From by guest on February 3, 2015. For personal use only. Feline Parvovirus Propagates in Cat Hematopoietic By Feline Gary J. parvovirus infected cats. (FPV) We poietic depression cultured in vitro. FPV and Viral hybridization in Granulocytes and infected cultures viral capsid of were six days. assays. IRUSES MAY aplastic anemia at the Aplastic inactivation neutralizing ‘5 was depressed also the factors the etiology evidence of for viral rus, and sion in their is clinically FPV in the by FPV. & Stratton. anemia in persistently infected immunosuppressed persons.5 Although anemia and reticulocytopenia are the most prominent hematobogic features, B 19 parvovirus also to substantial rus has specific been and toxic Parvoviruses Parvoviruses, extremely reduction in beukocytes and experimental8 shown in cell erythroid genome, platelets progenitor are common agents small DNA-containing limited and in and that can cells.9”#{176} parvovirus replica- type.’3”4 The bone with a wide variety differentiation, parvovirus provides replication. Panleukopenia most present study, we feline bone marrow investigated cells. The of virus-associated marrow hematopoietic were shown to feline to be infectious,’7 period followed emesis, anorexia, rally infected profound parvovirus diseases and Enders as well failure was a prominent FPV infection is clinically rhea, the organ stages of animals for is one of the in Europe and the and over animals, 50 years death may manifested tenderness.’5 result from In experimentally with typical DNA disease. sequence23 Blood, Vol 74. No 1 (July), ago Ham- Celilines and feline kidney were maintained cells (from in com- marrow depres- the interaction of feline model is useful failure: and are feline hema- the animals Our studies direct targets can be indicate of infection were in Biofluids) Infectious of NLFK Virus plaque assay. cells added incubator (5% CO2, in prewarmed virus served which and were Cells the Cancer serum (FEF, Center, modified Eagle’s and incubated two FPV medium to three days (strain as after CU-4, in supernatants tissue and of first bow and culture dishes (Becton- 37#{176}C).Medium (DMEM of successive to each virus medium incubated was in the with ‘/,o dilutions plate; were inoculum a 4 to 8 x l0 overnight 3 mL NLFK procedure, to attach added virus the trypsinized and allowed aspirated as control. after Kettering In was humidity, media fibroblasts 10% FCS methods. plastic NJ) 95% was then virus hours Park, medium calf embryo virulent cells 100 mm x Lincoln Eagle’s 5% fetal obtained of FPV two of FEF to 20 Dickinson, University) Dr Carmichael. Titers by monolayer with from determined confluent with were cells obtained were Dulbecco’s supernatants strain) cells Sloan supplemented passage of containing 37#{176}C. Feline of Crandell Cornell modification MD) Memorial maintained (DMEM; above. Hardy, derivative Carmichael, Iscove’s in 5% CO2. Dr William NY) cells, a cloned Dr Leland Rockville, Biofluids) from NLFK virus. cells Biofluids, From as others showed that bone marrow feature of the disease.’8’2#{176}Natural characterized by a brief incuba- by gastroenteritis, and abdominal neutropenia. parvovirus (FPV) of cats animals, FPV does not result in clinical nia is a consistent finding,2’ suggesting of in adult FPV of without for six to I 2 removed by careful This clinical syndrome was one of the first attributed to a virus after cell free extracts mond tion proliferating lineages and target and METHODS 10% FCS) infectious States.’5”6 diseases a continually of various a good due important United animal marrow, of cells col- supported formation. produce species.24’25 inoculation tion is dependent on actively proliferating host cells.’2 These viruses have a propensity to infect fetal tissue, leading to premature abortion or malformation.” Parvoviruses also may show specificity for a stage of differentiation or cell also host feline (FCS, of animal disease.” animal viruses, have an therefore G-CSF colony can be analyzed in vitro experimentally manipulated. (IMEM; infection. The Bl9 parvovicultures studies to be highly for human with human Inc. parvoviruses of chronic both natural6’7 by assays. dependent appropriate study termed B19 sient aplastic identified as the cause of tranwith underlying hemolysis4 and these the with In episode of infecof the immunologic topoiesis readily leads of be abrogated preincubation and progenitor factor by Grune or and presence Recombinant GM-CSF in inhibited the could virus cells (BFU-E in formation of progenitor formation antibodies. myelopoiesis 1989 by myeloid colony stimulating pletely formation erythroid of colony specific abnormalities seen in patients with aplastic anemia are also observed in individuals with chronic retrovirus or herpes virus infections.3 Recently, one of the family of Parvoviridae, parvovirus, was crisis in persons colony but physical feline absent showed and Neal S. Young Frickhofen, Inhibition ony Inhibits inhibited anemia cases with a preceding or hepatitis.”2 Many 3. by immunofluo- to but day cells efficiently CONTRIBUTE is circumstantial. associated in some tious mononucleosis most in humans, by in situ virtually Infected in nuclei FPV virus. molecular cells Norbert CFU-E-derived) demonstrated DNA Lustig, and In Vitro (CFU-GM). marrow observed marrow predominantly In clonal we were precursors after bone Cultures hematopoietic naturally of hemato- feline using DNA 1 0% their protein in cultures and about from causation virus Marrow Formation Lawrence in mechanism replication RNA Platanias, leukopenia the In suspension propagation V causes this Colony Leonidas investigated by hybridization. rescence. Kurtzman, Bone other sepsis infected to germ-free illness, but neutropea possible interaction microorganisms pp 71-81 due the Cell Heart, Submitted as diarIn natu- in producing FPV is closely related antigenicably22 to mink enteritis virus and canine 1989: National and by parvovi- Biology Lung, Section. and September Blood 29. Clinical Institute, 1988; accepted An abstract ofpart ofihis work 1985 and Blood 72:504a, 1988. Address reprint Hematology. requests Stanford Stanford, CA 94305. The publication costs ofthis charge payment. This article article must “advertisement” with indicate © I 989 in accordance 24. 