tJ{{iee ol-7a~ ,4~ - ~ COUNTY o{-HIDALGO 'Pa&a "'Pa«t" 11~, fh. ili!7A September 10, 2014 P.O. Box 178 Edinburg, Texas 78540-0178 Ph. (956) 318-2157 Fax (956) 318-2733 The Honorable Ramon Garcia Hidalgo County Commissioners Edinburg, Texas 78539 Re: See attached list Gentlemen: The Hidalgo County District Court has ordered a correction to the tax roll as allowed by Property Tax Code Section 42.43. This correction decreased the tax liability of the property owner(s). Since taxes had been previously paid, our office determined that the tax roll correction resulted in a tax refund over $2,500.00 dollars due to the taxpayer(s). The County Auditor has also agreed with our determination. As a result, I respectfully request that the Commissioner's Court approve the enclosed application(s) for a tax refund as recommended by the County Auditor. When completed, please return the attached to our office. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Respectfully, {J~ {fJo-L) '(ill~~ Q~ ~· Pablo (Paul) Villarreal, Jr., RTA nlr Enclosure 2804 S. Bus. Hwy 281 • Edinburg, Texas 78539 tJI{ice ol7ax ,4~ - ~ COUNTY oi-HIDALGO Pa&o "Peuet" 11~, fh. 7i!?A P.O. Box 178 Edinburg, Texas 78540-0178 Ph. (956) 318-2157 Fax (956) 318-2733 ACCOUNT NUMBER PAYER D0443 .99.000.0001.00 CST SERVICES LLC $3,126.88 12004.99.000.0002.00 CST SERVICES LLC $5,667.40 M1155.00.000.0001.00 NATIONAL TAX SEARCH LLC $4,680.37 M4020.99.000.000 1.00 CST SERVICES LLC $2,804.50 2804 S. Bus. Hwy 281 • Edinburg, Texas 78539 AMOUNT APPLICATION FOR TAX REFUND Collection office name Collecting tax for: (Tax Unis) GHD-SST-DRI-FDI-FD2-FD3-FD4-CANCLV -CMS-CPN-CPO-CWL-SEB-SLVSML-SMS-SSL-SWL-JCC HIDALGO COUNTY TAX OFFICE Present mailing address (number and street) POBOX 178 City,- town or post office, state, ZIP code Phone (area code and number) EDINBURG TX 78540-0178 (956) 318-2157 To apply for a tax Step 1: Owner's name and address refund, the taxpayer must complete the following Owner's name ).... BIG DIAMOND INC PAID BY: CST SERVICES LLC k Present mailing address (number and street) PO BOX 690110 CitY, town or post office, state, ZIP code SAN ANTONIO, TX 78269-0110 1-rho:ne (area code and nu.Riber) Legal description (or attach copy of the tax bill or tax receipt): INVENTORY FIXTURES & EQUIPMENT AT 3 701 WEST Step 2: Describe the property BUSINESS HIGHWAY 83/NEW ACCT 2006 Address or location ofproperty: 767396 ~ Account number of property: Tax receipt number: D0443 .99.000.0001.00 .A.. Name Of Taxing Unit from Which Refund is Requested 1. ALL ENTITIES Step 3: Give the tax payment information OR Year for Which Refund is Requested 2013 12130 24672248 Date of the Tax Payment I 13 Amount of Taxes Paid $6,452.61 Amount ofTax Refund ~Requested $ 3;1f,ti.88--\ 2. I $ $ 3. I $ $ 4. I 5. I $ $TOTAL Taxpayer's reason for refund (attach supporting documentation): A P$ $ 3,ff,ti.88 COURT ORDER#C-5679-13-A -k \)--e_" M'Q'f' \)c...~v \c\..\,....) Jo_-3c-;dctLi "~ , ;. bJs<B MM Step 4: sign the "I hereby apply for the refund ofthe above-described taxes and certify that the information I have given on 1his form is true and correct." fOII'DI It hel'e Date of application fo:l' tax l'efund Signatul'e sign It If you make a false statement on this application, you could be found guilty of a Class A misdemeanor or a state jail felony under Texas Penal Code Section 37.10. Step 5: Tax refund Determination n;, 1m< <<fim~rovod . It 7·~ Sign here D AUDITED BY: THE HIDALGO COUNlY ~UDITOR'S OFFICE DATE: ().a c:t- 'll"'-l ""\~ Disapproved y L.