Months April May July August September October November December January Chapter No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 PATANJALI RISHIKUL CLASS VII SYLLABUS 2014 — 15 SUBJECT – SOCIAL STUDIES HISTORY Chapter Name The Medieval Period Kings and Kingdoms of the Early Medieval Period The Delhi Sultanate The Mughal Empire Architecture as Power Town Traders and Craftsmen Mobile and settled Communities Religious Development The Flowering of Regional Culture India in the Eighteenth Century Chapter No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Chapter Name Democracy and Equality State Government : The Legislature State Government : The Executive Role of the State Government Gender and Inequalities The Media and Democracy Advertising Markets Around Us CIVICS Months April May July August September October December January GEOGRAPHY Months April May July August September October December January Chapter No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 F A 1 Activity : Chapter Name The Earth Structure and Land form The Atmosphere Water How Surface Landforms Change Diversity of life on Earth Settlement, Transport and Communication Life in Deserts Life in Tropical and Subtropical Regions Life in Temperate Regions Geography – Ch.1 : Model of Volcano History – Ch.1 : Page 4 Fig. 1.2 FA2 Geography – Ch.3 Water Civics – Ch.3 State Government : The Executive Activity : Pictures of the movements of the Medieval Period SA1 History – Ch.1 – 5 Civics – 1, 2, 4 Geography – 1, 2,4,5 F A 3 Activity : Geography – Draw four mode of transport on a Chart paper Civics - Activity Chart on Social advertising FA4: Activity : SA2: Geography Ch.8 Life in Tropical and Subtropical region History Ch.9 The Flowering of Regional Cultures List the names of five important sea – ports and five international airports. On a map, mark the countries they are located. History – Ch. 6, 7, 8, 10 Civics – Ch. 5, 6, 7, 8 Geography – Ch. 6, 7, 9 PATANJALI RISHIKUL CLASS VII SYLLABUS 2014 — 15 SUBJECT – COMPUTER Months Chapter No. Chapter Name 8 Review of Basic 2 Windows 7 May 3 Formulas and Functions July 4 Using Excel as Database August 5 Advance Features of Excel September 6 Working with Flash CS3 October 7 Working with layers November 9 Looping Statements December 1 Number System January 10 Surfing Wet and E – mail February 11 The Virus April EXAMINATIONS FA1 : Ch.2 Activity – Practical in Window7 FA2 : Ch. 3, 4 Activity – Creating a Chart in MS – Excel FA3 : Ch. 6, 7 Activity – Animation in Flash FA 4 : Ch. 1,9 Activity – Looping Statements SA1 : Ch. 8, 2, 3, 4, 5 SA2 : Ch. 1, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11 PATANJALI RISHIKUL CLASS VII SYLLABUS 2014 — 15 SUBJECT – MATHEMATICS Months Chapter No. Chapter Name April 1 Integers May 1 Integers (Contd.) 