1989. in Blood 66:134a, J. Kurtzman, School Branch. MD. February was published to Gary University Hematology Bethesda. MD. ofMedicine. Division Room of 5161, were defrayed in part by page therefore be hereby marked 18 U.S.C. section 1 734 solely to this fact. by Grune & Siration. Inc. 0006-4971/89/7401-0024$3.00/0 71 From by guest on February 3, 2015. For personal use only. 72 KURTZMAN washing with fluids). The 0.5% prewarmed methylcellubose hours. the After were for carefully St floated NaCl for four to remove mol/L minutes sodium five and was performed below. using Viral “plaques” mob/L was Screen filters. Individual for four minutes, Tris-HCI, pH pH Organon 7.5, (Hyclone, PBS, desired amount (New volume of uninfected tration was brought and virus four were 1.5 mob/L incubated for wiping of the filters with were then washed in 2 x SSC (0.3 same cell sodium citrate) for at least two parvovirus (CPV) autoradiography by (Fig remained with hours. probe technique, for more poietic of the titer than 6 months room and temperature with incubated parvovirus capsid; after capsid England of dependence reagent of bone iones, mixture Laboratories, marrow. (ketamine) aspiration 0.05 mL and 20 syringes medium Feldman, into U/mL. of sodium of MD) (immune (IMDM; St Louis). syringes diatrizoate-Ficoll in-2 but and lack specific tibia, 1 mL GIBCO, heparin (I .077 were under of Iscove’s Grand heparin cells and chloroform general modifica- Island, U/mL; NY) concen- separated to 1.080 with g/mL; LSM, incubating in 10 mmol/L at 4#{176}C until conditions a and analysis, to 150 .tl in TE NaOH and neutralized samples and dot briefly washed at 0.5% SDS with shaking blot for NaCI, 0.5% were was Tris, 200 SDS, India- by phenol Cells 1 mmol/L and were EDTA extracted of tRNA or supernatant addition resus- (TE) and under the but 30 minutes and were Schuell, Keene, baked then prehyridized were then solution) incubated ammonium and and then 5 x Denhardt’s diluted not for NH) were then acetate and Filters hours in buffer to four in x SSC) on a 96 well for two overnight of 3 N (10 Schuell). two to 100 volume to preequilibrated (Schleicher (6 x SSC) 1/10 at 65#{176}C. Samples of 2 mol/L applied were of were in a vacuum (6 x SSC, hours buffer at 65#{176}C with 100 io- Fig Three dilutions in-5 virus Biochemicals, the addition volume manifold and were 20#{176}C. - in 10 mmol/L precipitation. by the dilutions 80#{176}C.Filters cells at Cell-associated pH 7.5, A Sweden). and pellets pellets mmol/L pellets (Schleicher DNA oven cell an equal protein analysis. followed incubation with and times as cell Supernatants before peripheral (Advanced at 37#{176}C followed or without hemato- Uppsala, Mannheim Tris-HCI, with FCS desired cell ethanol assay. precipitated DNA 100 media cat RPMI in virus. overnight extraction nitrocellubose from EDTA, stored then O’Neil, was collected at a final by of at the stimulation, and stored K (Boehringer pended For as the Cells 10% human stimulate 10% and humidity. resuspended Pharmacia, the washed 1 mmol/L that with at identification proteinase same pathoserved or humerus (1,000 blood Ni) and 7.5, ethanol Corners, femur, containing results, serum). Peripheral Mononuclear A harvested in medium by resuspending napolis), FPV determined simplicity was obtained the containing free was to I -year-old marrow the were times Cells FCS with resuspended 50 jzg/mL; pH 95% and lymphocyte aureus, g/mL 1251 protein identical of its relative 20#{176}C), - were FCS, hours. conditioned factors Columbia, Isolation at anti-canine with with plaques Liberty either of preservative vein of Bone from into of Dulbecco’s the jugular tration (Liberty to of reacts yielded Six-month cultures. a source with number on a limited cats tion cross incubation procedures I 5 minutes dilution After the for (precooled 1 : 1,000 (which because Suspension direct a Carmichael). Both incubated acetone-PBS with preferable gen-free anesthesia 60% Nuclear), was washed, antiserum Dr autoradiography. the former then overnight from (New were For cells four supplemented (Staphylococcus isolated monolayers below). the cell concen- in IMDM-bO% stimulated-lymphocyte (see three cells, in IMDM-b0% in medium contains the or an equivalent at 37#{176}C, 5% CO2. times FCS cultures, at 4#{176}C for cells/mL Biotechnology, washed with manufac- IMDM-2% supernatant in medium mononuclear days. The three which Supernatants marrow to cells 1.5 to 2 x106 washed at 4#{176}C.The second assay, similiar to a described technique,26 involved incubation of NLFK cells with infectious supernatant followed by incubation ofcells in media plus methylceblubose for four For UT). to attach concentration cells blood in was mixed 16 to 24 hours (PHA-LCM), number medium to the washes to 2.5 to 5 x iO cells/mL phytohemagglutinin as described the 1 ). By this SDS Hybridization counting constant 0.1% to