- (\ ;;~ governing body ~~~--m '-~fo'" ? (1,~~ 1~~~~v approval1s ' ""'' [ - -------. - 1re under eel n 3/. I , ~J i 'I ~ ode) II '\6' "' c__y~y, D9/9~Y , Date , q(:u(f-~ \ ,t/ I ' APPLICATION FOR TAX REFUND Collection office name Collecting tax for: (Tax Unit) GHD-SST-DRI-FD l-FD2-FD3-FD4-CANCLV -CMS-CPN-CPO-CWL-SEB-SLVSML-SMS-SSL-SWL-JCC HIDALGO COUNTY TAX OFFICE Present mailing address (number and street) POBOX 178 City, town or post office, state, ZIP code Phone (area code and number) EDINBURG TX 78540-0178 (956) 318-2157 To apply for a tax Step 1: Owner's name and address refund, the taxpayer must complete the followin~ Owner's name V ALBRO CORNER STORE #1542 PAID BY: CST SERVICES LLC Present mailing address (number and street) PO BOX 690110 City, town or post office, state, ZIP code ~hone (all'ea code iUJd nuftlbell') SAN ANTONIO, TX 78269-0110 Legal description (or attach copy of the tax bill or tax receipt): INVENTORY FIXTURES & EQUIPMENT AT 2204 Step 2: Describe the property WEST TRENTON ROAD Address or location ofproperty: 769124 Account number of property: Tax receipt number: J2004.99.000.0002.00 Step 3:_ Give the tax payment information OR Name OfT axing Unit from Which Refund is Requested Year for Which Refund is Requested 2013 12130 1. ALL ENTITIES 2. 24672251 Date of the Tax Payment I 13 Amount of Taxes Paid $9,192.92 Amount of Tax Refund Requested $ s;667.40 I $ $ 3. I $ $ 4: I 5. I $ $TOTAL $ $ 5,667.40 Taxpayer's reason for refund (attach supporting documentation): Drc\~, Qe_(' ?n.u ~L.\ u v COURT ORDER#C-5679-13-A ID-3o-riol4 MM Step4: sig:nthe fozozn "I hereby apply for the refund ofthe above-described taxes and certicy that the information I have given on this form is true and correct." . Date of application foO" tax O"efund SignatuO"e sig:n .. he:l"e If you make a false statement on this application, you could be found guilty of a Class A misdemeanor or a state jail felony under. Texas Penal Code Section 37.10. Step 5: Tax refund Determination Thi' tax sign .-d~pprovod Auth1ed ,,gn II here qi'L . Disapproved ~ ""?r)_ r;c_ here.. 0 -~·=' "'" t ~for refund ap~ 'iiferi>,tion31.11, ~~( AUDtTED. BY: THE HIDALGO cOUNTY-AUDITOR'S OFFI.,E DATE: Ol 'f-rl"' ';/.\L cv.- q.('-v Date&J/fIt¥ •f• ··~-~ ... ~ n\..(~ ~~ I " '{) Date I qf~q ( f APPLICATION FOR TAX REFUND Collection office mme Collecting tax for: (Tax Uni5) GHD-SST-DRl-FD 1-FD2-FD3-FD4-CANCLV -CMS-CPN-CPO-CWL-SEB-SL VSML-SMS-SSL-SWL-JCC HIDALGO COUNTY TAX OFFICE Present mailing address (number and street) POBOX 178 City, town or post office, state, ZIP code Phone (area code and number) EDINBURG TX 78540-0178 (956) 318-2157 To apply for a tax refund, the taxpayer must complete the following Owner's name ~ Step 1: Owner's name RCE DEV-HWY STORAGE LLC PAID BY: NATIONAL TAX SEARCH LLC <-\: Present mailing address (number and street) and address 1020 S CLOSNER BLVD City, town or post office, state, ZIP code (area code and nunlber) EDINBURG, TX 78539-5660 j.fho:ne Legal description (or attach copy of the tax bill or tax receipt): MARPA LOT 1 Step 2: Describe the property Address or location ofproperty: 540164 k Account number of property: Tax receipt number: M1155.00.000.0001.00 OR Name Of Taxing Unit from Which Refund is Requested Step 3: Give the tax payment information Year for Which Refund is Requested 2013 1/16 1. ALL ENTITIES 2. 