WOM/MAT/CLI/GUI/V1/2014/04 MATERINITY GUIDELINE OBSTETRIC ULTRASOUND APPROVING COMMITTEE(S) EFFECTIVE FROM Maternity Improvement Date approved: Board November 2012 All staff in the maternity service 11th April 2014 DISTRIBUTION RELATED DOCUMENTS STANDARDS OWNER AUTHOR/FURTHER INFORMATION SUPERCEDED DOCUMENTS REVIEW DUE KEYWORDS INTRANET LOCATION(S) Page 1 of 23 Intranet Antenatal Risk Assessment, Booking guideline, Missed Appointments, Multiple Pregnancy, Diabetes NHS Fetal Anomaly Screening Programme Miss. S. Thamban, Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist Mr. J. Aquilina - Consultant in Obstetrics and Gynaecology Mr. M. Raveendran, Consultant in Obstetrics and Gynaecology Mr. M. Gupta, Consultant in Obstetrics and Gynaecology Miss. A. Shah, Consultant in Obstetrics and Gynaecology Dr T Molykutty, Associate Specialist in Obstetrics and Gynaecology Obstetric Ultrasound, Barts and the London, 2011 Fetal Medicine Guidelines, Newham University Hospital NHS Trust, 2012 November 2015 Ultrasound scanning, fetal assessment, ultrasound screening, maternal and fetal assessment unit (MFAU), maternal assessment unit (MAU), fetal assessment unit (FAU), anomaly and growth. http://rl1vmsps02/BHFileshare/Shared%20Doc uments/Forms/AllItems.aspx?RootFolder=%2F BHFileshare%2FShared%20Documents%2FAll %20Trust%2FLocal%20Policies%20and%20Pr ocedures%2FWomen%27s%2FBH%20Women %27s%20CAG%20new%20policies&InitialTabI d=Ribbon%2EDocument&VisibilityContext=WS STabPersistence CONSULTATION WOM/MAT/CLI/GUI/V1/2014/04 Barts Health Maternity Improvement Board Barts and the London unit (BLT) Mr. J. Aquilina, Consultant in Obstetrics and Gynaecology Newham University Hospital unit (NUH) Whipps Cross University Hospital (WX) SCOPE OF APPLICATION AND EXEMPTIONS External Partner(s) Page 2 of 23 Miss A. Shah, Consultant in Obstetrics and Gynaecology Mr. M. Raveendran, Consultant in Obstetrics and Gynaecology Mr M Gupta, Consultant in Obstetrics and Gynaecology Not applicable Included in policy: For the groups listed below, failure to follow the policy may result in investigation and management action which may include formal action in line with the Trust's disciplinary or capability procedures for Trust employees, and other action in relation to organisations contracted to the Trust, which may result in the termination of a contract, assignment, placement, secondment or honorary arrangement. All Trust staff, working within or for the maternity service in whatever capacity All sonographers, agency staff, students midwives, student nurses and doctors in training working within the maternity service Exempted from policy: The following groups are exempt from this policy No staff are exempt from this guideline WOM/MAT/CLI/GUI/V1/2014/04 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION Implementation 5 5 2 ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 5 3 DATING SCAN 6 4 5 COMBINED (NUCHAL TRANSLUCENCY) SCAN Maternal Vaginal Bleeding Vanishing Twin 7 ANOMALY SCANS Normal Variants (Do not refer or report) Hard Markers Hydronephrosis Ventriculomegaly 9 8 8 9 10 10 11 6 UTERINE ARTERY DOPPLERS 11 7 GROWTH SCAN 12 8 LOW LYING PLACENTA 13 9 MISCELLANEOUS Twins Fetal sexing Inadequate examination Indeterminate ultrasound findings Suspected oligohydramnios or polyhydramnios Preterm prelabour rupture of membranes Diabetic pregnancy Fetal presentation and estimated fetal weight Suspected large for date Late bookers (after 24 weeks) 10 CERVICAL LENGTH 11 REDUCED FETAL MOVEMENTS Under 28 weeks gestation: 28 weeks gestation: Decision Tree 13 13 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 16 17 12 MANAGEMENT OF SUSPECTED INTRAUTERINE GROWTH RESTRICTION 18 13 RETAINED PRODUCTS OF CONCEPTION 19 14 MANAGEMENT OF ADNEXAL MASSESS DETECTED IN PREGNANCY 19 Page 3 of 23 WOM/MAT/CLI/GUI/V1/2014/04 15 BREACH OF GUIDELINES/POLICIES 19 16 MONITORING COMPLIANCE 20 17 REFERENCES Appendix 1: Change Log Appendix 2 – Impact assessments Page 4 of 23 22 23 23 WOM/MAT/CLI/GUI/V1/2014/04 OBSTETRIC ULTRASOUND 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 This document is set out to provide best-practice guidelines based on current scientific evidence. This document is neither comprehensive, nor does it set out to dictate management policy. We encourage staff referring women to the unit to discuss cases with the obstetric sonographers or Maternal and Fetal Assessment unit (MFAU) or Maternal Assessment Unit (MAU), so that we may all utilise our time and resources efficiently. 