Direct Company Support Scheme Funding to help Yorkshire and Humber manufacturing companies grow* The National Metals Technology Centre, University of Sheffield AMRC, Advanced Manufacturing Park, Wallis Way, Catcliffe, Rotherham, S60 5TZ Tel: +44 (0)114 222 4786 Fax: +44 (0)114 222 7678 Email: [email protected] Direct Company Support Scheme Advanced Engineering and Manufacturing Regional Direct Company Support Scheme Helping Yorkshire* and Humber manufacturing companies to grow. Background The National Metals Technology Centre (NAMTEC) has secured a substantial European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) programme which offers support to manufacturing in Yorkshire* and the Humber. This programme offers up to 70% of the cost for small to medium (SME) and 60% for large (LE) regional companies for experts to undertake development leading to tangible improvements in their business within a satisfactory timescale. How does it work? * Excluding South Yorkshire Virtually any regional manufacturing company working in the area of advanced engineering, with an idea that will help it grow would be eligible. Projects of any size can be considered but the focus is on short term, high impact changes and typically are in the range of £5,000 to £20,000. You will be connected to our large team of approved ‘solution providers’ who will work with you to bring your project to life and help you reap the benefits. 2 | T +44 (0)114 222 1747 E [email protected] Any proposal will be fully evaluated for both technical and financial feasibility to ensure it is workable, eligible and will deliver the right level of benefit to your organisation in line with the project cost. What sort of projects can be considered? The scope is broad but is focussed towards the advanced engineering and manufacturing arena: ● New product / process development ● Improvements in products or processes – better, smaller, faster, cheaper... ● Use of new materials and their associated manufacturing processes ● Design of factory layout However, these are just examples – this is about the right project to make the difference for you. We can also undertake collaborative projects – perhaps you have a supplier, customer or partner organisation you would like to involved? A NAMTEC, University of Sheffield AMRC publication I’ve seen these before – usually there is lots of paperwork and the decision takes forever! We have made the application form as simple as possible – your company details, your project proposal, your chosen solution provider if you have one, how much the project will cost and what benefit you will gain. The whole process is designed to be quick – we work on timescales of weeks. What if I need some help to formulate the project? No problem. NAMTEC has a team of experienced staff who will work with you to examine your business and help you define the project. Who are your ‘Solution Providers’? We have assembled a broad team of individuals and organisations covering a breadth of manufacturing expertise including the regions University base. Full details including specific areas of expertise and capability can be found in the following pages. What if these solution providers don’t have the expertise I need? we can help you find someone who can from within the UK. Eligibility Your organisation must be based in the Yorkshire* and Humber region (defined by you paying your Council Tax within the region) and be operating within the advanced engineering and manufacturing arena. You need to be within your ‘de minimis’ limits (don’t worry if you don’t know what this is, we can easily help you here). We cannot support companies manufacturing or developing electronic, software or food related goods and the funding can only be used to pay for the services of the solution provider. Other than this, give us a call! How do I get a project moving? If you already have a firm project in mind then you can download the application form company-support Alternatively, if you would like to discuss your idea or review what might be of value to your business, contact Betime Nuhiji on 0114 222 6665 or email at [email protected] If this large team are not able to give you the support you need, | 3 Direct Company Support Scheme University of Sheffield Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (AMRC) with Boeing The Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (AMRC) with Boeing is a global centre of excellence for industryfocused manufacturing and materials research. Established in 2001, the AMRC with Boeing now employs around 200 people on the Advanced Manufacturing Park. The AMRC with Boeing is dedicated to working with manufacturing businesses, from global aerospace giants to local SMEs, and helping them to identify, research and resolve advanced manufacturing problems. Support can be offered in a range of manufacturing technologies: ● Process Technology Group – developing innovative techniques and optimised processes for the machining of high-performance materials. ● Integrated Manufacturing Group – solving problems in low-volume, high-value assembly and difficult-to-handle components. ● Composite Centre – developing manufacturing technologies for fibre-reinforced polymers. ● Design & Prototyping Group – helping UK manufacturers develop innovative high-value products. ● Advanced Structural Testing Centre – testing and certification for components and assemblies. 