Control Number : 42666 Item Number: 1 Addendum StartPage : 0 Pursuant to PUC SUBSTANTIVE RULE § 25.109 I & UL Genel ^a&A' 6mpanies Registration Form for Power . ^ L ...w' ^^ ^^ h'' ^ LE a^%';^ ^" y ' and Self-Generators Part A - Type of Registration Check only one of the following. q New self-generator registration q Amending self-generator registration q New power generation company registration q Amending PGC registration ® New EWG/PGC if filing an amendment, check all applicable boxes and fill in only the sections of this form that are applicable to your amendment: q Name change amendment q Facility/output capacity change q Change in ownership/control q New generating plant/facility q Registration relinquishment q Other Registration number: Provide an explanation, if necessary: Registering Party Legal name: Texas business address: City: ZIP: Principal place of business: C o ntact Info rmati o n (fo r all co mmunicati o ns) Name: Title: Address: City: State: ZIP: Email: Phone: Fax: Updated: 1/4/13 Registration Form for Power Generation Companies and Self-Generators Page 1 of 4 Part C - Applicable to Registration of Power Generation Companies I Registering P arty Legal name: Stephens Ranch Wind Energy, LLC Trade/commercial name: Texas business address: 2186 CR 131 Principal place of business: 79351 ZIP: TX City: O'Donnell Co ntact Info rmati o n (fo r all c o mmunica ti o ns) Title: Asset Manager (Stephens Ranch) Name: Rita Brady Address: Consolidated Asset Management Services, 919 Miiam St., Suite 2300 State: TX City: Houston and [email protected] Email: [email protected] ZIP: 77002 Phone: 713-358-9758 Fax: an d types . b usiness o f the reg istering party's c o rpo rate pa rent co m panies . ownershi p Name ( press Enter Key for multiple entries) Types of business Starwood Energy Group Global, L.L.C. infrastructure investments in power generation and transmission projects % of ownership Private equity fund focusing on energy 4 pe rcentages De scri p ti o n o f the ty pe s of services p ro vi ded by the registering pa rty electricity 100% pe rtain t o the generati o n o f Wholesale generator of power - a. n d co r po ra te re l a ti o nshi p . -. sells electricity at retail in Texas, • affili ate . b uys an d s e lls e l e ctricity , wh o l e sa l e in Te xas, • munici pa lly o wn ed utility in Texas Name (press Enter Key for multiple entries) Corporate relationship N/A 6. ♦ this If appl ic ab l e , l abe le d " A ttachment 138 " Updated: 1/4/13 r Su pp l e mental Info rmati o n, de scri bed in the Registration Form for Power Generation Companies and Self-Generators o Page 2 of 4 Part D - Applicable to all Registering Parties AFFIDAVIT (Must be notarized by a public notary in and for the State of Texas) STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared the undersigned, who, after being duly sworn, stated on his or her oath that he or she is entitled to make this Affidavit, and that the statements contained below and in the foregoing are true and correct. Check one of the following boxes: q I am an authorized representative of the registering party, which is a self-generator. ® I am an authorized representative of the registering party, which is a power generation company and swear that the company: (A) Generates electricity that is intended to be sold at wholesale; (B) Does not own a transmission or distribution facility in this state other than an essential interconnecting facility, a facility not dedicated to public use, or a facility otherwise excluded from the definition of "electric utility" under PUC SUBSTANTIVE RULE 25.5; and (C) Does not have a certificated service area. I swear or affirm that I have personal knowledge of the facts stated in the attached registration, that I am competent to testify to them, and that I have the authority to submit this registration form on behalf of the registering party. I further swear or affirm that all statements made in the registration form are true, correct and complete and that any substantial changes in such information will be provided to the Public Utility Commission of Texas in a timely manner. I swear or affirm that the registering party understands and will comply with all requirements of the applicable law and rules. ^^ ► ^Q,^-_ ^X^-^``^ Signature of Authorized Representative ^rax eh!^^ Printed Name `'a`1^^?tyS_^c^rc^__^t^^ r-^erl^wj )^.'c Name of Registering Party Sworn and subscribed before me this ^^day of ^?-'b tq Month Year OLGA L. BRUCE NOTARY PUBLIC OF t^lE 30.