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(} h- !!1 IE i1 ! jjsi -: od l-. E !{ b'R',9S (o6i n !.I d!o'j a i P6 E E{i .o' ui <lo I1F :i"i+ .dri-i e ff; R e OE lr> o f.. J riri.i (j) e; i-tj !6 o;9 E g) (4 <+ c9(o .id; -9-! J E{.F (-) rii o:F:d u; dFii. E h E g -l -I- t{ IE = : gQo 6Ec I !. E rl g :l EI sl ! ;t I ol 0- 'E C.EP 9X.l)E 9"a c=442 qEE t I :-oio4-?e E€_E 3 t E g s, -9 6'PeBs F* z9ato -q6-96./) iooi 6'6 a 6. =!Hf F 6Ei g;; 3d"'!. iE b; :io€o aE -"r,4 el -sl E -g ! F 5E :J .= :< )o t2 = g t: =! q- 6 C = NOt 2 Eoa5 ;5 E b E Eg F ; ps F 6'66.a t F a0 '9i o 9?< ;F:d6i at X'- i< i> iE lo 8i 9;fF!; c9laac> a I 4 - ff;;;:ii f=:EIE 0 E ip Pb I t ,idiSqn osees6 9E q P : 6o : aP ." i U6;3U .S q Ur g E qr9; E g h 6 039e9; o F Notes: The above unaudited financial Results for the quarter and half year ended September 30, 2014 have been reviewed by the Audit Committee and approved by the Board of Directors at their meeting held on November 13, 2014. 2. The Statutory Auditors of the Company have carried out the Limited Review of the above results. 3. The Company operates through two business segments namely, a) Press Sheet Process and b) Design Engineering Services & Software Development. However Design Engineering Services & Software Development is not a reportable segment in terms of the criteria laid down in paragraph 27 of lhe Accounting Standard -17 as the revenue/results/assets of this segment are not more than the threshold limit of 10 % of the total segment revenuef result/assets, 4. As per Accounting Standard -21 (Consolidated Financial Results) issued by the lnstitute of of lndia, the Consolidated Financial Results are based on the unreviewed Financial Results of subsidiaries - Koderat lnvestments Limited, Cyprus, Autoline lndustries USA, lnc. Autoline Stampings Limited, South Korea (Subsidiary of Autoline Chartered Accountants lndustries USA, lnc.). The Financial Results of Autoline lndustrial Parks Limited has been consolidated as per provisions of Companies Act, 2013 and as per Accounting Standard -21 (Consolidated Financial Results) issued bythe lnstitute of Chartered Accountants of lndia to the extent of 43.78%. Autoline lndustrial Parks Limited continues to remain subsidiary within the meaning of Section 2 l87l of the Companies Act, 2013. The Financial Results of the Foreign Subsidiaries have been prepared as per GAAP, followed in the country of their incorporation. 5. The Company has revised depreciation rates on fixed assets accordingly to the useful life as ll to the Companies Act, 2013. Had there not been change in depreciation rates, the depreciation would have been lower by {. 43.52 Lacs and by {. specified in the Schedule 107.03 Lacs for the quarter and half year ended September 30, 2014 respectively. 6. The investment includes investment in SZ Design, Srl, ltaly through Wholly Owned Subsidiary Koderat lnvestments Ltd. Cyprus. The Court of Milan, ltaly have rejected the request of "Concordato Preventivo" under the ltalian Laws and the matter is subjudice. The Company willtake suitable action after the decision. 7. During the quarter, the Company has executed Letter of lntent with prospective buyer for sale of entire equity stake in Autoline lndustries USA, lnc., Wholly Owned Subsidiary and all its subsidiaries viz- Autoline Stampings Limited, South Korea, Autoline lndustries (Shanghai) Co. Ltd., China, Autoline lndustries GmbH, Germany and members' interest in Autoline lndustries lndiana, LLC, USA. As per revised Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement effective from Octobdr 1,2014, the Company is seeking Member{ approval by way of Postal Ballot in terms of Section 110 of the Companies Act, 2013 and all other applicable provisions, if any, of the Companies Act, 2013 read with Rule 22 of the Companies {Management and Administration) Rules, 2014. t iluw4, 8. of Maharashtra is accounted at the end The lndustrial Promotion Subsidy from Government of year when the claim is lodged' the company has received 'Locational Autoline lndustrial Parks