according three as infectious was allowed diluted NC) by Logan, of virus filters for Durham, followed Laboratories, by careful then Corp. directions, to 96 air dried 7.5, Teknika turer’s were determined in supernatants 72 prewarmed Tris-HCI, mol/L a canine titer after of virus in 0.5 Bio- containing incubated Colony/Plaque 1 mol/L dried (PBS; media with nylon onto 0.03 air and 0.5 N NaOH Filters chloride, minutes using followed debris. saline with Louis) 82 mm onto and immersed buffered overlayed and washing removed floated tissue for (Sigma, Boston) minutes, minutes, then of media were Nuclear, five were aspiration monolayers England phosphate monolayers ET AL 1 10 - 1. FPV milliliters (upper plaque assay. of succesive right of each panel) of infected supernatants were incubated with permissive feline embryo fibroblasts (FEF). After 4 days. the monolayers were transferred to nyIon cellulose membranes. lysed, and hybridized with Plabeled pRCV. which detects the FPV genome. The amount of virus was determined to be 1 to 2 x 10 plaque forming units (pfu)ImL. From by guest on February 3, 2015. For personal use only. FPV INFECTION OF CAT BONE MARROW ig/mL denatured salmon sperm DNA a 32P probe, labeled by nick translation able kit Unless (Bethesda otherwise 2.3 kb XbaI Peter from Tattersall, map units with the same high stringency Virus known amounts FPV were performed New CPV overnight SDS) at autoradio- by comparison DNA transferred Nuclear). hybridization. was performed with was to a nylon The FPV EcoRl specific stringency electro- with wash than Carlson mately 80% of the ethanol rehydrated were with 100 zg/mL slides were 0.1 mol/L and then 8.0, 0.25% ide, the and then l0 mol/L performed as I mg/mL salmon using with the addition l0 cpm 10 mmol/L DNA. sealed overnight SSC, 50 formamide Eastman was Parafilm were in with temperature, stopped five minutes in Rapid bone marrow as well (before the cells of 37#{176}C, 95% were incubated exposed for for three for 30 Five in progenitor cells The included CT) and incu- (G-CSF, at 42#{176}C in 2 x ethanol 24 washes. in water; hours minutes acid, at and room fixed factor for to detect out similarly FPV in from as for the B I 9 human CHO obtained as a pathogen31) preabsorbed fixed blocked were against cat in 1968 before the Dr red and with a sera for 30 minutes at with 0.3% BSA, slides 37#{176}Cwith a ‘/ai rabbit specific dilution fold for for 1 x promoting activity33 l0 from Genetics interleukin-3 Institute), factor ‘/soo,ooo [as medium assayed from in the feline Abkowitz, and (M-CSF fibroblasts Dr ianis CA), stimulating Genetics embryo factor Oaks, U/mg; stimulating activity to culture experiments stimulating human U/mg; feline [see below]). Thousand Conditioned burst was also used This enrichment colony colony maximal Institute). experiments, culture. these colony Amgen, 106 the the leuke- (a source University at a final concentration of 7%. human erythropoietin (epo; recombinant at a concentration of 1 U/mL. RESULTS for 30 seconds at - 20#{176}C for two hours in PBS with (FITC)-labeled Liale, IL) to detect coli 2 x and at 4#{176}C. The before used derived, 15 for one to I x 106 cebls/mL, recombinant infected Amgen) factors and for g/mL), overnight washed granulocyte cell was added 1.080 of 30% FCS immunofluores- washed in PBS, and incubated at from to in the presence (FeLV-A) some and MA), half cells FCS ratio two virus-A ofcat incubation macrophage cells, Genetics For dog serum CHO at 37#{176}C, resuspended (1.077 granulocyte-macrophage Escherichia from recombinant gently resuspended protein; Cambridge, were hours adherence-depleted with growth U/mg (GM-CSF, (IL-3, mia l0 for two approximately human human Institute, 4#{176}C, at 2 x recombinant an to 2 x monocytes in IMDM-lO% and separated human recombinant then on LSM (as assayed recombinant then normal were minutes resulted at 400 resuspended the to plastic centrifugation Sweden) at a 1:1 (vol:vol) were washed procedure were and bone of a previ- at 60 g, and then incubated was repeated were mouse]; or control nonimmune After washing in PBS fluorescein isothiocyanate (ICN Immunobiologicals, mixture. dilution in 1% acetic tech- were T cells, DNA- or eliminate by Upsaba, FCS, cat). (Zeiss). recombinant separated erythrocytes separated cells slides were (1:1 nonrosetting Laboratories) in graded NTB-3 pathogen-free 5% BSA at room temperature, fraction of Washington) preparations, frozen, were of immune humidity. primer 10 To remove cells cells serum, which reacts with the capsid CPV Sera a specific cence. Cytocentrifuge in acetone and stored ‘/,o dilution Washes was carried immune appearance from Greenwich, Ci/mmob; (Kodak). as nonimmune Carmichael. cells the Immunofluorescence parvovirus.