UART1 Polled Serial I/O The Rx (receive) and Tx (transmit) pins of UART1 (UART one) on the KL46Z can be connected to pins on the Freedom board’s headers to use with an RS232 interface. The base address of UART1 in the KL46Z memory map is 0x4006B000. Its registers appear to the Cortex-M0+ CPU as being at the following addresses. Register Symbol UART1_BDH UART1_BDL UART1_C1 UART1_C2 UART1_S1 UART1_S2 UART1_C3 UART1_D UART1_C4 Register Name Baud Rate High Baud Rate Low Control Register 1 Control Register 2 Status Register 1 Status Register 2 Control Register 3 Receive Data Register (Read)/ Transmit Data Register (Write) Control Register 4 Memory Map Address 0x4006B000 0x4006B001 0x4006B002 0x4006B003 0x4006B004 0x4006B005 0x4006B006 0x4006B007 0x4006B008 Note that both the transmit data register (TDR, write only) and receive data register (RDR, read only), map to the same UART1_D address. The MKL46Z4.s include file provided for this course has EQUates for the UART1 register addresses, as named in the table above, as well as for their offsets from the UART1 base address and for the masks of each register field. Using UART1 in a program for polled I/O involves two steps. First, UART1 must be initialized, which consists of setting the serial communication speed, configuring the serial communication protocol, and then enabling the UART1’s transmitter and receiver. This initialization is required only once in the program—typically near its start with other initialization code. Afterward, UART1 may be used for sending and receiving as many characters as desired. SCI initialization How the UART1 is initialized for baud rate depends on the KL46Z clock configuration. The MKL46Z4 include file provided for this course has two subroutines that should be called to configure a 48-MHz core clock for the KL46Z before any UART1 initialization. (Note that these subroutine calls from main are part of the program template for hardware programs provided for this course.) BL BL SystemInit SetClock48MHz Before UART1 can be initialized, its clock must be enabled. Since it is to be used with an external device through pins on the Freedom Board, the KL46Z must be configured Page 1 of 4 UART1 Polled Serial I/O Page 2 of 4 for external connection, the pins on the board must be connected, and their clock(s) must be enabled. For the configuration discussed in class, both pins are part of port E, so the port E clock must be enabled. Also, port E pin 0 (PTC0) must be connected to the Tx pin of UART1, and port E pin 1 (PTE1) must be connected to the Rx pin of UART1. The EQUates and program code that follow are an example of the initialization required for the UART1 external connection, UART1 module clock, Port E module clock, and Port E pins. UART1_EXTERN_MASK_CLEAR EQU (SIM_SOPT5_UART1ODE_MASK :OR: SIM_SOPT5_UART1RXSRC_MASK :OR: SIM_SOPT5_UART1TXSRC_MASK) UART1CGC_MASK EQU SIM_SCGC4_UART1_MASK PORTECGC_MASK EQU SIM_SCGC5_PORTE_MASK PIN_MUX_SELECT3 EQU 0x00000300 PTE0_MUX_UART1_TX EQU PIN_MUX_SELECT3 PTE1_MUX_UART1_RX EQU PIN_MUX_SELECT3 SET_PTE0_UART1_TX EQU (PORT_PCR_ISF_MASK :OR: PTE0_MUX_UART1_TX) SET_PTE1_UART1_RX EQU (PORT_PCR_ISF_MASK :OR: PTE1_MUX_UART1_RX) ;Enable external connection for UART1 LDR Ri,=SIM_SOPT5 LDR Rj,=UART1_EXTERN_MASK_CLEAR LDR Rk,[Ri,#0] BICS Rk,Rk,Rj STR Rk,[Ri,#0] ;Enable clock for UART1 module LDR Ri,=SIM_SCGC4 LDR Rj,=UART1CGC_MASK LDR Rk,[Ri,#0] ORRS Rk,Rk,Rj STR Rk,[Ri,#0] ;Enable clock for Port E module LDR Ri,=SIM_SCGC5 LDR Rj,=PORTCCGC_MASK LDR Rk,[Ri,#0] ORRS Rk,Rk,Rj STR Rk,[Ri,#0] ;Connect UART1 Tx to Port E pin 0 (PTE0) LDR Ri,=PORTE_PCR0 LDR Rj,=SET_PTE0_UART1_TX STR Rj,[Ri,#0] ;Connect UART1 Rx to Port E pin 1 (PTE1) LDR Ri,=PORTC_PCR4 LDR Rj,=SET_PTE1_UART1_RX STR Rj,[Ri,#0] UART1 Polled Serial I/O Page 3 of 4 These internal KL46Z connections make UART1 Rx available on pin 20 of the Freedom Board’s connector J2 and UART1 Tx available on pin 18 of connector J2, because those pins connect to KL46Z port E pins 1 and 0 (PTE1 and PTE0), respectively. To work with a terminal using a 5-V serial connection, these 3.3-V digital