4 | T +44 (0)114 222 1747 E [email protected] A NAMTEC, University of Sheffield AMRC publication Nuclear Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (Nuclear AMRC) Combining industry expertise and university innovation, the Nuclear AMRC works with companies to improve capabilities and performance along the civil nuclear supply chain. Its state of the art facilities and equipment also allow the centre to support business in many other sectors with similar demands of scale, integrity and manufacturing process. The Nuclear AMRC is based on the Advanced Manufacturing Park in South Yorkshire and currently employs over 70 skilled engineering and support staff. Support can be offered in a range of manufacturing technologies: ● Welding – developing high integrity and mechanized welding solutions across a broad range of materials. ● Machining – developing advanced machining solutions for large and complex precision components. ● Non destructive evaluation and metrology – advanced inspection and measurement technologies. ● Visualisation – virtual environments to support product design, planning, assembly and training. | 5 Direct Company Support Scheme Sheffield Hallam University Materials and Engineering Research Institute (MERI) MERI is a vibrant multi-disciplinary research institute with a clear vision to pursue high-quality academic research which is informed by, and relevant to, industrial needs. The intellectual capital, capabilities and facilities accruing from these research programmes are utilised to deliver contract research and consultancy services to industry. MERI consists of around 140 research, technical, professional services, finance staff and postgraduate research students. The organisation is comprised of four research centres – Automation and Robotics, Polymers, Nanocomposites and Modelling, Structural Materials and Integrity, and Thin Films, and a complimentary consultancy unit. This unit was accredited as the Materials Analysis and Research Services Centre of Industrial Collaboration (MARS CIC). It utilises the MERI suite of characterisation equipment which includes state-of-the-art electron microscopes, X-ray and other characterisation instruments. There is also an additional consultancy arm - Sheaf Solutions which is dedicated to improving efficiency and promoting engineering simulations modelling in Manufacturing. Main Contact Nick Farmilo T: 0114 2254078 E: [email protected] 6 | T +44 (0)114 222 1747 E [email protected] A NAMTEC, University of Sheffield AMRC publication University of Huddersfield “Knowledge is our business. We create it, we disseminate it and we exploit it.” Read more about the University of Huddersfield’s recent research and enterprise news at research/researchnews/ The University of Huddersfield is well on target to achieve its goal of becoming an internationally recognised research-led institution, solving the problems and answering the questions posed by industry, science and society as a whole. Research at the University is defined under the six themes: ● Culture and Creative Arts ● Engineering and Physical Sciences ● Energy Sustainability and Climate Change ● Healthcare Social Sciences and Education ● Security and Global Uncertainties ● Digital Economy Business and Enterprise To discover more about the activities and research at the University visit our website. Main Contact Barry Timmins T: 01484 471165 E: [email protected] | 7 Direct Company Support Scheme The University of Hull – Engineering Innovation Institute The Engineering Innovation Institute (EII) is a grouping of technology solutions providers based on the Newlands Science Park at the University of Hull. They are fully integrated with the Department of Engineering and work closely with other disciplines at the University. Department of Engineering itself, drawing on a very wide range of academic/industrial expertise. Their services include: ● Degree programmes at Foundation and Bachelors level ● Professional development short courses ● Product Design and Development ● Prototype manufacture and pre-production runs ● Medical Engineering consultancy (MediCET) ● Product evaluation and materials testing ● Design analysis and optimisation The EII comprises of several functional units: ● Design Enterprise Centre DEC ● MediCET (Medical Technologies and Product Development) ● Professional Engineering Centre PEC Additionally, they co-ordinate contract research and development business for the The EII works in conjunction with the University's Knowledge Exchange in delivery of technology transfer services. Main Contact Andrew Smith T: 01482 465654 E: [email protected] 8 | T +44 (0)114 222 1747 E [email protected] A NAMTEC, University of Sheffield AMRC publication Castings Technology International Cti is a research, technology and manufacturing organisation servicing the global casting supply chain. Its primary aim is to: ● Reduce end product and life-cycle costs ● Enhance product performance, and ● Minimise environmental impact by exploiting improvements in design, manufacturing and material technologies. Customers can benefit from R&D seeking to improve the integrity and performance of cast components; technology transfer and support; metallurgical analysis and testing; training and seminars; engineering and foundry consultancy; health, safety and environmental monitoring and consultancy; and can have prototypes or small batches of castings manufactured in any alloy. Cti’s technical experts provide audits, best practice advice, defect diagnosis, and problem solving in all areas of foundry operation, including metallurgy, melting, moulding, finishing, upgrading and NDT. Cti Environmental are leading providers of monitoring and consultancy services, with a particular expertise in the metals sector, providing a single point of expertise and support to ensure cost-effective environmental solutions. The team ensure health, safety and environmental legislative requirements are understood and met; liaise with regulators to assist in the interpretation of legislation, specifications and guidance; monitor environmental and health and safety related issues, including emissions, LEV, dust and