THE FEDERAL POLYTECHNIC EDE (Office of the Registrar) Private Mail Bag 231 Osun State INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL STAFF VACANCIES ADVERTISEMENT Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates to fill the following vacant positions in the Polytechnic. A. ACADEMIC POSITIONS 1 SCHOOL OF APPLIED SCIENCES POSITIONS i. ii. Senior Lecturer Lecturer 1 iii. Lecturer II 2. AREAS OF SPECIALIZATION - Nutrition and Dietetics Computer Science Nutrition and Dietetics Computer Science Library and Information Science SCHOOLS OF ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES POSITIONS AREAS OF SPECIALIZATION i. Principal/Senior Lecturer ii. Lecturer I - Agric Engineering Technology Building Technology Fashion Design Technology Printing Technology Welding and Fabrication Technology Geological Technology Mechanical Engineering Fashion Design Technology Printing Technology Welding and Fabrication Technology Architectural Technology Building Technology Surveying and Geo-informatics Geological Technology - Mechanical Engineering Technology Computer Engineering Technology Agric Engineering Technology Architectural Technology Surveying and Geo-informatics Fashion Design Technology Printing Technology Welding and Fabrication Technology iii. Lecturer II iv. Lecturer III - Fashion Design Technology Printing Technology Welding and Fabrication Technology Fashion Design Technology Printing Technology Welding and Fabrication Technology Fashion Design Technology Printing Technology Welding and Fabrication Technology Textile Technology Fashion Design Technology Printing Technology Welding and Fabrication Technology Textile Technology v. Assistant Lecturer vi. Principal Instructor I viii. Senior Instructor - Fashion Design Technology Printing Technology Welding and Fabrication Technology ix. Higher Instructor - Fashion Design Technology Printing Technology Welding and Fabrication Technology x. Principal Technologist - Fashion Design Technology Printing Technology Welding and Fabrication Technology xi. Senior Technologist - Fashion Design Technology Printing Technology Welding and Fabrication Technology xii. Technologist I - Fashion Design Technology Printing Technology Welding and Fabrication Technology xiii. Technologist II - Fashion Design Technology Printing Technology Welding and Fabrication Technology vii. Principal Instructor II 5. CENTRE FOR INFORMATION AND COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY i ii. 6. Chief Programme/System Analyst Programme/System Analyst I NON TEACHING STAFF POSITION Medical Centre i. ii. ii. Medical Laboratory Scientist Medical Laboratory Scientist Senior Pharmacist II I - Medical Laboratory Science Medical Laboratory Science Pharmacy QUALIFICATIONS AND WORK EXPERIENCE 1. PRINCIPAL LECTURER - CONPCASS 9 – N4,127,668 – N5,407,503 i. ii. iii. Doctorate degree with a minimum of a year cognate experience or Master’s in relevant discipline from recognized institutions of higher learning with a minimum of 11 years cognate work experience Appropriate number of required relevant journal publications, standard tertiary textbooks and conference/seminar papers Evidence of Registration with relevant professional body. 2 . SENIOR LECTURER – CONPCASS 7 – N2,733,869 – N3,643,204 3. i. Doctorate Degree with 6 years cognate experience or Master’s degree in relevant discipline from a recognized institution of higher learning with a minimum of 8 years cognate experience with a proven ability for applied research and production work. i. Appropriate number of required relevant journal publications, standard textbooks and conference/seminar papers. ii. Evidence of registration with relevant professional bodies. LECTURER I – CONPCASS 5 – N1,833,967 – N2,588, 927 i. 4. LECTURER II - CONPCASS 3 – 1,460,163 – 2,120,427 i. 5. Same as in (i-iii) above, a P.hD holder or relevant discipline or master degree holder with a minimum of 3 years cognate experience or Bachelor degree, first class or second class upper in the relevant field with 5 years cognate experience LECTURER III – CONPCASS 2 – N1,258,654 – N1,866,315 i 6. Same as in (i-iii) above with a minimum of 3 years cognate experience for a P.hD holder or 5 years for a master’s degree holder or 7 years for a first degree holder Holder of master’s degree in relevant discipline from a recognized institution of higher learning or a good honours degree preferably first class or second class upper in the relevant field with a minimum of 3 years post qualification cognate experience ASSISTANT LECTURER CONPCASS 1 – N1,084,017 – N1,600,308 i. A relevant good honours degree, preferably first class or second class upper plus NYSC discharge certificate 7. PRINCIPAL INSTRUCTOR I CONPCASS 5 – N1,833,967 – N2,588,927 i. 8. PRINCIPAL INSTRUCTOR II – CONPCASS 3 – N1,460,163 – N1,120,427 i. 9. HND in relevant field with distinction or upper credit grade with a minimum of 9 years cognate experience or full Technological Certificate or equivalent with a minimum of 12 years cognate experience. SENIOR TECHNOLOGIST – CONPCASS 3 – N1,460,163 – N2,120,427 i. 13. HND in relevant field with distinction or upper credit grade from recognized institution with NYSC discharge certificate