MONTH APRILMAY ENGLISH MCB Unit 1: One World Sec-I Heal the World Sec-II The Stranger Sec-III Saving My friend, Ellen Sec-IV-Where the Mind is without Fear (Poem) Unit 2: Growing Up Sec-1 Granny’s Fabulous Kitchen Sec-II Understanding Adolescence LITERATURE READER L-1 Tigers Forever GRAMMAR Idioms and Idiomatic Phrases Phrases and Clauses Affirmative, Negative Sentences Punctuation-Full stops and capitals. Subject and Predicate Prefixes and Suffixes WORKBOOK:Unit-1 WRITING SKILLS Diary Entry Poster Designing HINDI forku & o”kkZ cgkj] firk ds uke ,d flaMªsyk ,slh Hkh] yM+ds ls yM+dh Hkyh O;kdj.k& Hkk”kk ,oa O;kdj.k] laKk] loZuke] foykse] Ik;kZ;okph] Lkk0 v'kqf);kW] okD;ka'kksa ds fy, ,d 'kCn] fyax opu] i= vifBr x|ka'k e/kq dy’k & ,d Vksdjh Hkj feV~Vh xqYyh MaMk PARENT SYLLABUS OF CLASS VII SESSION : 2014-2015 FRENCH SANSKRIT Lesson 0: Un coup d’oeil sur la France. ( about France) Leçon 1: Voilà le frère et la soeur de Manuel. (describe a person, er verbs, definite articles, body) Lesson 2: A la cafeteria. Choisir quelque chose à la cafeteria. Le pluriel des noms. Les verbes ir groupe. Les articles indefinis. ( plural of nouns, ir group verbs , indefinite articles) Lesson 3: Les Mon pays: la France. Dire la nationalité ( nationality) Feminine, plural of adjectives. MATH Ch 1:INTEGERS Ch 5: LINES AND ANGLES SCIENCE Ch.1 NUTRITION IN PLANTS *Mode of nutrition in plants *Photosynthesisfood making process in plants *Other modes of nutrition in plants *Saprotrophs *How nutrients are replenished in the soil Ch.2 NUTRITION IN ANIMALS *Different ways of taking food *Digestion in humans(till food pipe/oesophagus) Digestion in humans (from stomach to large intestine) *Digestion in grass eating animals *Feeding and digestion in amoeba Ch.14 ELECTRIC CURRENT AND ITS EFFECTS -Symbols of electric components -Heating effect of electric current SOCIAL SCIENCE Geog - CH 1: The Earth’s Structure and landforms (7days) Hist-CH 2: Kings and Kingdoms of the Early Medieval Period (6 days) Civics-CH 1 Democracy and Equality. (6days) ----------------------History -CH 3: The Delhi Sultanate (6 days) Geog- CH 2: The Atmosphere ( 5days) JULY AUGUST MCB Unit 2: Growing Up Sec-III Living with Beeji Sec-IV Exactly Right (Poem) Unit 3: A Laugh Riot Sec-I Counting the Stars Sec-II Henry: A Chameleon LITERATURE READER L-2 Oliver finds a Home GRAMMAR Subject Verb Agreement Determiners WORKBOOK Lesson 2: Course book Link Unit-2 WRITING SKILLS Paragraph Writingvisually guided. Writing an advertisement forku] yM+ds ls yM+dh Hkyh] gekjk ?kj O;kdj.k& fyax] opu] dky] fo'ks”k.k] i=] vuqPNsn e/kq dy’k & dykdkj] vkt+knh feyuk D;k iw.kZfojke gks x;k \ MCB Unit 3: A Laugh Riot Sec-III-Packing for the Journey Sec-IV- Foolish Questions (Poem) Unit 4: Creatures Big and Small Sec-1 Helping the Law Sec-II Helping Angels LITERATURE READER L-3 Fire! Fire![1] GRAMMAR Adjectives and Degrees of comparison Prefect Tenses WORKBOOK- forku & gekjk ?kj] Qwy vkSj dkWVk O;kdj.k& fØ;k] fØ;k fo'ks”k.k] foykse] foLe;kfncks/kd Ik;kZ;okph] Lkk0 v'kqf);kW] vusdkFkhZ 'kCn] rRle] rnHko e/kq dy’k & xkSjk] dkcqyhokyk