#{176}Anti-CPV of FPV, random Research (Kodak) Fixer Immunofluorescence. infected the (3,000 Can, for 30 seconds 4#{176}C.The mononuclear and NY), developer at nonrosetting in the on day 8, and in the marrow, cells of adherence 108 rat in preliminary a modification were washing, at 37#{176}C, centrifuged and the rosetting by drying Rochester, D-19 hour populations MidWillow- activity to minimize to I to 2 x 106 cells/mL with specific to the incubation emulsion minutes cell with 5% CO2. and 0.5 humidity. followed coated resuspended (DTT), labeled per slide, (American humidity, were to high by Dli’ 95% washes dextran IMDM 1% BSA, microscope Pharmacia, After of virus Connaught, of specific with and a final (Dow, (shown and Cells g/mL; by two cycles incubated formam- 10% in III, an inverted purified cats at Laboratoaries), methylcellulose factors of accessory g, 20#{176}C for 20 minutes. from Cells on day 5, CFU-GM using were human in dilutions promoting the effects (1.070 burst for four hours at 4#{176}C PHA-LCM growth effects was (Bethesda added at 37#{176}C, 95% Kodak, developed kit in 50% (BSA), 10 to Percoll (Fluka, ethanol a35S-dCTP IL) of 20 mmol/L bated Slides Heights, a commerical with graded through incubated burst were determined (gran- aspirated (step human assays erythroid to grow above. (Hyclone adequate lamp CFU-E) used supernatant 0.8% marrow cells were further ously described method.32 dithiothreitol Probe with pH 10% hematopoietic removed temperature. FCS to determine 106 cells/mL for 30 minutes, formamide albumin tRNA, pH triethylamine, was performed serum all by treatment at room in treated then was were xenon cell, to those erythropoietin and the possible Tris-HC1, glycine Hybridization sperm of probe were was followed dried derived in 30% CFU-FM; forming marrow or control to have In order at 4#{176}C in 70% and mol/L Jona- Cytocentrifuge of the slides minutes ONT), experiments approxi- 15 minutes, bovine Arlington nique Leland were (4 to 5 x l0 cpm/ig) Amersham, white ten dale, an XBO of fluorescein. as described 106/mL 1 U/mL on days Dr contains in 2 x SSC/50% slides 1% mg/mL x incubation NY), SSC, This MI), BFU-E from Bone gallate photomicroscope Progenitor colony 2-mercaptoethanol, land, used cell, identical as a control. 5% n-propyl III cultures. prepared of 2 x plated which forming conditions supernatant 1% a Universal erythroid cells containing with IgG with for epifluorescence colonies.’0 was the ca. 4 kb K in 10 mmol/L of 0.1 for marrow numbers genome. 7.0, 0.1 mob/L anhydride and sulfate, activity proteinase in a mixture acetic x for pH under mounted colony BFU-E; CFU-E and stored for 15 minutes. hybridization. 2 FPV Some with acetylation Ronkonkoma, the A (Sigma) Tris-HC1, washing of cell, anti-mouse dry, FRG) filters colony techniques.27 a gift which in 2 x SSC. RNAse CaCI2 with experiments pEH2O,U University, side forming 32P described in 4% paraformaldehyde incubated 7.5, 2 mmol/L for these plasmid State left fixed before the of Colorado preparations After used from Zeiss concentration of cat bone marrow of previously examined hematopoietic sulfate, 10% dextran In situ hybridization probe fragment OberKockem, bone membrane Hybridization NaCI, high by modification (Carl performed above. In situ and Zeiss, rabbit blotted in glycerol, mononuclear in 1 mol/L at 65#{176}C,and FITC-labeled washed, ulocyte-macrophage washed before as described.5 gel and was 0.1% were Clonal homologous were or with Slides and standard DNA. England probe Filters (from escence sequences (>95% by densitometry viral blots genome). was the pRCV-V includes genome x SSC, of cloned on a I % agarose (GeneScreen; SDS of the which CPV MD). for hybridization University), was quantitated Southern labeled used of the plasmid (65#{176}Cin 0.1 graphy. phoresed the probe Yale region Gaithersburg, fragment 20 to 65 of the 73 and 2 to 4 x 106 cpm/mL of with a commerically avail- Laboratories, indicated, approximately Dr Research IN VITRO of anti-dog IgG immunofluor- FPV tures. cells propagation Suspension obtained from in of bone specific pathogen-free bated with FPV, and inocubum was removed by dot blot time course suspension cultures bone marrow marrow cats cul- mononuclear were innocu- after an overnight incubation, the by washing. FPV DNA was detected analysis with a CPV-labeled experiment showing the probel. appearance A typical of viral From by guest on February 3, 2015. For personal use only. 74 KURTZMAN DNA in cells and supernatant in Fig 2. In general, blood of a cat bone marrow culture cell associated FPV DNA is shown appeared within 24 hours of inoculation, and virus in supernatant was detectable with a variable delay (24 to 48 hours), depending on associated with cultures was 3). results The the donor cells linearly cells. and rebated of virus, not reached, the size target a plateau of cells the virus was limiting. under inoculum rather quantity subsequent virus. of virus present at later cycles of reinfection in animals A than supernatant of target was number 3 after virus rather effects than of two propagation. (we in the not possibility in T cells hematopoietic within cells, of cell A is a mitogen confirmed were examine occurring stimulators Protein lymphocytes35 lectin by the we proliferation for circulating that concanavalin A and efficient stimulators of lym- shown), the of of FPV the the cultures in the replication increased in of was Addition which and, of stim- under marrow erythropoietin, hormone (never more than on viral replication 4). medium propagation on viral medium experiments, modestly no effect A (Fig of FPV to enhance addition conditioned in in marrow propagation failed effect of protein leukocyte-conditioned hematopoiesis conditions, some presence stimulated ulates of infection, numbers the inhibited in culture indicated newly synthesized lymphocyte marrow was phocyte proliferation; data not shown). FPV propagation cat peripheral blood cultures was increased by the addition protein A, but FPV propagation in cat bone marrow FPV DNA was cells. The larger times with reduces of conditions the at day bone in vitro phytohemagglutinin (Fig DNA the cat of target maximal culture nodes.’5”6”82#{176} To propagation on of 24 hours FPV these In contrast, of cell-associated and suggesting depletion infection after in cell-associated that inoculum lymph FPV compared DNA supernatant cycle of infection with addition of a plateau reached, FPV of viral the performed a single Even suggesting amount in to the size of the of experiments culture likely represent cells by input virus.34 amounts The present and that ET AL certain (data not in the blood. The with was or without inconsistent: virus in production two-fold), but in others (data not shown). there was w 4 / . .,.. , V I U)Q) -.