fume, odours, groundwater, contaminated land, noise, and HAV; carry out audits, and implement EHS management systems; assist with permit applications; model air dispersion, and calculate carbon footprints. Main Contact Dr Peter Haigh T: 0114 254 1144 E: pm.haigh@castings | 9 Direct Company Support Scheme Design Futures Design Futures is a commercially focused design group that creates competitive advantage through outstanding research, design and development of new products and packaging. Our core design team draws on the highly regarded research and delivery expertise of specialists in the Art & Design Research Centre (ADRC), Cultural, Computing and Communication Research Institute (C3RI) and other research centres at Sheffield Hallam University. Design Futures offers product and packaging research, design innovation and design development services that can be conducted from initial concepts stage through to design for manufacture. Product design activities include concept design, appearance and ergonomics, product development and prototyping. We have extensive facilities to support design, analysis and testing, which include 3D Rapid Prototyping, fluid and solid 10 | T +44 (0)114 222 1747 E [email protected] interaction simulation capability, high speed video and motion capture. Main Contact Julie Roe T: 0114 225 6759 E: [email protected] A NAMTEC, University of Sheffield AMRC publication Fripp Design and Research Fripp Design and Research is one of Yorkshire's leading design and research businesses. The company has developed products in markets as broad as industrial tools, consumer goods, medical devices and food handling, and has a dedicated team of highly experienced designers with access to the very latest in 3D CAD systems, as well as an on-site workshop facility for the production of prototypes. The company has a strong focus on concept and innovation but at the same time employs a pragmatic sensibility to ensure that real products are delivered on time and on budget. The team is also recognised as leading experts in additive manufacture (or 3D printing) technology having developed products, materials and processes as well as machines and software that are all at the very cutting edge of this exciting market. We are proud to have worked with retailers such as Homebase, B&Q , Marks and Spencer's, Boots and Ladbrokes. Manufacturers including Rolls-Royce, Durham Duplex, The Leeds Bradford Boiler Company and CHEP. Service providers such as Balfour Beatty and Comic Relief. The company was feature on The Gadget Show and works with numerous academic institutions including Sheffield University, Manchester Metropolitan University, Sheffield Hallam University and Leeds University. Main Contact Tom Fripp BA(HONS), MA T: 0114 254 1244 E: [email protected] | 11 Direct Company Support Scheme Medilink Yorkshire & Humber Medilink Yorkshire & Humber is part of the largest healthcare and related life sciences association in the UK, giving you access to expert support, services and events that will help your organisation grow to its full potential. Who are we? We are a professional association dedicated to growing healthcare and related life sciences organisations. What do we do? We provide you with the opportunities and services you need to grow your organisation. With members at the heart of Medilink, our goal is to help you become more innovative, competitive and profitable. Our business goals are driven by our board of directors which is comprised of high level NHS, academia, and industrial leaders. How do we do it? Become a part of Medilink... Through regular engagement and face-to-face support we help your organisation to reach its full potential, from innovation development, opportunities to engage across the healthcare sector, funding support, 12 | T +44 (0)114 222 1747 E [email protected] international trade and sector leading PR and communication services - we will help your organisation to grow. Get connected. Join Medilink. Twitter: @MedilinkYH9 Main Contact Patrick Trotter T: 0114 232292 E: [email protected] A NAMTEC, University of Sheffield AMRC publication TWI TWI is one of the world's foremost independent research and technology organisations. With headquarters at Granta Park near Cambridge since 1946, TWI supports over 700 Industrial Member companies with engineering solutions in structures incorporating joining and associated technologies (surfacing, coating, packaging, cutting, etc.) through information only single source of expertise in every joining technology for metals, plastics, ceramics, composites and electronics. TWI provides multidisciplinary teams that implement established or advanced joining technology, solving problems from initial design, materials selection, production and quality assurance, through service performance to repair. Know-how within TWI covers materials properties and applications (all metals, polymers, ceramics, advanced composites, structural integrity, fracture, design and NDT), joining, fabricating and assembling technologies (welding and cutting processes, surface engineering, brazing, soldering, adhesive bonding, electronic packaging), manufacturing, health and safety and quality assurance. Main Contact Mark Roughsedge BSc(Hons) MWeldI and technology transfer; consultancy and project support; contract R&D; and training, qualification and personal membership. It is the T: 0114 269 9046 E: [email protected] | 13 Direct Company Support Scheme Solution Providers Specialised Consultancy Brook Corporate Developments Ltd A principal focus of Brook Corporate Developments is the support of Advanced Manufacturing companies helping them to achieve sustainable growth and profitability. Areas of assistance we offer include both technological and operational areas together with market development