I Ylq"HKs-tJ Sqr\ &.&HKISCSu$*, CCI&-{-HGH dS€ ms'" S K AMEEDKA${" l\,ttrMORIAL TEA CH[hiG' {*{i}SPf f A[, (=*- $.crcioefJa" l:egistet:e hlo. F.5 (PUR - cl urrrr.ci.er Soci,etiee IR.e g-ie tratlolrs- -SLct" a A6{.1} Hape-i'ria, Weet Triptrra 01)/SFTlVlci PrirrtinglZOl4-r 5 4- *^ ^ LJ /OJ ? t- "t-;fe*",r,uu,., *. ff-a"R-r sEALEp AUOTAI is hereby invite<J in plairr paperfor printirrg anci supply of trriittlrtg iierns fronr tlle bortafide dficl t,esiourceful Frinters 8, $uppliers for use rn Hospital ru Coliet;.: of Socieiy tor l"i'ilC ,& Searlecl c1i-iotation i-lr. BRAiti '1-eachirrg Hospital. l'he sealeci quotatiorr wili kje receivecl in the cirarnber oi'the Genera[ to 3.0 PiVl of 10''' Decerntrer,2014. For cletails tire intere:;tecl cluotationers crliitaft pirchase section of the Society. They may also visit wwlf.ilrrc.nicjt tVltrrager (l-lR) ugr ...,'NqqgqJryut!!g|tiirrsf_Depa,ll'.cIlt ,2\zr1 j 0 i _ _Jllggtllg_L_Bgeo_Iq Book (recorcl of labour c_ages) --l Gyn. * Obst _ __ _]_ or-l ltcrrr Carcl Pirysit togy 1 lI tl'-l wtanuji of sio-siaristiCr gook T Comnrrrr,it;, rtietlicine u+ I Pract'rcal necorO frook lfamily visit, f ref O uEit, I bornmuniry llleclicine Medical Entornology*) I- Microtrrology ' tll,----Forensic Ou Pr:r,ctical necorrt gooH if SZ pa1;oor & hard covc,erll t"'reclicirre & 1 -Toxirct.gy _] _ Attendance Register (Staff) (iq paggs)_ __l_ _!i I -- Hosl:iial 0t-l trivestig:tlon Chart (100 pages.Pad b,nOingl -]-i' Uv Audiornetry/1-yrnprrrometry Form t-tospital I (qlng!" page,rnade (Single oJ hard hqrcl sheet) sheet) I !gge,!nq{c of ru I Corrsent Forrn {100 pages,Pad s,Pad binding} bindirrg) Hospital II (]r,tnlnrrrr/l-liqfnn:tlrnlnri.r 4. I ff C^r' 1, CytoloEy/l-listopatiroloryy Reqrrisition Fl,r..ti'ai "i,, 'i.iti^^ Fornr (100 pq5;es,fon pac;es,Pan birroing) ll0Q Qj1q!!g) , may l Il I ,"r I llstrraige ceriitlCaie isirlgte ptge, rnade of i tri [ ,l_ (sQ F1lgle pqge,_mlgq gftqrd 9!94 qryqs (_Uqid _t-trrery fapqilcliriere,!,UqlqL'j Visitors__Fass _ : Hospitat hard I ilr--srl-L pegqgfqq_biQ1!gi Leave Applica!!eqIg!!t Rgq - L!qtp!1a! Central Librarv [-ibrarv _$99.15_te1_($!gcle1-ir's Reqisi.er {$tirderri's j99g$ issuo} L _ I Sqlttql l.iQlqry i zutlu '-rslr ooboonr ltiuo ic'oo lrds lidt I cf a) 1'rade Licerrse b) \tat Registratlon Certificate Rate sirourld be clearly rypetl boih ir'r vvords & figures agairrst eaclr ilenr jl, shor-rld be qr,roteci in . Copies l. Ct,fr'el"!iy. 3. FOlt Dr,or Delivery & Delivery period -;lrould be merrtioned. '4. "l % trrenaity will be chargec.i for every r+,eek of delay or a part thereof for rr'raximum a period of i5 (fitteeri) days after stipulated date of supply. S tdo Priuc hike will be entertainecl. ti. $clciety reserves tlre right to carrcel arry quota{ion even,of the lowest otre without showing any rualioii" ;: 7. $p*r;lntarr of the papers (iiern wise) siroulcl tle silbrritted with the teirrler. Society for T I io-nts ry lq* tsrros feuls-&-astgrq!-sre "l I 220fi;' 2200 nos - -i t_ _Lql!'qlrjp.igty_ Btooci B;rirk ___l tlttt_i_1ql _''!9_l - , _l3load tsag Lalrlqg_rl,ctiffereglGrggp_g_ l_ _LAEIyIgSTlqIiEleJI]ltqgLoCl I Dr. BRt+lVi Teaching llospital -i ripura (west) Hapania, Agartalni, [tapania -lr9rd14, AgaMtre, Tripura (w) Tele Fax - (0i]81) -?374\4412376057, E$ail - [email protected] ]Vebsite - $rww.tmc.nic.in l
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