ORIGINAL RESEARCH Synthetic FXR agonist GW4064 is a modulator of multiple G-protein coupled receptors Nidhi Singh1#, Manisha Yadav1#, Abhishek Kumar Singh1, Harish Kumar1, Shailendra Kumar Dhar Dwivedi2, Jay Sharan Mishra1, Anagha Gurjar1, Amit Manhas3, Sharat Chandra4 Prem Narayan Yadav3, Kumaravelu Jagavelu3, Mohammad Imran Siddiqi4, Arun Kumar Trivedi1, Naibedya Chattopadhyay2, Sabyasachi Sanyal1* 1 Division of Biochemistry, CSIR-Central Drug Research Institute, 10, Janakipuram Extn, Sitapur Rd, Lucknow 226031, UP, India. 2Division of Endocrinology, CSIR-Central Drug Research Institute, 10, Janakipuram Extn, Sitapur Rd, Lucknow 226031, UP, India. 3Division of Pharmacology, CSIR-Central Drug Research Institute, 10, Janakipuram Extn, Sitapur Rd, Lucknow 226031, UP, India.4Division of Molecular and Structural Biology, CSIR-Central Drug Research Institute, 10, Janakipuram Extn, Sitapur Rd, Lucknow 226031, UP, India The synthetic nuclear bile acid receptor (FXR) agonist GW4064 is extensively used as a specific pharmacological tool to illustrate FXR functions. We noticed that GW4064 activated empty luciferase reporters in FXR-deficient HEK-293T (HEK) cells. We postulated that this activity of GW4064 might be routed through as yet unknown cellular targets and undertook an unbiased exploratory approach to identify these targets. Investigations revealed that GW4064 activated cAMP and nuclear factor for activated T cell -response elements (CRE and NFAT-RE) present on these empty reporters. While GW4064-induced NFAT-RE activation involved rapid intracellular Ca2⫹ accumulation and NFAT nuclear translocation, CRE activation involved soluble adenylyl cyclase-dependent cAMP accumulation and Ca2⫹-calcineurin-dependent nuclear translocation of transducers of regulated CREB proteins 2. Use of dominant negative heterotrimeric G-protein minigenes revealed that GW4064 caused activation of G␣i/o and Gq11 G-proteins. Sequential pharmacological inhibitor-based screening and radioligand binding studies revealed that GW4064 interacted with multiple G-protein coupled receptors. Functional studies demonstrated that GW4064 robustly activated H1 and H4, and inhibited H2 histamine receptor signaling events. We also found that MCF-7 breast cancer cells, reported to undergo GW4064-induced apoptosis in an FXR-dependent manner, did not express FXR, and the GW4064-mediated apoptosis, also apparent in HEK cells, could be blocked by selective histamine receptor-regulators. Together, we demonstrate identification of histamine receptors as alternate targets for GW4064, which not only necessitates cautious interpretation of the biological functions attributed to FXR using GW4064 as a pharmacological tool, but also provides a basis for the rational designing of new pharmacophores for histamine receptor modulation. XR (also known as BAR and NR1H4) is a member of the nuclear receptor superfamily that is expressed mainly in the liver, intestine, kidney and adrenal glands (1, 2). Low expression levels of FXR have been reported in the heart, adipose and vasculature (3, 4), although the functional significance of this receptor is less clear in these F tissues. More than a decade of studies has established key roles of FXR in cholesterol, bile acid and carbohydrate metabolism (reviewed in (5)). Recent findings further extend its function in cholesterol gall stone disease (6), liver regeneration and hypertrophy (7–9), inflammation (10 – 14), cholestatic liver disease (15), liver cirrhosis (16, 17) ISSN Print 0888-8809 ISSN Online 1944-9917 Printed in U.S.A. Copyright © 2014 by the Endocrine Society Received November 1, 2013. Accepted February 28, 2014. Abbreviations: doi: 10.1210/me.2013-1353 Molecular Endocrinology is published monthly by The Endocrine Society (http://www.endo-society.org), the foremost professional society serving the endocrine community. Mol Endocrinol mend.endojournals.org The Endocrine Society. Downloaded from press.endocrine.org by [${individualUser.displayName}] on 10 March 2014. at 23:56 For personal use only. No other uses without permission. . All rights reserved. 1 2 GW4064 modulates multiple GPCRs and various cancers (8, 9, 12, 14, 18 –31). However the roles attributed to FXR in cell growth regulation, apoptosis and cancer are conflicting, where FXR has been shown to have both proapoptotic as well as prosurvival functions. Bile acids, especially chenodeoxycholic acid (CDCA) are potent endogenous FXR agonists (32); however, CDCA also regulates alternate FXR-independent signaling, primarily through the G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR) Tgr5 (33). GW4064, a synthetic isoxazole was developed as an extremely potent specific FXR agonist (34) and has been extensively used in deciphering the cellular and physiological functions of FXR over a decade. Earlier, we identified GW as an agonist for estrogen receptor-related receptors (ERR) and demonstrated its ERR-mediated regulation of PPAR gamma coactivator 1 alpha (PGC-1␣) promoter (35). However, during this study, we observed that GW also significantly activated a number of control luciferase reporters (luc) that did not contain any FXR response element (FXRE). A similar observation was made by Dr. Ron Evans’s group, who reported that GW4064 but not fexaramine (another FXR agonist) activated a minimal TK promoter-containing luciferase reporter in FXR-deficient CV-1 cells (36). We, thus, postulated that GW4064 may regulate empty luciferase reporters via as yet unknown cellular targets. This study was therefore designed to objectively explore the mechanism of FXR-independent signaling by GW4064 and discover the cellular targets responsible for its FXRindependent actions. Materials and Methods Reagents Cell culture media and supplements were purchased from Invitrogen (Carlsbad, CA). All fine chemicals were from Sigma Aldrich (St. Louis, MO) unless otherwise indicated. GW4064 was purchased from Sigma. All inhibitors/antagonist used in this study were from Tocris Biosciences (Ellisville, MO) unless otherwise indicated. HTRF cAMP femto kit was from Cisbio bioassays (Parc Marcel Boiteux, France). Calcineurin cellular activity assay kit was from Enzo Life Science (Farmingdale, NY) and Vectashield was from Vector Laboratories (Burlingame, CA). Plasmids Reporter plasmids, pCRE-Luc, pNFAT-RE-Luc, pAP-1 Luc, pNF-kB Luc and pCIS-CK luc and were purchased from Agilent technologies (La Jolla, CA), pGL3-Basic, and pGL3 promoter vector were from Promega (Madison, WI). pGL3–3X-FXRE, hPGC-1␣ promoter and hSHP promoter lucs are described elsewhere (35). Dominant negative G-protein minigene constructs were kind gifts from Dr. Heidi. E. Hamm (Vanderbilt University Medical Center) (37). pGloSensor™-22F cAMP construct was Mol Endocrinol from Promega. Histamine receptor expression plasmids in pcDNA3.1 were from Missouri S&T cDNA Resource Center. Antibodies Rabbit FXR (sc-13063) and mouse -Actin (sc-47778) antibodies were from Santa Cruz Biotechnology