Michael D. Eisner College of Education Credential Office CREDENTIAL PROGRAM: SINGLE SUBJECTS Student Handbook Including the following pathways: Traditional Accelerated Collaborative Teacher Preparation (ACT) Internship Four-Year integrated (FYI) in English or Mathematics Junior-Year Integrated (JYI) in English or Mathematics California State University, Northridge 18111 Nordhoff Street, Northridge, CA 91330-8338 Office Location: ED 103 www.csun.edu/coe/cred Phone: (818) 677-2586 Email: [email protected] Table of Contents Orientation Introduction to the Preliminary California Single Subjects Teaching Credential --------------- Page(s) 01 Coursework Requirements, Pre-requisites/Co-requisites, and Recommended Sequences ---Traditional --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 02 Accelerated Collaborative Teacher Preparation (ACT) ----------------------------------------------- 03 Internship (Intern) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 04 FYI/JYI (English or Mathematics only) ----------------------------------------------------------------- 05 Course Registration Process -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 06 Additional Program Requirements GPA, Writing proficency, U.S Constitution, Bachelor’s Degree and CPR ------------------------- 07-08 Student Teaching Traditional, FYI & JYI Pathways ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09-10 Accelerated Collaborative Teacher Preparation (ACT) ----------------------------------------------- 11-12 Internship (Intern) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13-14 Applying to Student Teach -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15 Assignments -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16 Performance Assessment for California Teachers (PACT) ------------------------------------------- 17 Advisement ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18 Tips For Success ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19 INTRODUCTION TO THE PRELIMINARY CALIFORNIA SINGLE SUBJECT TEACHING CREDENTIAL The preliminary single subject teaching credential is a license to provide instruction in a California public school setting. The single subject credential is a Kindergarten through 12th grade authorization that allows you to teach in a departmentalized classroom setting. That means you are teaching a single subject to several different groups of pupils in a school day. This setting is most commonly found in junior high, high schools and some middle schools. Our credential program meets the Senate Bill 2042 (SB2042) standards for English Learner instruction. This means that upon completion of the program you will be authorized to provide instruction to students for whom English is not their first language. The program is fully accredited by the Commission on Teacher Credentialing. The preliminary credential is a 5 year document. The next level credential is called a clear credential and in order to obtain it you must complete an induction program; an advanced on-the-job training program typically provided by the public school districts but also at some universities. If your employment doesn’t offer one you may be able to enroll in a university program. _____________________________________________________________________________________ Credential Program Student Handbook Single Subject Orientation Page 1 COURSEWORK REQUIREMENTS AND RECOMMENDED SEQUENCE Traditional Program Students: This pathway allows candidates the most scheduling flexibility. You can take classes full-time or part-time; it’s up to you. Sample One Year Program (36 units) Semester One SED 511 (required in 1st semester) Fundamentals of Secondary Education in Multi-ethnic Secondary Schools EPC 420 Educational Psychology of Adolescence SED 525XX Methods of Teaching Single Subject (Select Subject Specific Course) SED 554 Supervised Field Experience SED 554S Field Experience Seminar SED 514 Computers in the Instructional Program HSCI 466ADO Health Concerns of the Adolescent Semester Two SED 521 Content Literacy in Multi-ethnic, Multilingual Secondary Schools Improving the Learning of Students with Special Needs Through SPED 420 Differentiated Instruction and Collaboration Teaching English Learners in Multi-ethnic, Multilingual Secondary Schools SED 529 AAS/ARMN/CHS/PAS/ELPS 417 Equity and Diversity in Schools SED 555 Supervised Practicum SED 555S Practicum Seminar Sample Two Year Program (36 units) Semester One 3 3 3 5 2 Units st SED 511 (required in 1 semester) EPC 420* SED 514* Semester Two SED 525XX SED 521 AAS/ARMN/CHS/PAS/ELPS 417* Semester Three SED 554 SED 554S SPED 420 Units 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 Units 3 Fundamentals of Secondary Education in multi-ethnic Secondary Schools Educational Psychology of Adolescence Computers in the Instructional Program Methods of Teaching Single Subject (Select Subject Specific Course) Content Literacy in Multi-ethnic, Multilingual Secondary Schools Equity and Diversity in Schools Supervised Field Experience Field Experience Seminar Improving the Learning of Students with Special Needs Through Differentiated Instruction and Collaboration Teaching English Learners in Multi-ethnic, Multilingual Secondary Schools SED 529* Semester Four HSCI 466ADO* Health Concerns of the Adolescent SED 555 Supervised Practicum SED 555S Practicum Seminar * May be completed during Summer or Winter Session if course is available. Consult Summer Class Schedule. 