3. 4. 5. 25057356 Amount of Taxes Paid $44,155.72 Date of the Tax Payment I 14 Taxpayer's reason for refund (attach supporting documentation): Amount of Tax Refund Requested $4,680.37 I $ $ I $ $' I $ $ I $TOTAL $4,680.37 "'t COURT ORDER #C-5441-13-J <1 2013 COURT ORDER ADWSTMENT MM Step4: sign the "I hereby apply for the refund ofthe above-described taxes and certify that the information I have given on this form is true and correct." fOI'ID . Date of application fo., tax ..efund Signatu..e sign .. hel:'e If you make a false statement on this application, you could be found guilty of a Class A misdemeanor or a state jail felony under Texas Penal Code Section 37.10. Step 5: Tax refund Determination Th;, tm< refund ;, AUDITED BY: THE HIDALGO "provod D ~....I"Z. . sign .. Authoriztcer {1!;(/' ( r-.... here Disapproved -\ -. ") /' J.. "'""""" "'' f" ' ~~~~T:=v-l l·A- A. ~~M v lning boG 1 here qj') couNTYf""~Drro~s ~'!'~ DATE: - l ~ \ !..J T! · -1 ~ 7 '- \6 yn."' q.Q • • I~ ,--7.., \_____, Date qI GJ/t y 9/sir • "f APPLICATION FOR TAX REFUND Collection office name Collecting tax for: (Tax Unit>) GHD-SST-DR1-FD1-FD2-FD3-FD4-CANCLV -CMS-CPN-CPO-CWL-SEB-SLVSML-SMS-SSL-SWL-JCC HIDALGO COUNTY TAX OFFICE Present mailing address (number and street) POBOX 178 City, town or post office, state, ZIP code Phone (area code and number) EDINBURG TX 78540-0178 (956) 318-2157 To apply for a tax refund, the taxpayer must complete the following Owner's name Step 1: K. Owner's name VALERO CORNER STORE #1536 PAID BY: CST SERVICES LLC "f Present mailing address (number and street) and address PO BOX 690110 City, town or post office, state, ZIP code ~hone (a.:rea. code and nuiiDbe:r) SAN ANTONIO, TX 78269-0110 Legal description (or attach copy of the tax bill or tax receipt): INVENTORY FIXTURES & EQUIPMENT AT 3225 EAST Step 2: Describe the property EXPRESSWAY 83/NEW ACCT 2005 Address or location ofproperty: A. 762439 Account number of property: Tax receipt number: M4020.99.000.0001.00 ;( Step 3: Give the tax payment information OR Year for Which Refund is Requested 2013 12130 Name Of Taxing Unit from Which Refund is Requested 1. ALL ENTITIES 24672246 Date of the Tax Payment I 13 Amount of Taxes Paid $ 8,921.41 Amount of Tax Refund Requested $2,804.50 2. I $ $ 3. I $ $ 4. 5. I $ $TOTAL $ I Taxpayer's reason for refund (attach supporting documentation): $ 2,804.50""' COURT ORDER#C-5679-13-A~ \)-..Q('" CJor-r\-..Q_' \>u._"-" ~Ll I 0-3o-~ol'-\ u ...J MM Step4: sign the fOI'DI "I hereby apply for the refund ofthe above-described taxes and certify that the information I have given on this form is true and correct." -t here ,;ate of application foZ" tax l'efund Signatul'e sign If you make a false statement on this application, you could be found guilty of a Class A misdemeanor or a state jail felony under Texas Penal Code Section 37.10. Step 5: Tax refund Determination n,;, 1m< refund '' t<Ovod 0 AUDITED BY: THE HIDALGO COUNTY AUDITOR'S OFFICE! Disapproved .G'i/k. DATE: '1 ~( sign here -t AuthorizettiJ..J • s1gn-t here r uire~ un er . (1 lion 31.J/, ia ~l qtfL Date~~~~~~ ~, 17fh:ru.-~ 1s ~-'\ J(·~"'\·L4·1 ~ -/ati9,Jover (insert amo ntfor which governing body l? () ,x,-r·~( Ll ~ I C./\. 0'l ~ I '-( .. Date 9/J/{rf~ \ \
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