Inc. (Santa Cruz, CA). NFATc1 (NFAT2), TORC2, phospho-CREB (S133) and ERK antibodies were from Cell Signaling Technology (Boston, MA). Antibodies against histamine receptors were purchased from Genetex (Irvine, CA). All the histamine receptor antibodies were validated at antibodypedia (http://www.antibodypedia.com/) secondary antibodies were from Sigma Aldrich. Cell culture Human embryonic kidney cell line HEK, human breast cancer cell line MCF-7, and human hepatoma cell line HepG2 were obtained from ATCC, USA. Cells were cultured as recommended by ATCC Cell viability assay Cell proliferation was assessed using the 3-(4, 5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2, 5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay. HEK or MCF-7 cells were seeded in 96 well plates and synchronized by serum starvation for 24 hours. All the treatments were done in serum-free medium or in indicated percentage of serum. Transient transfection-based luciferase assay Transfections were carried out with lipofectamine LTX (Invitrogen) according to the manufacturer’s protocol. Total DNA in each transfection was adjusted to 700ng by adding pcDNA3 empty vector. Luciferase activity was measured in a GloMax-96 Microplate luminometer (Promega) using the Steady-Glo reagent from Promega, GFP fluorescence was quantified using a Fluostar Omega fluorimeter (BMG Labtech, Offenburg, Germany). GloSensor™ cAMP Assay HEK cells transfected with H2, H3 and H4 histamine receptor expression plasmids were incubated with GloSensor™ cAMP Reagent (Hanks’ balanced salt solution (HBSS) ⫹ HEPES 20 mM ⫹ Luciferin substrate 10 mg/ml) for 2 hours followed by treatment with Forskolin (10 M) for 15 minutes. The cells were then treated with different doses of GW4064 ranging from (10 pM-50 M) and histamine receptor agonists for another 15 minutes and then luminescence was estimated. Intracellular calcium determination HEK cells were trypsinized and washed with phosphate buffer saline (pH 7.4). The cells were then labeled with Fluo 4 AM (Invitrogen) for 45 minutes. Following which cells were washed and suspended in calcium free HBSS at a concentration of 108 cells per ml. Samples were acquired in a BD FACSCalibur instrument and analyzed using Cell Quest Pro software. Reverse transcription-PCR analysis Total RNA was extracted according to the manufacture’s protocol using TRI Reagent (Life Technologies (Carlsbad, CA). Reverse transcription (RT) was carried out with the High-Capacity cDNA Reverse Transcription Kit from Applied Biosys- The Endocrine Society. Downloaded from press.endocrine.org by [${individualUser.displayName}] on 10 March 2014. at 23:56 For personal use only. No other uses without permission. . All rights reserved. doi: 10.1210/me.2013-1353 tems (Foster City, CA). cDNAs obtained were amplified using the following primers. The primer sequences (5⬘-3⬘) are:FXR-FCGAGCCTGAAGAGTGGTACTGTC. FXR-R-CATTCAGCCAACATTCC CATCTC.GAPDH-F-CACCATCTTCCAGGAGCGAGA. GAPDH-R-GCTAAGCAGTT GGTGGTGCA. H1-F-CTTGGTCACAGTAGGGCTCA. H1-RGCTCGGGTCTTGGTA CGATA H2-F -TATTGCAGACCCACCAACAA, H2-R-CCAGCTGCCTCCTGAATAAG H3F-CACTCAAGAGGGGCTCCAAG. H3-RTACCAGTAGTCAGGGACGCA. H4-F-CCAT CTCTGACTTCTTTGTGGTTT. H4-R-ACCGACTGTGTTGTGATGGT. HDC-F-TTTGA AGGGCGGAGCTAAGG. HDC-R- CAATGTACCACCCCAGGCAT The PCR conditions were as follows. Initial denaturation at 94°C for 2 minutes, followed by 35 cycles for hFXR (94°C 1min, 65°C 1min, 72°C 1min), 25 cycles for H1, H2,H3 and H4 and GAPDH (94°C for 1min, 55°C for 1min and 72°C for 1min), followed by 10 minutes at 72°C. PCR products were resolved by 1.5% agarose gel electrophoresis and the bands were visualized with ethidium bromide. mend.endojournals.org 3 (Farmingdale, NY) according to manufacturer’s directions. Absorbance was measured in an ELISA plate reader at 620nm. The conventional method of reporting calcineurin activity: calcineurin ⫽ total phosphatase activity – activity in the presence of EGTA buffer, was used; background phosphate was subtracted from each sample. Radioligand binding assay GW4064 binding with Angiotensin receptors were performed at Euroscreen Fast (Gosselies, Belgium) and rest of the binding assays were executed at Eurofins panlabs (Taipei, Taiwan). Data analysis and statistics Data represent mean ⫾ SEM of 3 independent experiments unless otherwise indicated. Statistical analyses were performed using two-tailed unpaired student’s t test or one way analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by Dunnet’s post test as appropriate. Immunoblotting Immunoblot analysis was performed as described previously (35). Signals were detected using a chemiluminiscence-based detection system in a LAS 4010 Chemi-doc Imager (GE Healthcare). Antibody dilutions used were as follows: Histamine receptor antibodies (1:5000), b-actin (1:3000) and all other antibodies were used at a dilution of 1:1000. Microscopy HEK cells were grown on poly-l lysin coated coverslips in 6-well plates till they reached 40% confluence. Cells were then treated with DMSO (vehicle), GW4064 (1 M) or ionomycin (2 M) and were fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde in PBS for 20 –30 minutes. Cells were then washed with 0.1% PBST (PBS containing 0.1% Tween 20) followed by incubation with blocking buffer (10% FBS in 0.1% PBST and 1% BSA) for 2 hours at RT. Cells were then probed with anti-NFATc1 antibody (1:100) overnight. Nuclei were stained with Hoechst 33342. Image acquisition was performed with a fluorescent microscope (Carl Zeiss). Scale bars; 50 m. Quantitation of cAMP Cellular cAMP was estimated using a homogenous time-resolved fluorescence (HTRF) -based assay kit from Cisbio International using manufacturer’s protocol. Briefly, HEK cells seeded onto 96 well plates were serum starved for 4h followed by treatment with 500 M 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine (IBMX) (Sigma Aldrich) for 30 minutes and the cells were then treated with the indicated compounds for additional 30 minutes. For inhibitor studies cells were pretreated with 10 M BAPTA-AM or KH7 (Cayman Chemical, Ann Arbor, Michigan). After completion of incubation with compounds, cells were lysed and the lysates were used for estimation of cAMP using a fluorimeter (Fluostar Omega, BMG Labtech; Ortenberg, Germany). Calcineurin activity assay Calcineurin activity was determined using the colorimetric cellular calcineurin activity assay kit from Enzo life sciences Results GW4064 activates empty luciferase reporters via FXR, ERR and Tgr5 -independent mechanism We first studied FXR-independent GW4064 activity on empty luciferase reporters. To rule out interferences by endogenous FXR, we systematically assessed FXR expression across commonly used cell lines. Consistent with prior reports (7, 38, 39), HEK cells did not express FXR (Figure 1A). To our surprise, we failed to detect FXR mRNA or protein in MCF-7 cells that have been reported to undergo GW4064-induced apoptosis via endogenous FXR (26, 31). We used identical pair