GEA TDS Automation for Process Plants engineering for a better world GEA Process Engineering GEA TDS ... … is established internationally as a specialist for technically and economically optimized process technology for the treatment of milk products, food and juice. GEA TDS has the necessary know-how for the design and manufacture of hygienic, aseptic and sterile plants for the production of liquid and pasty products. Our key products include a wide spectrum of innovative solutions for process automation and services that range from the provision of electronic process control up to integrated, company-wide network systems complete with the corresponding management information systems. For the MES level, we supply database-supported applications for quality assurance, increasing productivity and verification management. Automation for Process Plants Combined solutions at process and MES level ERP-LEVEL Track & Trace Laboratory Monitoring MES-LEVEL Data Acquisition Recipe Process Control CONTROL-LEVEL SQLServer Global Automation Brands Process & Instrumentation PROCESS GEA Process Engineering supplies automation solutions based on superior industry expertise Ever-increasing demands provide our motivation. In a world which is in a state of constant change, our mission as a flexible solution developer with a global network of technology and development centers is to provide perfect practice-oriented solutions – whenever and wherever you need them. 2 3 Engineering for Automation Automation Engineering – for us this means hardware and software concepts for process automation that are easily integrated in plants in the dairy, food and fruit juice industries. Our solutions are characterized by our extensive know-how of the industry sector and process engineering expertise, which is reflected both in the targeted selection of the hardware and the functionality of the software solutions. To implement our solutions, we use field-tested modules and technologies and follow international standards (e.g. ISAS88, ISA-S95). We use tested customizable software modules which can be individually combined to form an overall solution. We make sure that our solutions can be used on different platforms, which offers the greatest possible independence from suppliers. Our services ■■ Consulting –On-site assessment –Design of control concepts –Scheduling and resource planning –Preparation of the functional specification (FDS) ■■ Hardware planning using a CAD system: – Network overviews – Cabinet layout plans and circuit diagrams – Parts lists as well as cable and terminal plans ■■ Hardware commissioning with I/O check ■■ Software production ■■ Software commissioning with water and product run ■■ Production support and process optimization ■■ Factory acceptance tests ■■ Visualization solutions Based on platforms from world market leaders, our concepts are proven in practice, yet individually designed, scalable and future-proof. With interfaces to ERP, laboratory, warehouse and preventive maintenance, the automation system forms the glue that keeps everything together. Scheduling Electrical hardware planning GEA engineering tools 4 5 GEA engineering toolbox Standardized object libraries GEA engineering tools and standardized object libraries in connection with automation systems from market leaders Plant concepts ... ... individually designed, scalable and future-proof. We use control systems and system software from market leaders in the sector as a platform. The core element of our automation concept is a toolbox with standardized software modules for specific technological applications. These modules combine the visualization level and the control level into a customizable supervisory control system. Process sequences are designed by means of standard modules, such as valves, motors, controllers and programs. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ The benefits at a glance: ■ PLC programming is facilitated, as essential functions are configured via PC ■ The functions designed are easy to comprehend, even for the technologist ■ Programmer independence ■ ■ ■ Standardized and well-organized project structure Shorter planning periods Easy to expand All settings and program parameters are held in an SQL database, where they can be viewed and modified by authorized users without the need of a programming unit System-wide use of TAG numbers (according to PID) with indication of the I/O address in the control system. Plain-text display is also provided for alarm messages. Simulation of the entire I/O system or individual components for test purposes Recording of operating cycles of the final control elements and hours of motor operation Recording and indication of all operator interventions (Who? When? What?) All parameter settings can be documented in Excel Simulation for planning and production The standard GEA objects enable the simulation of all signals. This allows optimal testing of the process automation system prior to commissioning and ensures that our team works with a reliable, tested