^^ w cc^on ^^^o Dras f fxu( Notary Public in and for the State ofll= CbIlImciCK Updated: 1/4/13 Registration Form for Power Generation Companies and Self-Generators Page 3 of 4 cf) c a ^ . Gl rTa fD m 4 CU M (D ^ O w OQ fD ^ CL (D f;`) 3 v qI q {y -w ^ O m M _ Cu ^* Cq '^ tp n O ^ m h,^ co cm to ^ (D OJ CC> . 0 ^ .aa Ol 0! ,.^ ^ U^ CL UCl r^ ^ 0 4% r+• n Z 0 FD' Cd7 A 0 C (D ^y 0 ^ ^ ^ n ^ (D r""' S ^ r+ -^ O -r rt rt. 3 00 v Oi ` ^ ^ gi3 3 Vf CD G^ m 0 0 M e 0 7 ' :E Q r*. O 1 ^ CU A } ... ^ cu v_ n 0 ^. O _0 Ol UQ m GQ ro A 0 ? ^ ^ M r+ dF Control Number: 20311 Item Number: 265 Addendum StartPage : 0 &3// . - R^ 14 4N t; 24 P PH b: 0 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA BEFORE THE FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSI(541t;G CCEMK Stephens Ranch Wind Energy, LLC ) Docket No. EG14- -000 NOTICE OF SELF CERTIFICATION OF EXEMPT WHOLESALE GENERATOR STATUS Pursuant to the Public Utility Holding Company Act of 2005 ("PUHCA 2005")' and Section 366.7 of the regulations of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission ("Commission"),' Stephens Ranch Wind Energy, LLC ("Applicant") hereby submits this notice of self-certification of exempt wholesale generator ("EWG") status as defined by Section 366.1 of the Commission's regulations.' In support of this Notice, Applicant hereby states as follows: 1. NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT The address and principal place of business of Applicant are as follows: Stephens Ranch Wind Energy, LLC c/o Starwood Energy Global Group, L.L.C. 591 West Putnam Avenue Greenwich, Connecticut 06830 Energy Policy Act of 2005, Pub. L. No. 109-58, 119 Stat. 584, §§ 1261, et seq. (2005). 2 ' 18 C.F.R. § 366.7 (2013). 18 C.F.R. § 366.1. ^C^ II. COMMUNICATIONS All communications and correspondence regarding this self-certification should be directed to the following persons: Alexander Daberko Jonathan W. Gottlieb Marcia A. Stanford Stinson Leonard Street LLP 1775 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Ste. 800 Washington, DC 20006 (202) 969-4208 (phone) (202) 785-9163 (facsimile) ionathan. [email protected] Starwood Energy Global Group, LLC 591 West Putnam Avenue Greenwich, Connecticut 06830 (203) 442-8104 (phone) (203) 442-7852 (facsimile) [email protected] III. DESCRIPTION OF THE APPLICANT Applicant is indirectly wholly owned by Starwood Energy Group Global, L.L.C. ("Starwood"). Starwood is a private equity fund, focusing on energy infrastructure in investments, including acquiring and holding interests in power generation and transmission projects. IV. DESCRIPTION OF THE ELIGIBLE FACILITIES Applicant is developing and will own and operate an approximately 211 MW wind power project located in Borden and Lynn Counties, Texas (the "Project"). The Project is under construction and is expected to generate test power by October 2014 and reach commercial operation by November 2014. The "eligible facilities" are comprised of 118 GE 1.79 MW-100 wind turbines and related real property ("Eligible Facilities"); as well as other equipment necessary to interconnect the generation facilities to the 345kV bus at Wind Energy Transmission Texas, LLC ("WETT") Long Draw Switching Station in Borden County, Texas and the transmission system operated by the Electric Reliability Council of Texas ("ERCOT"). 2 The Applicant's electric output will flow over an approximately 13-mile, 345 kV transmission line owned by Applicant, which will connect from the WETT Long Draw Switching Station to a 345kV substation at the Project location (the "Stephens Ranch Substation"), in which Applicant will have a tenancy in common interest pursuant to a Shared Facilities Agreement ("SFA") between Applicant and its affiliate, Stephens Ranch Wind Energy II, LLC. V. INCIDENTAL ACTIVITIES In connection with owning and operating the Eligible Facilities, Applicant may also engage in the following incidental activities that the Commission has found to be permissible EWG activities: (1) sell ancillary services available from the Eligible Facilities which are incidental to, and by-products of, the Eligible Facilities' operations as wholesale power generators;" (2) reassign excess transmission capacity consistent with the Commission's requirement that such reassignment of excess transmission capacity be limited to transmission capacity Applicant originally obtained for the purpose of affecting a specific wholesale sale of electric energy;' (3) purchase and sell congestion revenue rights that Applicant needs for the Eligible Facilities' power sale operations;' (4) trade emission allowances consistent with the Commission's limitation that an EWG may only engage in such trading so long as the emission allowances were originally obtained in the normal course of operating the Eligible Facilities;' (5) sell "green" power certificates or credits associated with power produced by the Eligible Facilities;' (6) engage in certain project development and financing activities necessary to 4 See Sithe Framingham LLC, 83 FERC 161,106 (1998). 