including supply chain and identification and exploitation. This work frequently includes elements of process optimisation, design for manufacture and implementation of management control systems. no-nonsense way to benefit clients – helping businesses to overcome constraints, adopt new technology and techniques and realise new market opportunities Specialisms offered by BCD include: Our multidisciplinary team of specialists, all of whom have previously had successful careers in business, apply their skills and expertise in a practical T: 01226 240435 M: 07702 608870 E: [email protected] 14 | T +44 (0)114 222 1747 E [email protected] ● Strategic planning ● Operational improvement ● Lean principles ● Design for manufacture ● Factory layout ● Introduction of new Technology ● New market development ● Introduction of management systems and controls Main Contact Mike Brook A NAMTEC, University of Sheffield AMRC publication C-Tech Innovation Ltd C-Tech Innovation is a technology development and innovation management company. Core activities include research and development as well as design and build of custom equipment. those specifically focused on support for SMEs. The combination of our science and engineering expertise and business support skills puts us in a unique position to assist companies; we apply our own experience as an SME operating and innovating in their sector to provide targeted and valuable support to clients. Our staff of 63 includes engineers, physicists, materials scientists, chemists and innovation consultants providing us with capability across all key sectors within Advanced Engineering and Materials. We have helped numerous companies in sectors including energy, oil and gas, aerospace and defence to develop innovative technology solutions and have designed and built prototype equipment to demonstrate these new approaches. Main Contact Jonathan Abra T: 0151 3472900 E: jonathan.abra@ Rachel James T: 0151 3472966 We also have a strong track record in delivering business support programs including | 15 Direct Company Support Scheme ConnauTech Ltd ● Market analysis and development including carrying out structured, primary studies to evaluate the market potential for new products and services with target customers in order to obtain key information such as market size and price point. ● Product and service development with practical experience in areas including product design and technology or knowledge transfer. This also includes significant expertise in related areas such as finance acquisition for innovative product development and project management. ● Manufacturing process development and optimisation including extensive experience of key areas such as process control, productivity improvement, lean manufacturing, factory optimisation and supply chain management. ● Technology analysis including identifying, rating and improving the potential of intellectual property owned by companies to reap commercial benefit. ● Analysis and development of innovation performance within companies including the generation of ideas for new products and services in order to increase sales and profitability. Main Contact Danny Connaughton T: 01253 813270 M: 07747757118 E: [email protected] 16 | T +44 (0)114 222 1747 E [email protected] A NAMTEC, University of Sheffield AMRC publication Defence Solutions Ltd Defence Solutions Ltd (DSL) is an SME that has an in depth knowledge and wide experience of the Aerospace and Defence Sector. Programme, there is now a real opportunity for your company to access that expertise and assistance. Services include: The company is dedicated to “Empowering Small Businesses” and has embraced the opportunity to assist companies within the Yorkshire and Humber Region (in particular) with gaining access into the Aerospace and Defence Sector. We believe fervently that we can add real value to you and your business and as part of the Support ● Objective Advice ● Feasibility Studies ● Assistance with Opportunities ● Bid Writing - Expression of Interest through to submission of a Tender ● Capability Assessment ● Training ● Introductions within the MoD and Aerospace Sectors to key Prime Contractors and OEMs. Defence Solutions Ltd is ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System accredited company Main Contact Steve Munday T: 01482 638460 M: 07881 583798 E: [email protected] | 17 Direct Company Support Scheme Director Resource Ltd Skills, Knowledge & Experience ● Strategic market analysis, planning, development and deployment ● Business diagnostics ● Coaching and mentoring ● Leadership training and development ● Lean Value stream mapping ● Lean productivity improvement programmes Quality accreditation & improvement including: ● Office ● Lean office ● Process audits and design ● Minimum job role design ● MRP/ERP ● ● ● ● ● ● Production planning Office process mapping Computer design & business integration Design for manufacture Design FMEA ● Manufacturing Floor ● Factory layout ● Warehouse efficiency and stock control ● Bar coding and warehouse logistics ● Factory Expansion ● Lean transformation (as above) ● Supply chain strategies and supply chain integration ● Product development Lean Foundation implementation tools such as 5S; Visual management & KPI cost control; Kaizen improvement techniques; SMED rapid changeovers; Standard work methods; six sigma; reduce process waste (Muda) Main Contact Dave Roberts T: 0114 2541320 M: 07867752772 E: [email protected] 18 | T +44 (0)114 222 1747 E [email protected] A NAMTEC, University of Sheffield AMRC publication DNA Agile Ltd DNA Agile Overview DNA agile provides software and consultancy services to improve competitiveness of subcontract engineering companies and their supply chains. Software: ● ● ● Suite of ERP software solutions