1.2 The services in the Unit will be divided into the following sections: 1.2.1 Routine ultrasound - nuchal, anomaly and growth scans. 1.2.2 Maternal and Fetal Assessment unit (MFAU) - service for women booked at Royal London and Whipps Cross and Maternal Assessment Unit (MAU) at Newham 1.2.3 Fetal Medicine Unit (FMU) - tertiary level referral service for pregnant women provided by Consultants with Obstetric Ultrasound/Fetal Medicine experience. Implementation 1.3 Information on how to access guidelines will be included in the orientation pack for medical staff and midwives. 1.4 The updated paper copy will be attached to guideline notice board, in each clinical area for four weeks. 1.5 Electronic copies will be distributed to the lead Midwives in each clinical area. 1.6 The guideline will be available via the trust intranet and circulated to guidelines foldersDefine any specialist terms used in the policy whose meanings may be open to ambiguity or not obvious to those using the policy. 2 2.1 ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Fetal Medicine Referrals - If a women needs to be referred to FMU at their respective location, the appointment should be organised via MFAU or MAU before the women leaves the department and the date and time of the referral should be documented on the scan report. The patient should be seen within 3 working days from the time of the referral Page 5 of 23 WOM/MAT/CLI/GUI/V1/2014/04 Fetal Medicine Unit Telephone Fax Newham 020 7363 9172 020 7363 9341 The Royal London 020 3594 2512 020 3594 3218 Whipps Cross 020 8535 6530 020 8535 6480 2.2 FMU Consultant not available - If the FMU consultant is away and a fetal abnormality is detected which the sonographer feels needs to be seen before the next available appointment, please refer to other legacy sites (section 2.5). 2.3 FMU Neonatal referrals - Information on Prenatally diagnosed defects/lesions are discussed at monthly Fetal Medicine MDT meeting at the respective location. 3 DATING SCAN 3.1 All women are offered a dating scan. This is preferably between 10 weeks +0 days– 13 weeks +6 weeks gestation. At this scan viability of the pregnancy is assessed and ultrasound dates acquired by measuring the Crown-Rump Length (CRL). If any gross anomalies are suspected or seen refer to FMU. 3.2 The USS date is generally considered more accurate and all pregnancies are now re-dated: 3.3 By CRL up to 84mm in first trimester By Head Circumference (HC) after 14 weeks gestation or CRL > 84mm Any fetus with nuchal fold thickening (NT≥3.5mm) should be referred immediately to FMU before offering first trimester screening for trisomy 21. This is to discuss the option of invasive assessment and referral to Royal London for fetal echocardiography at 20 weeks. Page 6 of 23 WOM/MAT/CLI/GUI/V1/2014/04 3.4 The management for different early ultrasound findings is itemised in the Table below. Ultrasound Findings Discriminatory Findings Suspected Hydatiform mole Gestation sac is visible, but no fetal pole Action Refer to early pregnancy assessment unit (EPAU) Largest sac Re-scan in 10-14 days diameter < 25mms (TVS) in EPAU Largest sac Refer to EPAU diameter ≥ 25mms (TVS) Gestation sac and pole visible, but no heart beat Foetal pole Re-scan in 10-14 days < 7mms (TVS) in EPAU Foetal pole Refer to EPAU ≥ 7mms (TVS) Gestational sac not seen Negative urinary No action Pregnancy test Positive urinary Refer to EPaU Pregnancy test 4 COMBINED (NUCHAL TRANSLUCENCY) SCAN 4.1 Women booking at Barts’ Health will be invited to have this ultrasound scan as the preferred method of screening for chromosomal and cardiac abnormalities. 