of primers used in the prior report (26) and failed to detect FXR expression across three different stocks of MCF-7 from ATCC procured 2 to3 years apart. HepG2 liver cells, as expected, expressed FXR while, C2C12 myotubes did not (Figure 1A). GW4064 activated yeast Gal4 upstream activation sequence and minimal promoter containing Gal4-TK and PGL4.31 lucs in HEK (Figure 1B and C). It also activated empty PGL2 and 3 -basic as well as CIS-CK luc reporters (lacking minimal promoters), and minimal promotercontaining PGL2 and PGL3 –promoter lucs (Figure 1B and C). In agreement with our prior report (35), GW4064 caused robust activation of ERR-responsive human small heterodimer partner (hSHP) and hPGC-1␣ -promoterdriven reporters. While ectopic FXR could not augment the GW4064 activation of hPGC-1␣-luc, it enhanced hSHP-luc activity, consistent with its FXR-responsiveness (40) (Figure 1B). Ectopic FXR also robustly enhanced GW4064 response on 3X-FXRE-luc (in PGL3-prom), but not empty reporters (Figure 1B and C). The activation of The Endocrine Society. Downloaded from press.endocrine.org by [${individualUser.displayName}] on 10 March 2014. at 23:56 For personal use only. No other uses without permission. . All rights reserved. 4 GW4064 modulates multiple GPCRs empty reporters by GW4064 ranged from 1.5–50 folds (Figure 1B is one representative experiment displaying GW4064 response on the higher side and Figure 1C is mean ⫾ SEM of 4 independent temporally separated experiments). Based on activation, average amplitude of the GW4064 response on different reporters could be arranged in the following descending order: Mol Endocrinol Gal4TKⱖPGL4.31⬎PGL2 promⱖPGL3 prom⬎PGL2 basicⱖPGL3 basicⱖCIS-CKluc. We next assessed if the GW4064 activation of empty reporters could be attributed to ERR as HEK cells express endogenous ERRs (35). However, pretreatment with ERR␣ inverse agonist XCT-790 (41) did not affect GW4064 activation of PGL3-basic, while as expected, it FIGURE 1. FXR-independent activation of luciferase reporters by GW4064. A. FXR mRNA and protein expression in commonly used cell-lines. mRNA and total protein were isolated from indicated cell-lines and were analyzed by reverse-transcriptase PCR (RT-PCR, upper panel) or immunoblot analysis (lower panel).P.C; plasmid control, N.C; no RT control. GAPDH and -actin were used as loading controls for RT-PCR and immunoblots respectively. “Transfected FXR” is lysate from Flag-FXR-transfected HEK cells. B. HEK cells in 24-well plates were transfected with indicated reporters (0.2 g), expression plasmids or empty vector (0.1 g) and internal control pEGFPC1 (0.1 g). 12h after transfection cells were treated with GW4064 for 24h, harvested and GFP fluorescence and luminiscence were measured and the GFP normalized luciferase activity was plotted as fold luciferase activity over vehicle (0.1% DMSO)-treated empty expression vector transfected respective reporter controls. PC is positive control ligands. One representative of 9 independent experiments performed in duplicate and showing similar pattern but different fold activities is shown. C. Normalized luciferase activity from HEK cells transfected and treated as above were plotted as fold activity over respective vehicletreated reporter controls. Data is mean ⫾ SEM from 4 independent experiments performed in duplicates. D-I. HEK (D-G, I) or MCF-7 and HepG2 cells (H) were transfected as above with indicated plasmids and data are mean ⫾ SEM of 3 independent experiments performed in duplicates. GW4064 concentration used was 1 M (B-E,G-I) or as indicated (F). Where indicated, 30 minutes prior to GW4064 treatment cells were pretreated with 5 M XCT-790 (D, G). CDCA concentration used was 50 M (I). The Endocrine Society. Downloaded from press.endocrine.org by [${individualUser.displayName}] on 10 March 2014. at 23:56 For personal use only. No other uses without permission. . All rights reserved. doi: 10.1210/me.2013-1353 compromised GW4064 activation of hPGC-1␣-promoter luc (Figure 1D). Sequence analyses revealed the presence of a number of response elements for cyclic AMP (CRE), nuclear factor for activated T cells (NFAT-RE), activating protein 1 (AP-1RE) and nuclear factor kB (NFkB-RE) on all the empty reporters (data not shown). We therefore assessed if GW4064 could activate luciferase reporters driven by these elements. GW4064 strongly activated CRE and NFAT-RE –lucs but failed to activate AP-1 and NFB-RE-lucs in HEK cells (Figure 1E). On CRE and NFAT-RE -lucs, GW4064 response was concentrationdependent (respective effective concentration 50 (EC50) after 24h treatment, 0.012 M and 0.015 M; Figure 1F). ERR␣ did not appear to be responsible for this activity, as XCT-790 could not suppress GW4064 activation of CRE (Figure 1H). We also studied GW4064 response on these reporters in HepG2 cells that has been extensively studied with respect to FXR biology (42, 43) and MCF-7. As shown in Figure 1G, in FXR-rich HepG2, GW4064 modestly activated the reporters, while in MCF-7, the activation was robust, which confirmed that GW4064 activation of these reporters were indeed FXR-independent. mend.endojournals.org 5 Bile acids activate CRE through TGR5 (44), and we thus checked if the observed GW4064 response was mediated through this receptor. However, GW4064 activation of CRE was dampened upon TGR5 overexpression, while, CDCA activation of CRE was clearly elevated (Figure 1H). Together, results from Figure 1 indicate that GW4064mediated activation of empty reporters is independent of FXR, ERR or TGR5. GW4064 induces phospholipase C– dependent calcineurin activation and NFAT nuclear translocation Since GW4064 activated NFAT-RE, we assessed if it could influence intra-cellular Ca2⫹ level. GW4064 indeed induced intra-cellular Ca2⫹ accumulation in HEK cells, as visualized by flow cytometry (Figure 2A). Consequent to Ca2⫹ accumulation, endogenous calcineurin activity was enhanced, evident from release of free phosphate from a calcineurin-specific RII phosphopeptide substrate, which was also dephosphorylated by positive controls ionomycin and purified human calcineurin, while, calcineurin inhibitor FK506 inhibited its basal dephosphorylation FIGURE 2. GW4064 induces NFAT translocation and calcineurin activation by a PI-PLC-dependent mechanism.A. GW4064induction of intracellular Ca2⫹ accumulation was assessed by flow cytometry using fluo-4 as previously described (30) in a BD FACS Calibur flow cytometer. Data are representative of three independent experiments showing identical pattern.B. HEK 293 cells in 10cm dishes were treated with 1 M GW4064, ionomycin (1 M) or FK506 (10 M) for 30 minutes and then was assayed for calcineurin activity using a colorimetric calcineurin assay kit. Recombinant human calcineurin (40 U) was used as a positive control. Data represents nmol of PO4 released (values are normalized to control). Data is mean ⫾ SEM from three representative experiments performed in triplicates. C. HEK cells in chamber slides were treated with 1 M GW4064 or ionomycin (1 M) for 30 minutes and endogenous NFATc1 was detected by immunocytochemistry. The nuclei were stained with DAPI. Magnification 40X, bar; 50 m. Data are representative of three independent experiments. I; ionomycin. D. HEK cells in 24 well plates were transfected with 200ng NFAT-RE-luc, and 100ng eGFPC1. Cells were then treated with indicated compoundsfor 30 minutes followed by treatment with 1 M GW4064 for 24h. Normalized luciferase values were then plotted as % inhibition of GW4064 response. Data are mean ⫾ SEM of three independent experiments performed in duplicate. *P ⬍ .05, **P ⬍ .01. The Endocrine Society. Downloaded from press.endocrine.org by [${individualUser.displayName}] on 10 March 2014. at 23:56 For personal use only. No other uses without permission. . All rights reserved. 