Limited, a subsidiary of of Maharashtra' Mumbai clearance'from Urban Development Department' Government dated September 10' 2014 for its vide its Notification No. TPS-1813/31531CR-544/B/UD-13 Project) located at village42.2666 Hector (104 Acres under Speci3l Township 9. land Mahalunge, Tal: Khed, Dist: Pune' be accounted at the end of the financial year 10. The income tax and deferred tax, if any, wilt 2014-75^ given below: 11. The key Standalone Financial Results are Particulars 3 Preceding 3 months months ended ended (3olosl (3O/06l2oL4 20L4l ) Correspondin g 3 months ended Year to date (30/osl2013) in the period tn -akhs Previous year ended for figures Previous l3Ll03/2or4 Year ended ) ended {30/osl2or3 previous year (3Ol09l2or4 ) figures for current Year to date ) (U na udi (Unaudited) (U naudited) (Unaudited) (Audited) (Unaudited) ted) Net Sales/ lncome from operations Profit before tax 9,O41 9,30 6 18,353 22,O14 39,691 $,7 4r) Q,7 Ll\ \e27) \3,4s2\ (1,e08) it4,427) lr,7 4L) (1,711) (s27\ 13,4s2) (1,908) (4,4s0) Net Profit after tax 10,833 12. The figures for the corresponding previous periods have been restated / regrouped' wherever necessary, to make them comparable' the company's website: www autolineind com - or com' Website : www.bseindia.com or NSE website :www nseindia 13. The Results Can be viewed on By Order of the Board LINE INDUSTRIES LIMITED '\ .t \Nrryz (shivali Akhade) (Ur*bsh Chavan) Managing Director Executive Director & cEO Ptace:Mumbai Date: November 13,2014 BSE CHA R U H. O.: Anand Apartment, 1180/2, Shivajinagar' Pune - 411005 Tel. Far:91-020 -3028184?, Ph.; 25535600, 30281845 / 46. E-mail: [email protected] wtrlv.arsandco.com TER ED NTAN TS Branches : Nlumbai I Nashik I BeDgaluru I Kolhapur Ahmedabad lUydcrabad LIMITED REVIEW REPORT The Board of Directors. Autoline Industries Limited. S.Nos.3 13/3 14.320 to 323, Nanekanvadt. Chakan. Tal-Khed. Dist-Pune 4 I 050 I l. We have reviewed the accornpanling stxndalonc ufaudited flnincial results of Autoline Industries Limited (the ',Company"), for the qua.rter & half year endrd l0n September 2014 which are included in the 'Standalone statement ofunaudited financial results for the quarter and halfycar ended 30d September 2014' and the statement ofasset and liabilities as on that date (the -Statement") , except for the disclosures regarding 'Public Shareholding' and.promoter Group Shareholding'rvhich have bcen traced liom disclosures made by the management and have neithcr been reviewed nor been audited by us. The Statement has been prepared by the company pursuant to clause 4l of rhe listing agreement with the Stock Exchanges in India. This Statement is the responsibility of the Company's Management and has been approved by the Board of Directors / Committee of Board of Directors. Our responsibility is to issue report on the-se financial statement baseci on our revict\ 2. We conduct our review in accordance with the Standard on Review Engagemenl (SRE) 2,110, " Review of Intetim Financial Information performed by the Independent Auditor ofthc Entity" issued by the Institute ofChartered Accountants of India lllis Standard requires that we plan and perform the review to obtain moderate assurance as to whether the financial statements are liee ofmaterial misstatement. 3. A review is limited 4. pri arily 10 inquiries of company personnel and analyical procedures applied to financial data and thus provide less assurance than an audit. We have not performed an audit and, accordingly, we do not exprcss an audit opinion. Based on our review conducted as above, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the Siatement ofunaudite<.] financial results has not been prepared in all material respects in accordance with applicable Accountiig Standards notified pursuant ro the Compcnies (Accounling Standard) Rules 2006, as per Section 2 I I (3C) ofCompanies Act 1956read\rith General Circular l5/20l3dated ll'n September 2013 oftheMinistryof Corporate Al'1'airs in respect ofSec 133 ofCompanies Act, 2013 and other recognized accounting practices and policies, and has not disclosed the inlormation required to be disclosed in terms ofclause 4l ofthe Lisling agrcement including the nanner in rvhich it is to be disclosed, or thal it contains any material misstatement. &co NTANTS N1lMBER1105,t0W y'+*:llir"\ <-r \(1 \ / PARTNDR MEMBtrRSHIP NUNlBDR T31892 PLACtr: l'UNE D.