EXPERIENCE OF A FAMILY AGRICULTURAL BUSINESS AND ITS IMPACT ON SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Colombia: Reserva Natural El Hatico, El Cerrito, Valle del Cauca Familia Molina Durán COOPERATIVE INSTITUTIONS Fundación Cipav Cenicaña Procaña Hacienda Lucerna SAS Ingenio Providencia Asocriollo Agri benchmark Universidad de Nariño Universidad del Valle Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira Universidad de Caldas Universidad Javeriana de Cali y Bogotá Universidad Nacional de Bogotá Ciat Universidad Nacional de Palmira Universidad Unisarc Universidad de Antioquia IFS de Suecia Fedegán-FNG Universidad de los Llanos Corpoica Ministerio de Agricultura Socla: Doctorado en Agroecología Universidad de Antioquia El Hatico NATURE RESERVE (Valle del Cauca, Colombia) Altitude:1000 m.a.s.l Temperature: 24 °C Rainfall: 750 mm Relative humidity 75% Tropical Dry Forest CLIMATE CHANGE (2007-2014) El Hatico Reserve Average Temperature 2007-2014 25.5 25 24.5 24 23.5 23 22.5 22 21.5 21 20.5 Precipitation mm./month 300 250 Normal El Niño La Niña El Niño 200 150 100 50 0 2007 Precipitation /year 2008 2009 909 1016 433 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 952 823 648 675 443 Average Temperature Precipitation El Hatico 1942 El Hatico Reserve 2014 El Hatico Reserve 2014 LAND USE 700 575 Hectars (Ha) 600 500 435 400 1950 285 300 200 135 100 100 110 2013 40 40 0 Total area (ha) Livestock Agriculture Natural resources forest and bamboo ANIMAL INVENTORY 1400 Animals (N) 1200 1000 800 1950 600 2013 400 200 0 Total i nventory Cattle Sheep TOTAL TONNES OF SUGAR CANE 16000 13953 14000 Tonnes/year 12000 10000 9360 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 1950 2013 LABOUR 35 Number of workers 30 25 20 1950 15 2013 10 5 0 PERMANENT LABOUR CONTRACT LABOUR EXPERIENCE OF AN AGRICULTURAL FAMILY BUSINESS AND ITS IMPACT ON SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Colombia: Reserva Natural El Hatico, Cerrito, Valle del Cauca Familia Molina Durán COOPERATIVE INSTITUTIONS Fundación Cipav Cenicaña Procaña Hacienda Lucerna SAS Ingenio Providencia Asocriollo Agri benchmark Universidad de Nariño Universidad del Valle Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira Universidad de Caldas Universidad Javeriana de Cali y Bogotá Universidad Nacional de Bogotá Ciat Universidad Nacional de Palmira Universidad Unisarc Universidad de Antioquia IFS de Suecia Fedegán-FNG Universidad de los Llanos Corpoica Ministerio de Agricultura Socla: Doctorado en Agroecología Universidad de Antioquia Natural Reserve El Hatico (Valle del Cauca, Colombia) Height: 1000 m.s.n.m Temperature: 24 °C Precipitation: 750 mm Relative humidity 75% Dry Tropical Forest CLIMATE CHANGE (2007-2014) Natural Reserve El Hatico Average Temperature 2007-2014 25.5 25 24.5 24 23.5 23 22.5 22 21.5 21 20.5 Precipitation mm./month 300 250 Normal Niño Niño Niña 200 150 100 50 0 2007 Precipitation /year 2008 2009 909 1016 433 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 