6 GW4064 modulates multiple GPCRs (Figure 2B). Consequent to calcineurin activation, nuclear translocation of endogenous NFATc1 was enhanced by GW4064 in a microscopy-based assay (Figure 2C). We next used a battery of inhibitors to revalidate and gain further insights into the above observations. As demonstrated in Figure 2D, the specific NFAT inhibitor 11RVIVIT (45); INCA-6, a blocker of calcineurin-NFAT interaction (46); and inhibitors of calcineurin enzyme activity FK506 and Cyclosporin A strongly repressed GW4064 response on NFAT-RE-luc, indicating that Calcineurin-NFAT activation is indeed required for activation of NFAT-RE by GW4064. While GW4064-activation of NFAT-RE was blocked by Na3VO4 (general phosphatase inhibitor), okadaic acid (protein phosphatase (PP) 1 and 2A inhibitor), sangunarine chloride (PP2C inhibitor) (47) or NSC87877 (SHP1 and SHP2 protein tyrosine phosphatase inhibitor) (48) failed to block this activity (Figure 2D). These results suggest that GW4064 activation of NFAT-RE is achieved by specific activation of calcineurin but not other phosphatases. GW4064 response on NFAT-RE was also blocked by phosphoinositol-dependent phospholipase C (PI-PLC) inhibitors in- Mol Endocrinol cluding, U73122 (49) and edelfosine (50) but not by phosphatidylcholine-dependent phospholipase C inhibitor, D609 (51) (Figure 2D). Inositol triphosphate (IP3) receptor antagonist 2-APB (52) and intracellular Ca2⫹ chelator BAPTA-AM (53) strongly inhibited GW4064response on NFAT-RE, however these effects were only modestly blocked by cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) inhibitors including KT5720 (54) and H-89 (Figure 2D), while protein kinase C inhibitor, GF109203X (55) had no effect. Together, these results demonstrate that GW4064-mediated NFAT activation may primarily be a result of PI-PLC pathway-mediated IP3 receptor activation and upregulation of cellular Ca2⫹ level which in turn activates calcineurin-mediated NFAT nuclear translocation. GW4064 induces Ca2ⴙ -dependent cAMP signaling. Next, effect of GW4064 on cAMP signaling was assessed. Intriguingly, although GW4064 dose-dependently enhanced basal cAMP level (EC50: 0.241 M; Figure 3A) and consequently enhanced CREB phosphorylation at S133 (Figure 3B), it strongly suppressed forskolin-in- FIGURE 3. GW4064 activation of CRE requires involvement of both cAMP and Ca2ⴙ signaling.A. HEK cells in 6-well plates were treated with indicated doses of GW4064 or forskolin (FSK) for 30 minutes as indicated. Cells were then lysed, cAMP level was measured using an HTRF-based kit and normalized with protein content. cAMP conc (nM)/g of protein was plotted. Data are mean ⫾ SEM of three independent experiments performed in triplicates. B. HEK cells in 10 cm dishes were treated with 1 M GW4064 for the indicated time periods and were immunoblotted for phospho-CREB S133. Total ERK1/2 was used as a loading control. Data are representative of three independent experiments. C. HEK cells were pretreated with 10 M FSK for 30 minutes followed by treatment with indicated concentrations of GW4064 for another 30 minutes. D. HEK cells were pretreated with KH7 or BAPTA-AM for 30 minutes followed by 5 minutes treatment with 1 M GW4064. cAMP was measured and plotted as in 3A. C and D; data are mean ⫾ SEM of three independent experiments performed in triplicates. E. HEK cells in 24well plates were transfected with 200ng NFAT-RE-luc and 100ng eGFPC1. Cells were then treated with indicated compounds for 30 minutes followed by treatment with 1 M GW4064 for 24h. Normalized luciferase values were then plotted as % inhibition of GW4064 response. Data are mean ⫾ SEM of three independent experiments performed in duplicates. F. HEK cells in 10 cm dishes were treated as indicated and nuclear accumulation of endogenous Torc2 was determined by western blotting of cytosolic or nuclear extracts. ␣/ tubulin and histone H3 were used as markers for cytosolic and nuclear fractions respectively. G and H. HEK cells in 24-well plates were transfected with CRE- luc and indicated expression plasmids as above and were treated as indicated. Normalized luciferase values were plotted as fold activity over reporter plasmid transfected vehicle (0.1% DMSO) treated cells. Data are mean ⫾ SEM of three independent experiments performed in duplicate. *P ⬍ .05, **P ⬍ .01, ***P ⬍ .001. The Endocrine Society. Downloaded from press.endocrine.org by [${individualUser.displayName}] on 10 March 2014. at 23:56 For personal use only. No other uses without permission. . All rights reserved. doi: 10.1210/me.2013-1353 duced cAMP accumulation (inhibitory concentration 50 (IC50): 0.07 M; Figure 3C). We postulated that GW4064-induction of basal cAMP level probably did not occur through the membrane-bound forskolin-stimulated adenylyl cyclase and assessed if it was achieved through the Ca2⫹ and HCO3- -dependent soluble adenylyl cyclase (56). Both intracellular Ca2⫹ chelator BAPTA-AM (53) and soluble adenylyl cyclase inhibitor KH7 (56) blocked the GW4064-induction of cAMP accumulation (Figure 3D), indicating that GW4064-mediated accumulation of cAMP was indeed Ca2⫹-dependent. The above observations were revalidated by assessing GW4064 activation of CRE-luc in presence of various pharmacological inhibitors. GW4064 activation of CREluc was partially blocked by KT5720. Na3VO4, FK506 as well as BAPTA-AM also blocked it to the same extent as KT5720, while okadaic acid had no effect (Figure 3E). These results suggest that while CRE activation by GW4064 may occur due to cellular accumulation of cAMP, the full extent of GW4064 response is achieved by additional Ca2⫹-calcineurin dependent events. Transducers of regulated CREB protein (TORC) proteins are coactivators for CRE binding transcription factor (CREB), that are known to activate CRE independent of cAMP-PKA dependent CREB phosphorylation at S133 (57). Since TORC proteins are activated by calcineurin mediated dephosphorylation (58, 59), we assessed if GW4064 could induce TORC translocation to nucleus. GW4064 indeed caused a robust nuclear accumulation of endogenous TORC2 in HEK cells, with a