\le: ^JC!C ,i 1f H DtrO W\ b c^r l3 iar ' \.:+ \ \i:) i* )t. / -?, ,-.--'*{7 j);/ _a;, ,e i.C.r H. O.: Anand Apartmenr. 80/2. Shivajinagar. pune _ 4,1005. Tel. Far; 9 l-020 -3028t 817. ph.: 255J5600. J028 t845 / Jo. E-mail: [email protected] rr}vry.a$analco.com Branches : \4unrbai | \ashik Bengrturu Kothaprrr Ahmedabad I i CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS lltrdcrah,d I,IMITED REVIEW REPORT The Board ofDirectors. Autoline Lrdustries Limited, S.Nos.3 l3/3 1 4.320 to 323, Nanekarwadi, Chakan, Tal-Khed, Dist-Pune 4 I 0501 I w^e have reviewed the accompanying consolidated unaudited financial results of Autoline lndustries Limited {the 30rh september 2014 \vhich statement ofunaudited financiar resurts_for the quarter andhalfyear ended j0,h s"p,"rru". ior+; ofasset and liabilities as on that date (the "statement") , except for the discrosures ""0 regarding -by and'Promot€r Group shareholding' which have been traced iom disclosures made the-manager;;;;;;"" neither been reviewed nor been audited b) us. The Statement has b€en prepared by the pl_ruun, io "companl'), for the quafter & half year ended "- i"lr"J"Jl"-irr.".;;;;;;;"a ;; ;;;i;^, .pubii;sh;;i;;;g, 4l of rhe risring agreemenr $rrh rhe 5rock Excharges in lndia. Iiis s.arem.n, i,"o.puny "luir" rr,i ,i. j-riuiii,;;i;. company's Management and has been approved by thJBoard ofDirectors I committee ofBoard of Directors. our responsibility is to issue report on th€se financial statement based on our revrew. 2 3 we conduct our review in accordance- with the standard on Review Engagement (sRE) 24r 0, .. Review of Interim Financial lnformation performed by the Independent Auditor ofthe eni;tl" lssuea ty itre rnsiitute orclarfieJ Accountants oflndia This sta.ndard r^equires that we plan and peform the review to obtain moderate assurance as to whether the linancial statements are liee of material misstatem€nt. A review is lirnited primarily to inquiries ofcompany personnel and airal]'tical procedures applied to financial data W; hav; not performert an audit ;d, accord;;l; ;; ;ffi;;;;; and thus provide iess assurance than an audit. an audit opinion. 4 We have not reviewed the financial statements of three foreign subsidiaries (including one step down subsidiary) included in consolidaled financial statements, whose financial"statements reflecr totur is"irot-ir. isa.66;;;;;;^ at 30s september 2014 and toral revenue of Rs.7l. 07 crores for ,rr" iuu.to: financial statements have been certified by Company's mxnagement and flrnished"nJ.oio;i to us, -d di;i.", l; ;; it relates to the amount included in.etp"ct oithi two folign subsidiary companies are""'. based solelv on these cedi lled fi nancial slatemenls s;;;;b*,;,;. ffi." f.r;, 5' Based on our review conducted as above, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the statement ofunaudited financial results has not been prepared in all materialrespectr in ua*.aun"" *lti' uppri"urrr"Accounting standards notified pursuant to the companiei lAccounting standardj Rules zoor, p., -' (3c) of companies Act 1956 read with ceneral Circular l5/2013 datei l3n September 2013 or vrn;st* ni corporare Affairs in respect of sec 133 of companies Act, 2013 and other recig^ir"J polJcies' and has not disclosed the information required to be disclosed in terms claur. + I oiir,?'i;rii"g including the manner in which it is to be disclosed, or that it contains any material "g...,n"", misstatement. ;f FOR A.RSULAKHE & CO ACQOUNTANTS N NUMBERl10540W 1.9t95 q'/ t\<r KA DEO \('r \9 "-E ,'Sl* MEMBERSHIP NU]\{BER I34892 1i gi', PLACE: PUNE Wb;;6f7 PARTNER DArE' ^lor)cto56 w IJ , l-o '-,.rr,r s""tioi'iii" ^tti "*"""ir"#"iii""Ju,ra
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