-- E o. C 1O C) C . >1 U) lc Cc’, I j5Q) I 108 01 I day 0 1 B I I I I 2 3 4 5 pRCV C 2x105 2x104- : 8, C.) 2x103- - #{149}:41, S 1 10 ._1 Fig 2. C’, 50- I = 0.51 e I ! course of FPV infection in suspen- sion cultures of cat bone marrow. Bone marrow mononuclear cells were infected at a virus to cell ratio of 1 :20 and the amount of DNA at each time determined by DNA dot blotting of cells and supernant (B). Uninfected cells (c) and supernatant after washing out the viral innoculum served as negative controls. Positive controls included cloned viral DNA (pRCV) and infectious viral supernatant (vi- Al rus). The number of single stranded were determined by densitometry A. “w” denotes the time at which washed free of the viral inoculu. virus C’, Time ng viral genomes and plotted in the cells were From by guest on February 3, 2015. For personal use only. FPV INFECTION OF CAT BONE MARROW IN VITRO 75 Replicative forms inoculation, peaked were apparent as early at around as 24 hours 48 hours, and after disappeared by five days. FPVin tion cence for total ment Cl)- cells. for virus FPV DNA capsid was also and RNA proteins detected (Fig (Fig by in situ 6) and 7). hybridiza- by immunofluores- By the in situ technique, FPV nucleic acids were maximal at 72 hours. Pretreatof the slides with RNase A showed that the peak of 013 RNA not quantity preceded shown). marrow At cells that peak showed were in infection infection, while the grains late plasmic. Similarly, points, cells of 20% (data of total deposition found over the nuclei of cells, deposition was primarily cyto- capsid was were one day about dense was fluorescence 20% by about infection, mainly grain viral immunofluorescence, of DNA of protein, maximal mainly infected of grains. in as determined at 72 hours. nuclear. as Early Between judged by by At all time 10% the and fluorescent signal. e) 0 Specificity Cl) 108 cells cells supernant day 1 day 3 . day 3 - s--s #{149}--- ofFPVfor marrow suspension number of cells present of myeboid lineage were visible on and cultures contained predominantly of 10-5 10-4 10-3 10-2 10-1 Fig 3. Virus output in cat bone marrow suspension culture as a function of the viral inoculum. Varying amounts of virus expressed as the amount of virus (pfu) per bone marrow mononuclear cell were incubated with cells. After 24 hours. the cells were washed free of virus. The number of cell-associated viral genomes was determined at days 1 and 3 after infection and the titers in the supernatant at day 3 by DNA dot blotting followed by densitometry. replication. gel Southern analysis DNA single-stranded stranded bar weight Virus intermediate species replication (Fig 5A). viruses, forms on agarose that gel was demonstrated Parvoviruses, by through migrate as higher electrophoresis virus was to demonstrate pronase or boiling, with ribonuclease a significantly 5B). of the inoculum c?’ by phase serum (Fig FPV (L. Carmichael, but not to heating or deoxyribonuclease to 56#{176}C or to treatment (data not shown). mation comparison and myeboid of the dose (CFU-GM) greater compared response colony susceptibility with erythroid of early formation of myeloid to inhibition erythroid showed colony by FPV protein A control (10% peripheral - FCS)J protein A control (1O%FCS) xlO5cells for(Table 1 hPHA-LCM c of by 1984). Colony inhibiting of the viral inoculum with hPHA-LCM Fig 4. Comparison of FPV propagation in blood and bone marrow in vitro. In this experiment, blood or bone marrow mononuclear cells were infected with virus at a virus to cell ratio of 1 :100 in the presence or absence of protein A (a lymphocyte stimulator) or hPHA-LCM (a source of hematopoietic growth factors). FCS alone served as a control. Cells were harvested at day 3 and the amount of virus determined by DNA dot blot. on In the presence of large quantities of virus, essentially all myeloid and erythroid colony formation was suppressed. molecu- are for effect was a potent inhibitor (Fig 9). Inhibition convalescent neutralizes communication, May was sensitive to treatment 8). medium a virus by the neutralization with canine cross reacts and 10), which personal activity total Wright’s-Giemsa macrophages, erythroblasts (Fig assays in semisolid in order abrogated preincubation However, (BFU-E) (Fig occasional colony marrow double- which replicate control hematopoietic progenitor cells. FPV feline hematopoietic colony formation virus/cell FPV bone of the after 1 week of culture to between cultures. By days 6 to 7, very few cells stain, 20% inoculation reduced and feline 10-6 FPV cells. consistently 10% lymphocytes, and We established 107 myeloid cultures - bone marrow blood From by guest on February 3, 2015. For personal use only. 76 KURTZMAN 0 B a) A ET AL C.) 4 C 9-. . ICLO-1r;:1 >‘>>‘ Co 3’ Cl) CO 2 >‘ CO CD DDD E 5 D F -23.1 dimer RF 3’ 5’ 9.4 - -6.6 ss viral DNA single-stranded viral DNA CT ‘ monomer RF 5’ c__ 3’ - 4.4 - 2.3 - 2.0 - 1.4 - 1.1 monomer RF ci “2 3’ 5’ + 3’ + dimer RF __.) - 0.87 - 5’ - + Fig 5. Southern blot of cat bone marrow cells infected with FPV in suspension culture. Cat bone marrow mononuclear cells were infected at a virus to cell ratio of 1 :20 and cells were harvested at varying times for DNA. The