18 Solid shapes 2 Fractions 10 Lines and Angles 3 Decimals 4 Rational Numbers 8 Comparing Quantities 11 Triangles and its properties July August September Cause For Annual Exams : October 5 Exponents & Powers November 6 Algebraic Expressions 1 Linear Equations 9 Percentage and its Applications 13 Congurence of Triangles 12 Practical Geometry 14 Perimeter & Area 17 Symmetry 16 Chance and Probability 15 Data Handling December January February FA1 - Ch.1 Integers FA2 - Activity on Ch.10 – Lines and Angles FA3 - Ch.5 Exponents and Powers FA4 - Activity Ch.17 – Symmetry PATANJALI RISHIKUL CLASS VII SYLLABUS 2014 — 15 SUBJECT – BIO CHEMISTRY Months April Chapter No. Chapter Name 1 Nutrition in Plants 6 Physical and Chemical Changes May 2 Nutrition in Animals July 10 Respiration in Organism August 17 Forest 12 Reproduction in plants 3 Fibre to Fabric 16 Water a precious resource October 5 Acid, bases and salts November 11 Transport in Plants and animals December 7 Weather, Climate and adoptions of animals to climate 9 Soil 10 Waste Water Management September January PHYSICS Months Chapter No. Chapter Name April 4 Heat flow and temperature May 4 Heat flow and temperature (Contd.) July 4 Heat flow and temperature (Contd.) August 13 Time and motion September 8 Winds, Storms and Cyclones October 8 Winds, Storms and Cyclones (Contd.) November 14 Electricity, Current and its Effects December 14 Electricity, Current and its Effects (Contd.) January 15 Light February 15 Light (Contd.) FA1 - CH.1 - CH.4 FA2 - Activity on Ch.17 FA3 - Ch.5 – Ch. 8 FA4 - Ch. 17 (Activity) PATANJALI RISHIKUL CLASS VII SYLLABUS 2014 — 15 SUBJECT – GK Months Chapter Name April The Natural World May The Natural World July Science and Technology August Things Around Me September Number Skill October Language and Literature, Legends and Myths November Arts and Music December Sports January The World Around Us February The World Around US SA1 SA2 - April to August Course September to February Course SYLLABUS 2014 — 15 SUBJECT – ART / S.U.P.W Drawing 1. Still Life 2. Nature Study 3. Water colour Composition 4. Calligraphy 5. Textile Painting 6. MURAL Designing 7. Photography S.U.P.W. Sculpture, Screen Printing, Tie and dye Break Syllabus : 2014 – 15 Drawing and Painting April / May - Pg. 4, 5, 6, 7, 14, 18, 22, 23, 32, 33 July / August - Pg. 20, 26, 27, 28, 30, 31, 36, 41, 42, 52 Sept / Oct. - Pg. 34, 38, 40, 44, 48, 55, 62, 701, 72 Nov./ Dec. - Pg. 64, 65, 66, 67, 68 Jan./ Feb. - Pg. 46, 50, 60 S.U.P.W. - Pg. 69, 59 Screen printing, sculpture outdoor Photography PATANJALI RISHIKUL CLASS VII SYLLABUS 2014 — 15 SUBJECT – MUSIC 1st Term 1. vyadkj 2. gs ‘kkjns ek¡] ;s ojnku ns ek¡ ¼ljLorh oUnuk½ 3. t; x.ks’k] t; x.ks’k nsok ¼x.ks’k oUnuk½ 4. jkx Hkwikyh ¼lwfeju dj ys] gfj dks uke½ 5. rqe d:.kk ds lkxj gks izHkq ¼Hktu½ 6. ygjk, Qgjk, tx esa ;s frajxk 7. fgEEkr dHkh u gkjks ¼izsj.kk xhr½ 8. Or this School Your blessing Lord 9. Give me Oil in my Lamp 10. I have a dream 11. This little guiding light of mine 2nd Term 1. I;kjs ckiw ‘kkL=h I;kjs 2. 3. Lord make me an Instrument 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. fuekZ.kksa ds ikou ;qx esaA We from India jke ftudk uke gS We Shall Over Come i;kZoj.k xhr ¼ge lc lqeu ,d miou ds½ jkx HkSjo ¼/ku & /ku ewjr d`”.k & eqjkjh½ f’koksg~e uekfe ¼f’ko Lrou ikB½ 3rd Term 1. [kqn ft;sa lcdks thuk lh[kka, 2. vej vkRek lf/pnkuUn eSa gw¡ 3. rky & nknjk] dgjok 4. It Takes Courage 5. Uekfe ‘kfe’kku~ fuokZ.k :ia ¼f’ko Lrqfr½ 6. xq: oUnuk 7. Merry boy child 8. Be Careful little eyes. PATANJALI RISHIKUL CLASS VII SYLLABUS 2014 — 15 SUBJECT – HINDI Months April May Chapter Name ikB & 1 izkFkZuk ikB & 2 & rhFkZ;k=k & i;kZ;kokph egkHkkjr ikB & 1 ls 7 