signals must be conditioned by a serial adapter. The course hardware kit contains a serial USB adapter. The figure below shows the required wiring between the Freedom Board and the serial adapter.. RX 5 TX 4 GND 1 UART USB Adapter J2.18 PTE0 (UART1_Tx) J2.20 PTE1 (UART1_Rx) J9.14 GND Freescale FRDM-KL46Z Freedom Board KL46Z connections to serial adapter In addition to the initialization to make the UART1 Rx and Tx signals available through Port E, UART1 needs to be configured for the proper serial rate and protocol to communicate with the connected PC through PuTTY (or another serial terminal program). The 13-bit value in the baud rate registers determines the timing, control register 1 bit 4 (M) sets the character data bits, and control register 1 bit 1 (PE) sets the parity. If PuTTY is set for 9600 baud with 8 data bits, no parity bit, and 1 stop bit, (which is the default setting), control register 1 needs to be set to 0x00, (0 for both M and PE). Control registers 3 and 4 also should be set to 0x00. After the serial baud rate and protocol are set in these control registers, the UART1’s receiver and transmitter need to be enabled. Control register 2 bit 3 (TE) and bit 2 (RE) enable the transmitter and receiver, respectively, so control register 2 needs to be set to 0x0C, (which also disables all transmitter and receiver interrupts). The EQUates and program code that follow are an example of the initialization required for UART1 operation. UART_BDH_9600 UART_BDL_9600 UART_C1_8N1 UART_C2_T_R: EQU EQU EQU EQU 0x00 156 0x00 (UART_C2_TE_MASK :OR: UART_C2_RE_MASK) UART_C3_NO_TXINV EQU 0x00 UART_C4_NO_DMA EQU 0x00 UART_S2_NO_RXINV_BRK10_NO_LBKDETECT EQU 0x00 LDR Ri,=UART1_BASE MOVS Rj,#UART_BDH_9600 STRB Rj,[Ri,#UART_BDH_OFFSET] MOVS Rj,#UART_BDL_9600 STRB Rj,[Ri,#UART_BDL_OFFSET] MOVS Rj,#UART_C1_8N1 STRB Rj,[Ri,#UART_C1_OFFSET] MOVS Rj,#UART_C3_NO_TXINV STRB Rj,[Ri,#UART_C3_OFFSET] MOVS Rj,#UART_C4_NO_DMA STRB Rj,[Ri,#UART_C4_OFFSET] MOVS Rj,#UART_S2_NO_RXINV_BRK10_NO_LBKDETECT UART1 Polled Serial I/O STRB MOVS STRB Page 4 of 4 Rj,[Ri,#UART_S2_OFFSET] Rj,#UART_C2_T_R Rj,[Ri,#UART_C2_OFFSET] UART1 polled transmit and receive Once a program has initialized UART1 for the proper serial baud rate and protocol and has enabled it to transmit and receive, the program may use UART1 to send and receive data. The following examples use Ri for character I/O. Transmit. A polled transmit (i.e., send character) polls UART1’s status register 1 for the transmit data register empty (TDRE) condition. If TDRE = 1, a byte may be transmitted (i.e., sent); otherwise, a byte may not yet be transmitted, and the status register must be polled until TDRE = 1. The TDRE condition flag is bit 7 of UART1 status register 1. The MKL46Z4.s include file provided for this course has a UART_S1_TDRE_MASK EQUate that defines a mask with a 1 in the TDRE position. The following code implements a polled transmit for a single character—the basis for a “PutChar” operation. ;Poll TDRE until UART1 ready to transmit LDR Rj,=UART1_BASE MOVS Rk,#UART_S1_TDRE_MASK PollTx: LDRB Rm,[Rj,#UART_S1_OFFSET] ANDS Rm,Rm,Rk BEQ PollTx ;Transmit character in Ri STRB Ri,[Rj,#UART_D_OFFSET] Receive. Similarly, a polled receive (i.e., get character) polls UART1’s status register 1 for the receive data register full (RDRF) condition. If RDRF = 1, a byte has been received through the serial connection and is ready to be read (i.e., received by the KL46Z); otherwise, a byte has not yet been received, and the status register must be polled until RDRF = 1. The RDRF condition flag is bit 5 of UART1 status register 1. The MKL46Z4.s include file provided for this course has a UART_S1_RDRF_MASK EQUate that defines a mask with a 1 in the RDRF position. The following code implements a polled receive for a single character—the basis for a “GetChar” operation. ;Poll RDRF until UART1 ready to receive LDR Rj,=UART1_BASE MOVS Rk,#UART_S1_RDRF_MASK PollRx: LDRB Rm,[Rj,#UART_S1_OFFSET] ANDS Rm,Rm,Rk BEQ PollRx ;Receive character in Ri LDRB Ri,[Rj,#UART_D_OFFSET]
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