5 See CNG Power Services Corp., 71 FERC ¶ 61,026, pp. 61,103-04 (1995). 6 See Duquesne Power LP, 106 FERC 161,104 (2004). ' 8 See UGI Development Co., 89 FERC ¶ 61,192 (1999). See Madison Windpower, LLC, 93 FERC ¶ 61,270 (2000). 3 achieve financial closing;' (7) enter into leases of real property comprising part of the Eligible Facilities, as lessee;` (8) enter into agreements relating to facilities shared with an affiliate EWG and used in operation of the Eligible Facilities;" (9) engage in risk management and hedging activities that are a necessary incident to participation in the energy markets (e.g., financial swap arrangements to cover price fluctuations associated with Applicant's physical exposure of its wholesale sales of electric energy in the energy markets;" and (10) engage in other activities incidental to the sale of electric energy at wholesale that are consistent with the Commission's EWG precedent. VI. REPRESENTATIONS REGARDING EWG STATUS Consistent with Section 366.1 of the Commission's regulations, Applicant makes the following representations in order to certify that it satisfies the requirements for EWG status: 1. Applicant will be engaged directly, or indirectly through one or more affiliates, and exclusively in the business of owning and operating all or part of one or more "eligible facilities" and selling electric energy at wholesale, and the Eligible Facilities will satisfy the definition of "eligible facilities" because they will be used for the generation of electric energy exclusively for sale at wholesale," 9 See, e.g., Hermiston Generating ComPanY L.P., 69 FERC ¶ 62 > 132 > 64,314 (1994);• AEP Resources Project Management Co., 74 FERC ¶ 61,202, 61,674-75 & n. 4(1996), 10 See DTE Pontiac North LLC, 121 FERC 161,03 7 at P7 n.6 (2007). " 12 See Buffalo Gap Wind Farm 2, LLC, 118 FERC ¶ 61,069 at PP 2, 14 & n.3 (2007). 13 See 18 C.F.R. § 366.1 (citing section 32(a)(2) of the Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935, 15 U.S.C. § 79z-5a(a)(2)). See Sithe/Indep. Power Partners, L.P., 101 FERC ¶ 61,287, at P 6 n.4 (2002) (citing TXU (No. 5) Pty. Ltd., 92 FERC ¶ 61,170 (2000)). 4 2. The Eligible Facilities include no transmission or distribution facilities other than those interconnecting transmission facilities necessary to interconnect the Eligible Facilities to the transmission grid. 3. Applicant is not currently engaged, and has no present plans to engage, in foreign or domestic sales of power at retail. 4. No portion of the Eligible Facilities will be owned or operated by an "electric utility company" that is an "affiliate" or "associate company" of Applicant, as defined in Section 366.1 of the Commission's regulations. 5. There are currently no lease arrangements involving the Eligible Facilities under which Applicant is the lessor. 6. No rate or charge for, or in connection with, the construction of the Eligible Facilities, or for electric energy produced thereby, was in effect under the laws of any State as of October 24, 1992. As such, no determination or certification by a state commission is necessary prior to certification of Applicant as an EWG. VTI. NOTICE In accordance with 18 C.F.R. § 366.7(a), a copy of this Notice of Self-Certification has been served on the Public Utility Commission of Texas. 5 VIII. CONCLUSION Based upon the foregoing, Applicant respectfully requests that the Commission accept its notice of self-certification of EWG status. Respectfully submitted, /s/ Jonathan W. Gottlieb Jonathan W. Gottlieb Marcia A. Stanford Stinson Leonard Street LLP 1775 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Ste. 800 Washington, DC 20006 (202) 785-9100 (phone) (202) 785-9163 (facsimile) [email protected] [email protected] Counsel for Applicant April 22, 2014 11002334 6 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that I have this day served the foregoing Notice of Self Certification of Exempt Wholesale Generator Status upon the Public Utility Commission of Texas. Dated at Washington, D.C., this 22"d day of April, 2014. /41/ 66^ D4te Jennica Date 7
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