DNA (equivalent to 2 x 1 0 cells) was then subjected to Southern blot analysis in order to determine the presence or absence of replicative forms (A). DNA extracted from infectious supernatant (virus) served as a positive control. (B) Replication scheme of FPV. FPV. which primarily packages the negative DNA strand in virions. replicates by self-priming from the 3’ terminal hairpin. Double stranded monomer and dimer replicative forms (RF) are subsequently cleaved to form new single stranded (as) viral DNA. 1). Late erythroid colonies derived from equally susceptible to inhibition as were The effect of FPV on cells dependent factors was minimize cells, cat and also used or eliminate bone marrow rosetting with tion of exogenous the use of low as a measure undefined percentages there was little of exogenous growth medium and were about colonies. growth specificity. growth the factors calf colony factors, recombinant was Under formation including GM-CSF by these without the conditioned and G-CSF, suggested Our marrow also supported growth M), which were (data not shown). mote the formation of feline human macrophage colonies similarly inhibited in the presence Recombinant human IL-3 failed of myeloid colonies, and neither M-CSF (CFUof FPV to proIL-3 nor GM-CSF would support the formation of BFU-E (data not shown). In contrast to myeloid colony formation, erythroid colony formation stimulated by the presence of burst promoting activity modestly in FeLV-A-FEF affected by FPV. conditioned medium was only ± 1.4; that colony in mitotic of 29% and 39% may ± result the forming cells experiments. was: CFU-E, CFU-GM, CFU-E virus because greater susceptibility primitive erythroid addition Recombinant hematopoietic GM-CSF) CFU-G, to ences to cultures. of 27% recombinant GM-CSF); both of which supported the growth of feline myeloid colonies (Fig 11). Myeboid colony formation stimulated by these recombinant growth factors was completely inhibited by the of FPV rates virus toxicity was the activity of progenitors, assessed in 3H-thymidine suicide mabs, inhibition by thymidine BFU-E, contribureduced serum. To determine whether differences in the mitotic cycling To production by accessory by adherence to plastic erythrocytes; of fetal conditions, addition human of virus growth factor was depleted heterobogous CFU-E CFU-GM on specific ± 4.1 of cell was In four ani71% ± 2.9; (at 1,000 U/mL 22% ± 4.0 (10,000 U/mL 1.7 (x ± SEM). These data be more their high of myeloid progenitors susceptible than BFU-E cycling rate, but that the progenitors compared with was not the result of differ- activity. DISCUSSION results implicate progenitor and panleukopenia FPV in cats. propagation direct precursor infection by FPV of bone cells in the pathogenesis of As a productive in feline bone marrow system, the virus in feline embryonic kidney cells.34 Viral was detected after inoculation with as little plaque-forming U/b6 U/20 to 50 progenitor infectivity, probably reinfection by newly the kinetics is similar to that propagation as I to nucleated cells (or 1 plaque-forming cells), indicating a very high rate due to rapid and multiple rounds synthesized virus. Southern analysis of of 2 of of of From by guest on February 3, 2015. For personal use only. FPV INFECTION OF CAT BONE MARROW IN VITRO 77 Fig 6. In situ hybridization of cat bone marrow cells infected with FPV in vitro. Cells infected at a virus to cell ratio of 1 :4.00 were harvested at varying times and cytocentrifuge preparations were subjected to in situ hybridization with either a specific S labeled cloned FPV probe (pEH2O) or a nonspecific plasmic DNA (pUC19). The experiment presented here was performed under conditions that detected both single stranded viral DNA and RNA. Less than 1 % of cells showed grain deposition at 24 hours (A). By 48 hours (B). 16% of cells were positive and by 72 hours (C). 25%. The number of infected cells subsequently decreased (approximately 10% by day 6). Negative controls included infected cells (48 hours) hybridized with a labeled nonspecific probe (pUC1 9; D) and uninfected cells hybridized with pEH2O (E). (F) Productively infected feline embryo fibroblasts (FEF) hybridized with labeled pEH2O served as positive control. Original magnification x215. DNA confirmed first 24 hours ruses that replication occurrred postinfection), as observed Failure progenitor inhibition larger would cell; of nascent colony indicate that in cultures colony number FPV virus cannot production presumably, of target FPV erythroid genitors virus tent occasional cell replication, be detected, propagation infected as but it is not possible early Late consistent recognizable was myeboid precurin infection viral with a decline granulocytic is limited to in precursors; by the availability progenitor appeared colony formation cells, but to be more by both by several sensitive First, the relative virus dose required derived colony formation compared granulocytic tests myeloid to virus and less and was formation, two but curves. CFU-GM, possibly or toxic in some in Fig 9, the there “hits” have rate susceptibility cally active no difference would be consis- by virus on BFU-E reflecting differences intracellular of human and colony specific factors pro- limited recombinant of cell CFU-E may but of cytotoxCFU-GM, cycling, the contribute was similar by recombinant M-CSF) formation requires the IL-3 growth mitoti- completely and able to by the factors (G-CSF, to our cultures. In these experistimulated by these myeloid- experiments lack much to their perhaps not unexpectedly,33’3 