automation system during this demanding phase of a project. Simulation Process visualization using tablet PCs Language switching Mobile operability for process plants increases efficiency during the commissioning phase and in the everyday operation of the plant. The process visualization and MES levels feature a language switching function. This enables process operation in the national language using country-specific character sets. 6 7 OTAS® MES Solutions – solutions at the Manufacturing Execution System level For the MES level (Manufacturing Execution Systems), we supply databasesupported applications for quality assurance, increasing productivity and process verification. Our MES solutions, based on our extensive industry know-how, provide the necessary transparency in the production process, optimum use of resources and assurance of product quality. The software modules can be individually combined to form a scalable overall solution. As a simple solution for smaller plants with basic requirements, the OTAS® MES modules work on a Microsoft SQL Express database which runs in the background on a PC workstation. For more complex plants, a separate database server based on Microsoft SQL Server is used. Communication with the control level is effected via an OPC interface. For the identification of e.g. fruit containers or manually added ingredients we use mobile barcode scanners. Apart from the identification function, the scanners display operator messages that request operators to perform specific tasks. Server cabinet Product identification using mobile barcode scanners ERP-LEVEL Quality insurance OEE-reporting Traceability Recipe Reporting Historian PROCESS 8 9 Master recipe Production report Scheduling list OTAS® Recipe … intelligent production control. OTAS® Recipe is a recipe system for the convenient creation and management of recipes (product-specific target data) designed especially for the food industry. It enables technology-specific adjustment of dosing quantities to raw material quality fluctuations (e.g. Brix value, % fat). Features Definition of dosing ingredients with material properties ■■ Definition of dosing points ■■ Definition of recipes on the basis of dosing ingredients and process values ■■ Setting the dosing sequence ■■ Defining a basic quantity (partial batch) ■■ Working with different recipe types ■■ Manual definition of jobs or adaption from higher-level systems such as OTAS® Connect ■■ Keeping a job list ■■ Automatic distribution of the job to partial batches ■■ Batch reports with target/actual value comparison ■■ Customization ■■ Connection of barcode scanners ■■ Connection of third-party systems OTAS® Connect … for integration with your ERP system. OTAS® Connect provides a standardized interface to the software modules OTAS® Recipe and OTAS® Track & Trace. Middleware enables data to be exchanged, for instance to transfer production data to an ERP or inventory management system or to receive work orders. Features ■■ Bidirectional data exchange triggered by events ■■ Customizable standard software ■■ Based on XML syntax ■■ Communication history stored in the SQL server ERP-System Middleware PLCs SQL-Database OTAS® Recipe OTAS® Connect OTAS® Track & Trace 10 11 OTAS® Monitoring … for process optimization and verification. OTAS® Monitoring enables you to record measured values and switching statuses simultaneously, thus creating the necessary transparency for the optimization of production and cleaning processes. The recorded history data can also be used to validate individual batches or entire production volumes. Features ■■ Batches can be selected by date/time for graphical representation from an archive overview ■■ To determine the exact values, functions are provided such as: – Zooming on the x-axis and the y-axis – Shifting the time axis – Actual value line – Reference chart display ■■ Offline evaluation of measured data using the Monitoring Viewer – this data can be displayed on any standard PC Archive space limited only by the size of your hard disk Online language switch-over ■■ Network-compatible ■■ Data can be exported to MS-Excel (CSV format) ■■ Can be integrated into automation systems that are already up and running ■■ Import interface to the GEA engineering toolbox ■■ Can be linked to OTAS® Track & Trace for the immediate display of transports ■■ Comments can be added – Enumerations such as: step texts, cleaning objects, batch numbers – Drill-down function from enumerations ■■ ■■ Comment function in OTAS® Monitoring Print layouts in OTAS® Monitoring Monitoring OTAS® Process Tracer … for the recording and playing back of process information. Process data is displayed in real time by the visualization system and archived in a database at the same time. The OTAS® Process Tracer allows the recorded historical data to be played back on the visualization system and thus provides another view of the production process (only available for Siemens WinCC). Features ■ Timeline for selecting specific points in time ■ Fast forward/reverse