2014 University of Massachusetts — Amherst Student Government Association Spring Elections Report c AASSACI1fj $GA VOTER TURNOUT Student PopLilation 20,500 Number of Voters 3628 (President/VP) 3711 (Student Trustee) 3670 (Average) - 20,500 20.500 - Percentage 17.69% 18.10% 18.00% PRESIDENT! VICE PRESIDENT (Winning Ticket In Bold) Name of Ticket Number of Votes Ellie Miske& Gabrielle Cook 1304 Vinayak Rao& Jacob Schissel** 1157 Savannah van Leuvan Smith & Josh Odam 474 Stefan Herlitz & Amanda Aziz 412 William “BJ” Zamites & Daniel “1)anya” Gordin 221 SIonan Barrett & Rocco Giordano* 8 Seth Perkins & Isilda Gjata* 7 * Indicates a write-in candidate ** By a vote of 5—0—1. the Elections Commissions unanimously voted to invalidate the candidacies of both Ellie Miske & Gabrielle Cook. Please see below for detailed description. - - - - — -, - - -- ST[II)FNT TRUSTEE (Winner in Bold) Trustee Candidate Number of Votes Emily I)evenney 1283 Sarah F’reudson** 1O61 1)iego Fellows 746 Lucas Rockett (lutterman 455 ** By a vote of 5—0—i the Elections Commission unanimously voted to invalidate the candidacy of’ Emily Devenney. Please see below for detailed description. , liiit Candidate tamites posted a picture of his nomination forms FORMAL COMPLAINTS Comp1ainin Party Date (‘andidate Fellows 2/26 on a social media outlet prematurely, thus Ililsely announcing his candidac L ‘[he l)f’vlC Ticket utilized songs Candidate I lerliLz in their campaign videos that L I — course of Action Suspended for 24 hours after campaigning offlcially began The commission asked the ticket to explain in the L they did not own description of the videos that they did not own the rights to the video, because the commission has no jurisdiction over copyright law - Seth Perkins and Isilda Gjata were accused of using sexist language while talking about another candidate. as well as using outside funds from an Area Government account to give out prizes while campaigning Candidate Miske was seen in CI)&C using a 10% ott coupon with her purchase order. The candidate who saw this felt that this was unfair because it was a resource that was not directly available to other candidates. An invoice from CD&C con lirms the use of the 10°/b ott coupon Candidate Miske & Candidate Herlitz 3/i J The commission suspended this ticket until the results of the audit, done by the SUA Secretary of Finance, proved them to he either responsible or not responsible. The ticket was Ibund responsible of using Area Government hinds. and therefore they were removed from the ballot. Candidate van Leuvan— Smith 3/8 & (‘andidate I lerlitz l)MC ticket was accused of vandalism of university property based upon the attachment of several posters to C’andidate I lerlitz academic buildings using duct tape. I)MC ticket posted “VOTE 1)MC” messages on individual whitehoards outside o I rooms in the C’IIC, including those ol Candidate I lerlitz and C’andidate I lerlitz Candidate Aziz. Also. Candidate I lerliiz alleges that a flyer of his was torn down tiom their hallway by the l)MC campaign. This violation was taken into account in the summary belOW. 3/8 ihis violation was taken into account in the summary below. 3/9 this violation was taken into account in the summary below. DMC campaign was accused of placing fliers underneath the doors of residents in Washington Hall. Candidate Herlitz also questioned the ability of the DMC ticket to Candidate Herlitz 3/10 purchase and use such large quantities of color and colorpaper posters. full size and poster size. Picture evidence provided. The ability of the DMC campaign to purchase such large quantities of colored Candidate van Leuvan 3/Il fliers was questioned. Smith Photographs of excessive flyer posting were provided. Candidate Herlitz is accLlsed of bringing an iPad around a residence hall while campaigning and allowing Candidate Cook students to vote while he spoke & to them. Candidate I-lerlitz is Candidate Miske also accused of not having proper representation within the res-hall. Candidate 1-Ierlitz accused Zachary Smith, a registered worker of the DMC ticket. of delimation, by the means of I posting an Op—lid written by Mr. I lerlitz in September for Candidate I Ierlitz 3/12 the l)aily Collegian. Zachary Smith linked the article in a Facehook post claiming that Candidate I lcrlitz should he ashamed of his writing Candidate r\ziz is accused of announcing her ticket and 2/26 candidacy in class on February C’andidaic (julterinan 12. Candidate Fellows is accused of announcing his candidacy in Candidate (i utterman 2/26 his lithics and Policy class in hIm 214 on February 25. L -_ This violation was taken the summary below. into account in This violation was taken into account in the summary below. No action taken. sufficient evidence of voter coercion not submitted. By—laws do