4.2 The objectives of the Nuchal Translucency (NT) Scan are to: 4.3 Confirm viability Pregnancy dating (see page 2) Diagnose multiple pregnancy and determine chorionicity Diagnose major structural anomalies Screen for chromosomal and cardiac abnormalities by measuring nuchal translucency The Crown Rump Length (CRL) should be 45-84mm and NT should be measured 4.3.1 If the CRL is <45mm, a repeat scan should be arranged for measurement of NT 4.3.2 If the CRL is >84mm, discuss further screening i.e. Quad’s test Page 7 of 23 WOM/MAT/CLI/GUI/V1/2014/04 4.4 4.3.3 If the NT cannot be measured, and if gestation ≤ 13 week+0days, discuss with the fetal medicine consultant. A Transvaginal scan to measure the NT may be offered at the discretion of the fetal medicine consultant. If gestation ≥ 13 weeks+ 0 days, refer for Quad’s test 4.3.4 All twins should be offered combined screening (See Multiple Pregnancy Guidelines). They should be referred to Multiple Pregnancy clinics at the respective sites within 2 weeks. 4.3.5 If multiple pregnancy is diagnosed, they are referred as A&B as their nomenclature 4.3.6 Triplets- refer to the Multiple Pregnancy Lead for nuchal translucency assessment Printed stored images If fetal pole is not visible, gestational sac with diameter measurement. CRL Magnified NT measurement (care must be taken to differentiate between the skin and amnion) Cross-section of cranium, showing 2 hemispheres. 4.5 Action to take: 4.5.1 If any anomalies are suspected or Down’s risk is >1: 150, refer to FMU 4.5.2 If the NT. ≥97.5th centile (3.5mm) refer to FMU for the possibility of invasive assessment. They will have fetal echocardiography at 20 weeks at the Royal London regardless whether they accept or decline invasive assessment 4.5.3 All twins will be rescanned according to the Multiple Pregnancy Guidelines. Maternal Vaginal Bleeding 4.6 If there is a history of significant maternal vaginal bleeding at the time of the first trimester screening for Down’s syndrome, there have been concerns that this might change maternal blood levels of the biochemical markers used in the combined test, perhaps secondary to placental disruption. However it is recommended that combined test is used in the normal way (calculating the risk based on maternal age, nuchal translucency, HCG and PAPP-A levels), because current data suggests that the biochemical marker levels are not significantly different in women with this history. Vanishing Twin 4.7 When ultrasound shows that there is an empty second pregnancy sac, the biochemical markers appear no different to those in a singleton pregnancy and the combined test of NT, PAPP-A and free beta HCG can be used to calculate the risk. If ultrasound shows that there is a second sac containing a dead fetus (sometimes called ‘vanished’ twin), it is possible that there could be a contribution to the Page 8 of 23 WOM/MAT/CLI/GUI/V1/2014/04 maternal biochemical markers for many weeks. We recommend that in this event services undertake the risk calculation based on the maternal age and nuchal translucency only (i.e. without biochemistry). 5 ANOMALY SCANS 5.1 All women booking at Barts Health are invited to have this ultrasound scan between 18+0 and 20+6 weeks gestation. 5.2 The objectives of the scan are: Diagnose spina bifida Diagnose other major fetal abnormality To screen for ultrasound markers of chromosomal abnormalities in women who did not have NT or serum biochemistry 5.3 The following should be examined in the fetus: cerebral ventricles, choroid plexus, posterior fossa, cerebellum, facial profile, lip/hard palate, spinal column (transverse, coronal and longitudinal), 4-chamber view of the heart and great vessels, chest contents, diaphragm, stomach, abdominal wall, umbilical cord and vessels, kidneys, renal pelvic, bladder, all long bones, hands and feet 5.4 The following measurements should be obtained: BPD, HC, TCD, Va, Vp, nuchal pad, AC and FL. 5.5 If the Abdominal circumference (AC) 5th Dopplers (see Doppler guidelines) 5.6 The diagnosis of nuchal pad>6mm should prompt referral to FMU as there is a strong association with Down’s syndrome. 