focused on subcontract manufacturing and metal finishing companies. Cloud based performance dashboard and supply chain communication system enabling employees and partners to access information from disparate business systems anytime anywhere using mobile technology. Collaborative new product introduction, project management and risk management solutions. Consultancy Services: ● ● Strategic business planning and deployment through department control rooms and visual management. Leadership development through coaching and mentoring. ● Make vs. buy advisory services to define core competency, internal investment and supply chain sourcing strategies. ● Low cost supply chain development services focused primarily on India and China supplier networks, coordinated by indigenous DNA-agile engineering, quality and programme management teams, to support UK partners successfully source non-core work packages from low cost economies. Main Contact Tom Dawes T: 01772 336944 M: 07957 336033 E: [email protected] | 19 Direct Company Support Scheme E9 Limited E9 Limited exists to help companies be profitable & sustainable. Technical & management services deliver: ● ● ● Resource & expertise that generates solutions to problems Transferrable industry & best practices & advice Support structure to meet strategic management objectives Energy Engineering & Management ● Electrical energy & power quality surveys ● Compressed air surveys ● Gas & Water efficiency ● Plant use & efficiency surveys (e.g. Presses, Furnace use, manufacturing cells & lines) ● Thermography (energy efficiency) Environmental Services ● Environmental noise ● Waste surveys ● ISO14001 20 | T +44 (0)114 222 1747 E [email protected] Health & Safety ● Occupational Noise ● COSHH ● Aerosol & Particulate measurement ● Thermography (fire safety) ● OHSAS18001 ● COMAH Other ● ISO9001 ● TS16949 ● PAS99 ● Auditing ● Strategic manufacturing advice ● plant selection, ● factory layouts, ● technology reviews ● Moving premises ● Feasibility studies ● Bespoke training Main Contact John Trainor T: 08444 144460 M: 07734 761360 E: [email protected] A NAMTEC, University of Sheffield AMRC publication Edencroft Consultancy Ltd Extensive experience running, working in, or supporting SMEs that supply highly engineered product into the Aerospace and Defence, Oil and Gas and Energy sectors. Define, develop and implement manufacturing routes that enable SMEs to enter new market sectors or process new materials or alloys cost effectively minimising waste. An ability to understand and apply National and International Standards and Specification in the development of new products and processes. The application of end product/customer requirements to the development and optimisation of a supply chain. Market/Technology assessments: In the past these have lead to the establishment of Centres of Excellence e.g. Metals and NDT. Structured due diligence approach in order to determine the underlying strengths and weaknesses of an organisation and where changes can and need to be made. All the above relate to an understanding of the processing of metals and alloys from the basic low alloy steels through to sophisticated nickel and titanium alloys. Main Contact Mike Lowden T: 0114 2471734 M: 07957 488831 E: [email protected] | 21 Direct Company Support Scheme Frazer-Nash Consultancy Ltd Frazer-Nash Consultancy provides a broad portfolio of engineering capabilities to help our clients succeed within the defence, civil aerospace, power, transport and industrial sectors. The skills FrazerNash typically utilise are heavily based in advanced mathematical and numerical modelling techniques which are applied to every stage of a project lifecycle from concept to disposal. We apply these skills across a range of disciplines including: ● Modelling and Simulation (including CFD and FE analyses) ● Mechanical / Physical Testing ● Manufacturing Process ● Product Development (including CAD) ● Market Analysis / Appraisal ● Technology Analysis (including cost modelling) ● Asset Integrity Management We have a proven track record in developing innovative and practical design solutions for the challenges faced during the development of high value capital equipment. We also offer a tailored approach to technology analysis to help our customers ensure that they exploit the potential of existing and emerging technologies. Main Contact Jonathan Douglas E: [email protected] Andrew Moffat E: [email protected] T: 01306 885050 22 | T +44 (0)114 222 1747 E [email protected] A NAMTEC, University of Sheffield AMRC publication Futureneering Ltd An advisory business assisting emerging technology ventures with strategy and commercialisation. Working mainly in technologies for engineering, materials, energy, cleantech, bioscience and healthcare. Providing specialist advice and support on: ● Business planning and strategy ● Market assessment ● Technology, innovation and commercialisation strategy ● R&D, product and process development support ● Fund raising, grants, investment ● Project management, planning, support Advanced engineering and materials: ● ● renewable energy: tidal stream, photovoltaics, energy harvesting, combined heat/power, biofuels, biomass, energy recovery and recycling; engineering: manufacturing processes, supply chain, metal cutting, cutting tools, casting, thermal management; ● materials: adhesives, coatings, micro/ nanotechnology, semiconductors, nanomaterials, stainless steel, platinum group metals; ● electrochemistry: fuel cells, batteries, hydrogen storage, ozone; ● lighting: LED, OLED and fluorescent; ● sensors and imaging: terahertz, X-ray, radar, security and defence, medical imaging, AFMs MEMS sensors, biosensors, chemical detection; ● drug delivery, medical simulation, diagnostics, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, artificial