MENJADI PERUSAHAAN TERBAIK MELALUI IMPLEMENTASI GCG Mas Achmad Daniri Ketua Komite Nasional Kebijakan Governance (KNKG) CORPORATE GOVERNANCE Based on Two Boards System Shareholders through GMoS Corporate governance refers to the structures and processes for the direction and control of companies Source: IFC Regular reporting and update Guidance and supervision Directors MAS ACHMAD DANIRI Commissioners LEAD BY GCG GCG IMPLEMENTATION BENEFITS Improved Control and Risk Mitigation Increased Operational Efficiency Enhanced Corporate Reputation Low Cost Capital Access MAS ACHMAD DANIRI Triple Bottom Line Sustainable Growth LEAD BY GCG Sustainable Corporation Struktur Governance BoC and BoD Governance Outcome: Keseimbangan kepentingan Perusahaan dengan kepentingan Stakeholder Strategi Implementasi GCG: Migrasi dari Komitmen – Sistem - Kultur CGC GGC CORPORATE GOVERNANCE COMMITMENT GOOD GOVERNED COMPANY Commitment Taat terhadap pedoman GCG baik yang wajib maupun bersifat kebijakan System Operasional yang baik melalui kontrol internal, pengendalian resiko, dan penerapan WBS GCC GOOD CORPORATE CITIZEN Culture Korporasi diterima sebagai bagian dari Masyarakat melalui Pendekatan CSR GCG: PENCIPTAAN NILAI TAMBAH & PERBAIKAN BERKESINAMBUNGAN Source: Road Map GCG, Komite Nasional Kebijakan Governance MAS ACHMAD DANIRI LEAD BY GCG STAKEHOLDER: Semua pihak yang memiliki kepentingan atau berhubungan dengan kegiatan perusahaan. Dua kategori stakeholder: 1. Primary stakeholder, terdiri dari: Pemegang saham/investor, karyawan, supplier, rekanan bisnis dan masyarakat setempat. 2. Secondary stakeholder, terdiri dari: Pemerintah, asosiasi bisnis, kelompok sosial kemasyarakatan, media, akademisi dan kompetitor. ARTI PENTING STAKEHOLDER Dunia usaha dan stakeholder saling ketergantungan Stakeholder Dunia Usaha Sumber : Professor Hector R Rodriguez, "The Corporation and Its Stakeholders” Corporate Governance Framework Wealth Creation Wealth Management Wealth Sharing Distribution ? Output – Input = Wealth Created Enhanced Capabilities Reinvestment Sustainability Research and Development HR Development Infrastructure Risk Management Best Management Practices are Vital Here Happiness and Prosperity of all Stakeholders SUPPLIERS Adequate Returns HUMAN ASSETS Adequate Remuneration CUSTOMERS Affordable Prices PUBLIC Payment of Taxes and Partnership in National Development Projects Law and Ethics are Vital Here Sumber : Pavan Kumar Vijay, “Corporate Governance and Sustainable Development” Stakeholders in Value Chain ROLE OF STAKEHOLDERS Supply Funds, Materials and Services Value Addition and Management of Resources Give Opportunity to Co. to Satisfy their Needs SUPPLIERS HUMAN RESOURCE CUSTOMERS Adequate Salary and Security for leading a Happy Life Best Quality Products and Customer Care at Minimum Prices Adequate Returns for Funds, Material and Services Supplied EXPECTATIONS OF STAKEHOLDERS Potential Suppliers, Human Resources and Customers PUBLIC Biological, Economic and Cultural Environment PUBLIC EXPECTS PARTNERHIP FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Sumber : Pavan Kumar Vijay, “Corporate Governance and Sustainable Development” Principles of Corporate Excellence Fairness to all stakeholders Mutual Trust, Transparency and Togetherness Unrestricted Communication and Continuous Feedback Sharing Knowledge, Success Stories and Experience Sharing Happiness and Concerns Helping Each Other – Round the Clock Sumber : Pavan Kumar Vijay, “Corporate Governance and Sustainable Development” Keterkaitan GCG dengan CSR • CSR hendaknya menjadi bagian dari strategi bisnis guna meningkatkan kemampuan daya saing, reputasi perusahaan, pelestarian lingkungan dan kohesi sosial Source: Porter (2005) 71 TRIPLE BOTTOM LINE Commitment to Sustainable Development, integrating the 3P Concept Responsibility to Stakeholders PEOPLE Responsibility to Stakeholders in the Value Chain Responsibility to Stakeholder, Awareness of Environment conservation PLANET Responsibility to Support Sustainability of Nature’s Capacity and Future Generation Responsibility to Shareholders PROFIT Eco-efficiency, Renewable Energy and Efficient Use of Mineral Resources Triple Bottom Line + Governance = Sustainable Corporation Sumber : John Elkington, “Cannibals with Forks : the Triple Bottom Line of 21 st Century Business”, 1997 ANALOGI CSR DAN STAKEHOLDER CSR diberikan kepada gerbong yang paling lamban dari rangkaian kereta api (dianalogikan sebagai lokomotif perusahaan dengan beberapa gerbong stakeholder) LANGKAH KONKRIT MENJADI PERUSAHAAN TERBAIK Secara konsisten memperoleh keuntungan yang optimal, meningkatkan nilai perusahaan dan kesejahteraan pemegang saham; Investasi yang signifikan atas riset dan pengembangan; Mengembangkan SDM menjadi ‘achievers’, bukan sekedar ‘performers’; Berinteraksi secara etis dengan pelanggan, pemerintah dan mitra bisnis; Memelihara dan menyesuaikan budaya, sistem dan proses manajemen perusahaan; Untuk mencapai tujuan dan sasaran guna mewujudkan visi & misi perusahaan. Sumber : Pavan Kumar Vijay, “Corporate Governance and Sustainable Development” KARYAWAN TERBAIK KONSUMEN YANG PUAS SUPPLIER TERPERCAYA INVESTOR YANG BERKEMBANG MASYARAKAT YANG SEJAHTERA PEMERINTAH DAN REGULATOR YANG PUAS XCELLENCE Sumber : Pavan Kumar Vijay, “Corporate Governance and Sustainable Development” Mas Achmad Daniri Leader in the field of Capital Market, Corporate Governance (GCG) and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in Indonesia. Consistently successful in leading the Jakarta Stock Exchange during difficult financial crisis. Initiator for empowering of supervision function on listed companies by promoting of independent commissioner and distribution of duties within the board. Currently serving as Chairman of Indonesia National Committee on Governance (KNKG) and also a member of Independent Team of National Bureaucracy Reform (TIRBN). Formerly he was a member of Selection Committee of Commissioners of Financial Service Authority (OJK). At the time of preparation of ISO 26000, he was Chairman of the National Mirror Committee on Social Responsibility (MCSR), to spread the idea and practice of CSR in accordance with the contents of ISO 26000. During this period he established a consulting firm that promotes Corporate Social Responsibility and the practices of Good Corporate Governance, becoming Senior Consultant of Mitra Bhadra Consulting (MBC). Core competence in: Capital Market, Corporate Governance, and Corporate Social Responsibility.
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