5.7 Printed stored images centile perform uterine artery Standard BPD view Trans-cerebellar diameter (TCD) Coronal section of the lips with nasal tip Abdominal circumference demonstrating AC measurement Femur length Sagittal section of spine including spine and sacrum Normal Variants (Do not refer or report) 5.8 Women should NOT be referred to FMU for further assessment of chromosomal aneuploidies if the following whether single or multiple are seen in the anomaly scan and should not be reported on the fetal database: Page 9 of 23 Choroid plexus cysts Dilated cisterna magna Cardiac Echogenic foci Two-vessel cord WOM/MAT/CLI/GUI/V1/2014/04 Hard Markers 5.9 The following appearance should be reported and the women referred to FMU for further assessment 5.10 Nuchal fold greater than 6mm Ventriculomegaly (posterior horn greater than 10mm) Echogenic bowel (with density equal or greater than fetal bone) Renal pelvic dilatation greater than 7mm In fetus with echogenic bowel, maternal blood should be taken for CMV and Toxoplasmosis before they are seen in FMU. Hydronephrosis 5.11 All anomaly scans should involve the assessment of the fetal kidneys. If the renal pelvis appears dilated, the antero-posterior renal pelvis diameter (APRPD) should be measured. 5.12 Classification of hydronephrosis At 20 weeks, APRPD >7mm. If ≥10mm, refer to FMU After 30 weeks, 10mm Is the risk for Down’s syndrome increased? 5.13 Yes – if the woman has NOT had NT or biochemical screening and is 35years old at booking No – if NT or biochemical screening has been performed and is classified as low risk. 5.14 What follow-up is required? 5.15 If > 7 but <10mm repeat scan at 34 weeks If ≥10mm, repeat scan at 26 weeks (and 34 weeks if persistent) Action: For low-risk women with isolated hydronephrosis please give and explain the provided information sheets. If fetal hydronephrosis is associated with other chromosomal markers, dilated ureters, distended bladder or reduced liquor volume, the women should be referred to the FMU. If the fetal hydronephrosis persists into the third trimester, the women should be referred to FMU. Women with third trimester fetal hydronephrosis should have this noted on the delivery page of their hand-held notes. 5.16 Criteria for referral to Miss Ashwini, Consultant neonatal surgeons: Page 10 of 23 Megacystitis with patient opting for expectant management Bilateral hydronephrosis Unilateral APRPD ≥ 20mm WOM/MAT/CLI/GUI/V1/2014/04 Ventriculomegaly 5.17 Refer to FMU if posterior horn >10mm. 5.18 Offer fetal MRI in the presence of 6 additional cranial anomalies, progressive ventriculomegaly, previous pregnancy affected by neuronal migration disorder meningomyelocele (when patients opts to continue with pregnancy) UTERINE ARTERY DOPPLERS 6.1 The following women should be offered uterine artery Dopplers (UAD). Group 1 - Any TWO of these factors: 1st pregnancy Pregnancy interval < 6 months or ≥ 60 months Maternal age ≥ 35 years BMI ≥ 40 at booking (see 4.10.7) BMI < 20 at booking Family history of pre-eclampsia (mother, sister) Multiple Pregnancy Group 2 - Any ONE of these factors: Pre-eclampsia in previous pregnancy Previous small for gestational age i.e. BW Maternal age> 40 years Chronic hypertension, Chronic renal disease, Autoimmune disease (SLE or antiphospholipid antibodies) PAPPA<0.4 Mom in the combined test Pre-existing diabetes Echogenic bowel Previous history of stillbirth Previous history placental abruption AC or EFW ≤ 5th centile Group 3 - Past history of any of these factors: IUGR± PET that needed delivery before 34 weeks 6.2 All women in all three groups will be offered UAD at 18-20 weeks (at the time of the anomaly scan). However women in group 3) will be offered UAD at 16 weeks at Royal London Hospital. 6.3 Who needs follow-up? Page 11 of 23 Mean (average of both sides) Pulsatility index (PI) >1.45 transabdominally WOM/MAT/CLI/GUI/V1/2014/04 6.4 What follow-up is required in those who are screen positive for uterine artery Doppler? Group 1 Repeat growth-scan at 32 weeks. If this is normal, no further scans are booked. If growth velocity has fallen at 32 weeks, follow up scans should be arranged in the FMU clinic at 2 weeks interval. Group 2 and 3 Repeat growth scan at least every 4 weeks (or sooner if any clinical concerns) 6.5 In women at high risk of preeclampsia (from history or positive uterine artery Doppler), should be commenced on aspirin at or before 16 weeks 6.6 Consider induction of labour between 37 and 38 weeks in those which are screen positive for uterine artery Doppler 6.7 Any abnormalities in