3 3 3 Units 3 3 3 Units 3 1 3 3 Units 1 5 2 NOTES: - For candidates admitted, re-admitted or who have rolled over their admission to Fall 2011 or later, SED 529 (Teaching English Learners in Multi-ethnic, Multilingual Secondary Schools), will be required. - For the Bilingual Authorization please meet with an Advisor in the Credential Office. _____________________________________________________________________________________ Credential Program Student Handbook Single Subject Orientation Page 2 COURSEWORK REQUIREMENTS AND RECOMMENDED SEQUENCE Accelerated Collaborative Teacher Preparation Program (ACT) Students: Meet with the ACT Coordinator for information on course registration. One Year Program (36 units) Semester One ELPS 541A SPED 541B SED 511 EPC 420 SED 514 SED 525XX SED 554 SED 554S Semester Two ELPS 542A SPED 542B SED 521 Introduction to Teaching in Urban Schools Introduction to Teaching in Urban Schools Fundamentals of Secondary Education in Multi-ethnic Secondary Schools Educational Psychology of Adolescence Computers in the Instructional Program Methods of Teaching Single Subject (Subject Specific) Supervised Field Experience Field Experience Seminar Meeting the Needs of All Students in Urban Schools Meeting the Needs of All Students in Urban Schools Content Literacy in Multi-ethnic, Multilingual Secondary Schools SED 529 Teaching English Learners in Multi-ethnic, Multilingual Secondary Schools HSCI 466ADO SED 555 SED 555S Health Concerns of the Adolescent Supervised Practicum Practicum Seminar Units 1 2 3 3 3 3 3 1 Units 2 1 3 3 1 5 2 NOTES: - For candidates admitted, re-admitted or who have rolled over their admission to Fall 2011 or later, an additional course, SED 529 (Teaching English Learners in Multi-ethnic, Multilingual Secondary Schools), will be required. - For Bilingual Authorization please meet with an Advisor in the Credential Office. _____________________________________________________________________________________ Credential Program Student Handbook Single Subject Orientation Page 3 COURSEWORK REQUIREMENTS AND RECOMMENDED SEQUENCE Internship Program Students: Meet with one of the Internship Program Coordinators for information on course registration. Two year Program (36 units) Semester One SED 511 (required in 1st semester) SED 593 SED 593S Semester Two SED 521 SED 594 SED 594S Summer EPC 420 AAS/ARMN/CHS/ELPS/PAS 417 SED 514 Semester Three SED 525XX SPED 420 HSCI 466ADO Semester Four SED 555I SED 555S SED 529 Fundamentals of Secondary Education in Multi-ethnic Secondary Schools Supervised Field Experience Field Experience Seminar Content Area Literacy in Multi-ethnic, Multilingual Secondary Schools Supervised Field Experience Field Experience Seminar Educational Psychology of Adolescence Equity and Diversity in Schools Computers in the Instructional Program Methods of Teaching Single Subject (Subject Specific) Inclusive Education Health Concerns of the Adolescent Supervised Practicum Practicum Seminar Teaching English Learners in Multi-ethnic, Multilingual Secondary Schools Units 3 2 1 Units 3 2 1 Units 3 3 3 Units 3 3 1 Units 3 2 3 NOTES: - For candidates admitted, re-admitted or who have rolled over their admission to Fall 2011 or later, an additional course, SED 529 (Teaching English Learners in Multi-ethnic, Multilingual Secondary Schools), will be required. - For Bilingual Authorization please meet with an Advisor in the Credential Office. _____________________________________________________________________________________ Credential Program Student Handbook Single Subject Orientation Page 4 COURSEWORK REQUIREMENTS AND RECOMMENDED SEQUENCE Four Year Integrated Program (FYI) See the English Department section of the CSUN Catalog for the FYI-English program requirements; see the Mathematics Department section of the catalog for FYI-Mathematics program requirements. Total Units required for FYI-English (122) Total Units required for FYI-Mathematics (121) NOTE: For Bilingual Authorization please meet with a Credential Advisor. Junior Year Entry Integrated Program (JYI) See the English Department