and Technical Teachers Certificate. PRINCIPAL TECHNOLOGIST – CONPCASS 5 – N1,833,967 – N2,588,927 i. 12. HND in relevant field with distinction or upper credit grade plus at least 3 years cognate experience or FTC plus at least 5 years cognate experience and Technical certificate in each case. HIGHER INSTRUCTOR CONPCASS 1 – N1,084,017 – N1,600,308 i. 11. HND in relevant field from recognized institution or equivalent with distinction or upper credit grade plus at least 6 years of cognate experience or FTC plus 8 years relevant experience and Technical Teachers Certificate in each case. SENIOR INSTRUCTOR – CONPCASS 2 – N1,258,654 – N1,866,315 i. 10. HND in relevant field with distinction or upper credit grade from recognized institution with minimum of 9 years of cognate experience or full Technological Certificate or equivalent with minimum of 12 years cognate experience. HND in relevant field with distinction or upper credit grade with a minimum of 6 years cognate experience or full Technological Certificate or equivalent with a minimum of 9 years cognate experience. TECHNOLOGIST 1 – CONPCASS 2 – N1,258,654 – N1,866,315 i. HND in relevant field with distinction or upper credit grade with a minimum of 3 years cognate experience or full Technological Certificate or equivalent with a minimum of 6 years cognate experience. 14. 15. TECHNOLOGIST II – CONPCASS 1 – N1,084,017 – N1,600,308 i. HND in relevant field with distinction or upper credit grade or equivalent certificate or Full Technological Certificate (or equivalent) plus 3 years relevant experience. i CHIEF PROGRAMME/SYSTEM ANALYST N3,643,204 – CONTEDISS 13 – N2,733,869 – A relevant good Bachelor’s degree or Higher National Diploma in Computer Science with full registration with relevant professional body (e.g Computer Professional Registration Council) and at least seventeen (17) years post qualification cognate experience or Master’s degree in Computer Science with full registration with relevant professional body and at least fourteen (14) years post qualification cognate experience or Doctorate degree in Computer Science with full registration with relevant professional body and at least eleven (11) years post qualification cognate experience i. 16 PROGRAMME/SYSTEM ANALYST 1 –CONTEDISS 8 – N1,258,654 – N1,866,315 Holder of master’s degree in relevant discipline from a recognized institution of higher learning or a good honours degree preferably first class or second class upper in the relevant field with a minimum of 3 years post qualification cognate experience i. MEDICAL LABORATORY II – CONHESS 7 N949,119 – N1,275,041 A relevant good honour’s degree in Medical Laboratory Science, registrable with the institute of Medical Laboratory Science (IMLS) plus NYSC discharge certificate ii. MEDICAL LABORATORY I – CONHESS 8 N1,102,850 – N1,486,237 A relevant good honour’s degree in Medical Laboratory Science, registrable with the institute of Medical Laboratory Science with at least three (3) years post qualification cognate experience or Master’s degree in Medical Laboratory Science iii. SENIOR PHARMACIST - CONHESS 8 N1,102,850 – N1,486,237 A relevant good Bachelor’s degree in pharmacy with full registration with the pharmacist Registration Board of Nigeria and three years relevant experience or a holder or Master’s degree in Pharmacology with one year post qualification cognate experience with full professional registration. NOTE: - All applicants must be computer literate and proficient in the use of Power point and Excel packages among others All applicants for Computer Science, Computer Engineering and Programme/System Analyst posts must be CISCO or/and equivalent certified. METHOD OF APPLICATION Candidates for each position should submit detailed application with 15 copies of signed Curriculum Vitae (CV) and photocopies of credentials and supporting documents with the position indicated on the top left corner of the envelope. Curriculum Vitae (CV) should be presented in the following order: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Name in full (Surname first) Place and Date of Birth State of Origin Permanent Address Current Postal Address and Telephone Numbers Nationality Marital Status Number and Ages of Children Schools Attended with Dates Academic/Professional Qualification Statement of experience including full details of former and present posts Names and Addresses of three (3) referees Proposed date of availability for duty if selected. All positions are pensionable and subject to conditions as obtainable in other Federal Polytechnics in the Country. In addition, all applications must show evidence or participation in the NYSC or exemption. Candidates from outside south-west Geo-political zone are encouraged to apply, however candidates from North West and North East Geo-political zones are most encouraged to apply. The application and supporting documents, as well as three referee reports (under confidential cover) should be addressed to: THE REGISTRAR FEDERAL POLYTECHNIC, EDE P.M.B. 231 EDE OSUN STATE and should reach him not later than six (6) weeks from the date of this advertisement. O. A. Ogunleye Registrar
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