growth velocity, liquor volume or fetal Doppler should be referred to FMU. 6.8 In women BMI≥ 40, they should have growth scan at 28 and 34 weeks even if UAD are normal 7 GROWTH SCAN 7.1 Objective – To assess fetal wellbeing and placental function 7.2 Umbilical artery Doppler should form part of routine growth assessment 7.3 Multiple pregnancy - twins or higher-order multiples. For specific scan intervals according to chorionicity see Multiple Pregnancy Guideline 7.4 The following measurements should be obtained: BPD, HC, AC and FL. Liquor volume should be assessed objectively using deepest vertical pool (DVP) i) DVP<2 is classified as oligohydramnios ii) DVP>8 are classified as polyhydramnios 7.5 If polyhydramnios is present the client should be referred to the FMU. 7.6 In suspected oligohydramnios and/or reduced growth velocity they should be referred to FMU and the flow chart at 4.19 should serve as a guideline. 7.7 Printed stored Images Page 12 of 23 Standard AC measurement DVP Umbilical artery Doppler WOM/MAT/CLI/GUI/V1/2014/04 8 LOW LYING PLACENTA Gestation Finding Action 21-23 weeks Placenta clearly overlaps the os – unscarred uterus Rescan at 36 weeks Anterior placenta, clearly overlaps the os – previous uterine surgery/LSCS Rescan with FMU at 32 weeks to assess for placenta accreta Placental edge > 2cms from the internal os Label as “low-lying”, if “anterior” or “posterior” and “Suitable for trial of vaginal delivery by FMU guidelines” Placental edge < 2cms from the internal os Rescan 1 week, label as “major praevia” and whether “anterior” or “posterior”. Placental edge overlaps the internal os Refer to attending clinician ASAP & MDT plan for birth: LSCS at 38 weeks Placental edge > 2cms from the internal os Label as “low-lying”, if “anterior” or “posterior” and “Suitable for trial of vaginal delivery by FMU guidelines” Placental edge < 2 cm or crossing the os Refer to MFAU ASAP: LSCS at 38 weeks 36 weeks 37 weeks 8.1 If the placenta is anterior, note this in the comments so that the clinicians are prepared to cut through the placenta at LSCS. 8.2 Ideally the transvaginal route is preferable to assess placental site especially in cases where suboptimal views are obtained trans-abdominally. 8.3 If there are any queries about part of the scan a second opinion should be sought from a senior sonographer or referred to the doctor in the Fetal Medicine Unit. 8.4 Women who have had a previous caesarean section who also have either placenta praevia or an anterior placenta underlying the old caesarean section scar at 32 weeks of gestation are at increased risk of placenta accreta and should be managed as if they have placenta accreta, with appropriate preparations for surgery made. 9 MISCELLANEOUS Twins 9.1 Dichorionic twins should have growth scans in the obstetric USS department every 4 weeks from 20 weeks. Monochorionic twins should have scans every 2 weeks at each respective fetal medicine unit from 16 weeks till 24 weeks, then every 3 weeks till 30 weeks. They should then be followed up by growth scan in the obstetric USS department every 3 weeks (see multiple pregnancy guidelines) Page 13 of 23 WOM/MAT/CLI/GUI/V1/2014/04 Fetal sexing 9.2 If during the scan the patient wishes to know the sex of her baby, the sonographer can reveal the sex after explaining that ultrasound is not 100% accurate. Should any difficulties arise in sexing (i.e. due to position or cord), the patient should be given the reason for this. A repeat scan is NOT indicated for this indication. Inadequate examination 9.3 If any part of the examination is inadequate, a re-scan must be booked. Where a scan is of a poor image quality due to body habitus this should be noted in the report. Indeterminate ultrasound findings 9.4 If there are any queries about part of the scan a second opinion should be sought from a senior sonographer or referred to the FMU. Suspected oligohydramnios or polyhydramnios 9.5 Unless otherwise stated the request is treated as non-urgent and an appointment will be made within one week. Preterm prelabour rupture of membranes 9.6 This is a clinical diagnosis. Request to confirm this diagnosis by USS will be rejected. There is also no indication to measure the