section of the CSUN Catalog for the FYI-English program requirements; see the Mathematics Department section of the catalog for FYI-Mathematics program requirements. Total Units in addition to GE required for JYI-English (74) Total Units in addition to GE required for JYI-Mathematics (68) NOTE: For Bilingual Authorization please meet with a Credential Advisor. Students in the FYI or JYI programs are encouraged to meet with their department advisor for additional information and course selection. Math – Dr. Kellie Evans, [email protected] or (818) 677-2721 English – Dr. Danielle Spratt, [email protected] or (818) 677-7207 _____________________________________________________________________________________ Credential Program Student Handbook Single Subject Orientation Page 5 COURSE REGISTRATION PROCESS At the time you applied to the credential program, you should have also applied to the university via www.csumentor.edu. Shortly after your admission, you can expect to receive an electronic registration mailer from Admissions and Records. This will include your registration pin number, registration date and registration instructions. Detailed information about registration can also be found at the following link: http://www.csun.edu/anr/soc/registration.html A simple “How To” guide can be found at the link: http://www.csun.edu/anr/soc/guides/index.html Late Change in Academic Schedule: Please pay attention to registration timelines. After a given date you will no longer be able to add/drop classes online. At that point, you will need to obtain a “Late Change in Academic Schedule” form from the Department of Secondary Education, ED 1208. Once you have the form, you will need to obtain the appropriate signatures and return it to Admissions and Records by the posted deadline. Extra Unit Authorization: In the case that a student needs to enroll in units beyond the university limit (currently 17 units for students in good standing), they must download an “Extra Unit Authorization” form from the Admissions and Records website and obtain a signature of approval from the Department of Secondary Education Chair. _____________________________________________________________________________________ Credential Program Student Handbook Single Subject Orientation Page 6 ADDITIONAL PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS GPA All credential students must maintain an overall GPA of 2.75 since program admission and a cumulative GPA of 3.0 in all professional education courses. A grade of “C” or better is required in all coursework. A grade of “C-” or lower is not acceptable. NOTE: Unless you maintain this standard you will not be allowed to student teach and you will not be eligible to be recommended for a credential. Writing Proficiency Any one of the following will meet this requirement. • • • • CBEST Writing score of 41 or higher Upper Division Writing Proficiency Exam (UDWPE) score of 10 or higher at CSUN Passage of CSET Writing Skills test ENGL 305 or ENGL 406 or COMS 321 with a grade of “C” or better NOTE: Students should not assume that they have met this requirement simply because they have met the Basic Skills Requirement or the bachelor’s degree writing proficiency requirement. U.S. Constitution The requirement of competence in U.S. Constitution can be met in two ways, by course or by examination. The CSUN courses which satisfy this requirement are as follows: • • • • • Political Science 155 or 355 (formerly 305) Chicano Studies 260 or 445 Pan African Studies 161 (formerly 272) Asian American Studies 347 Religious Studies 255 An equivalent course taken at another university or college may be accepted as satisfying this requirement. In addition to the possibility of completing a course offered by CSUN or an equivalent course elsewhere, candidates may also take an examination on the principles of the United States Constitution to meet this statutory requirement for certification in California. For information regarding meeting this requirement by examination at CSUN contact the CSUN College of Extended Learning at (818) 677-2504 or visit their web site: http://tsengcollege.csun.edu/constitution.html Information regarding additional examination options can be found at: http://www.csun.edu/education/cred/forms/index.html Online options for U.S. Constitution will NOT be accepted. _____________________________________________________________________________________ Credential Program Student Handbook Single Subject Orientation Page 7 Bachelor’s Degree Prior to issuance of a credential (intern or preliminary), candidates must obtain a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution. Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) Verification of training in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) that meets the standards set by the American Heart Association or the American Red Cross is needed prior to the recommendation for issuance of the Preliminary credential. Please submit verification of having completed Infant, Child and Adult CPR training by submitting both the original, signed CPR card and a copy of the front and back of the card to the Credential Office. This may be submitted either in person or by mail. On-line CPR Certification will NOT be accepted. Inquiries about the availability of CPR courses through the American Red Cross, in the Los Angeles area, can be made at (800) 627-7000 or at http://www.redcrossla.org. For information about American Heart Association’s courses call (877) 242-4277 or go to http://www.americanheart.org. There are other organizations which provide equivalent CPR training. Please check with the Credential Office first to obtain approval before completing another organization’s training course. _____________________________________________________________________________________ Credential Program Student Handbook Single Subject Orientation Page 8 STUDENT TEACHING - TRADITIONAL/FYI/JYI PATHWAYS SED 554 – Supervised Field Experience (3 units) During this initial field experience, you will be assigned to one class period daily, plus one additional hour daily to participate in activities associated with becoming a professional educator, such as conferring with the cooperating teacher or university supervisor observing other teachers, or co-planning lessons. You will be assigned to a middle or high school classroom for the duration of the school’s semester or track. At week 6/7 you will begin daily lesson planning and teaching. Major activities include structured observations, tutoring small groups of students, lesson planning, teaching, and pupil assessment. SED 554S – Field Experience Seminar (1 unit) This required seminar meets weekly or biweekly and is led by a university faculty member. Here you discuss student teaching issues and are provided with guidance in completing the Preliminary Teaching Event. Important Note: Tuberculosis Clearance You must have in your possession current verification (within previous 2 years) of freedom from tuberculosis. You may be asked to present this verification at your assigned school site before beginning student teaching. Pre-requisites for SED 554 and SED 554S 1. Admission to the Single Subject Credential program 2. Subject Matter Competence (one of the following) Subject Matter Program Completion (80% completion for FYI/JYI students only) CSET – All sections required for your subject area must be passed For Specialized Science through coursework, please refer to CTC Coded Correspondence at: http://www.ctc.ca.gov/notices/coded/030010/030010.pdf 3. Grade Point Average Overall GPA of 2.75 since admission into the credential program Cumulative GPA of 3.0 in Professional Education courses A grade of “C” or better is required in all courses If you were admitted under Exceptional Admission because of GPA, you are not eligible to student teach until you have completed at least one semester of coursework since admission to the credential program. 4. Writing Proficiency (one of the following) CBEST Writing score of 41 or higher Upper Division Writing Proficiency Exam (UDWPE) score of 10 or higher Passage of CSET Writing Skills test ENGL 305 or ENGL 406 or COMS 321 with a grade of “C” or better 5. Valid Fingerprint Clearance You must hold a valid Commission on Teacher Credentialing certificate, permit or credential during the time that you are in the program (i.e., if you hold a 30-Day Substitute Permit that will be expiring, you could either renew the permit or apply to obtain a Certificate of Clearance). The information to apply for the Certificate of Clearance is available through the Credential Office website at: http://www.csun.edu/coe/cred/forms. _____________________________________________________________________________________ Credential Program Student Handbook Single Subject Orientation Page 9 6. Basic Skills Requirement (BSR) California Basic Educational Skills Test (CBEST) – All sections must be passed (Check the Credential Office website for additional options to meet the Basic Skills Requirement) 7. Candidate must be in good standing with the university Required Prior to or Concurrent with Enrollment in SED 554 and SED 554S SED 511 – Fundamentals of Secondary Education in Multi-ethnic Schools (This course should be taken in your first semester) EPC 420 – Educational Psychology of the Adolescent SED 525XX – Methods of Teaching Single Subject (This course must be taken in the subject area you are preparing to teach, i.e. SED 525A for Art; SED 525EN for English; SED 525MA/L for Math, etc.) SED 555 – Supervised Practicum (5 units) The supervised practicum is designed to provide a capstone fieldwork experience in middle or high school classrooms. You will be responsible for teaching three classes daily. A fourth class period each day will be devoted to observation and conferencing. The assignment will continue for the duration of the school’s semester or track. This experience involves teaching English language learners and participating in two or more subject specific teaching assignments. You will be supervised by an on-site collaborating teacher and a university supervisor. SED 555S – Practicum Seminar (2 units) This required seminar meets weekly or biweekly. It is led by a subject specialist university supervisor. The seminar addresses issues in teaching and the Teaching Performance Expectations. The candidate is provided with guidance in completing the Performance Assessment for California Teachers (PACT) Teaching Event. Important Note: Tuberculosis Clearance You must have in your possession current verification (within previous 2 years) of freedom from tuberculosis. You may be asked to present this verification at your assigned school site before beginning student teaching. Pre- requisites for SED 555 and SED 555S All pre and co-requisites for SED 554/SED 554S SED 554 and SED 554S – Supervised Field Experience and Seminar Required Prior to or Concurrent with Enrollment in SED 555 and SED 555S SED 521 –Content Area Literacy in Multi-ethnic, Multilingual Secondary Schools SED 529 –Teaching English Learners in Multi-ethnic, Multilingual Secondary Schools SPED 420 – Improving the Learning of Students with Special Needs through Differentiated instruction and Collaboration AAS/ARMN/CHS/PAS/ELPS 417 – Equity and Diversity in Schools For additional information on student teaching, please see the Single Subject Student Teaching Handbook at: http://www.csun.edu/educ/sed/student_teaching/index.html _____________________________________________________________________________________ Credential Program Student Handbook Single Subject Orientation Page 10 STUDENT TEACHING - ACT PATHWAY SED 554 – Supervised Field Experience (3 units) During this initial field experience, you will be assigned one class period daily, plus one additional hour daily to participate in activities associated with becoming a professional educator, such as conferring with the cooperating teacher or university supervisor observing other teachers, or co-planning lessons. You will be assigned to a middle or high school classroom for the duration of the school’s semester or track. At week 6/7 you will begin daily lesson planning and teaching. Major activities include: structured observations, tutoring small groups of students, lesson planning, teaching, and pupil assessment. SED 554S – Field Experience Seminar (1 unit) This required seminar meets weekly or biweekly and is led by a university faculty member. Here you discuss student teaching issues and are provided with guidance in completing the Preliminary Teaching Event. Important Note: Tuberculosis Clearance You must have in your possession current verification (within previous 2 years) of freedom from tuberculosis. You may be asked to present this verification at your assigned school site before beginning student teaching. Pre-requisites for SED 554 and SED 554S 1. Admission to the Single Subject ACT Credential program 2. Subject Matter Competence (one of the following) Subject Matter Program Completion CSET – All sections must be passed For Specialized Science through coursework, please refer to CTC Coded Correspondence at: http://www.ctc.ca.gov/notices/coded/030010/030010.pdf 3. Grade Point Average Overall GPA of 2.75 since admission into the credential program Cumulative GPA of 3.0 in Professional Education courses A grade of “C” or better is required in all courses 4. Writing Proficiency (one of the following) CBEST Writing score of 41 or higher Upper Division Writing Proficiency Exam (UDWPE) score of 10 or higher Passage of CSET Writing Skills test ENGL 305 or ENGL 406 or COMS 321 with a grade of “C” or better 5. Valid Fingerprint Clearance You must hold a valid Commission on Teacher Credentialing certificate, permit or credential during the time that you are in the program (i.e., if you hold a 30-Day Substitute Permit that will be expiring, you could either renew the permit or apply to obtain a Certificate of Clearance). The information to apply for the Certificate of Clearance is available through the Credential Office website at http://www.csun.edu/coe/cred/forms. 