Multi-Agent and Population-Based Geo-Simulation for Decision Support: Past Works and Prospects Dr. Bernard Moulin Laval University Computer Science and Software Engineering Department Pouliot Building, Quebec G1V 0A6, Canada Tel. (1) 418 656 5580 Fax (1) 418 656 2324 [email protected] 1 Outline Multi-Agent Geo-Simulation (MAGS) Multi-Actor Dynamic Spatial Situations (MADSS) and Decision Making Retropective of our Geoide Projects on MAGS From MAGS to MUSCAMAGS to CrowdMAGS to the IVGE Project The COLMAS Project and Nsim Technology’s GeoSDK Platform Retropective of our Geoide Projects on Population-Based Geosimulation The VNO-MAGS Project : Geosimulation of the West Nile Virus Spread Needs and Challenges for the Geo-Simulation of Zoonose Spread Main Ideas of the ZoonosisMAGS Project ZoonosisMAGS (our software suite) and the Simulation of Lyme Disease Potential for Future Works Conclusion and Acknowledgments 2 Multi-Agent Geo-Simulation (MAGS) ‘Geosimulation deals with the construction of different kinds of spatial models in order to study spatial-temporal phenomena while developing software to support ‘actor-based simulations’ Multi-Agent Geo-Simulation (MAGS) takes advantage of the coupling of Multi-Agent-Based Simulation (MABS) and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Multi-agent geo-simulation (MAGS) can be effectively used to simulate complex systems in virtual geo-referenced environments MAGS tools/approaches used to support decision makers for: the creation of action plans and the assessment of these plans and of their impacts on actors’ mobility and decision making the comparison of intervention scenarios to help visualize the outcomes of action plans 3 Multi-Actor Dynamic Spatial Situations A Multi-Actor Dynamic Spatial Situations (MADSS) involves a large number of actors of different types (human, animal,…) acting in geographic spaces of various extents MADSSs need to be monitored to insure : human security and equipment preservation in case of natural or manprovoked hazards (flood, earthquake, wildfire, oil slicks), the respect of public order (population evacuation, crowd monitoring and control, peace-keeping, etc.) the adequate use of infrastructures (monitoring of people and households transportation and shopping habits in a urban area to better plan transportation infrastructures, location of services’ retailers, etc.) Impact of emergency response plans Decision makers need an overall understanding of the situation to monitor its evolution, to develop strategies to adequately intervene, to develop and compare alternative intervention scenarios and to anticipate the consequences of these interventions 4 Decision Making and MADSS Most critical MADSSs involve large populations and/or important infrastructures/equipments that are usually spread out on large geographic spaces Natural hazards or man-provoked hazards can trigger MADSSs that may endanger human lifes, threaten the equilibrium of ecosystems and/or the preservation of equipment & infrastructures Decision makers need tools to simulate such MADSSs in order to anticipate how they may evolve and to possibly assess the impacts of their decisions Systems based on Multi-Agent Geo-Simulation (MAGS) may provide some support to decision makers, either by training them before the occurrence of such situations or by providing them with simulations during the evolving MADSS 5 Retrospective of our Projects on Multi-Agent Geosimulation for Decision Support 6 The MAGS and MUSCAMAGS Projects We developed the MAGS Platform (2002 to 2005) and used it in several multi-agent geosimulation projects (crowd simulation, consumer spatial behaviours in malls, Fire control, etc.) 7 To MallMAGS (2005) and SOLAP Tools and ... Simulation of Dynamic Environments (FireMAGS 2006) 8 The COLMAS Project and Nsim Technology’s GeoSDK Platform (Nsim Tech: Perron, Hogan; RDDC: Berger, Bélanger) Nsim Technology, a start-up company created by the two Jimmys (Perron, Hogan) in 2004 and benefiting from a technological transfer of the MAGS project The COLMAS Project is an example of a joint project: Use of Multi-Agent Geosimulation and Machine Learning for Distributed Continuous Planning in the Case of Territory Surveillance using Unmanned Autonomous Vehicules Various solutions found from the best one to the worst one (SDKsim –COLMAS) UAVs’ patterns for scenario with obstacles 9 Nsim Technology NSim Technology