WinCC Realtime Visualisation ■ ■ Navigating in the WinCC application while the recording is played back Identification and preventing of operating errors WinCC Historical Visualisation PLCs • REC SQLServer 12 13 OTAS® Track & Trace … traceability of your production for your safety. Legislation, retailers and insurers place increasingly stringent demands on the traceability of food products. OTAS® Track & Trace provides a high level of production transparency by means of a graphical presentation of the whole production process. Process data is made available in a wellorganized manner via the integrated Excel interface for further analysis. This enables you to set up a high-performance reporting system that is in fact independent of any particular automation and system supplier. Features ■■ Online language switching ■■ Network compatibility ■■ Ease of operation for the user ■■ Transparency of production due to batch tracking in the form of graphs and tables ■■ Customizable data fields for individual additional information ■■ Data can be exported in MS-Excel, CSV or HTML format ■■ Proven open data model ■■ Can be integrated into automation systems that are already up and running ■■ Audit trail report Customizable queries ■■ Can be configured by the user ■■ Event or time triggered ■■ Can be saved as XLS, CSV, TXT or printed out 1 2 123 4 5 3 12 45 3 1 2 Track and Trace 3 14 15 OEE report Cleaning log Utilization of CIP circuits Reception log OTAS® Report … for your documentation. OTAS® Report enables you to document production and cleaning processes. This is used for verification and assessment of production efficiency. Reports contain key data relating to raw material deliveries, quantities produced or cleaning processes (CIP). Features ■■ Freely configurable reports ■■ Interactive table – Autofilter & user filter – Grouping – Cascading ■■ ■■ ■■ Search functionality Linking to OTAS® Monitoring and OTAS® Track & Trace Results can be shown in GANTT charts OTAS® Data Acquisition … for the optimization of the efficiency of your plant. OTAS® Data Acquisition is a powerful tool for analyzing production data and consumption structures. It can be used for monitoring energy costs and for source-related cost allocation. Configurable counter readings are loaded from PLC control systems in accordance with requirements and archived in a database. In addition to time-controlled reading, reading triggered by specific production events is also possible. This allows you to assign consumption data directly to a product, a production batch or a production shift. The functionality is complemented by a message log, which allows analyzing the data in accordance with fault times and fault frequency. The reports are output to Excel tables. This facilitates individual calculations and graphical evaluations. Features The configuration enables you to create counters and events – Management of any number of measuring locations without software restrictions – Management of different utilities such as power, gas, water, etc. –D etermination of consumption and power output data for counters that do not physically exist (“virtual counters”) –C reation of a counter hierarchy by combining individual counters into groups – Triggered reading of counters ■■ The Report Configurator is integrated into MS Excel as a separate menu item ■■ Boiler 1 actual deviation Boiler 2 target deviation Boiler 3 Comparison of steam boilers Filling accuracies of a filler 16 17 OTAS® Truck Management … supports truck logistics and product tracking. OTAS® Truck Management allows the registration of truck data in the raw material/product reception and dispatch areas and the logistic organization of the trucks on the factory premises, and thus forms an important element in the traceability of deliveries. Features ■■ Identification of trucks, either manually or using chip-card readers, at various stations on the factory premises (e.g. CIP, gate keeper, milk reception) ■■ Chip cards or RFID can be used ■■ Barcode or manual registration of deliveries ■■ Receipt slips can be printed for the drivers ■■ Automatic or manual assignment of unloading tracks depending on quality ■■ Front-end with tabular list of all relevant information such as batch-ID, vehicle identification, time stamp, quantity, laboratory data, etc. ■■ Extensive search functions allow fast and targeted access to the data ■■ Password and access management with several hierarchy levels ■■ Online language switching (all languages and characters are possible) ■■ Network compatibility ■■ Can be integrated into automation systems that are already up and running Customization Connection of chip-card readers ■■ Connection of printers ■■ Connection to laboratory systems ■■ Connection of third-party systems and PLCs ■■ Customer-specific functions can be added ■■ Online information about incoming tank trucks OTAS® Laboratory … efficient laboratory management for the food industry. OTAS® Laboratory is particularly user-friendly and increases efficiency in the day-to-day running