rd O;kdj.k & 1 Hkk’kk vkSj fopkj] “kCn fopkj ikB % 3 jksekapdkjh dq”rh ikB & 4 & iqjLdkj Chapter Name Total ikBksa dh la[;k % 22 egkHkkjr & ikBksa dh la[;k % 44 O;kdj.k % ikBks dh la[;k % 15 F.A 1 ikB & 1] 2 egkHkkjr % ikB & 1 ls 5 rd July August September October November December January February egkHkkjr % ikB & 8 ls 12 rd O;kdj.k % ikB & 2 o.kZ vkSj o.kZekyk laKk ikB & 5 firk dk i= 6& dnEc dk isM+ ikB- 7 & I;kj dh uhao egkHkkjr % ikB 12 ls 18 rd O;kdj.k % ikB & 3 lfU/k] “kCn fopkj] loZuke ikB % 8 & vtUrk 9 & izkd`frd O;k;ke 10 & d.kZ dk fe= izse egkHkkjr & ikB & 19 ls 24 rd O;kdj.k %& milxZ] izR;;] lekl &vifBr x|ka”k ikB % 11 & jk[kh dh ykt egkHkkjr & ikB & 25 ls 30 rd O;kdj.k % “kCn fopkj] fdz;k] eqgkojs ¼iqujkH;kl½ ikB % 12 & dkcqyhokyk 13 & peRdkj egkHkkjr % ikB & 30 ls 35 rd O;kdj.k % & vfodkjh “kCn] okD; fopkj ikB % 12 & ljkstuh uk;Mw ikB %15 & dksf”k”k djus okyksa dh] 16& lqusyh dk dqvka egkHkkjr % ikV & 36 ls 38 rd O;kdj.k % ikB % 13 & “kCn ikB % 11] okD; “kks/ku i= ys[ku ikB %16&lkglh iq= ikB % 18 dk”khjke dk U;k; ikB % 19 & vU;k; ds fojks/k esa egkHkkjr % ikB & 38 & 41 rd O;kdj.k % fojke fpg~u] fucU/k ikB % 20 & uhfr opu 21 & oSKkfud psruk ds okgd egkHkkjr % ikB & 42 ls 44 rd O;kdj.k % “kCn fopkj] vfOkdkjh “kCn ikB % 20 & clUrh gok egkHkkjr % iqujkH;kl dk;Z O;kdj.k % eqgkojs o yksdksfDRk;k¡ ¼iqujkH;kl½ F. A. 2 O;kdj.k ikB & “kCnksa dk oxhZdj.k ¼L=ksr vkSj iz;ksx½ ikB & 3] 5 egkHkkjr % ikB & 8 ls 12 rd O;kdj.k ikB & 4 ¼Ik;kZ;okph S. A 1 ikB & 1 ls 11 rd egkHkkjr % ikB & 1 ls 22 rd O;kdj.k ikB & es/kk iqLrd O;kdj.k iqLrd dkWih esa djk;s x;s dk;Z F.A 3 ikB & 11] 12 egkHkkjr % ikB & 25 ls 35 rd F. A. 4 ikB & 15] 16 egkHkkjr % ikB & 38 ls 42 rd S. A 2 ikB & 12 ls 22 rd egkHkkjr % ikB & 23 ls 44 rd O;kdj.k ikB & PATANJALI RISHIKUL CLASS VII SYLLABUS 2014 — 15 SUBJECT – SANSKRIT iqLrd & ubZ nhief.kdk & 2 ikBksa dh la[;k & 16 Months April Chapter Name izkFkZuk] okrkZyki yax ydkj iz]iq] “kCn :Ik & jke May Yakx ydkj e- iq] iB~ lHkh xe~ July Yakx ydkj m- iq-] yksV~ ydkj] vkKk ds fy, August Lka[;k cks/k izR;;% September Lkqopukfu unh vH;kl iqfLrdk dk iz”u la[;k 1 & 11 October ,d% ifjokj%] dq”ky % fp=dkj% November egkRek cq) lqHkkf’krkfu December ew[kZ% Hk`R;% uSo fdy’Vk u p dfBuk January cqf);ZL; cya rL;] milxZ% February vH;kl iqfLrdk iz”u la[;k 12 ls 23 foykse] laf/k F.A 1 ikB & 1 F. A. 2 yksV~ ydkj ikB 5 “kCn :Ik & jke Lka[;k & 1 & 15 S. A 1 izkFkZuk ls ikB 8 rd O;kdj.k & jke] dfo /kkrq :Ik iB~] xe~ F.A 3 ikB 9 “kCn :Ik rn~] iqA F. A. 4 ikB 11 S. A 2 ikB 9 ls 16 foykse] laf/k “kCn :Ik rn~ ¼iqfYayx½ /kkrq :Ik & nk] ip~ PATANJALI RISHIKUL CLASS VII SYLLABUS 2014 — 15 SUBJECT – ENGLISH LITERATURE Syllabus for Half Yearly Examination MONTH CHAPTER Pathways : Main Course Book APRIL UNIT : 1 : SEC-1 The Diary of Anne Frank Lesson -1 The Happy Prince MAY UNIT : 1 : SEC-3 Poem The Flower School Poem A Legend of the Northland F.A.-1 Reading Skills : The Diary of Anne Frank JULY UNIT : 2 : SEC-2 Packing Lesson-2 The Bewitched Jacket Trains Lesson-3 Seventeen Oranges UNIT : 3 : SEC-2 Don’t Die, Graham! Don’t Die! Poem In the Bazaars of Hyderabad UNIT : 4 : SEC-1 Tsunami : The Killer Waves Lesson-4 My Brother, My Brother SEC-3 Poem UNIT : 2 , AUGUST F.A.