offers products and services in the fields of geographic system management simulation and intelligent spatio-temporal analysis, artificial intelligence and 2D/3D visualization NSim provides services and a development environment (GeoSDK) to its clients, especially in the defense and security sectors NSim recently developped an innovative technology, Nsim Contour, offering features improving collaborative client-server geosimulation and 2D/3D geographic management systems 10 From MAGS (2004) to CrowdMAGS (2009) 11 The IVGE Project: Informed Virtual Geographic Environment Method Vector layers selection GIS Elevation map Spatial decomposition Elevation map Merged semantics map (2.5D) (2D) Maps unification Elevated merged semantics map IVGE Topological graph usage Different layers from GIS data (with different semantics) 3D Map with merged semantics 12 Applications of the IVGE for path planning in urban and natural environments, deployment of sensors, etc. Mehdi Mekni won the William L. Garrisson Price for the Best 2011 PhD Thesis in 13 Computational Geography (American Association of Geographers AAG) Retrospective of our Projects on PopulationBased Geosimulation for Decision Support 14 Population-Based Geosimulation Projects VNO-MAGS Project to simulate the propagation of West Nile Virus (2006-2010) financed by INSPQ and part of the Geoide-supported MUSCAMAGS Project The LymeMAGS Project (2009-13 - Financed by INSPQ and Ministère de la santé et des services sociaux du Québec), part of the Geoide-supported CODIGEOSIM Project (PIV 05, J. Wu Project Leader) Simulation of the propagation of Lyme disease (ticks - rodents – Deer interactions) for decision support in Public Health The ZoonosisMAGS Platform: a generic platform to create populationbased geo-simulation of zoonoses (2010-13) The SénartMAGS Project (agent-based geosimulation) of the risk of Lyme Disease in peri-urban parks (Collaboration with Godard’s team of Paris 8 University) (2009-2012) Note on Zoonoses : infectious diseases transmitted by insects to animals and 15 to humans. There are numerous zoonoses such as Malaria, West Nile Virus, Lyme disease, etc. The VNO-MAGS Project: Geosimulation of the West Nile Virus Spread We simulate the dynamics of the populations of Culex mosquitoes and of crows and their interactions which favor the West Nile Virus infection spread Helping decision makers explore different intervention scenarios under various weather conditions (temperature, rain falls) 16 Needs and Challenges There is a need for flexible tools to understand the ‘dynamics’ of disease propagation in GIS … which raises challenges: How to model huge populations and their interactions taking into account geographic characteristics (i.e. land-cover in relation to habitat suitability)? How to efficiently simulate these interactions as well as species evolution (especially for insects such as mosquitoes and ticks), and animals’ displacements? How to calibrate these models (data availability)? How to develop friendly tools to help decision makers understand the phenomena (visualization) and to assess different scenarios (climate, interventions) How to couple spatial and statistical analysis tools to support 17 these assessments? Main Ideas of the ZoonosisMAGS Project (1/2) Create an virtual geographic environment (VGE) whose cells correspond to habitat patches influencing species’ biology (suitability) Associate with each cell the populations of the involved species at different stages (i.e. evolution, infection) Model the evolution and interactions of these populations using a dynamic compartment model taking into account environmental parameters (i.e. temperature, geographic characteristics) Enhance the VGE with information related to species’ mobility behaviors (migration, emigration, dispersal) Informed VGE 18 Main Ideas of the ZoonosisMAGS Project (2/2) Enhance the compartment model with ‘transfer compartments’ and mobility transitions Implement this model as efficient state-transition mechanisms in the geo-simulator exploiting the IVGE Develop a prototyping tool (Matlab) for model exploration and testing and a C++ geo-simulator for fullscale geo-simulations The objective is to enable Public Health Officers to : 1) Analyze the spatial-temporal characteristics of the spread of a zoonose 2) Specify different climate and/or intervention scenarios and 19 compare their outcomes Scenario Specification