952 823 648 675 443 Average Temperature Precipitation Natural Reserve El Hatico 1942 Natural Reserve El Hatico 2014 LAND USE 700 575 Hectars (Ha) 600 500 435 400 1950 285 300 200 135 100 100 110 2013 40 40 0 Total area (ha) Livestock Agriculture Natural resources forest and bamboo ANIMAL INVENTORY 1400 Animals (N) 1200 1000 800 1950 600 2013 400 200 0 Total i nventory Cattle Sheep TOTAL TONNES OF SUGAR CANE 16000 13953 14000 Tonnes/year 12000 10000 9360 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 1950 2013 LABOUR 35 Number of workers 30 25 20 1950 15 2013 10 5 0 PERMANENT LABOUR CONTRACT LABOUR NATURAL RESERVE EL HATICO SOCIAL TECHNICAL AND ECONOMIC INDICATORS (1950–2013) YEAR 1950 YEAR 2013 DESCRIPTION Diference % # Ha % # Ha % TOTAL AREA (Has) 575 100 285 100 -50 LIVESTOCK 435 75 135 47 -70 AGRICULTURE 100 18 110 39 10 NATURAL RESOURCES FOREST & BAMBOO 40 7 40 14 0 TOTAL INVENTORY 895 100 1180 100 32 CATTLE 410 46 650 55 56 SHEEP 120 13 450 38 275 DAIRY PRODUCTION (LITERS) COW/DAY 2 10 400 17000 780000 4488 6,5 9,69 49 9360 13953 49 PERMANENT LABOUR 13 30 130 CONTRACT LABOUR 2 10 400 TOTAL/YEAR Tonnes of cane /hectar/month (TCHM) Total tonnes/year LABOUR ESTACIÓN 1 Natural Reserve El Hatico 2014 N A T U R A L Impulso Fortuito Polimorfismo equilibrado A N D Holstein HETEROSIS Hartón del Valle Shorthorn Lechero Mutation Migration POBLACIÓN NO ADAPTADA DE LOS GANADOS INTRODUCIDOS EXOCRIA O CRUZAMIENTOS 1937 A R T I F I C I A L S E L E C T I O N 1957 CO-ADAPTACION COMPLETA DE GENES EQUILIBRADOS Homeostasis POBLACIÓN ADAPTADA DE LOS BOVINOS LUCERNA ENDOCRIA Y SELECCIÓN 2014 PRODUCTIVE PARAMETERS 1999-2013 Parameters Average Number of data Standard Deviation Milk Production. 305 days. (Liters) 3030 2440 997 Calving interval. (Months) 12.8 1784 2.1 % Milk Fat 3.8 % Milk Protein 3.25 MILK PRODUCTION/HECTAR/YEAR DEDICATED TO DAIRY Production Liters/Ha/year Irrigation is suspended Reserva Natural El Hatico, 2013 System Resilience (2007-2013) Natural Reserve El Hatico Niño Niña Niño 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 909 1016 433 952 823 648 675 Precipitation /year % Composition of the mineralized salts Natural Reserve El Hatico Salt 1984 - 2004 Prepartum salt Production salt NaCl 32,0 90 54 Calcium 12,5 ----- 10 Phosphorus 12,0 ----- 4 Copper 0,1 0,25 0,3 Cobalt 0,005 0,01 0,01 Magnesium 0,3 2,0 2,0 Manganeso 0,2 0,05 1,0 Zinc 0,5 0,7 1,0 Sulfur 1,0 4,0 4,0 Iodine 0,01 0,015 0,015 Selenium 0,005 0,004 0,008 0,6 ---- ---- Iron ECONOMY IN THE MINERAL SUPPLEMENTS. El Hatico 2012 Livestock inventory 650 Mineralized salt intake on monoculture pasture 60gr/day Total consumption of mineralized salt on monoculture of star grass 14.235 kg/year Cost of salt of 10% phosphorus US$ 1/kg Total cost per year US$ 14235 Mineralized salt intake on SSPi 30 gr/cow/day Total consumption of mineralized salt on SSPi 7.117 kg/year Cost of salt of 4% phosphorus US$ 0.7 /kg Total cost per year US$ 4949 Difference (savings) US$ 9286 Intensive