blood, wound care; ● automotive, electric vehicles, engines, bicycle and aerospace technologies; ● water treatment, smart metering, pumps, well raising; ● verification testing, environmental withstand, qualification planning. Main Contact Charles Lee T: 01223 870132 M: 07786 238 0661 E: [email protected] | 23 Direct Company Support Scheme Geoff B Associates Ltd Geoffrey E Bolton is a Registered Chartered Engineer; educated with a B.Met, an MSc. in Operations Management; 40 years, operational, technical and management system experience, in the steel industry at all levels; now working as an Independent Consultant, specialising in the formulation of innovative solutions to meet business requirements within the metallurgical sector. I have considerable knowledge of melting, casting, forging, heat treatment, testing and inspection of carbon, alloy, stainless and more complex steels and super-alloys. Throughout my career I have sought to improve the businesses, in which I have been involved. Examples; cost reductions through technical improvement; implementation of management systems to meet business needs, ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001; management development through targeted training; budgetary responsibility; continual improvement and development of product and material specifications.: My consultancy model is to: 1) understand the science, (2) apply lean principles (3) benefit through cost reduction and improvement programmes Main Contact Geoff Bolton M: 07525422055 E: geoff.bolton@geoffb 24 | T +44 (0)114 222 1747 E [email protected] A NAMTEC, University of Sheffield AMRC publication Harriton Services LP The company was formed in 2012 to deliver solutions to a range of companies, with a specific focus on engineering sectors. The background of the partners, and their associates, enables the company to offer: ● Specialised assistance to engineering companies in the materials arena; ● Development of R&D projects/assistance with new product design; ● Development of funding applications; ● Delivery/reporting of ERDFfunded projects and associated outputs; ● H&S Assessments, general advice on procedures. The company has instigated and managed a number of R&D projects with companies and academia. It specialises in finding projects where university resources can be exploited by companies, for the profit of both parties. This involves problem solving to ensure the work is of mutual benefit, leading to longer-term relationships. We offer training/CPD courses in metallurgy & materials, and related subjects. One of the partners is also experienced as an ‘expert witness’ in metallurgical failure analysis. Main Contact Sue Rainton Phil Harrison M: 07809725356 E: [email protected] | 25 Direct Company Support Scheme Iidea Ltd IIDEA Ltd is based at the Advanced Manufacturing Park (AMP) in the heart of the regions high technology materials and manufacturing community. The company have a number of metallurgical, engineering and design specialists who have extensive knowledge and experience in several key metals related and processing supply chains. Specialist areas include primary metal refining and manufacture, forging, heat treatment, process routing and production planning, design and application, specification and quality assurance interpretation, mechanical testing and failure analysis from both production and supply of materials and components through to complex consultancy projects. 26 | T +44 (0)114 222 1747 E [email protected] The specialists have worked in a number of key industrial and high technology sectors which include aerospace, oil and gas, chemical processing, petrochemical and pharmaceutical and power industries. This experience is utilised within our own material processing, design and manufacturing activities which utilise fully integrated CAD-CAM design and manufacturing systems. We aim to be the leading provider of precision manufactured components to a number of high technology industry sectors including energy and power, aerospace, environmental and medical markets in metallic and a number of polymer and composite materials. Main Contact Matthew Sier T: 0114 2300997 E: [email protected] A NAMTEC, University of Sheffield AMRC publication Inspec Solutions Ltd Inspec Solutions Ltd has worked in a variety of industries including the steel and the oil & gas industry. The company has worked for most steel manufacturers in the UK and a large number of the steel former companies as well as major Oil and Gas Companies. Inspec was founded with a view to servicing the control and information systems requirements of industry, in projects ranging from automating manufacturing processes to webenabled database systems for the commercial sector. It is often the first contact for steel companies looking to install new automation infrastructures, or upgrade existing ones. To replace older, less reliable legacy control systems, which are hard to find spares for, or simply to make use of more accurate and more efficient contemporary automation equipment technology. Inspec Solutions Ltd have a dedicated core team of high quality, experienced system, software and electrical engineers, who deliver a quality engineering service to our clients, across a wide range of technologies and applications. Main Contact Alan Pearson T: 0114 2998808 M: 07760167652 E: apearson@inspec | 27 Direct Company Support Scheme Inventya Ltd Inventya provide market intelligence & commercialisation services for science, engineering and technology firms across the UK and Europe. We’ve helped our clients to commercialise over 300 new technology products and services and secure more than £2.5 million in follow-on R&D funding. We add significant value to your product development and