comparable activity to staurosporin (Figure 3F), a salt-inducible kinase inhibitor that prevents phosphorylation of TORC and thereby increases its nuclear translocation (60). In support of GW4064-mediated CRE activation by both cAMP and TORC pathways, overexpression of the PKA catalytic subunit (PKA-Cat) resulted in synergistic activation of CRE in presence of GW4064 (Figure 3G) and GW4064 cotreatment with staurosporine also resulted in synergistic activation of this reporter (Figure 3H). Taken together, data from Figure 2 and 3 suggest that GW4064 primarily activates PI-PLC and IP3 dependent Ca2⫹ signaling which leads to calcineurin-dependent activation of NFAT and TORC2 and these two factors stimulate NFAT-RE and CRE respectively. In addition, CRE luc activation by GW4064 is also supplemented by cAMP generated by Ca2⫹-dependent activation of soluble adenylyl cyclase. GW4064 elicits signaling through G␣i/0, Gq/11 G-proteins Since GW4064 activated PI-PLC signaling, we investigated if GW4064 achieved this through a GPCR. To that mend.endojournals.org 7 end, GW4064 activation of NFAT-RE was assessed in presence of GPCR minigenes that served as dominant negatives for their respective G-proteins (37). Transfection of G␣0,i1/2,3 or Gq11 minigenes strongly inhibited GW4064 response on NFAT-RE in HEK cells, while minigenes for G␣S, G12, G13 or a scrambled control Gprotein minigene (GiR) were ineffective (Figure 4), indicating that GW4064 may regulate signaling through G␣i/0 and/or Gq11 coupled GPCRs. GW4064 binds to multiple GPCRs and elicits histamine receptor-mediated signaling events To identify the specific GPCRs through which GW4064 signal is mediated, we first compiled a list of G␣i/0 or Gq11 – coupled GPCRs that are expressed in HEK cells from available literature (61– 63). Because GW4064 activated PI-PLC dependent Ca2⫹ signaling and caused intracellular cAMP accumulation, we speculated that rather than acting as a neutral antagonist, GW4064 may act as a pure, partial or inverse agonist for one or more GPCRs. A decade of studies have demonstrated that a ligand can alter a receptor conformation into an activation/inhibition state that is dependent upon an intrinsic property of the ligand usually based on its chemical composition (64). Theoretically therefore, each different ligand is capable of imparting its own unique activation/ inhibition state to a receptor. We thus conducted a pharmacological screening where GW4064 activity on NFAT-RE was assessed in presence of antagonists/inhibitors of compiled GPCRs. Interestingly, GW4064 activation of NFAT-RE was blocked by a number of GPCR antagonists including that of angiotensin II, adrenergic, cholecystokinin (CCK), dopamine, endothelin, histamine, leukotriene B4, neurotensin, M3 muscarinic, protease activated, and somatostatin receptors (Supplemen- FIGURE 4. GW4064 activation of NFAT-RE is blocked by Gq/ 11, G␣i and Go G-protein minigenes. HEK cells in 24-well plates were transfected with 200ng NFAT-RE-luc, 100ng eGFPC1 and 200ng of indicated G-protein minigenes. Cells were then treated with 1 M GW4064 for 24h. Normalized luciferase values were then plotted as % inhibition of GW4064 response. Data are mean ⫾ SEM of three independent experiments performed in duplicates. The Endocrine Society. Downloaded from press.endocrine.org by [${individualUser.displayName}] on 10 March 2014. at 23:56 For personal use only. No other uses without permission. . All rights reserved. 8 GW4064 modulates multiple GPCRs tary Table 1). These results indicate that GW4064mediated activation of NFAT-RE may stem from activation/inhibition of more than one GPCR. The secondary screening was performed by assessing direct binding of GW4064 to these receptors by radioligand competition experiments and as shown in Supplementary Table 2, GW4064 competed with cognate radioligands for binding to angiotensin II receptor AT1R but not AT2R, muscarinic acetylcholinergic receptors (M1, M2, M3, M5 but not M4), and H1 and H2 histamine receptors (H1R and H2R). GW4064 failed to affect binding of radioligands to other receptors tested, including alpha adrenergic 1B, cholecystokinin,dopamine D4, endothelin A, neurotensin receptor 1 and somastostatin receptors 2 and 5 (Supplementary Table 2). Detailed competition binding studies performed on selected receptors revealed that GW4064 showed concentration dependent replacement of cognate radioligand binding to M1 (IC50; 7.33 M, Ki; 1.8 M), M2 (IC50; 4.11 M, Ki; 1.73 M), M3 (IC50; 11.6 M, Ki; 5.62 M) and M5 (IC50; 7.9 M,Ki; 4.89 M), and AT1R (IC50; 1.03 M, Ki; 0.94 M) (Supplementary Figure 1). GW4064 also competed with cognate radioligands for binding to H1R (IC50; 8.58 M, Ki; 4.10 M) and H2R (IC50; 7.74 M, Ki; 6.33 M) (Figure 5A and B) but not H3 and H4 (Figure 5C-D) histamine receptors (H3R and H4R). We next assessed if GW4064 could functionally modulate activity of these receptors. While in cell-free assays the EC50s of GW4064 for FXR in recruiting receptor interacting domain of steroid receptor coactivator 1 (SRC1) (corresponding to amino acids 676 –700 of SRC1) and transcription intermediary factor 2 (TIF-2) were reported to be 0.015 and 0.070 M (34, 65) respectively and in cell-based mammalian one hybrid assay it was reported to be 0.15 M (35), majority of studies in the context of FXR have used GW4064 at a concentration range of 0.1–10 M. Since we also observed the GWinduced rapid signaling events within this range, the ability of GW4064 to control the functions of these GPCRs were assessed to a maximum concentration of 10 M. As shown in Supplementary Figure 2, GW4064 failed to activate or repress AT-1R or muscarinic receptors M2 and M3-mediated Ca2⫹ signaling in this concentration range, indicating that GW4064 might signal through these receptors only at high micromolar concentrations (which correlated well with the binding data). GW4064, however, robustly activated Gq11 coupled H1R and G␣i coupled H4R, inhibited G␣s coupled H2R within this concentration range and it was noneffective against G␣i coupled H3R. GW4064-mediated H1R activation was measured by a NFAT-RE-luc-based assay in which HEK cells transfected with pcDNA3 or pcDNA3-H1R were Mol Endocrinol incubated with different concentrations of GW4064 or histamine or in combination. Since a luciferase reporterbased assay system was used, in order to minimize secondary long term effects on the reporter, as well as to avoid luciferase saturation-related exaggeration in EC50 values of the ligands, all treatments were given for 3h (unlike 24h in Figure 1F). As demonstrated in Figure 5E and F, both histamine and GW4064 activated the reporter in absence of transfected H1R (GW4064 EC50: 9.76 M, histamine EC50: 0.17 M), indicating that in agreement with prior reports (63) HEK cells did express functional endogenous H1R. In presence of transfected H1R, not only the amplitude of activation was enhanced but also the EC50 for both ligands were shifted to the left (GW4064 EC50: 