1 YEAR DIPLOMA COURSES FEE 2015-16 Registration & Admission Fee Laboratory, Resource Centre & Library Charges Tuition Fee Examination Fee (One-time) * (per Installment) * (per Installment) * (per Installment) * DELHI # 1. Diploma in Fashion Media Make-up [FMM] 2. Diploma in Professional Photography [PP] 3. Diploma in Fashion Women’s Wear [FWW] 4. Diploma in Styling for Interiors [SI] 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 12,500 12,500 12,500 12,500 1,12,500 1,12,500 1,12,500 1,12,500 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 NOIDA # 1. Diploma in Fashion Media Make-up [FMM] 2. Diploma in Fashion Women’s Wear [FWW] 35,000 35,000 12,500 12,500 1,12,500 1,12,500 9,000 9,000 JAIPUR 1. Diploma in Fashion Women’s Wear [FWW] 35,000 12,500 1,07,000 9,000 MUMBAI # 1. Diploma in Fashion Media Make-up [FMM] 2. Diploma in Professional Photography [PP] 3. Diploma in Fashion Women’s Wear [FWW] 35,000 35,000 35,000 13,500 13,500 13,500 1,23,500 1,23,500 1,23,500 10,500 10,500 10,500 Courses [1-Year Diploma] Notes: (a) These Diploma courses would be imparted in three Trimesters per year; however fee is to be deposited in two equal installments over the course duration. (b) These Diploma courses would be imparted in three Trimesters per year; however fee is to be deposited in two equal installments over the course duration. # (c) The Student Kit for FMM is Rs. 60,000/- (one time) payable at the time of admission. (d) A non-refundable, one-time Alumni Fee* (Lifetime Membership Fee) of Rs. 5,000/- is payable at the time of admission. Alumni Fees are non refundable. Only in case a student withdraws/deregistered before completing Year 1/Level 0, can refund of alumni fees be considered. (e) At the time of admission, students are required to pay Registration & Admission Fee, Alumni Fee and Security Deposit, in addition to Tuition Fee, Laboratory / Library Charges and Examination Fee for Semester One. Subsequent installments are to be paid as per fee notice issued by the Academy/dates announced in the SHB. The Validation Fee (as applicable) is to be paid for the full academic year, as mentioned above. (f) A refundable security deposit of Rs.10,000/- is compulsory for all courses. The interest free security deposit will be refunded to graduating students only after the completion of the relevant course post convocation, and after adjustment of all dues, if any. (g) In case a student withdraws from a course before its formal completion, refund of the security deposit will be considered only after formal clearance procedure. (h) *Service Tax as per prevalent rates to be levied will be recovered along with normal fee. (i) Any other Statutory tax, as applicable, imposed by the Govt. of India or any statutory body, will be charged extra. (j) The Academy reserves the right to increase the fee towards any course of study at the beginning of the subsequent academic year of a course. (k) Refund of paid fees is permissible in select situations as per guidelines given overleaf. ----- (P.T.O.) *Guidelines on Refund of fees to Students NORMAL CATEGORY Sr. Description Deductions Refund Permissible 1. Students admitted to a Programme but informs PA in writing about withdrawal / not joining the Programme before the commencement of Programme. Students joined the Programme, attended classes up to 10 calendar days and informed PA in writing about withdrawal / not continuing the Programme. OR Students not attended any classes but informed PA in writing about withdrawal / not continuing within 10 calendar days. Students joined PA, attended classes for more than 10 calendar days but up to 30 calendar days and informed PA in writing about withdrawal / not continuing the Programme. OR Students not attended classes and informed PA in writing about withdrawal / not continuing the Programme between 11 and 30 calendar days from the start of the session. Students joined the Programme, attended classes for more than 30 calendar days and informed PA in writing about withdrawal / not continuing the Programme. OR Students not attended classes and informed PA in writing about withdrawal / not continuing the Programme after 30 calendar days. 2. 3. 4. * * * * * Registration & Admission Fee (100 %) Registration & Admission Fee (100 %) Laboratory, Res. Centre & Library Charges (50%) Tuition Fee (50%) FMM Kit (100%) Registration & Admission Fee (100 %) Laboratory, Res. Centre & Library Charges (75%) Tuition Fee (75%) FMM Kit (100%) Registration & Admission Fee (100 %) Laboratory, Res. Centre & Library Charges (100%) Tuition Fee (100%) FMM Kit (100%) Validation Fee (100%) Laboratory, Res. Centre Library Charges Tuition Fee Examination Fee Validation Fee Security deposit Alumni membership Examination Fee Laboratory, Res. Centre Library Charges (50%) Tuition Fee (50%) Validation Fee Security deposit Alumni membership fee Examination Fee Laboratory, Res. Centre Library Charges (25%) Tuition Fee (25%) Validation Fee Security deposit Alumni membership fee Examination Fee Security deposit Alumni membership Subject to submission of Undertaking. Only written applications towards withdrawal / cancellation of admission submitted to Registrar’s Office will be entertained. Applicable Service tax will be deducted on the refund amount / deductions. The processing of refund request will take minimum 3 weeks. Guidelines of Refund applies to all semesters / terms of all regular programmes at Pearl Academy. & & &
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