commercialisation processes; ● Proof-of-market and feasibility studies – discover markets for your new product ● Bespoke market research and market testing with customers – exporting or market penetration ● Commercialisation, exploitation and route-tomarket strategy development – mapping where the product fits with company growth strategies and how it will be taken to market 28 | T +44 (0)114 222 1747 E [email protected] ● R&D funding & business finance – securing additional funding to bridge the ‘valley of death’ Our expertise is focused upon technology-led innovation across life sciences, healthcare, engineering & high value manufacturing, and clean tech sectors. Our specialist knowledge of processes, technologies and market drivers means we rapidly understand your requirements and systematically investigate solutions. Main Contact Michael Holroyd T: 01925 607193 E: [email protected] A NAMTEC, University of Sheffield AMRC publication Medipex Ltd Medipex s a specialist healthcare innovation organisation providing a product development interface with the NHS for healthcare companies as well as a range of services to help companies better understand the market. Medipex’s philosophy is based around engaging with end-users early in the product development lifecycle so that a product is designed around their needs. This market-led philosophy extends further to our market research and market access services which aim to help a company understand how a proposed medical technology product fits within the market, what obstacles are likely to be encountered and how to develop an appropriate reimbursement strategy. Main Contact Stuart Pendlebury T: 0113 397 0837 M: 07960 583214 E: stuart.pendlebury@ Our links across the NHS in the Yorkshire & Humber Region allow companies to engage with exactly the right clinicians for generating the following: clinical evidence; case studies; feedback on product concepts; and identification of unmet needs through facilitated 1:1 or focus groups. | 29 Direct Company Support Scheme Metamet Metamet Consultants Ltd and its sister company R-Tech Services Ltd together provide materials testing, analysis and consultancy services to a wide range of industries. We have five professional materials engineers, who are specialists in investigative metallurgical work, including failure analysis, product quality problems, process improvement etc. Most of our work involves laboratory based materials examination and testing, and 30 | T +44 (0)114 222 1747 E [email protected] this would be an area of particular strength which we could offer to NAMTEC clients. In support of our consultancy work, we have a fully equipped test house, metallurgical laboratory (including SEM/EDX), analytical laboratory and machine shop. We are used to working on projects with tight timescales. We have a particular understanding of the needs of SMEs, and we have a strong track record of repeat business. Main Contact Tony Franks T: 01656 748001 M: 07966 012255 E: [email protected] A NAMTEC, University of Sheffield AMRC publication Oakwell Management Services Ltd Oakwell Management Services Ltd are expert consultants in: ● Quality management to all UK, European and worldwide standards ● Procurement and supply chain development to Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply standards ● All production and lean manufacturing techniques Operating UK-wide and abroad, our experts have experience in most manufacturing and service sectors, with large and small companies, both in the public and private sectors. Our expertise has been deployed in many sectors: aerospace, automotive, rail, marine, oil/gas, construction, chemicals, materials, food/drink, retail, sustainable technologies, power generation, logistics, motorsport, agriculture, education, etc. Working with local, regional and national government departments, the Ministry of Defence and the UK Treasury, we have significantly strengthened the UK economy. Linking with many universities around the UK, and Europe, Oakwell has bid for and obtained UK and EU funding for projects of national significance. Main Contact Ray Newell E: [email protected] John Kelly David Roselli T: 0115 9445750 | 31 Direct Company Support Scheme Pro Enviro Ltd Pro Enviro was founded in 1994 to develop business opportunities in the fields of energy and environmental engineering and management helping the manufacturing sector to improve environmental performance and the effective use of energy. The business focuses on sustainable development, energy management and reduction, resource efficiency, low carbon technologies advisory services including diversification into low carbon markets and utilising low carbon technologies, climate change strategy (adaptation and mitigation) and sustainable development strategies. Pro Enviro has a track record of delivering process and product improvement projects based on many years of experience. 32 | T +44 (0)114 222 1747 E [email protected] This experience has enabled us to develop a wide range of skills and capabilities that includes: ● Product and process design including design for the environment. Process design could include the design and construction of equipment such as chillers, ovens, and furnaces. ● Energy monitoring, management and reduction strategies. ● Diversification into expanding low carbon markets. ● Carbon Indexing and Carbon Foot printing. ● Supply chain development, including skills and competency gap analysis. Main Contact Steve Stones T: 01788 538150 E: [email protected] A NAMTEC, University of Sheffield AMRC publication The ICE Partnership LLP ICE s a Limited Liability Partnership established in 2007 based at the Advanced Manufacturing Park, Rotherham with 3 partners and 20 associate consultants carefully selected for their wide range of