we were the growth of myeloid progenitor cells GM-CSF, ments, to perform rates of in interactions, to FPV, which as a parvovirus cells for propagation. Second, stimulate addition similar of cycling for compared was result expericurve right-shifted This for more binding CFU-G and inhibtion. to inhibit CFU-GMwith BFU-E-derived formation the requirement with sixfold As shown it might also be the result of distinct mechanisms icity in cells of these two lineages. While BFU-E, higher From these results, of infected progeni- cells. inhibited with by after the possibility that infected by FPV. and of the infected when visualized hybridization three days methods at 24 hours. some of the progeny observed. colony slopes cell membrane only exclude are directly similar burst myeboid in the compared by these infer that to viral was a of A although replication less. of infection, permissive with infects cells, calculated determined we would rigorously sor cells about proportion the to be or in situ in infected directly ofaccessory by than an formation FPV depleted formation of cells progenitors appeared immunofluorescence are was to 10 to 15-fold inhibition to see even dishes formation ments in cubtures.338 culture tors colony early (within the for other parvovi- of the inhibited by virus. for the erythroid species absence cross-reactivity of feline activity in human recombinant GM-CSF. conditioned medium rich in feline burst Attempts lineage of burst However, promoting were human promoting when a activity From by guest on February 3, 2015. For personal use only. KURTZMAN 78 ET AL Fig 7. Immunofluorescence. Immunofluorescence was performed by incubation of cytocentrifuge perparations of cultured cat bone marrow cells wtih a specific dog immune serum (anti-CPV. see Methods) followed by FITC-labeled rabbit antidog IgG. Specific fluorescence was detected at 48 hours (A) and 72 hours (B) postinfection predominantly localized to the nucleus. (C) Infected cells (72 hours) reacted with the anti-CPV antibody followed by FITC-labeled rabbit antimouse IgG was exposed for the same time as in B and served as a negative control. (D) Infected FEF cells reacted with anti-CPV followed by FITC-Iabeled rabbit antidog lgG. Original magnification x 550. was used to stimulate colony formation, FPV burst colony cultures also FPV formation. inconsistently propagation, primitive erythroid efficient at inhibiting Erythopoietin added to suspension and at best modestly enhanced in the presence of burst promoting recover.15 their panleukopenia die Fig 8. magnification soon after Wright’s-Giemsa x210. is an acute infection stains disease, of in which septicemia of infected or animals rapidly (A) and uninfected Because levels in production. of blood the are Interruption short life-span dependent of on of rapid direct (B) cat bone suppression death cytotoxicity marrow might of the of FPV cells not animal its after granulocytes, marrow even a global by to affect neutrophil feline panleukopenia, be apparent or for marrow harvested of continued production, marrow infection, would be anticipated levels quickly. Given the course of erythroid activity. Feline either even predominantly was much less either prompt progenitors six days because recovery. also in culture. The offers Original From by guest on February 3, 2015. For personal use only. FPV INFECTION OF CAT BONE MARROW 79 IN VITRO 100 C 0 C’, 80 E 0 >‘ C 0 0 0 0 C 0 0 #{176} U) 8, .L’ E .2 0 U . C 0 C.) virus - Fig 1 0. Antibody neutralization of FPV inhibition of hematopoietic colonies. Virus or virus preincubated with an excess of neutralizing antibody was incubated with bone marrow mononuclear cells at a virus to cell ratio 1 :4 (which had previously been shown to produce maximal inhibition of colony formation). Results shown are the mean ( ± SEM) from two experiments. Supernatant from uninfected NLFK cells (used to propagate virus) showed a slight stimulatory effect on colony formation in three experiments. CFU-E I ..-..-. viruses, and While virus/progenitor 9. Inhibition of clonal hematopoietic colonies by FPV. Typical experiment (experiment 2. Table 1 ) in which the response of myeloid (CFU-GM) and early (BFU-E) and late (CFU-E) erythroid progenitor cells to infection with varying amounts of FPV was determined. (Input virus is expressed as the ratio of the number of infectious virions [pfu] to the number of progenitor cells per 1 x 10’ cells plated in control uninfected cultures). The values plotted represent the mean number of colonies on infected duplicate plates as compared with uninfected control cultures. Error bars represent the standard error of the mean. One possible explanation the severity of experimental host cat’s neutropenia cent infection on primary that there obtained possibility cells finding that Bone derived from degree marrow variability in natural or in the status in these of the microbially inno- effect of FPV the cytopathic litter mates was of variability from different litters differences in marrow based on cell kinetics.42 These studies of FPV have obvious ment experiments with Bl9 parvovirus row.38’43 either be differences a high from animals of genetic following For example, the mild degree of germ-free animals may be the result proliferation The was illness may marrow animals.2’ panleukopenia. for the extraordinary clinical bone marrow. in infected of reduced of feline cells support similiar between but cells suggests the susceptibility in vitro consistent with gation propagation of both are cytotoxic in vitro has to progenitor a high on the addition the