Lesson 4: Les parents de Manuel La negation(negation) Les verbes en –ger(verbs) Les professions(professions) Ch 2 :FRACTIONS AND DECIMALS Ch 3 : DATA HANDLING Lesson 5: C’est Noel. Parler des saisons(seasons) Verbes en-eter,eler,cer (verbs) Lesson 5: C’est Noel. Parler des saisons(seasons) Negations Expressions with verb faire. Ch 4 : SIMPLE EQUATIONS Ch 6 : TRIANGLE AND ITS PROPERTIES Ch.14 ELECTRIC CURRENT AND ITS EFFECTS (Cont..) -Magnetic effect of electric current -Electromagnet Electric bell Ch.13 MOTION AND TIME -Slow or fast -Speed -Measurement of time -Measuring speed -Distance-time graph Ch.11 TRANSPORTATIO N IN ANIMALS AND PLANTS -Circulatory system Ch.11 TRANSPORTATIO N IN ANIMALS AND PL ANTS -Excretion in animals -Transport of substances in plants Ch-5 ACIDS,BASES AND SALTS -Acids and bases -Natural indicators around us -Neutralisation -Neutralisation in everyday life Civics-CH 2: State Government : the Legislature (5 days) -CH 4: Role of the State Government (4days) Geog-CH 4: How Surface Landforms Change(9days) History-CH 4: The Mughal Empire (3 days) Hist-CH 4: The Mughal Empire (6 days) CH-3: State Government: the Executive (5days) Civics-CH 6: The Media and Democracy (3 days) SEPT. OCTOBER Unit-3 WRITING SKILLS Paragraph Writingverbally guided. MCB Unit 4: Creatures Big and Small Sec-III-The World in a Wall Sec IV-My Mother saw a Dancing Bear (Poem) LITERATURE READER L4 Abou Ben Adhem (Poem) GRAMMAR— Uses of ‘for’ and ‘since’ Homophones and homonyms Pronouns WORKBOOK Lesson 4: CB Link Unit 4 WRITING SKILLS Writing an article for the newspaper/ school magazine. MCB Unit 5: Hullo, MR Ghost! Sec-1The House of her Dreams Sec-II Sir Lawley’s Ghost LITERATURE READER L-5 Mrs. Donovan GRAMMAR Reported Speech WORKBOOK Lesson 5: CB Link Unit 5 WRITING SKILL Report WritingMagazine / Newspaper forku & ‘kg esa ekr] /kuiqj yLdj O;kdj.k& foykse] Ik;kZ;okph] okD;ka'kksa ds fy, ,d 'kCn] vusdkFkhZ e/kq dy’k & lqusyh dh lw>] ubZ fn’kk forku & ckck vkeVs] O;kdj.k& i=] vuqPNsn] milxZ] izR;;] eqgkojs] yksdksfDr;kW e/kq dy’k & iihrk dkaM Lesson 6: Allons à l’ecole Prepositions Irregular verbs Ch 10 : PRACTICAL GEOMETRY Ch. 3 FIBRE TO FABRIC *Wool *Silk REVISION FOR HALF YEARLY EXAMS (Lessons 1 to 5) Civics-CH 6: The Media and Democracy (7 days) Hist-CH 5: Architecture as Power ( 11 days) REVISION FOR HALF YEARLY EXAMS ( 4 days) Lesson 6: Allons à l’ecole Ordinal and cardinal numbers. Ch 9: RATIONAL NUMBERS Ch7 :CONGRUENCE OF TRIANGLES Ch. 12 REPRODUCTION IN PLANTS -Modes of reproduction -Sexual reproduction -Fruits and seed formation -Seed dispersal REVIEW OF HALF YEARLY EXAM (1 day) Geog--CH 5: Diversity of Life on Earth (4 days) Civics- CH 7: Advertising (4 days) Hist-CH 9: The Flowering of Regional Culture (4days) NOV. DEC. MCB Unit 5: Hullo, MR Ghost! Sec-III The Canterville Ghost Sec IV The Little Green Orchard Unit 6: Building Bridges Sec-1 Sounds and Signs Sec-II Apologize! LITERATURE READERL6 Colours of Nature GRAMMAR Reported Speech (cont’d) Adverbs WORKBOOK Lesson 6: CB Link Unit 6 WRITING SKILLS Formal/Informal letter Writing a Poem MCB