0.32 M, histamine EC50: 0.008 M). EC50 of GW4064 for H1R was comparable to a previously reported EC50 of GW4064 (0.15 M) for FXR as determined from a cell-based mammalian one hybrid assay (35). Interestingly, cotreatment of GW4064 with various doses of histamine or vice versa resulted in further increase in amplitude of reporter activation, without any significant change in EC50 of either ligands (Figure 5G and H). These data indicate that, although GW4064 showed some binding to the histamine binding site of H1R, it activated H1R through a distinct binding site on this receptor. A similar finding was observed for H4R, for which although GW4064 could not compete with [3H] Histamine in the radio-ligand binding assay (Figure 5D), in the functional (cAMPGloSensor) assay it activated H4R-mediated downregulation of forskolin-stimulated cAMP (GW4064 EC50: 7.42 ⫻ 10-4 M) with similar efficacy to selective H4R agonist, clobenpropit (66) (EC50: 1.46 ⫻ 10-3M) (Figure 5K), however, consistent with lack of binding to H3R it did not modulate H3R activity (Figure 5J). GW4064 also suppressed H2R mediated cAMP accumulation in presence or absence of the selective H2R agonist, amthamine (67) (IC50: 3.8 M and 0.78 M respectively) as determined by the cAMP GloSensor assay (Figure 5I). Calculated EC50s, IC50s and Ki values from functional and radioligand competition assays as well as published EC50s of GW4064 for FXR have been summarized in Table 1. H1R has been cocrystalized with its specific ligand E-doxepin (68). Although evidences from functional assays indicated that H1R activation by GW4064 was primarily achieved through a site topographically distinct from its orthosteric site (Figure 5E and F), given that GW4064 also competed with [3H] histamine in a radioligand binding assay (Figure 5A), thereby suggesting that it interacted with the orthosteric site too, we investigated the interaction of GW4064 with histamine binding site of human H1R by a molecular docking study. To determine The Endocrine Society. Downloaded from press.endocrine.org by [${individualUser.displayName}] on 10 March 2014. at 23:56 For personal use only. No other uses without permission. . All rights reserved. doi: 10.1210/me.2013-1353 the ability of our docking program to reproduce the orientation and position of the ligand present in the crystal structure, first E-Doxepin was extracted and docked back to the corresponding binding pocket of H1R. The conformation obtained after docking was found to be similar to that of the crystal structure, which validated our docking method. GW4064 binding mode closely resembled the cocrystallized E-doxepin in H1R, and its carboxyl group was found to extend out of pocket toward the extracellular space where it formed hydrogen bonds with ASP178 mend.endojournals.org 9 and HIS450 (Supplementary Figure 3). The top scoring binding conformation of GW4064 was found to be involved in aromatic interactions with the aromatic rings of TYR108, TYR158 and TYR431, whereas hydrophobic interactions were found to be primarily provided by SER111, LYS179, TRP428, PHE432 and ILE454 (Supplementary Figure 3). We also evaluated the structural similarities between GW4064 and other histamine receptor ligands but no significant similarity between their chemical structures FIGURE 5. GW4064 binds to and modulates the activities of histamine receptors. A-D. Membrane fractions from CHO-K1 cells overexpressing indicated receptors were incubated with cognate radioligands [1.20 nM3H-Pyrilamine for H1 (kd 1.10 nM), 0.10 nM125IAminopotentidine for H2 (kd 0.45 nM), 0.40 nM3H- N-␣-Methylhistamine for H3 (kd 0.38 nM) and 8.20 nM [3H] Histamine for H4 (kd 5.70 nM)] for 1.5–3 hours in presence of indicated concentrations of unlabeled GW4064 or ligands and data was plotted as % binding of radioligands with values in absence of cold competitors set as 100. Non specific binding in each case was determined by coincubation with 1.0 M Pyrilamine for H1, 3.0 M Tiotidine for H2, 1.0 M R(-)-␣-Methylhistamine (RAMH) for H3 and 1.0 M Histamine for H4. A-D. Data represent mean ⫾ SEM from one experiment performed in duplicates. E-F. NFAT-RE-luciferase activity was determined in HEK cells transfected with pcDNA3 or H1 and treated with indicated concentrations of histamine or GW4064 for 3h. G-H. NFAT-RE-luciferase activity was determined in H1-trasnsfected HEK cells after indicated cotreatments. I-K. HEK cells overexpressing H2, H3 or H4 and cAMPGloSensor plasmids were treated with GW4064 or histamine receptor ligands for 15 minutes. For H2 assay (I), cells were treated with GW4064 alone for 15 minutes or were pretreated with 1 M amthamine for 15 minutes. For H3 and H4 assays (J and K) cells were pretreated with 10 M forskolin for 15 minutes, and were then treated with imetit, clobenpropit or GW4064 for 15 minutes further. For Imetit ⫹ GW4064 or clobenpropit ⫹ GW4064 treated groups, imetit or clobenpropit were added 15 minutes prior to GW4064 treatment. cAMP level was determined using a luminometer, and plotted as relative light units. E-K, data are mean ⫾ SEM of 3 independent experiments performed in duplicates. The Endocrine Society. Downloaded from press.endocrine.org by [${individualUser.displayName}] on 10 March 2014. at 23:56 For personal use only. No other uses without permission. . All rights reserved. 10 GW4064 modulates multiple GPCRs Table 1. Receptor hFXR Mol Endocrinol Relative EC50, IC50 and Ki values of GW4064 for FXR and histamine receptors IC50 (antagonist) (M) IC50 (inverse agonist) (M) EC 50 (M) 0.015a Ki (M) 0.09b hFXR 0.07 hFXR 0.15 H1R 0.32a H2R 4.1b 0.78 a 3.8 a NI a NI a 6.33 b H3R NA a H4R 7.42 ⫻ 10-4 a Assays Cell free FRET assay with SRC1 676 –700 (34) b Cell-based FXRE-luc reporter assay (34) Cell free HTRF assay with hTIF-2 (65) Mammalian one hybrid assay with pM-FXR (35) a Cell based NFAT-REluciferase b Competitive RLB a Cell based cAMP b Competitive RLB a Cell based cAMP b Competitive RLB a Cell based cAMP b Competitive RLB a NC b NC b Table 1. Relative EC50, IC50 and ki values of GW4064 pertaining to FXR and histamine receptors is indicated. NA; no activation, NI; no inhibition, NC; no competition, FRET; Fluorescence resonance energy transfer, HTRF; Homogenous time resolved fluorescence, RLB; Radioligand binding assay. were found (data not shown), suggesting that GW4064 provides a new chemical scaffold for modulation of histamine receptors. Together these results indicate that GW4064 is a functional modulator of H1, H2 and H4 histamine receptors and that these receptors may contribute to the pharmacological action of GW4064 in addition to FXR and ERRs. Induction of cell death in MCF-7 and HEK cells by GW4064 is FXR-independent GW4064 has been reported to promote apoptosis of colon cancer and breast cancer (MCF-7) cells (12, 14, 26, 31), while in HepG2 hepatoma cells it protects against serum-deprivation-induced apoptosis (12, 28). Since GW4064 modulated the activity of histamine receptors, that has