aminiotic fluid index weekly in cases of preterm rupture of membrane. Diabetic pregnancy 9.7 Fetal echocardiography should be arranged for pre-pregnancy diabetics at 20 weeks. Serial growth scans should automatically be booked every 4 weeks from 26 weeks gestation and 2 weekly after 36 weeks (at 26, 30, 34, 36, 38 weeks). All women should have umbilical artery dopplers done routinely as part of the growth scan even if growth velocity is normal. Do not book routine scans for GDM not requiring insulin unless there are specific indications like suspected macrosomia. Fetal presentation and estimated fetal weight 9.8 Referrals are usually only appropriate after 36 weeks unless premature vaginal delivery is contemplated. If a breech presentation is confirmed the position of the legs will be reported, in addition to the estimated fetal weight. If the lie is transverse after 36 weeks, or if the placenta is reported as low lying after 36 weeks in late bookers, the woman MUST be reviewed by fetal medicine unit. Suspected large for date 9.9 Referral for growth scan to estimate fetal size would not be accepted unless there is polyhydramnios or other risk factors. Page 14 of 23 WOM/MAT/CLI/GUI/V1/2014/04 Late bookers (after 24 weeks) If the fetus is below 2 SD’s then the women should have uterine artery Dopplers performed to rule out uteroplacental insufficiency. If uterine artery Dopplers are normal rebook for follow up scan in 4 weeks’ time to check growth velocity. They should also have attempted full anomaly scan taking account of the limited view at late gestation. 9.10 10 CERVICAL LENGTH 10.1 At present this should be performed at the discretion of the referring clinician. Cervical length measurements should ONLY be performed using the transvaginal route and an empty bladder. They are normally performed at 22-24 weeks or earlier at the referring clinician’s discretion. 10.2 Who needs cervical length? 10.3 Women who have had a previous 16-32 week spontaneous delivery Who does NOT need cervical length? Previous 1st trimester miscarriages Spontaneous rupture of membranes 10.4 Cervical length at 12-14 weeks prior or post cervical cerclage are of little benefit and are not indicated 10.5 If the cervical length is ≤ 25mm (+/- cervical funnelling),the women should be referred to their respective fetal medicine unit 10.6 Printed stored images 11 Cervical length REDUCED FETAL MOVEMENTS 11.1 There is insufficient evidence to recommend formal fetal movement counting using specified alarm limits. Women should be advised to be aware of their baby’s individual pattern of movements. 11.2 If they are concerned about a reduction in or cessation of fetal movements after 28+0 weeks of gestation, they should contact their maternity unit. 11.3 If women are unsure whether movements are reduced after 28+0 weeks of gestation, they should be advised to lie on their left side and focus on fetal movements for 2 hours. If they do not feel 10 or more discrete movements in 2 hours, they should contact their midwife or maternity unit immediately. 11.4 Women who are concerned about RFM should not wait until the next day for assessment of fetal wellbeing. Page 15 of 23 WOM/MAT/CLI/GUI/V1/2014/04 11.5 All clinicians should be aware of the potential association of decreased fetal movements with key risk factors such as fetal growth restriction (FGR), small-forgestational-age (SGA) fetus, placental insufficiency and congenital malformations. 11.6 USS when required must be performed within 24 hours or when service is next available 11.7 Caregivers should be aware of the increased risk of poor perinatal outcome in women presenting with recurrent RFM. Under 28 week’s gestation: 11.8 If a woman presents with RFM prior to 24+0 weeks of gestation, the presence of a fetal heartbeat should be confirmed by auscultation with a Doppler handheld device. 11.9 If fetal movements have never been felt by 24 weeks of gestation, referral to a specialist 11.10 fetal medicine centre should be considered to look for evidence of fetal neuromuscular conditions. 11.11 If a woman presents with RFM between 24+0 and 28+0 weeks of gestation the 11.12 presence of a fetal heartbeat should be confirmed by auscultation with a Doppler handheld device. 