I- 3 W€<K ----:------.nf A- Lkualpn13 --'t - -,1 .2,.\-4"+ - ) C),*¿-'4 t4L 4'L mrl fu¡.* /Oa-z< .-___--w[-_-r' t) c"^'t .fu- þ .y.J-,i',.^ ( s,bJ,< 'ooru"y!"ø o''fonfu.l,u" ") T "r",r2-k-f^ W a) a4r6,.ôJ^ aa:/r-r * t*úþrf I *fut *J ry* rk*-**.#1^f^ ¡-i* 7/. "lvt.--/-**.a z,&-4 .4-1 a.- " I 't4*ffi '1 / Ë *rt É\ 's \ Fz__5 , 4 -'^,""-< r<tZtt-(fu¿r-(',L <,/7-ô (7 ^t1 ,/) ¡'7--t ¿¡,a4 ,-,egl--ci9z:Wu¿z¿,'4 -ì ^ -r,^ <h,t¿ // / ft ()\ \_,-/ /t' --] tJ\,/ /," r'L =-l=*=.' 1-' r -,[:-,,É fr\\i- K \ ...=- \ r-; t rJ t: 1-"*+ [ - 'n. -a /Ìi. -) I IL L-t '*a ',-4A-z f-1^ts ,å J"f ^do*r^"rd-.o^,n ^br,,ff S** : \ { òpY A" e*ïk a-- ...---------..- mc,l turcl^ì,^', _a ßk^>A4n*^,1ë 0Jlr1JL2.,_r_,. " ¿f"*i ln*. ^-"fu"^f /-< 7--¡-fu,J. t, /, *u,.u t/^ -ff A,o bru,:, .Krrd,j*r) nro,,¡^-^) G, [Êl-- K (u-r,,t Lt S) -- efzt,(,br¡^,^ l"rç11", /<-o-!Ø1 J - -0'-"1fLt k, =- s p r, :::,.1 "r- d*d +qÑ., *-S*l o.^l^-í ^/ rve .t / I uffnJ l¡uqñ^f û¿u.4Å-/ /¿*,¿ / I""t I lt ,AiD wk-<Å, 'IL-JLAú tJ,".A tu tf"¡ ü"t-V; v 6, ù¡rv_ ¡,:.lS:*IÈi3:€ l:l : Ìt1 r:< .¿.Ì Since $/ü ilrËc}ilflt for i/re f'brr:rs trrrfi¡r_q $,ff #¡r Ë¿rrt¿]r../e lvhtsn ¿rTrÌl1}¡irìg the eeluations üf ee¡uiiibnL.t¡¡1, the irnp*rtnnre r¡f firs[ clrsxl.''ing s tl"ee.:{:ocl1, diagrarn ü¡ìrifiOt he üt'e reãt'1tr-:hasiaerl. Tç e cllsËrwct a ft'ee-h{:rrÌ1r c-liaglan-t. tire fr¡lle¡m¡ing t}rrer steps ilr-Ë nË{:Ðss¿{r}¡. ,"¡'li'¡J {'mr.}st {J,_¡1i I r-i ¿¡fd ert }il¿ ir*. Tinagine th* particTe tn he ¡¡'û1'r¡l## mr r:ut ''fr-Lrü'* frrl¡r"l itç slrrrcnnclirlgs ìrv cln"¿ervirag its mutlinerT shap*. '*ir el,¡ .,&l fi Ëç.¡çç5. lndicrrle *n this sk*f*h ¿rdl thrr fol.res rhaf a*t d]ff tË¡Ë lir¡¡T¡c_rdr:" These f¿¡l'ccs crum Ïre r¡r:f¿l'e fi;rrrs. vi'hich tencl tr¡ set 1år* p;irticl*. im ¿nr¡tirul. {.-}n thel¡ cnn he ¡djs¡r:Ciuc.f,:rrr:*l'u.'Ìrich ar* the renult nf thr c*t"¡stlaints ûr- sit{jlTlürts th;¡i [e ilcl tE-r preuertl inn{it:n.'l"r: ;*seurl+¡rt $¿¡r ¿rltr these fr:lrc*s, ìt n"lay l:e heltrltul tr.