uplink (ROM R&D 1 M€) GAP Quantique Using a motorized photo-lens-pod (existing) and a dedicated quantum detector as “camera”. Simultaneous optical downlink: 1400 km separation. R. Ursin et al., Europhysics News, 26-29, 40–40 (3) (2009) T. Scheidl, E. Wille, and R. Ursin, New Journal of Physics, 15, 043008 (2013) [email protected] - Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information, Austrian Academy of Sciences Astronaut: A. Kuipers There is nothing like cracking QKD ! The principle of QKD will never be attacked, only the implementation may be faulty. GAP Quantique The implementation must be checked, as is the case for all hardware and all software. 34 Bit rate of the 1st transatlantic telegram GAP Quantique How long did it take to transmit this congratulation in 1858 ? "The Queen desires to congratulate the President upon the successful completion of this great international work, in which the Queen has taken the deepest interest. The Queen is convinced that the President will join with her in fervently hoping that the electric cable, which now connects Great Britain with the United States, will prove an additional link between the two places whose friendship is founded upon their common interests and reciprocal esteem. The Queen has much pleasure in thus directly communicating with the President, and in renewing to him her best wishes for the prosperity of the United States." 17 hours ! (1 letter took 2 minutes) http://www.itelegram.com/telegram/Atlantic_Cable_150.asp http://epe.lac-bac.gc.ca/100/205/301/ic/cdc/cable/fmessages.htm 35
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