been reported to regulate cell growth and apoptosis (69), and as we observed no FXR expression in MCF-7 cells, GW4064-induced MCF-7 cell death was re-evaluated. The GW4064-induced MCF-7 cell death was dependent on serum concentration (Figure 7A), which is in agreement with the experimental conditions followed by Swales et al, where MCF-7 cells were serum starved for 24h followed by treatment with GW4064 in medium containing no serum for the cell-death assays (26). Interestingly, in identical conditions, similar amount of cell-death was also observed in HEK cells (Figure 7A). Ectopic expression of FXR in HEK cells rather improved cell-sur- vival both in presence or absence of GW4064 when compared to vector-transfected control cells (Figure 7B), indicating that FXR overexpression not only protected against GW4064-induced cell death but also protected these cells against transfection-related stress-induced cell death. Swales et al, have demonstrated GW4064-induction of FXRE in MCF-7 cells (26) and we found that although GW4064 indeed activated FXRE-luc in these cells, the amplitude of FXRE activation in absence of ectopic FXR was equivalent to GW4064-mediated activation of empty PGL3-prom luc (Figure 7C). Only with ectopic expression of FXR in these cells, did we obtain a higher response on FXRE-luc when compared to PGL3 prom-luc (Figure 7D). In contrast, in HepG2 cells, GW4064 robustly activated FXRE in comparison to PGL3-prom, even without exogenous FXR (Figure 7D). These results demonstrate that GW4064-induction of apoptosis in MCF-7 and HEK cells was FXR-independent and occurred probably via the GPCR signaling pathways. Histamine receptors are expressed in HEK, MCF-7 and HepG2 cells and histamine receptor regulators protect against GW4064-induced cell death To investigate if GW4064-mediated signaling events and cell death in HEK and MCF-7 were indeed dependent on the histamine receptors, first histamine receptor expression in these cells were studied. As shown in Figure 7A, all the histamine receptor mRNAs were detected in The Endocrine Society. Downloaded from press.endocrine.org by [${individualUser.displayName}] on 10 March 2014. at 23:56 For personal use only. No other uses without permission. . All rights reserved. doi: 10.1210/me.2013-1353 HEK, MCF-7 and HepG2 cells. In addition, histidine decarboxylase (HDC), the enzyme that catalyzes conversion of histidine to histamine was also expressed in these cells (Figure 7A), indicating that a functional autocrine histamine signaling system was present in these cells. We next determined the efficacy of histamine receptor modulators in blocking GW4064-induced cell death in HEK and MCF-7 cells. GW4064-induced cell death in both HEK and MCF-7 were significantly blocked by selective H2 agonist amthamine and H4 inhibitor JNJ 10191584 (70) (Figure 7B and C). While, H1 antagonist fexofenadine mend.endojournals.org 11 was modestly effective in blocking GW4064-induced cell death in MCF-7 (Figure 7C), it was ineffective in HEK (Figure 7B). H3 agonist (R)-(-)-␣-Methylhistamine (RAMH) was ineffective in both HEK and MCF-7 (Figure 7B and C). Discussion While objectively exploring the mechanism of GW4064induced activation of empty luciferase reporters, here we have identified GW4064 as a ligand for multiple GPCRs and have established that at least the cell growth regulatory functions of this compound could be attributed to its modulation of histamine receptors. Our findings that GW4064 modulates histamine receptor activity and that HepG2 cells express all histamine receptor subtypes, explain at least in part the gross differences in hepatic gene expression profiles induced by three different FXR agonists; fexaramine, GW4064 and CDCA (36). Although FXR expression is predominant in enterohepatic tissues, recently a number of reports implicated this receptor in a number of roles in extraenterohepatic organs, including in different cancer types and vasculature (4, 13, 14, 21, 25, 26, 71). GW4064 has been used in a number of these studies as a pharmacological tool as CDCA, the endogenous FXR agonist also activates TGR5 (44). Interestingly, while FXR or its ligands have been reported to increase survival of normal and malignant breast, hepatic and pancreatic cells through its antiinflammatory functions (8, 12, 16, FIGURE 6. GW4064 induces FXR-independent cell-death in MCF-7 and HEK cells. 19, 22, 23, 28) they have also been A. MCF-7 or HEK cells were plated in 96 well plates (10000 cells / well) and then were shown to cause reactive oxygen spemaintained in medium supplemented with indicated serum concentrations for 24h. The cells cies (ROS) -induced apoptosis of were then treated with indicated concentrations of GW4064 in medium with identical serum concentrations, and were further cultured for 24h or 48h following which cell viability was cardiac, vascular and cancer cells (4, assessed by MTT assay and plotted as % cell death compared to vehicle-treated controls (for 18, 21, 29, 31, 72). Although it is which cell death was set as 0). B. Effect of 5 M GW4064 on cell viability of untransfected (UT), possible that these differential reempty vector or FXR transfected cells were assessed by MTT. C. Comparison of PGL3-prom or 3X-FXRE luc activities in HepG2, HEK or MCF-7 cells transfected with empty (vector) or FXR sponses could result from spatioexpression plasmids. Normalized luciferase activities were plotted as fold activity over values from temporal differences in FXR funcvehicle-treated control groups. Data are are mean ⫾ SEM of 3 independent experiments tions, our inability to detect FXR performed in duplicates. *P ⬍ .05. The Endocrine Society. Downloaded from press.endocrine.org by [${individualUser.displayName}] on 10 March 2014. at 23:56 For personal use only. No other uses without permission. . All rights reserved. 12 GW4064 modulates multiple GPCRs transcript or protein in MCF-7 cells, coupled with induction of apoptosis by GW4064 in these cells clearly indicate that FXR-independent mechanisms are responsible for the cytotoxic effects of GW4064. Identification of GW4064 as an H4R agonist also raises the possibility that GW4064-mediated cell death in hepatocellular carcinoma could actually occur via H4R, as clobenpropit an H4R agonist has been shown to inhibit progression and metastasis of human hepatic cholangiocarcinoma (66). The notion that histamine receptors may contribute to the cytotoxic functions attributed to FXR activation by GW4064 gains support from the observations where GW4064 has been shown to aggravate diet-induced obesity, diabetes and hepatic steatosis (73, 74), while INT747, another FXR agonist protected against these conditions (74). Given that GW4064 inhibited H2R, it is interesting to note that H2R knock-out mice have been shown to display severe hyperglycemia and hepatic steatosis (75). However, to fully dissect the FXR-dependent and independent functions of GW4064 it is necessary to assess the function of this