Unit 6: Building Bridges Sec-III On Being Sarah Sec-IV Hints on Pronunciation for Foreigners(Poem) Unit 7 Pictures of the Past Sec I: Is this the Oldest Footwear? LITERATURE READER L7- Poem Loveliest of Trees WORKBOOK Lesson 7: CB Link Unit-7 GRAMMAR Adverbs (contd.) Prepositions forku & nf{k.k vÝhdk esa xka/khxhjh] ekW O;kdj.k& foykse] Ik;kZ;okph] vusdkFkhZ 'kCn] vifBr x|ka'k] dkjd Lesson 7: Dans un grand magasin. Les articles contracted (contracted articles) Interrogtion Les vetements (clothes). Ch 8: COMPARING QUANTITIES Ch 12: ALGEBRAIC EXPRESSIONS e/kq dy’k & rhu fHk[kkjh forku & georu&lk ekWfj’kl] [kkstk dh [kkst O;kdj.k& vusdkFkhZ 'kCn] vuqPNsn] fHkUukFkZd] fojke fpg~u e/kq dy’k & fe= dk _.k Lesson 8: Les repas. Les articles partitifs (partitive articles) Irregular verbs. Les repas français (French meals) Lesson 9: Ma maison. Poser des questions ( Make questions) Les adjectifs possessifs (adjective possessive) Ch15: VISUALIZING SOLID SHAPES Ch 11: PERIMETER & AREA Ch. 4 HEAT *Hot and cold *Measuring temperature *Laboratory and clinical thermometer *Transfer of heat *Kinds of clothes we wear in summer and winter Hist-CH 6: Town, Traders and Craftsmen (8 days) Geog--CH 7: Life in Deserts (7 days) Ch. 15. LIGHT -Light travels along a straight line -Reflection of light -Right or left -Playing with spherical mirrors -Images formed by lenses -Sunlight-white or coloured? Civics-CH 5: Gender and Inequalities (5 days) Civics: CH 8: Markets around Us (9days) Geog--CH 8: Life in Tropical and Subtropical Regions Ch.10 RESPIRATION IN ORGANISMS -Why do we respire -Breathing -How do we breathe? (7days) WRITING SKILLS Notice Preparing a questionnaire Dialogue Completion JANUARY MCB Unit 7: Pictures of the Past Sec II: Salim’s Song Sec-III Indus Valley Civilization LITERATURE READER L 9 The Bet GRAMMAR Conjunctions Prepositions WORKBOOK Unit 8 WRITING SKILLS Writing a newspaper report [2] -format -style -content forku& nksgs] D;k eSus xyr dgk \ vifBr x|ka'k] vuqPNsn Lkk0 v'kqf);kW] foykse] Ik;kZ;okph] i= e/kq dy’k & cStw ckcjk Lesson 10: Une lettre de Rouen. Decrire une ville (describe a town) Ecrire une lettre (letter writing) Revision of verbs Ch 11 : PERIMETER & AREA (cont.) Ch 13 : EXPONENTS AND POWERS Ch.10 RESPIRATION IN ORGANISMS -What do we breathe out? -Breathing in other animals -Breathing under water. -Do plants also respire? History--CH 10: India in the Eighteenth Century (10 days) FEB. MCB Unit 7: Pictures of the Past Sec IV Christopher Columbus(Poem) LITERATURE READERL 10 Bangle SellersPoem Revision GRAMMARConjunctions + Revision WRITING SKILLS Writing a Poem contd. + Revision forku & D;k eSus xyr dgk \ o iqujko`fRr O;kdj.k& vifBr x|ka'k] vuqPNsn e/kq dy’k & LokfHkeku iqujko`fr Revision for final exams. L6-10 Ch 14 : SYMMETRY Ch- 6 PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL CHANGES -Physical changes -Chemical changes -Rusting of iron -Crystallisation Geog: CH 9: Life in Temperate Regions – (6days) Civics-CH 5: Gender and Inequalities--4days REVISION FOR FINAL EXAMS--- 7days
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