not prohibit this action. while ethically questionable, the actions of Mr. Smith were not drastic enough to qualify as “delimation” No action taken, Due to lack of concrete evidence, no action was taken by the I commission. Due to lack of concrete evidence, no action was taken by the Commission. Candidate J-Ierlitz announced his candidacy on an unspecified date in an unspecified location. - - . -. Candidate (utterman 2/26 I Due to lackof concrete evidence, no action was taken by the commission. - Regarding the Invalidation of Candidates As Stated Above Following a review of seven formally filed complaints to the Elections Commission, a testimony from two separate Elections Commissioners, and a formal hearing with both flue Miske and Gabrielle Cook in front of’ said commission, the Elections Commission has unanimously voted to invalidate the candidacies of flue Miske, Gabrielle Cook, and Emily Devenney. The initial complaints Ii led against Candidates Miske, Cook and Devenney outlined the use of a 10% oIl coupon at Campus Design & Copy. The commission has in its possession an official invoice from Campus l)esign & Copy that shows the use of’ the I 0 % discount coupon. According to Title VII I, Chapter 24. Section 3, Subsection 3, “no person shall appropriate funds for the purpose of campaigning except for the SGA”. In addition, Subsection 5 states that “all candidates shall pui’chase their materials at fair market prices to which all other candidates shall have reasonable access”. Since the remainder of the candidates were unaware of the coupon in question, they did not have reasonable access to said resource. Furthermore. the issuance of’ a Coupon by a business is essentially equivalent to the issuance of funds, which is in direct violation with Subsection 3, in which it is dictated that only the S(IA may appropriate funds for campaigning. Secondly, the candidates were found to have been in violation of Title VIII, Chapter 24, Section 3, Subsection 13 which states that “no candidate shall violate the student code of conduct ‘Iwo elections commissioners, both of whom are willing to testify under sworn oath of’ their office. witnessed candidate Cook campaigning in Crahtree I lall without a proper escort, which is defined as a resident of’ said building. I’his action is a cleat’ violation of’ the solicitation policy. which is delined as “a planned, in—person sharing of information with and/or requesting of’ infbrmation from students living in a Univei’sitv residence.” Solicitation is permitted in the residence hall by a non—resident only if accompanied by a resident of the given residence hall. Said policy is defined by the Residential Life I)epartmenl. and fulls under the Student Code of’ Conduct, which all candidates are sworn to abide by. . Lastly, according to Title VIII, Chapter 24. Section 3, Subsection 4, “all equipment and supplies used in campaign shall he registered with the Chancellor of’ Llections prior to their use, and shall be accompanied by certified copies of’ the purchase orders or inter-activity recharges used to purchase said materials.” The use ofa pet’soiiil printer, as admitted by both Candidates Miske and Cook and their campaign manager, is a clear violation of the by—law as stated above, and provides an unfuir advantage when considering that materials are limited by’ the commission to the $75.0() provided by the SG\ fur use at Campus Design & Copy. The by-laws define exceptions to this rule to be “pens, pencils, copy machines, markers, computers, staplers, and stapler guns”. Since a personal printer does not fall under any of these exceptions, it is a violation of the by-laws as written. This violation, coupled with the use of a coupon at Campus. Design and Copy, presents a clear advantage to these candidates in terms of campaign material production. Prior to the period of campaigning, all candidates willingly and knowingly signed a memo of understanding produced by the Elections Commission which outlined all rules and procedures of the elections, and served as the first and only warning in the case of violations. Given the evidence submitted to the commission, and the fact that the runner-up ticket was free of any existing or pendiHg formal campaign complaints, the commission has decided to invalidate the candidacies of Ellie Miske. Gabrielle Cook. and Emily Devenney and declare Vinayak Rao, Jacob Schissel, and Sarah Freudson the winners of the Spring 2014 elections. This Elections Report was ratified by the Elections Commission to be true & accurate on Thursday, March 13, 2014 Rocco Giordano (Chancellor of Elections) Divya Kirti (Elections Comni,issj oner) Tiffany Tang (Elections mp-iissioner) John Solitro Alex Cascais (Elections Ccrnmissioner) (EctiO1rnissioner)
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