11.13 If there are risk factors for fetal compromise or abnormal examination findings, refer to USS Page 16 of 23 WOM/MAT/CLI/GUI/V1/2014/04 28 weeks gestation: Decision Tree First presentation of reduced fetal movements (RFM) at >28+0 Detailed history including risk factors for stillbirth and fetal growth restriction (FGR) History confirms RFM Auscultate for FH with sonicaid to exclude intrauterine fetal death (IUFD) FH not present FH present CTG Refer to USS Suspicious or pathological FHR Normal FHR Refer to LW Continue with RFM or risk factors for FGR/stillbirth Reduced SFH USS growth +/- Doppler’s Perception of RFM resolved and no risk factors for FGR/stillbirth Normal SFH Reassure/give advice re: further episodes of RFM. If further episodes of RFM refer to MFAU 11.14 Ensure woman has ANC appointment arranged for one week either with community midwife, General Practitioner or hospital. 11.15 Advise women to come back to hospital/ contact her midwife if RFM occurs. 11.16 Women with recurring reduced fetal movement will need to be reviewed by a doctor Page 17 of 23 WOM/MAT/CLI/GUI/V1/2014/04 12 MANAGEMENT OF SUSPECTED INTRAUTERINE GROWTH RESTRICTION High risk of SGA fetus based on history, biochemistry or uterine artery Doppler Symphysis fundal height indicating small for dates th Single AC or EFW<10 centile Serial measurement crossing centile UA Doppler th Pi ≤ 95 centile th Pi>95 centile and EDF present AREDV Repeat ultrasound (fortnightly) UA Doppler Repeat UA MCA Doppler Doppler twice weekly AC & EFW Repeat UA and DV Doppler daily Delivery Delivery Delivery Consider delivery at 37-38 weeks Recommend delivery by 37 weeks Recommend delivery by 37 weeks if Consider delivery > 34 weeks if static growth over 3 weeks Consider delivery before 32 weeks after steroids if Consider steroids if delivery by cs (as per RCOG guidelines) -abnormal DV Doppler and/or CTG provided ≥24 weeks and EFW>500g -static growth over 3-4 weeks -MCA Doppler pi <5 centile th Recommend steroids if delivery is by cs (as per RCOG guidelines) Page 18 of 23 Recommend delivery by 32 weeks after steroids WOM/MAT/CLI/GUI/V1/2014/04 13 RETAINED PRODUCTS OF CONCEPTION 13.1 Pelvic ultrasound is very specific (low false-positive rate) in the detection of third trimester retained products of conception but not very sensitive, i.e. a negative ultrasound will not exclude retained products in approximately 60% of women who present with bleeding. 13.2 Pelvic ultrasound is therefore not indicated in the management of women who are admitted in the puerperuim with bleeding from the lower genital tract. These women should be managed on the basis of their clinical signs and symptoms. Ultrasound is only indicated if there is a suspicion that placenta is incomplete in asymptomatic women. 14 14.1 15 MANAGEMENT OF ADNEXAL MASSESS DETECTED IN PREGNANCY Simple cysts greater than or equal to 5cm diameter or complex cysts (with solid/cystic components) of any size should be referred to the Fetal Medicine Department for review and further management. BREACH OF GUIDELINES/POLICIES If staff have concerns regarding adherence to this guideline they should raise the issue immediately with the senior midwife, a member of the medical team or senior sonographer. Page 19 of 23 WOM/MAT/CLI/GUI/V1/2014/04 16 MONITORING COMPLIANCE Key Element to be Monitored Lead Combined scan – gestation combined scan performed, offering combined screening Anomaly Scan – gestation performed. Percentage carrying out correct time frame. Reduced fetal movements. Percentage Over 28+0 weeks with a history of reduced fetal movements having CTG to Antenatal & Proforma Newborn Screening Coordinator Page 20 of 23 Antenatal & Newborn Screening Coordinator Lead Obstetrician for fetal medicine Monitoring Tool Proforma, National screening committee key performance indicators Proforma Monitoring Frequency Committee to review the results and receive the reports Acting on recommendations Annual – feed National screening Sonographer monthly back to committee/ meeting meeting Sonographer monthly quarterly meeting Feedback to community midwives – through email and community forum Annual National screening Sonographer monthly