Silvopastoral Systems vs. Monoculture of star grass (C. plectostachyus) Variable Biomass Ton D.M. Ha-1 year-1 Raw Protein Ton D.M. Ha-1 year-1 Metabolizable Energy Mcal Ha-1 year-1 Calcium Kg. Ha-1 year-1 Phosphorus Kg. Ha-1 year-1 Adaptado de: Molina y Uribe, 2002 Monoculture star grass + 184 Kg. N2 Ha-1 year-1 SSP Leucaena 10.000 Ha-1 + star grass 0 Kg. N2 23,2 29,5 (+27,15%) 2,5 4,1 (+64,0%) 56876 70222 (+23,46%) 83,2 142,32 (+71,05%) 74,0 88,81 (+20,01%) ESTACIÓN 2 INVESTMENT COSTS/HA. (MONOCULTURE VS. SILVOPASTORAL SYSTEM) 800 U$ 1.643 U$ 2.161 700 600 Soil preparation Seeds USD /Ha. 500 Planting 400 300 Irrigation 200 Weed control 100 0 MONOCULTURE SILVOPASTORAL SYSTEM Leucaena, Estrella, Algarrobo Infraestructure MAINTENANACE COST /Ha MONOCULTURE VS. SILVOPASTORAL SYSTEM Dolars/Ha/Year. $1.091 U$ 174 500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 Depreciation Irrigation Weed control Pruning Fertilization MONOCULTURE Estrella Africana SILVOPASTORAL SYSTEMS Estrella+Leucaena Algarrobo Forrajero ANALYSIS IN LITERS OF MILK AÑO 2012 Liters/Ha/year 11314 14288 C apacity Spent/Liters 10778 12073 Difference 536 2215 ESTACIÓN 3 FUNCTIONAL BIODIVERSITY AND LIVESTOCK Silvopastoral systems promote biodiversity in livestock systems Natural Reserve El Hatico Birds diversity 57 43-46 33 Diversity Index 3.21 3.07-2.98 2.86 33 2.43 29 2.73 19 1.53 Species Fruit crops Silvopastoral Dry forest Agroecological sugarcane Bamboo forest (Guadua) Conventional sugarcanel Source: Cárdenas G. 1998 Birds of Tyranidae family, known as flytrap, Regulate flies that lay eggs in the organic matter (Musca domestica, Stomoxys calcitrans) and feces (Haematobia irritans) Pitangus sulphuratus Fotografías: David Fajardo Elaenia flavogaster Todyrostrum cinereum Generalist predatory birds, Regulate blood-sucking arthropods affecting livestock habits (Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus, Haematobia irritans and Stomoxys calcitrans) Bubulcus ibis Crotophaga ani Vanellus chilensis Fotografías Carolina Giraldo y David Fajardo, CIPAV Milvago chimachima Birds also help to regulate grass plagues: Collaria oleosa, C. columbiensis., Aeneolamia, Zulia, Blisius leucopterus, B. insularis . & defoliating insects that attack shrubs and cane. Mocis latipes, Melipotis famelica, Prosarthria teretrirostris, Spodoptera frugiperda, Agrotis ípsilon, Atta cephalotes y Acromyrmex sp . Bubulcus ibis Crotophaga ani Vanellus chilensis Milvago chimachima Ptherysticus caudatus After the nuptial flight takes place, some floor mounds appear, and there is where the queen is captured and the origin of a new colony is prevented. C. Giraldo 2012 ANTS SUBFAMILIES BIOTOPES COMPOSITION Enriquez M.L., Ramirez M.,R.N.El Hatico 2001 Ectatom m a tuberculatum • Predation of eggs and larvae of butterflies and beetles in cultured Palma. • Preys Bug on cocoa farms. Pheidole spp. • Preys insects in the floor • They could also have a positive effect in ticks control. Solenopsis gem inata • Eats