specialist expertise in business improvement and organisational development. Clients include over 200 organisations nationwide, predominantly the private sector including software, engineering, healthcare, food and manufacturing. In particular ICE Partners have been trained and approved by A|D|S to deliver the SC21 Supply Chain Development model. This Direct Company Support Scheme has been used to assist companies with the support required to engage with this manufacturing excellence programme. ICE operates as a nationwide, multi-functional, businesssupport consultancy specialising in performance improvement through the strategic development of organisations. We believe that, to be effective and sustainable, change must be applied with the cooperation and full engagement of the process owners and process workers. In the end they are the people who understand the full complexity of their work and are best placed to identify improvements. Our approach involves spending as much time as possible in securing the commitment and buy-in of the people involved, helping them to understand the philosophy and enabling them to ‘see’ opportunities for process improvement through the identification of wasted effort, work and materials, to increase efficiency, effectiveness and throughput. Main Contact Paul Brown T: 0114 2541260 M: 07770 570825 E: [email protected] | 33 Direct Company Support Scheme The Lamberhurst Corporation Unlike the traditional consultant mould the Lamberhurst business has been built off consultants who have worked in senior and executive positions, managing and leading private and public sector corporations’ interests in the UK and internationally. Business school theory is backed by real world business experience. The Lamberhurst Corporation has a long-standing involvement with engineering and manufacturing. Many of our consultants have worked in senior and board positions in this sector and subsequently continued as consultants to deliver advice and assistance to engineering manufacturing businesses. We have skills in Modelling and Simulation; Mechanical & Physical Testing; Chemical Analysis; Manufacturing Process; Product Development; Market Analysis & Appraisal; Technology Analysis; Factory Layout; Advanced Materials; Capital Appraisal & Funding; 34 | T +44 (0)114 222 1747 E [email protected] IPR, Licensing and Partnerships We recruit only professionals that have been responsible for business growth, service delivery, personnel development, process improvement and cost control in their own right. Our consultants hold qualification in the consulting discipline as well as their area of technical specialisation. Main Contact Philip Garnar T: 020 7861 9968 E: [email protected] A NAMTEC, University of Sheffield AMRC publication Wilde Analysis Ltd Wilde Analysis helps companies to improve their products and processes through the use of Computer Aided Engineering products and services. Offering a full range of consulting services for FEA, CFD and Reliability Engineering and with specialist areas of:1. Process modelling - using software such as DEFORM, Moldflow and Polyflow to simulate and optimise manufacturing processes including forging, machining, and injection moulding. 2. Using software such as TOSCA and Optimus, working in conjunction with general purpose FEA solvers such as ANSYS, for structural optimisation. This approach enables companies to develop products that are robust and lightweight. 3. Using fluid mechanics to optimise products, which either control or contain the flow of liquids or gases. 4. Applying FEA to the analysis and assessment of pressure retaining structures. 5. Applying Design for Reliability techniques. This increases product understanding prior to release reducing the risk associated with warranty costs, recalls etc. Main Contact Dave Deakin T: 0161 4747479 M: 07798 908209 e: [email protected] | 35 Give your company every advantage, join the Forum The AMRC Forum The AMRC Forum is the University of Sheffield AMRC’s technology network for manufacturing businesses. We give companies the knowledge they need to achieve sustainable growth and long-term prosperity. The Forum events cover a wide range of topics of interest to manufacturers, offering exclusive insight into current and emerging technologies and supply chain issues. Other services are also offered to help manufacturers develop new capabilities and stay ahead of the competition. The AMRC Forum covers high-value manufacturing sectors of key importance to the UK economy and which offer significant potential for manufacturers and their supply chain. Membership The AMRC Forum has two membership levels 1 Membership plus £300 + VAT per year Open to any company from the manufacturing sector, this membership offers unrivalled access to our services and maximum cost effectiveness for active members. The Forum is made up of members from organisations which are directly involved or directly support the manufacturing sector. As an AMRC Forum member, you can use as many of our services as you wish. Some members take full advantage of everything we have to offer; others use just the most important for their business. Benefits include: ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Free priority access to events Member only events 2 free places to the AMRCNAMTEC annual conference and dinner The Quarterly Journal (hard copy) Technical Insight (quarterly) Journal and website company promotion Website supplier directory 2 Membership £50 + VAT per year Members have two places at each of our four core Forum events. Members can access many other services for an additional fee. Standard membership is only open to manufacturing companies. For further information Email: [email protected]
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