committee/ meeting Sonographer monthly meeting Feedback to community midwives – through email and community forum Part of 3 yearly Results feedback to Labour Ward forum audit cycle the maternity and gynaecology audit will undertake recommendations meeting Implementation of practice changes and lessons learned. Sharing best practice Feedback to community midwives – through email and community forum Lessons will be shared with all relevant staff groups Feedback to community midwives – through email and community forum Lessons will be shared with all relevant staff groups Reports will be circulated to all relevant clinical areas, Emailed to all relevant staff groups. Required changes to practice will be identified and actioned with a WOM/MAT/CLI/GUI/V1/2014/04 Key Element to be Monitored exclude fetal compromise. Women that have an USS Women presenting with recurrent RFM referred for growth scan / liquor volume assessment Lead Monitoring Tool Monitoring Frequency Committee to review the results and receive the reports Acting on recommendations Implementation of practice changes and lessons learned. Sharing best practice specific time frame, at the Delivery Suite Forum. A lead member will be identified to take each change forward. Lessons will be shared with the relevant staff groups This guideline will be monitored as part of the 3 yearly audit cycle, is maybe as part of other audit topic’s for example Multiple Pregnancy, preexisting diabetes. Actions from these audits will be monitored through maternity and gynaecology audit committee. Page 21 of 23 WOM/MAT/CLI/GUI/V1/2014/04 17 REFERENCES Bhide A, Prefumo F, Moore J, Hollis B, Thilaganathan B. (2003) Placental edge to internal os distance in the late third trimester and mode of delivery in placenta praevia. BJOG : an international journal of obstetrics and gynaecology. 2003 Sep;110(9):860-4. PubMed PMID: 14511970. Kirwan D. (2010)18+0 to 20+6 Weeks Fetal Anomaly Scan National Standards and Guidance for England. National Anomaly Screening Programme, 2010. Loughna P, Chitty L, Evans T, Chudleigh T. (2009) Fetal size and dating charts recommended for clinical obstetric practice. Ultrasound. 2009, 17(3) NICE (2008) Antenatal care (NICE clinical guidelines 62) London: NICE Press. NICE (2011) Multiple Pregnancy (NICE Clinical Guidelines 129). London: NICE Press. RCOG. (2011) Placenta Praevia, Placenta Praevia Accreta and Vasa Praevia: Diagnosis and Management (Green-top 27), . RCOG Press. RCOG.(2011) Cervical Cerclage (Green Top Guideline 60). London: RCOG Press,. RCOG. (2011) Reduced Fetal Movements (Green-top 57), RCOG Press. RCOG. (2012) Small-for-Gestational-Age Fetus, Investigation and Management (Greentop 31) RCOG Press Spencer K, Spencer CE, Stamatopoulou A, Staboulidou I, Nicolaides KH. (2010) Early vaginal bleeding has no impact on markers used in first trimester aneuploidy screening. Prenatal diagnosis. 2010 June; 30(6):547-50. PubMed PMID: 20509154 Spencer K, Staboulidou I, Nicolaides KH. (2010) First trimester aneuploidy screening in the presence of a vanishing twin: implications for maternal serum markers. Prenatal diagnosis. 2010 Mar;30(3):235-40. PubMed PMID: 20066674. Yu CK, Khouri O, Onwudiwe N, Spiliopoulos Y, Nicolaides KH, (2008) Fetal Medicine Foundation Second-Trimester Screening G. Prediction of pre-eclampsia by uterine artery Doppler imaging: relationship to gestational age at delivery and small-for-gestational age. Ultrasound in obstetrics & gynecology : the official journal of the International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology;31(3):310-3. PubMed PMID: 18241089. Page 22 of 23 WOM/MAT/CLI/GUI/V1/2014/04 Appendix 1: Change Log Change Log – Obstetric Ultrasound Substantive changes since previous version Reason for Change Author & Group(s) approving change(s) New guideline Merger of 3 guidelines Consultant Obstetricians and Gynaecologists Maternity Improvement Board Appendix 2 – Impact assessments Equalities impact checklist - must be completed for all new policies Microsoft Word 97 2003 Document Organisational impact checklist - must be completed for all new policies Organisational impact assessment Page 23 of 23
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