User P2 Specify Scenarios and initialize data A04 IVGE A04.1 Cell hierarchies data, cell’s neighboors A04.2 Population simulation data A04.3 Other data(eg. Temperature, etc.) P1 A01 Simulation engine Scenarios P4 P3 IVGE generator A02 A03 Simulation Output Calibrated Data P5 P6 Analyse Data Calibrate Models Using formalism, specifiy populations’ evolutions and interactions Data Base A06 A07 A08 Other data Input(eg. Weather data, Land cover) Population data input Environment Input Zoonosis-Mags Data Base A09 P7 Analysed Data Simulation Results Analysis Model Specification A05 Mathematical Model Data & Other Zoonosis Data IVGE Prepare other Data A010 Monitoring Data P8 Prepare Environment Data A011 A012 Other Data GIS Data Monitoring System(s) Analyst/ Designer Multiple Data Sources Geographic Information System Other Data Base 20 E.g : SIDVS-WNV E.g : Population data; Weather data; Parameters of the used Models. Enhanced Compartment Models S 1 ET4.3,1 S 1 ET2.4,3.1 Susceptible Larvae Eggs S1 1,2.1 ET OS 1 1 Hardening Maturing / Ques S1 3.1 ting Engorged OS OS 1 S1 2.1,2.2 OS 1 3.3 S S1 2.3,2.4 ET 1 ET3.3,4.1 Engorged O 1 2.4 2.1 S Susceptible Nymphs 1 ET3.2,3.3 ET S Questing O 1 ET3.1,3.2 Feeding S1 2.2 S1 2.2,2.3 ET O S1 Feeding OS 2.3 Adults 1 3.2 OS OS 1 2 Maturing / Ques S1 ting 4.1 1 S S 1 ET2.3,5 Dead O 3 1 4.4 S 1 ET3.2,6.3 OS S 1 ET4.1,4.2 1 ET4.3,4.4 Infected Nymphs Feeding Infected/ engorged larvae OS 5 1 S1 5,6.1 ET Maturing/ QuesS1 6.1 ting Engorged O O Engorged OS S1 6.3 S1 6.2,6.3 OS 1 4.2 ET S1 6.3,4.1 ET 1 4.3 S1 4.2,4.3 OS 1 4 ET S 1 ET6.1,6.2 Feeding OS 1 6.2 S OS S 1 ET6.2,3.3 1 6 1 S1 O4 CTsrc , dest S S T1, 21 OS S T2,13 OS 1 T 3 , 14 OS 1 2 1 1 3 OS 1 4 S T4 ,11 C S Hi 1 LO S1OS2 4 2 src S T1,22 OS 2 OS 2 2 1 S T2,12 S S S T1, 21 2 OS S T2,13 OS 1 T 3 , 14 OS 1 2 1 T C S T1,22 OS 1 2 S T2,12 1 4 S S2 O2 CTsrc , dest OS 1 3 S1 4 ,1 OS Hi dest 21 2 2 S 1 2 Overview of our Software Suite Geobase Data Matlab Simulator Other data Sources Our Matlab Simulator Mlb Simul. Outputs (Excel) Outputs Analysis (Excel/Mlb) IVGE Creator User Matlab Interpreter IVGE IVGE Mlb Loader IVGE Data (Cells, Neighbors, Suitability, Orientation, Transfer att., Distance-to-cross, etc.) C++ Simulator Model Specif. (C++) C++ Simulator Interface GIS data Population data Other data User Scenario (C++) Z-MAGS Database (PostgreSQL) Model Creator (XML) C++ Simul. Outputs ZoonosisMAGS C++ Simulator Database Creator (C++) User Model Specif. (XML ) Mlb Simul. Interface Model Graphical Interface (Visio) C++ Outputs Analysis 22 User The simulation of Lyme Disease Scenarios data source Data output, Log & Timeline Models & Phenomena Results 23 IVGE displayed in the C++ geosimulator 24 25 Released soon in 2014 26 Conclusion So much work !! …. So much fun ! … So many results! …. So many students trained in various innovative areas ! Many thanks to Geoide that offered us all these opportunities Many thanks to our partners for supporting us in so many ways … and .... Nothing of this would have happen without CRG .... being the leader who created this excellent NCE: GEOIDE Happy 25th Anniversary !!!! 27 Acknowledgements A big THANK-YOU to CRG and Geoide and to all the partners who supported our projects during the past 15 years : Alberta Sustainable Resource Development, Center for Spatial Analysis at McMaster University, DRDC Valcartier, Institut National de Santé Publique du Québec, Joint Program in Transportation (University of Toronto), Ministère de la santé et des services sociaux du Québec, Ministère des ressources naturelles et de la faune du Québec, Ministère des transports du Québec, NSim Technology, PROCESSUS Research Network, SOPFEU, Sûreté du Québec, Time Use Research Program at St Mary’s University (Halifax), Service de police de la Ville de Québec I warmly thank all the people who were involved in these 12 years of research: Postdoc fellows and PhD students: A. Ali, M. Bouden, W. Chaker, T. Garneau, E.F. Gbei, H. Haddad, M. Mekni, S. Paris, N Sahli; MSc students: F. Bellafkir, M. Bouden, W. Chaker, C. Drolet, J. Gancet, A, Kabli, B. Larochelle, F. Legault, F. Manirakiza, B. Mehdi, D. Navarro, J. Perron, P. Pelletier, F. Rioux, O. Rouleau, S. Sedrati; Research Professionals: H. Hogan, W. Chaker, M. Bouden, D. Marcotte. 28 Acknowledgements Another Topic on e-Governement (New Book released May 2014) 30
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