compound in FXR knock-out mice. Incidentally, a number of nuclear receptor ligands have been found to display off-target effects. For example, CDCA and estrogen were found to modulate G-protein coupled receptors TGR5 and GPR-30, respectively (44, 76), guggulsterone initially identified as an FXR antagonist was found to bind to and modulate the activities of several steroid receptors including androgen, mineralo- Mol Endocrinol corticoid, glucocorticoid and progesterone receptors with higher affinity and efficacy than FXR (77), and T019377, a liver X receptor agonist was found to activate pregnane X receptor (78). Together with our results these evidences indicate that in the context of ligand-receptor interactions, promiscuity might be a rule rather than an exception, and therefore careful combination of genetic and pharmacological approaches are necessary for interpretation of biological data pertaining to a particular receptor. The histamine receptors comprise a group of 4 GPCRs that couple to Gq/11 (H1R), G␣s (H2R), G␣i/0 (H3R and H4R). These receptors display distinct tissue distribution, where H1R is predominantly localized in endothelial cells and smooth muscle, H2R in gastric parietal cells, H3R in the central nervous system (CNS) and H4R in mast cells, eosinophils, T cells and dendritic cells (69, 79). Histamine receptors have been of intense pharmacological interest relating to allergy, inflammation, immunomodulation, smooth muscle contraction, gastric acid secretion and functioning of the CNS including cognition, wakefulness and food-intake (69, 79). A number of drugs pertaining to allergy (H1R), gastric ulcer and gastrooesophageal reflux (H2R) are used widely. Other than betahistine, a dual H1R agonist and H3R antagonist which is used as an antivertigo agent, H3R antagonists are also being researched as potential drugs for neurodegenerative diseases. Histamine has been shown to play important roles in cell growth, carcinogenesis, angiogenesis, metastasis and apoptosis since 1932 (50, 66, 69), however, due to FIGURE 7. All four histamine receptors and histidine decarboxylase are expressed in HEK and MCF-7 cells and selective histamine receptor modulators block GW4064-induced cell death in these cells. A. mRNA expression as determined by RT-PCR. PC; plasmid control, NC; no RT control. Data is representative of 3 independent experiments. B and C. MTT assay in HEK (B) and MCF-7 (C) cells treated with indicated concentrations of selective histamine receptor modulators with or without 5 M GW4064 for 48h. Data is plotted as % cell death where cell death obtained with 5uM GW4064 alone was set as 100%. C and D; Data are are mean ⫾ SEM of 3 independent experiments performed in duplicates. *P ⬍ .05, **P ⬍ .01, ***P ⬍ .001. The Endocrine Society. Downloaded from press.endocrine.org by [${individualUser.displayName}] on 10 March 2014. at 23:56 For personal use only. No other uses without permission. . All rights reserved. doi: 10.1210/me.2013-1353 the differential functions of the four different histamine receptors, interpretation of existing data has been difficult. Further, both agonists and inhibitors of histamine receptors have been shown to induce cell type-specific proliferation or cell death in different studies (69). A comprehensive analysis of these studies along with the clinical findings that plasma histamine is raised in patients with breast cancer indicate that histamine may have a biphasic role in malignancies and its level might be tightly regulated by these cells in order to maintain an environment conducive to proliferation and malignancy. In our hands both agonists and antagonists of the four histamine receptors induced variable levels of cell growth at picomolar to nanomolar concentrations, while at high micromolar concentrations most of them inhibited cellular proliferation and induced cell death (Yadav and Sanyal unpublished data) and the same was true for GW4064. That GW4064-induction of cell death in both MCF-7 and HEK were efficiently blocked by H2R agonist amthamine and H4R antagonist JNJ 10191584, indicates that GW4064 induced cell death was indeed dependent on modulation of these two receptors by this compound. It’s interesting to note that despite exhibiting some level of binding to the orthosteric site of H1R, GW4064 activated this receptor cooperatively with histamine. Further, despite lack of competitive binding to H3R and H4R, GW4064 strongly activated H4R only, without affecting H3R activity in an identical assay system. The above evidences indicate that GW4064 may act through topographically distinct allosteric binding sites on H1R and H4R. Given that till date no allosteric modulators of histamine receptors are available and the intense pharmacological interest pertaining to this group of receptors, GW4064 may provide a unique strategy for histamine receptor modulation and also owing to the fact that it resembles none of the existing histamine receptor modulators, this compound may provide novel chemical scaffolds for designing specific drugs pertaining to histamine signaling. Also the ability of this compound to bind to other GPCRs including AT1 and muscarinic receptors may provide a scaffold for novel pharmacological modulators of these receptors. In conclusion, our unbiased attempt to objectively decipher the mechanism behind induction of empty luciferase reporters by the synthetic FXR agonist GW4064 led to the identification of this compound as a regulator of multiple GPCRs and this discovery will not only help to dissect the functional difference between different FXR agonists, but also will provide important medicinal chemistry insights for design of novel drugs related to histamine and angiotensin receptors. mend.endojournals.org 13 Acknowledgments The authors are thankful to Dr. Heidi E Hamm (Vanderbilt University Medical Center) for kind gift of plasmids. The authors acknowledge SAIF division of CSIR-CDRI for help with flow cytometry. Received November 1, 2013. Accepted February 28, 2014. *Address all correspondence and requests for reprints to: Sabyasachi Sanyal, Division of Biochemistry, CSIR-Central Drug Research Institute, 10 Janakipuram Extn, Sitapur Road, UP, India., E-Mail: [email protected]., Phone No.091- (522)2771940, Fax No. 091- (522)-27719401. #These authors contributed equally Disclosure Summary: The authors have nothing to disclose This work was supported by research grants from CSIR network projects UNDO (to SS and AKT) and ASTHI (to NC). NS, HK and JSM were supported by fellowships from UGC. MY was supported by fellowship from ICMR. AKS, AG, SKDD were supported by fellowships from CSIR. References 1. Forman BM, Goode E, Chen J, Oro AE, Bradley DJ, Perlmann T, Noonan DJ, Burka LT, McMorris T, Lamph WW, Evans RM, Weinberger C. Identification of a nuclear receptor that is activated by farnesol metabolites. Cell. 1995;81(5):687– 693. 2. Seol W, Choi HS, Moore DD. 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