of a laboratory. It is ideally suitable for use in sectors with a high variety of products and high quantities of samples to be examined in the laboratory, as is the case in the food industry. Quality assurance in the sense of ISO 9000–9004 is supported by observing the required standards where applicable. Another strong point is the traceability of samples and a fast overview of results. Features ■■ Password and access management with several hierarchy levels ■■ Online language switching ■■ Network compatibility ■■ Easy to operate in the laboratory (special computer knowledge is not required) ■■ Test plan oriented production of samples ■■ Easy input of formulas in test plans like in Excel ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ Samples can be extended anywhere and anytime, – e.g. by loading additional test plans, copying, deleting, re-arranging analyses, subsequent input of formulas Manual and automatic releasing of samples Identification of samples using barcodes (barcode scanner) Printing of sampling labels with barcode and plain text Easy and flexible evaluation due to special evaluation module incl. statistics, printout and export function to Excel Can be integrated into automation systems that are already up and running Customization ■■ Connection of analysis equipment ■■ Connection to Truck Management ■■ Connection of third-party systems and PLCs ■■ Customer-specific functions can be added 18 19 Dismantling in order to check seals Registration of work performed on site OTAS® Maintenance … for preventive maintenance. In addition to recording run times, the software is also used to count switching cycles. Limit values can be defined for run times and switching cycles for preventive maintenance. Energy Management ... … for reliable data acquisition, prompt cost allocation and up-to-date graphical presentation. Provides active and reliable support to comply with DIN EN/ISO 50001 and DIN EN 16247-1. Quickly and easily via the web. The energy portal provides an overview of consumption figures. Monitoring and analysis ■■ Live charting using graphs and Gantt bars (correlation between consumption data and system states) ■■ Freely configurable, parameterizable reports: Periodic comparisons, target/ actual comparisons, monitoring of the success of process-related measures ■■ Clearly presented in a Sankey diagram with actual values and periodic comparison ■■ Evaluations available immediately after data acquisition ■■ Reports are produced and transferred automatically ■■ E-mail alarming in the event of limit value violations, failure to receive measured values, etc. ■■ Specific consumption figures (according to articles, product groups, periods) Scalability and consumption types Free grouping of components, plants, plant groups (logical counters) ■■ Aggregation of data and cost allocation (virtual measuring points for status determination) ■■ Acquisition of consumption data with free grouping according to types, e.g. power, compressed air, refrigeration, heating (gas, oil), water ■■ Saving potentials Analysis is followed up by process-related measures or work instructions to reduce consumption. Continuous acquisition and evaluation allows monitoring of success, e.g. ■■ Cutting peak loads ■■ Minimizing downtimes ■■ Optimizing set-up times 20 21 OTAS® Field Control – solutions for locally operated process units OTAS® Field Control is a standardized automation solution for locally operated process units. Its intuitive operation, using graphical interfaces, allows for short commissioning times and rapid familiarization of your operator staff. OTAS® Field Control is based on Siemens or Rockwell control systems and operator terminals and generally includes the necessary technology for remote support via telephone network. OTAS® Field Control is used e.g. for: UHT systems, pasteurizers and thermizers, mixers, deaeration units and CIP systems. Design ■ PLC and color touch panel ■ Process flowchart visualization on the operator panel ■ Stainless steel cabinet ■ Profibus communication ■ Ethernet communication (options: 12“, 15“, 19“ display) ■ Equipped for Teleservice Performance data ■ Max. number of automation objects (valves, motors, instruments): 300 ■ Max. number of programs: 20 Presentation of process information Program operation PID controller Fruit mixing plant Program parameters and program steps 22 23 We live our values. Excellence • Passion • Integrity • Responsibility • GEA-versity Kruppstraße 3, 48683 Ahaus, Germany Phone +49 2561 8602-0 [email protected], • Am Industriepark 2–10, 21514 Büchen, Germany Phone +49 4155 49-0 06/14 Voss-Straße 11/13, 31157 Sarstedt, Germany Phone +49 5066 990-0 • GEA TDS GmbH 444e GEA Process Engineering GEA Group is a global engineering company with multi-billion euro sales and operations in more than 50 countries. Founded in 1881, the company is one of the largest providers of innovative equipment and process technology. GEA Group is listed in the STOXX® Europe 600 Index.
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