absolute on target degree cells. of tropism of specific dependence cell replication. growth factors, of parvovirus propa- In outline, both viruses show similar kinetics of replication in suspension marrow cultures, distribution of virus in a proportion of marrow cells, and decline in propagation with depletion of a limited target cell population. Long suspected of a role in bone marrow have resisted detection. The study of their hematopoietic cells and probes. molecular system of requires The we describe several should aspects of myeloid cells, and viruses with the development of immunologic FPV-feline marrow bone be amenable marrow to the failure the genetic basis a progenitor failure, interaction culture investigation caused including variables affecting susceptibility role of the host immune system, the basis by viruses, of stem cells, for specificity the for of virulence. ACKNOWLEDGMENT We thank William providing of Drs Hardy Genetics Banks for their feline for and We cells and growth of the National assistance immune Janis like Institute with and Cornell Drs of Peter analysis the State Drs David of Arthritis the statistical Drs and and Center Steven for Clark University Tattersall of Colorado to thank University Cancer serum, Abkowitz and Carlson also of Sloan Kettering factors, Jonathan would Carmichael Memorial Institute Washington plasmids. Leland from us with University similarity and complein human bone mar- viruses cells, FPV shows relative specificity for myeloid in both cases, virus infection can be shown to be dependent Fig features the B I 9 parvovirus for erythroid progenitors; 100 for unusual control supematant BFUE . ---- an explanation virus + anti-CPVAb CFU-GM - University Alling of of and Infectious of our data. Yale for Steven Diseases From by guest on February 3, 2015. For personal use only. Table 1 . Inhibition of Cat Hematopoietic CFU-GM Experiment No. Control Colony BFU-E moi, moi Control 1 34 ± 3t 1.3 45 ± 1 15.0 2 24 ± 1 1.3 29 ± 3 7.2 3 51 ± 4 0.6 4 62 ± 2 3.6 60 5 44 ± 6 4.4 45 ± 1 23 ± 1 Control 182 ± 11 8.4 160 ± 3.7 408 ± 17 33.1 response hematopoietic was determined progenitor colony tHematoroietic by incubating cell number. formation moi varying amounts is the multiplicity 8 202 in comparison with of FPV with of infection, control cultures, bone marrow calculated calculated BFU-E/CFU-GM moi, 3.1 78 ± 3 Standard Dose by FPV moiw Geometric to determine Formation CFU-E 11.7 colonies are expressed per 1 x i0 bone marrow mononuclear 2.4 0.8 5.4 0.6 0.3 14.3 0.4 7.0 1.0 2.0 2.7 7.6 0.6 5.9 0.9 1 .6 1.4 mean error mononuclear as virus to progenitor using CFU-E/CFU-GM mot,,, cells, followed cell ratio, a Spearman-Karber response cells plated. Control represents by plating at which there in semisolid was 50% medium inhibition of distribution. mean ( ± SD) of duplicate uninfected plates. *The paired sample §Paired sample t = tfor ratio being different -0.18 (P = 0.8) 100 from one is 3.79 (P = .0 19). A 20% 80 :::i 60 10% 5% 40 1% Cl) 20 a) C.) ‘1 0 CoC\o:*)( x .C\\ co:.*) \ Cocso::)( LC) Cl) a) C B C 0 0 0 5% 80 11 10% 60 CFU-GM CFU-G :: 30% 40 BFU-E Jhli 20 t’ ctt c,tt% c,1’ ‘ .,\ -“‘x Fig 1 1 . FPV inhibition of growth factor dependent hematopoietic colony formation. Adherence depleted and rosetted bone marrow mononuclear cells (see Methods) were plated in semisolid media at varying concentrations of FCS (to minimize or eliminate the effect of undefined growth factors) as indicated above the bars. The effects of (A) recombinant human G-CSF (1 .000 U/mI) and (B) (recombinant human GM-CSF (10.000 U/mL) on the formation of granulocyte (CFU-G). mixed myeloid (CFU-GM). and macrophage (CFU-M) colony formation was determined. The controls reprasent the effect of FCS alone. Cells infected with FPV ( + virus) were infected at a virus to cell ratio of 1 :400. (C) Effect of FPV on BFU-E. Adequate burst formation was only seen in the presence of 30% FCS. CM represents uninfected cells grown in the presence of 7% conditioned medium from FeLV-A infected FEF cells. a source of cat burst promoting activity. FPV infection was performed at a virus to cell ratio of 1 :400 (high) or 1 :4.000 (low). The control is the number of colonies from uninfected cells in the presence of 30% FCS alone. The results of typical experiments shown here are presented as the mean ( ± SD) of duplicate plates. From by guest on February 3, 2015. For personal use only. FPV INFECTION OF CAT BONE MARROW IN VITRO 81 REFERENCES 1 . Kurtzman Balliere’s Clin 2. Baranski GJ, Haematol virus Intern NS, B19 parvovirus 5. Kurtzman infection. JT, Straus marrow failure. SE, Young of aplastic anemia Cells 13:87, Semin J Med and BJ: 25. 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For personal use only. 1989 74: 71-81 Feline parvovirus propagates in cat bone marrow cultures and inhibits hematopoietic colony formation in vitro GJ Kurtzman, L Platanias, L Lustig, N Frickhofen and NS Young Updated information and services can be found at: Articles on similar topics can be found in the following Blood collections Information about reproducing this article in parts or in its entirety may be found online at: Information about ordering reprints may be found online at: Information about subscriptions and ASH membership may be found online at: Blood (print ISSN 0006-4971, online ISSN 1528-0020), is published weekly by the American Society of Hematology, 2021 L St, NW, Suite 900, Washington DC 20036. Copyright 2011 by The American Society of Hematology; all rights reserved.
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