¡ trau:* arr¡uncå tl'lr: ¡lartich:'5 þçs11ç{s¡tr'" r-årefn:Ëïly nrltirrgl *;*rÌr f*rr* ilrting üÌt it" 8.-!-,-+l+-". l:r.- ¿--È-, i*--". '..' 'l i i -tjr-C*. i Ll U ; l L l l rhat ar* Å¡rr¡l+'¡¡ sltc¡ulcl h* lahciccå lviit¡ th¿ii'llr'ftpùTrroagmitrtrÍ*s c+md riirecti*ns. $--*{ters ¿år:É r¿sccn tu r*iliesemt Ttru rr'ragrarturles iaftcl cli¡:r*tir¡ns of fnr*e s Íh¡ul n¡"e unk¡rmtq.m. Tirr-r ft¡i'ctrs -ìF:'Ë:ll I ,4\ (Ë fr\ w E} Å 5 ;i'¡.,::iÌ,,,. .ì:ì''t:l.l *3-24" The spring-s on the rope assembly are originally unstretched when 0 : 0o. Determine the tension ii each rope when F : 9A tb. ldeglecr rhe size of rhe prii"V, à, ¿ and Ð. 3-25.. The springs on the rope assembly are originaily stretched 1 ft when 0 : 0". Deiermine the vertical fãrce tr that must be applied so that 0 k - : 30Lbßt 30o. k \, * 3()lbfr ús-a+¡ ENkvlrzÆ _-_\_-_*_ Snue J Åi*J** ,,nå,¿ 4 tS*&f )Wtnw,r* ,^tkuf* nopøsce "f*! ,/-Þ^tI :-a ?Ts¿Åt=qo-oå. ,_ "¡_ è¿e/\ V _=- _la " Éesa "trn*uf J-o* .e /ø ___-__ -, Y=_ Ê*;þ S*__g ' *{*f&tl *- Mwq, -" -'{/3 V *zg" J* z{f = y# e¿J6 q _- æ"+{- =[-wrstÄ " tk 8?q- å-s J*e-{" n6uruþ y * re {Å-r{É)=_{øø"J& l/z*r) q\ f*L_ * */ " \ dÐ' \uesö €qø,r*& {"æei,s n SH ** 6øJb) ( *_ ,o*6 *-L-*4 *3 €wØ ts¿u¿.O-\ð _f_\ \*{cr ) ç*J dd" u*/ruø 4 NyJ --a -r &* ( u *W{*}^ s*{sfureç fitu\ *g$*-, -å*. g I ¿. 1 çøflw .î6 x3-76" Ðetermine the force in each cable needed to support the 500-1b load. vertical JArd AC what is ilibrium .chment, 7C. .t 'i"r. The joint of a space fi'ame is subjectecl to four member forces. Member ûAhes in the x-y plane and member OB lies in the y-z plane. Determine the forces acting in each of the members required for equilibrium of the joint. 3-77" !4ftrAfLfz t J -16l U;tzt1!//Y j-t+,)tt " t ?r, --..- --= Fo ry1=t*''nl' >ft1(Õ)6)ô)'14 (.,,,0J4/ I ". ,/ *{4ã{ p ç IA trn C ¿byA¿t""¿ -r"r, f,^11^ CD --f:p. t-.4? -() - "-i- 'lJ CA = Tf, 7=-r: ' rK-¿ 14\ t:r J l-l-,ycl ,.--1 \/^r r :IÀ-l (T")(z) \tr. ,l< __c, " (t) z,1\Í=y-o, +g)"(ry$) . (Ï,)S) _o V<o \Ãõ b) T,'F*=u, Eo)-G ) lÂ. çt-ua&n) ¿{, t*({t) ¿^¡ø1^*- ( S).,. ,a¿*fu< ( l' = r\ rl/ .