coleoptera and lepidoptera eggs. • Consuming weed seed in sugarcane crops and other agroecosystems. • In silvopastoral system, they were observed preying lepidoptera larvae and eating grass seeds. SPIDERS DIVERSITY NATURAL RESERVE EL HATICO Specific richness per habitat SSPi CA Habitat abundance SSPi 156 Morfo-species BO= Forest; SSPi= Intensive Silvopastoral Sistem; CA= Agroecological sugarcane; CC= Conventional sugarcane Delgado J. 2012 CA 4 ZOOLOGICAL GROUPS BIODIVERSITY IN NATURAL RESERVE EL HATICO Researcher Forest Silvopastoral Intensive System Agroecological Sugarcane Conventional Sugarcane Birds Ants Butterflies Spiders Migratory Birds Cárdenas G. 1998 Ramirez M. Enriquez M.L. 2001 Ramos A.F. García T. 2002 Delgado J. 2012 Hurtado A. 2013 33 38 90 71 43 45 23 45 74 43 33 49 41 46 57 19 28 35 54 40 MACROINVERTEBRATES BIOMASS SOIL IN 0.75 CUBIC METERS W E T D R Y Ecologic cane 16,93 0,06 7,579 0,861 0,093 0,918 26,45 Conventio nal cane 0,10 0,01 0,267 0,626 0,090 0,633 1.73 SSPi 12,40 0 0 0,892 0,422 8,616 23,34 Forest 40,91 0,06 0,933 0,001 0,0001 0,068 41,98 Subtotal 70,36 0,15 8,78 2,38 0,60 10,23 93,52 Ecologic cane 4,974 0,0002 0,097 0,397 0,626 0,4667 6,56 Conventio nal cane 1,845 0,017 0,506 0,290 1,100 0,356 4,11 SSPi 1,745 0,016 0,466 0,175 1,351 3,615 7,37 Forest 30,403 0,0009 0,005 0,031 0,053 0,854 31.34 Subtotal 38,96 0,03 1,07 0,89 3,13 5,29 49,40 109,33 0,18 9,85 3,27 3,73 15,52 141,9 TOTAL Pardo, L.C., R.N. El Hatico, 2009 PHOSPHORUS CONTENT MG / KG IGAC; Universidad Javeriana Bogotá; R.N. El Hatico 10-2012 Analysis of Forest soil, Silvopastoral system vs. Monoculture without trees Analysis Forest Monoculture Grass Silvopatoral System pH 7.37 ± 0.04 6.20 ± 0.06 6.74 ± 0.03 % Humidity 21.37 ± 2.74 14.90 ± 3.04 18.50± 1.70 Total cell counts (cel/gps) 2,28E+08 1,14E+08 * For counting total cell size averaging to 0.5 g sample. Vallejo V. R.N. El Hatico 2011 2.19E+08 ENZYME ACTIVITY IN SOIL β-glucosidase • Essential in cellulose degradation. • Fundamental in the release of glucose (energy for soil microorganisms). • Acts on the decomposition of organic matter. Ureases • Involved in the hydrolysis of urea to ammonia and CO2. • Participates in the release of inorganic N. The acid and alkaline phosphatases • Involved in the hydrolysis and release of free phosphate. ENZYME ACTIVITY UNDER THE CANOPY OF Prosopis juliflora AND OUTSIDE OF IT Canopy: “Fertility Islands” 85% 42% 40% 59% Vallejo V. R.N. El Hatico, 2011 Increases under de canopy COMPONENTES COMPONENTS Pollinators Predators and parasitoid Herbivores Surrounding vegetation Macro, meso and micro soil diversity FUNCTIONAL BIODIVERSITY Pollinations Plagues regulation Biomass Acumulation Nutrients Recycle Descomposition Predation Sickness supression Minimun tillage Composting FUNCTIONS Polyculture Agroforestry Rotations Cover crops TECHNICAL Altieri M., Nicholls C. 2013 BUFFALOS PRODUCTIVE PARAMETERS PARAMETERS AVERAGE # DATA STANDARD DEVIATION MALES: Weaning weight (kg) Weaning age (Days) Weaning DWG – (gr) 275 270 910 19 45 50 150 FEMALES: Weaning weight (kg) Weaning age (Days) Weaning DWG – (gr) Weight at service (kg) Age at service (month) DWG at service 250 270 820 373 20 586 17 38 45 90 36 5 132 Open days Calving interval 110 13 27 55 1.5 Sheep Parameters – Natural Reserve El Hatico Impact of Genetic Improvement in SSPI Maternal skill Average 13,4 Days DWG (gr) Data Weaning Before After 14,5 22,4 Service / Sacrifice Before After 31,3 46,4 120 220 600 100 120 35 50 595 758 439 606 ESTACIÓN 4 Green manure in sugarcane T1 T3 30 T6 T4 29 28 T5 27 T2 26 T2 25 Teak (Tectona Grandis) T6 24 T5 12 23 T2 13 14 T3 15 T4 11 10 T1 22 16 T1 17 21 T3 9 T1 8 T6 T4 19 18 T3 20 RI R II T4 T5 R III T2 T5 T1= Check T2= No-Cowpea 100% N T3= Cowpea + 100% N T4= Cowpea + 66% N T5= Cowpea + 33% N T6= Cowpea R IV RV T6 7 T5 6 T6 5 T3 4 T4 3 T1 2 T2 1 Productivity of sugarcane 180 160 140 TCH 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 5 6 Treatment 20.0 18.0 16.0 14.0 TSH 12.0 10.0 8.0 6.0 4.0 2.0 0.0 1 2 3 4 Treatment Production TCHM (Tonnes of cane per hectar per month), with the use of green fertilizers 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 12.35 11.49 11.19 10.84 10.45 9.68 Without CWithout P 100% P 100% P+C 66% P+C 33% P+C C- Cowpea P- Poultry manure Harvest # 12 (16-02-11) Harvest # 14 (19-06-13) Harvest # 13 (27-03-12) Harvest # 15 (20-07-14) Solo C Macro & Micro elements Composition Cowpea Bledo Nitrogen (%) 2.41 6.25 Phosphorus (%) 0.36 0.37 Potasium (%) 2.53 3.53 Calcium (%) 0.66 0.83 Magnesium (%) 0.54 0.64 Iron 1145 111 Manganesium (ppm) 212 36 Copper (ppm) 16 13 (ppm) Nutrient inputs from the cowpea and crop residues vs. Nutrient removal Cowpea Fresh Biomass (Ton/Ha) Dry Matter (Ton/Ha.) 5,5 Crop harvest Soil nutrients residues removal 52 1,8 22 Nitrogen (Kg) 43 179 116 Phosporus (Kg) 6 22 74 Potassium (Kg) 45 162 237 Calcium (Kg) 12 139 58 Magnesium (Kg) 10 90 40 Bacterial Population on Natural Reserve EL Hatico Soil UFC/g average (x104) Fungi Population on Natural Reserve El Hatico soil Organic Matter (%) on Mollisol soil with green harvest (Natural Reserve El Hatico) Crop 755 Variety V-7151 (21 Harvest) Management alternatives For crop residues Phosphorus Concentration (ppm) in the soil, green harvesting of sugarcane Crop 755 Variety V-7151 (21 harvest) Management alternatives For crop residues Climate Change (2007-2013) Natural Reserve El Hatico Niño Niña Niño 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 909 1016 433 952 823 648 675 Precipitation /year ORGANIC MATTER % IN THE SOIL NATURAL RESERVE EL HATICO 1994 2012 5 4,21 4,10 2,89 2,93 4,00 4 3 2,23 1,93 1,95 2 1 0 Arias J., 1994 Reserva Natural El Hatico 2012 Biological fixation of N Isolation sites of N fixing bacteria Initial results Genus identification through biochemical tests Azospirillum spp. Azotobacter spp. Gluconacetobacter spp. Biochemical selection 20 isolates 35 isolates 6 isolates
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