6. Basic Skills Requirement (BSR) California Basic Educational Skills Test (CBEST) – All sections must be passed _____________________________________________________________________________________ Credential Program Student Handbook Single Subject Orientation Page 11 (Check the Credential Office website for additional options to meet the Basic Skills Requirement) 7. Candidate must be in good standing with the university Required Concurrent with Enrollment in SED 554 and SED 554S ELPS 541A – Introduction to Teaching in Urban Schools SPED 541B – Introduction to Teaching in Urban Schools EPC 420 – Educational Psychology of the Adolescent SED 511 – Fundamentals of Secondary Education in Multi-ethnic Secondary Schools SED 525XX - Methods of Teaching Single Subject (This course must be taken in the subject area you are preparing to teach, i.e. SED 525A for Art; SED 525EN for English; SED 525MA/L for Math, etc.) SED 514 – Computers in the Instructional Program SED 555 – Supervised Practicum (5 units) The supervised practicum is designed to provide a capstone fieldwork experience in middle or high school classrooms. You will be responsible for teaching three classes daily. A fourth class period each day will be devoted to observation and conferencing. The assignment will continue for the duration of the school’s semester or track. This experience involves teaching English language learners and participating in two or more subject specific teaching assignments. You will be supervised by an on-site collaborating teacher and a university supervisor. SED 555S – Practicum Seminar (2 units) This required seminar meets weekly or biweekly. It is led by a subject specialist university supervisor. The seminar addresses issues in student teaching and the Teaching Performance Expectations. The candidate is provided with guidance in completing the Performance Assessment for California Teachers (PACT) Teaching Event. Important Note: Tuberculosis Clearance You must have in your possession current verification (within previous 2 years) of freedom from tuberculosis. You may be asked to present this verification at your assigned school site before beginning student teaching. Pre-requisites for SED 555 and SED 555S All pre and co-requisites for SED 554 and SED 554S SED 554 and SED 554S – Supervised Field Experience and Seminar Required Concurrent with Enrollment in SED 555 and SED 555S ELPS 542A – Meeting the Needs of All Students in Urban Schools SPED 542B – Meeting the Needs of All Students in Urban Schools SED 521 – Literacy, Language, and Learning in Secondary Schools SED 529 –Teaching English Learners in Multi-ethnic, Multilingual Secondary Schools HSCI 466 ADO – Health Concerns of the Adolescent _____________________________________________________________________________________ Credential Program Student Handbook Single Subject Orientation Page 12 STUDENT TEACHING INTERN PATHWAY SED 593 – Field Experience for Single Subject Interns (2 units) This field experience is designed for the on the job teacher. It is the first of the three field experiences required in the Single Subject University Internship program. You will be supervised on site by a university coach and a support provider. SED 593S – Field Experience Seminar (1 unit) This required seminar is designed for the on the job teacher. It meets for one hour weekly. Important Note: Tuberculosis Clearance You must have in your possession current verification (within previous 2 years) of freedom from tuberculosis. You may be asked to present this verification at your assigned school site before beginning student teaching. SED 594 – Field Experience for Single Subject Interns (2 units) This field experience is designed for the on the job teacher. It is the second of three field experiences required in the Single Subject University Internship program. You will be supervised by a university coach and a support provider. SED 594S – Field Experience Seminar (1 unit) This required seminar is designed for the on the job teacher. It meets for one hour weekly. SED 555I – Supervised Practicum for the Single Subject University Intern Program (3 units) This is the third and capstone course in a sequence of supervised field experiences. Intern teacher candidates do their supervised field experience in their own secondary classrooms and are supervised by a university coach and an on-site collaborating teacher. Each candidate will have experiences teaching English language learners and participate in two or more subject specific teaching assignments. SED 555S – Practicum Seminar (2 units) This required seminar meets weekly. It is led by a subject specialist university supervisor. The seminar addresses issues in teaching and the Teaching Performance Expectations. The candidate is provided with guidance in completing the Performance Assessment for California Teachers (PACT) Teaching Event. Pre-Requisites for SED 555I and SED 555S 1. Admission to the Single Subject University Internship Credential program 2. Subject Matter Competence (one of the following) Subject Matter Program Completion CSET – All sections must be passed For Specialized Science through coursework, please refer to CTC Coded Correspondence at: http://www.ctc.ca.gov/notices/coded/030010/030010.pdf 3. Grade Point Average Overall GPA of 2.75 since admission into the credential program Cumulative GPA of 3.0 in Professional Education courses A grade of “C” or better is required in all courses _____________________________________________________________________________________ Credential Program Student Handbook Single Subject Orientation Page 13 4. Basic Skills Requirement (BSR) California Basic Educational Skills Test (CBEST) – All sections must be passed o (Check the Credential Office website for additional options to meet the Basic Skills Requirement) 5. Writing Proficiency (one of the following) CBEST Writing score of 41 or higher Upper Division Writing Proficiency Exam (UDWPE) score of 10 or higher Passage of CSET Writing Skills test ENGL 305 or ENGL 406 or COMS 321 with a grade of “C” or better 6. Candidate must be in good standing with the university 7. Candidate must hold a valid University Internship Credential 8. SED 593 and SED 593S – Field Experience and Seminar 9. SED 594 and SED 594S – Field Experience and Seminar 10. SED 521 – Language, Literacy and Learning in Multi-ethnic Secondary Schools 11. SED 529 –Teaching English Learners in Multi-ethnic, Multilingual Secondary Schools 12. EPC 420 – Educational Psychology of the Adolescent 13. SED 511 – Fundamentals of Secondary Education in Multi-ethnic Secondary Schools 14. SED 525XX - Methods of Teaching Single Subject (This course must be taken in the subject area you are preparing to teach, i.e. SED 525A for Art; SED 525EN for English; SED 525M/L for Math, etc.) _____________________________________________________________________________________ Credential Program Student Handbook Single Subject Orientation Page 14 APPLYING TO STUDENT TEACH The Credential Office is responsible for verifying eligibility to enroll in student teaching. For this reason, you are required to submit a Student Teaching Application to the Credential Office. You should do this early in the semester prior to student teaching. Once it has been determined that you are eligible, notification will be sent to the Secondary Education Department. Traditional/FYI/JYI Students - Student teaching applications are available at the following link: http://www.csun.edu/coe/cred/applications/student-teaching-applications.html Intern Students – Student teaching application are obtained through the Intern Coordinator. ACT Students – You do not need to complete a student teaching application. _____________________________________________________________________________________ Credential Program Student Handbook Single Subject Orientation Page 15 STUDENT TEACHING ASSIGNMENTS Traditional/FYI/JYI The Secondary Education Subject Coordinator is in charge of arranging your student teaching assignment. Once you have been cleared by the Credential Office, the Secondary Education Office will provide course and permission numbers for registration. To obtain these numbers please call 818-677-2580. Questions regarding registration should be directed to the Secondary Education Office. Questions regarding school site, days and times should be directed to the subject area coordinator. Please consult the Secondary Education Office for subject area coordinator contact information. Student Teaching Contact Information Department of Secondary Education Traditional, FYI and JYI Program Christina Perez, Administrative Assistant Dr. Mike Rivas, Department Chair (818) 677-2580 Room ED 1208 Room ED 1208 Intern Program Carolyn Burch, Intern Coordinator [email protected] Room ED 1205 ACT Program Carolyn Burch, ACT Coordinator [email protected] Room ED 1205 _____________________________________________________________________________________ Credential Program Student Handbook Single Subject Orientation Page 16 PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT FOR CALIFORNIA TEACHERS (PACT) TEACHING EVENT PACT is a consortium of teacher preparation programs that have joined together to develop a teacher performance assessment (TPA). Successful completion of the TPA is mandated by the Commission on Teacher Credentialing in order to earn a California Single Subject Teaching Credential. The PACT Teaching Event is a performance assessment that addresses the 13 California Teacher Performance Expectations (TPE’s), the teaching standards for California credential candidates. The Teacher Performance Assessment Teacher Performance Expectation Domains • • • • • • Making Subject matter comprehensible to students Assessing student learning Engaging and supporting students in learning Planning