ø tzS TA-_ ''lr B 'T *!) = lqç01" ! I r "^ | ^ 'rl ^- '5-Jl" 31 J 'Tì. =- 3q c)L I J-D = 1-L\)b /r : ,4 I ôl *-t"/- -\-.--,\Il. ¡ ' --,'llI .l,-. 't-{J =o 4à A {*s{*r **J fr dæo'"6 J-u N"ry "^.*fk_ ^*o^^.lt¿* ffi* Å,yN"*^^.Þ ffi*&e=fl-a$) T-4='JqæÅr :3 o -l -d" rß= 13 Fzt:6.j ) TB_- V?r=ß Ê,:ß(¿f+æå) -ì Fä * -(reø-ae)Ç "i*= to Ð. ' r1 ({) ZF*=o tz1 Ze=" {5) Z. F**a -ur- z&*2ffi* s *6&*6ß tdÞ: o" þÐ -[eú+6="o- U) e**ffi" w3 @ ffi- åþ"= ] WJh" ¿t W - = *F- t {Åþ*j "T-A=- ffi * "Iqg *0fu w_9t fló . {6 Tp e- St.çjb --fl6 e pt r;: l;= {+^- tw tþ eþ * 3q.ç& "-n-* = S=ç.jt¡ v lô4) uorþL k- þ54' Determine the tension developed in cables Aß and AC and the force developed along strùt,4Ð for equ'ibrium of the 400-tb crate. 3-55. If the tension deveroped in each of the cables cannot exceed 300 lb, determine the largest weight of the crate that can be supported. Also, what is the force developed along strut,4Ð? ,-: ' , ; r, j :. . ,: 'r'3-56" Determine the force ... e( 3. c¡ rh 11, ..i.,t ,:... in each cable support the 3500-lb plarform. Set r/ _ Z ft. needed to 3-57" Deterrnine the force in each cable needed to support the 3500-lb platform. Set r/ : 4 ft. Z I - ¡s I a 3500 th sh, Th V'Xþ'ng Gr"-l, re ry Õ -ss1 dlø7rø*,u ia iJ (zrots;){+ (-?'o fi).# CstA (a¡ra r)$ -a __".äk,^\' (o ,o 1o) !"-*;l ) . I^4¿ r-,"Å ÁfrrrL tìn*i=Tu id, l-f. \Ê*ltç :) *"] -L) *r ç"î) \_^"-O'/ ì( rAb / (-rf+ (-¿i'-¡ ¿ t.s)' .--_-_-7 rl\\'(.) '+ /e)'t(:) \ / -lÍ- ll-pn* 'rl -LÞ {Gre .--=\ A / " ",.: l' F '\¡iu= -WL"\)l' / . 4 ¿'\ - '\ (Lt, b7 t>J¿ \\ - \. (Á ",(" y't\ + - .- n L.9-W. / \ ¡ (ü ãÇ:. Uøq i 'lr H), t- ' ¡-, /'-'.' (z) ,<'n^j , TD *_ .T_ , tta*-1 G)t Tu[\ L5- * 2 /^\ Í t *Ð\ r,llzzs l\zz; -- {3¿z5 VAa: q.5 1-- .::- qtq \ (t . V{zzr (/lø¿.Ln4aìnn, ,LLtl{ /^.^-\ l>_ j_.ic' J -n4I " - T (r'X ) nn^x =- '|l To .= {1, (\1fl rT-) = rfl^,,g\ - I>-4-/--' r -- (.)lgi (va¡zy I q',s EI = - 5e7 1 .;oo =- î oî Jb -/ /ì) -{Ç .= (*g 4ov lL l*u* -. v" lp'- (]ì 55Í Jb
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