-2 Listening Skills - Spellings : Packing, Seventeen Oranges SEPTEMBER Unit : 4 Sec : 3 LESSON Pathways : Literature Reader Drought Syllabus for Annual Examination OCTOBER NOVEMBER Unit : 5 Unit : -6 Sec : 1 Michael goes Climbing Sec : 2 Guilty Poem Two’s Company Lesson-6 Experiments Lesson-7 The Adventures of the Three Students DECEMBER Unit : 6 F.A. 3 Speaking Skills- Recitation: The Listeners, Daffodils JANUARY UNIT : 1 : SEC-2 F.A.-4 Writing Skills- School Breaks Up, The Adventures of the Three Students FEBRUARY REVISION : Important Sec : 3 Focus Points Poem The Listeners School Breaks Up Poem Daffodils Lesson-8 Michael Word meanings, Vocabulary, Question & Answers and all related exercises done in the note book Syllabus for SA 1 Syllabus for SA 2 1. Trains 1. Michael goes Climbing 2. Don’t Die, Graham! Don’t Die! 2. Guilty 3. Drought 3. School Breaks Up 4. The Happy Prince 5. A Legend of the Northland 6. In the Bazaars of Hyderabad 7. My Brother, My Brother 4. Two’s Company 5. Experiments 6. Daffodils 7. Michael PATANJALI RISHIKUL CLASS VII SYLLABUS 2014 — 15 SUBJECT – ENGLISH LANGUAGE BOOK: THE NEW GRAMMAR TREE (OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS) Syllabus for Half Yearly Examination MONTH April May FA-1 : July August FA-2: September Lesson No. Chapter Lesson-19 Sentences : Kinds Based on Meaning Lesson-2 Nouns Lesson-3 Pronouns Lesson-12 Articles Nouns Lesson-4 Adjectives Lesson-5 Verbs- Transitive and Intransitive Lesson- 6 Verbs- Tense Lesson-7 Verbs- Finite and Non-Finite Sentences : Kinds Based on Meaning Lesson- 8 Lesson-13 Subject Verb Agreement Modal Auxiliaries Syllabus for Annual Examination October December FA-3: Lesson-15 Lesson-16 Lesson-17 Lesson -25 Lesson-18 Lesson-26 Adverbs Adverbs: Kinds Adverbs: Position Prepositions Active and Passive Voice Conjunctions Direct and Indirect Speech January FA-4: Lesson-20 Active and Passive Voice Phrases and Clauses February Lesson-29 Lesson-30 Word Formation Vocabulary, Idioms and Phrases ANNUAL EXAM (S.A.-2) Syllabus covered from April to February November HALF YEARLY EXAM (S.A.-1) Syllabus covered from April to September WRITING SKILLS Syllabus for SA 1 Syllabus for SA 2 Diary Writing Report Writing Paragraph Writing Formal Letter Writing Formal Letter Writing Note that: • Grammar exercises from the back of the chapters in MCB will be included in the exams. • Grammar taught during the whole year in MCB will be included in the exams. • Grammar book chapters - Peruvian Marvels, The Mountain and the Squirrel, Children Living on the Edge to be done in Class Activities. • Holiday Homework – Word Formation Vocabulary, Idioms and Phrases The Flower Climbing the Everest Not quite Feather-Brained Back from Brink PATANJALI RISHIKUL CLASS VII SYLLABUS 2014 — 15 SUBJECT – EVS Half Yearly Exam : L–1 : Introduction : Knowing the environment L–2 : Water : It is blue gold! L–3 : Air : It is the breath of life! L–4 : Soil : It is the source of food! L–5 : Forest : It the reservoir of life ! Annual Exam : L–6 : Environmental Change : Plants and animals adapt ! L–7 : Environment : We change it ! L–8 : Environmental change : we are the cause! L–9 : Human Impact on the environment : It is serious ! L – 10 : Saving nature : What can we do?
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