Orphan Nuclear Receptor ERRgamma and Iron Homeostasis Hueng-Sik Choi Ph.D. Center for Nuclear Receptor Signals Hormone Research Institute Chonnam National University Signal Transduction mediated by Hormones Growth Factors Cytokines Peptide Hormones Steroids Vitamin D Retinoic Acid 2nd Messenger NR NR HRE Structure and mode of action of nuclear receptors Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology (2010), doi:10.1016/j.mce.2010.06.018 Orphan Nuclear Receptor Timeline Lazar MA et. al., J Mol Endo (2013), in press ERR (Estrogen-Related Receptor) A. Structure AF-1 DBD LBD 18.7% 93.3% 57.2% mERRα mERRβ 58.2% 98.9% 73.1% mERRγ B. Expression - ERRα: widespread, especially CNS - ERRβ: kidney, heart - ERRγ: pancreas, brain, liver, lung,bone marrow, adrenal glands, thyroid glands, trachea, spinal cord C. DNA binding - binds as monomers to the extended half-site TNAAGGTCA, which is also recognized by FTF-F1, and as homodimers or heterodimers to the consensus estrogen responsive element D. Target gene - ERRα : lactoferrin, TRα, osteopontin, MCAD (medium-chain acyl CoA dehtdrogenase) - ERRγ : PDK4, SHP, DAX-1, Plk2 ERRγ and disease Liver disease Obesity Diabetes Renal disease Infection Inflammation ERRγ Cancer Biology Cardiovascular disease Bone biology Neurobiology The role of hepcidin in maintenance of iron homeostasis Tomas Ganz and Elizabeta Nemeth Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1823 (2012) 1434–1443 Regulation of iron metabolism by Hepcidin Nature Reviews Endocrinology 6, 26-33, 2010 Hepcidin Gene Transcription and Cell Signals Pietrangelo A, Journal of Hepatology 2011 vol. 54 j 173–181 Hepcidin, iron partitioning, and infectious pathogens Hal Drakesmith and Andrew M. Prentice; Science 338, 768 (2012) Host and Pathogen Interaction in Salmonella Infection Falkow S. et al, Nature Review Microbiology 2:747, 2004 Serum iron levels by Salmonella infection ERRγ and Hepcidin expression by Salmonella infection (hepcidin) Serum iron levels in IL-6 / TNF-α KO mice ERRγ and Hepcidin gene expression in IL-6 KO mice (hepcidin) Hepatic ERRγ expression by IL-6 Mice liver injected with IL-6 Regulation of ERRγ expression by IL-6 AML12 cells ERRγ expression is regulated by IL-6 signaling Rat primary Hepatocytes AML12 cells IL-6 signaling induces ERRγ gene transcription IL-6 signaling induces ERRγ gene transcription Salmonella JAK TF STAT3 IL-6 JAK ERRγ ? FPN Macrophage Fe-Tf Hamp hepcidin Hepatocytes ERRγ regulates serum iron levels in vivo ERRγ regulates serum iron levels in vivo ERRγ regulates serum iron levels in vivo ERRγ regulates Hepcidin gene expression Rat primary Hepatocytes AML12 cells ERRγ directly regulates Hepcidin gene transcription Inverse agonist ? Salmonella JAK TF STAT3 IL-6 JAK FPN Macrophage Fe-Tf ERRγ Hamp hepcidin Hepatocytes GSK5182 is inverse agonist of orphan nuclear receptor ERRγ Zuercher et. al., Bioorg.Med.Lett. 16(4):821, 2006 ERα ERRγ Affinity and Pharmacokinetics of GSK5182 Surface Plasmon Resonance Pharmacokinetics GSK5182 inhibits Hepcidin gene expression (hepcidin) In vivo imaging of hepatic Hamp-Luc and Hamp ERREmut-Luc activity by GSK5182 Ad-Hamp ERRE mut - Luc Ad-Hamp wt - Luc - Salmonella + Salmonella + Sal - GSK5182 GSK5182 restores salmonella-mediated reduction of serum iron levels GSK5182 inhibits salmonella-mediated Hepcidin expression GSK5182 inhibits Salmonella-mediated Hepcidin expression Hepatic acute-phase response gene expression GSK5182 inhibits Hepcidin-mediated FPN degradation GSK5182 decreases Salmonella-mediated iron accumulation in liver and spleen by GSK5182 inhibits salmonella growth via regulation of Hepcidin expression GSK5182 inhibits salmonella growth via regulation of Hepcidin expression GSK5182 inhibits Salmonella growth via regulation of Hepcidin expression Control GSK5182 Salmonella Salmonella + GSK5182 Intracellular iron levels and Salmonella count within liver macrophage Effect of GSK5182 on salmonella-mediated lethal shock Hepcidin peptide reverses the effect of GSK5182 on Salmonella-mediated hypoferremia Hepcidin peptide reverses the effect of GSK5182 on Salmonella growth Hepcidin peptide reverses the antimicrobial effect of GSK5182 ERRγ regulates iron metabolism through induction of Hepcidin Hypoferremia of infection: a double-edged sword? Nat Med. 2014 Apr 8;20(4):335-337 Iron ERRs with Salmonella Cell Host Microbe. 2014 May14;15(5):515-516 Chonnam National University Center for Nuclear Receptor Signals Don-Kyu Kim, Soon-Young Na, Yong-Soo Lee, Ji Min Lee, Jaganath Misra, Yoon Suk Jeong, Yaochen Zhang Chonnam National University Hyon E. Choy Jung-Joon Min Seok-Yong Choi Tae-Hoon Lee Jae-Ho Jeong Seoul National University Dr. Seung Bum Park Minseok Koh Dong-A University Dr. Hwan Tae Park Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology Chul-Ho Lee Yong-Hoon Kim Gil-Tae Gang Lee Gil Ya Cancer and Diabetes Institute Dr. Byung-Chul Oh GIST Dr. Jae Il Kim KAIST Dr. Won-Il Jeong
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