Instruction and Designing learning experiences for students Creating and maintaining effective environments for student learning Developing as a professional educator The Preliminary Teaching Event (PTE) • • • Completed during the first semester of student teaching or the second semester of internship Is an abridged version of the PACT Teaching Event Focuses on a single lesson – with videotape, assessment and reflection The PACT Teaching Event (PACT TE) • • • • • • Completed during the final semester of student teaching Three to five day unit or plan Video tape of one of the lessons Assessment of students during the unit/includes student work Attention to academic language support Written commentary and reflection regarding the experience For detailed information regarding PACT, please see the Secondary Student Teaching Handbook at http://www.csun.edu/educ/sed/student_teaching/index.html _____________________________________________________________________________________ Credential Program Student Handbook Single Subject Orientation Page 17 ADVISEMENT Academic advisement is provided to inform and assist you as you progress through your credential program. For your convenience, these resources are made available to you in several different ways: On-line Questions may be directed to an advisor via email at [email protected] Please allow 24 to 48 hours for a response to all email inquiries. Expect a longer wait time during weekends and holiday breaks. Credential Office – Walk in Advisement* Please see our website for current hours, www.csun.edu/coe/cred *Students are seen on a first come, first served basis. The typical wait time is under 15 minutes however, during peak seasons the wait may be a little longer. NOTE: It is recommended that students review and bring their Credential Progress Report (CPR) when coming in to meet with an advisor. Also, please prepare specific questions in advance. FYI/JYI Students Questions regarding credential program requirements may be directed to a credential advisor. Questions about fulfilling your bachelor’s degree requirements must be directed to an advisor in the department for your degree major. Department of Secondary Education At times you may need to consult with someone in Secondary Education. Here are a few reasons you may need to contact the Secondary Education Office directly: • • • • • • Questions regarding class scheduling To add or drop classes Registration difficulties Faculty contact Student teaching questions Questions regarding PACT assessment Credential Progress Reports Soon after admission, you can expect to receive a Credential Progress Report. This is your official university record which includes all the courses and requirements for the preliminary credential. It is recommended that you review this report soon after you have received it and contact a credential advisor if you have trouble interpreting it or if you note any discrepancies. You may refer back to this document throughout your program. You may also contact a credential advisor to have an updated report printed for you later in your program. _____________________________________________________________________________________ Credential Program Student Handbook Single Subject Orientation Page 18 TIPS FOR SUCCESS Make copies of everything you submit to the Credential Office. Keep all documents in a well organized folder. Examples would include: • Application Packet • Original Test Score Reports • CPR Card • Correspondence • Credential Progress Report • Admission Letter • Student Teaching Evaluations • Course Substitution Request Forms (if applicable) • Change of Program Forms (if applicable) Be aware of upcoming deadlines. • • Student Teaching Application (submit early in the semester prior to enrollment in student teaching for priority consideration) Credential Request (submit at the beginning of your last semester of coursework, provided CSUN coursework in progress that semester is all you have left to complete) Utilize this online handbook as a reference and to monitor your progress. See a Credential Advisor whenever you have questions regarding credential requirements or related regulations and policies. Be sure to receive critical information by checking your CSUN email regularly. • CSUN email can be forwarded to your yahoo, hotmail or other preferred address. Simply go to www.csun.edu/account, log on and select mail forwarding. Use the services provided by the Campus Web Portal. • • • • Enroll in classes View your class schedule and grades View unofficial transcripts Check your CSUN email _____________________________________________________________________________________ Credential Program Student Handbook Single Subject Orientation Page 19
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