Cosmological Perturbation Theory of Shapes Sean Gryb (with Tom Zlo´snik) Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen Institute for Mathematics, Astrophysics and Particle Physics UNB Fredericton Shape Dynamics Workshop May 8, 2014 Intro Standard Cosmo Cosmo Shape Perts Conclusions Brief Introduction What does cosmological perturbation theory look like in Shape Dynamics? 2 / 17 Intro Standard Cosmo Cosmo Shape Perts Conclusions Motivation Shape Dynamics (SD) ⇒ clean separation of symmetry principle and evolution equation. Could this be a useful tool for Cosmology? Our fundamental equations — the Lichnerowicz–York equation and the Lapse Fixing equation — are conveniently treated using a perturbative expansion. In cosmology, SD might be relevant as a tool for studying current experiments (B-modes, non-Gaussianity). 3 / 17 Intro Standard Cosmo Cosmo Shape Perts Conclusions Extended Motivation: Some Basics of Cosmological Perturbation Theory Pre-History Fixing gauges in GR is hard!! ⇒ Just fixing coordinates leads to a number of problems: Caustics can develop. Globally not well-defined. Residual gauge freedom can exist. Physical observables are hard to separate from coordinate artefacts. ⇒ in the olden days, most approaches to cosmological perturbation theory (e.g., Newtonian gauge) suffered from these problems and many papers were written confusing coordinate artefacts with physical effects. 4 / 17 Intro Standard Cosmo Cosmo Shape Perts Conclusions Mukanov’s Solution Gauge Invariant Approach Bardeen, others, and — decisively — Mukanov developed a gauge-invariant approach to observables in perturbation theory. ⇒ wrote down a set of gauge invariant observables for perturbative cosmology (Mukanov variables) and worked out their equations of motion. Observation: Mukanov’s original paper is a tour de force ⇒ basic underlying structure was not particularly clear. (Now a much simpler derivation is known.) Alternative History If the York decomposition (or SD) had been known earlier to cosmologists, this would have been a graduate level exercise. 5 / 17 Intro Standard Cosmo Cosmo Shape Perts Conclusions Canonical Version (Langlois ’93): Sketch of Canonical derivation of Mukanov variable Expand (gab , φ; π ab , πφ ) into a background + small fluctuations. 0th order H(0) + flow ⇒ Friedmann equations for background. (2) 2nd order H(2) and Ha treat as HJ-eq’ns: H(gab , φ; ∂S ∂S , )≈0 ∂gab ∂φ Ha (gab , φ; ∂S ∂S , ) ≈ 0. ∂gab ∂φ (1) The scalar part of these equations gives a generating functional, S, for a degenerate canonical transformation that leads to a set of reduced variables. For a certain choice of partial observables you get a set of complete observables (not explicit about this terminology), which are the canonical analogues of the Mukanov variables. ⇒ this just gives a particular parametrization of the reduced phase space. 6 / 17 Intro Standard Cosmo Cosmo Shape Perts Conclusions Other (Modern) Approaches 1 2 Dittrich / Tambornino (2007): worked out explicitly partial/complete observables for cosmology in different sectors and at higher orders. Construction gets bulky at higher orders. Maldacena (2003): ⇒ state of the art for higher orders. This is the current tool for dealing with non-Gaussianity. Limited: only valid for scalar modes. Messy: relies on ‘funny’ expansion and approximations ⇒ not so transparent. 7 / 17 Intro Standard Cosmo Cosmo Shape Perts Conclusions Summary (and End of Extended Motivation) Gauge-invariant observables were tricky at 1st order, but not in SD. Higher order terms are still a bit tricky, although some proposals exist. Main Problem: Finding gauge invariant observables is intimately tied to solving the dynamics! Can Shape Dynamics clean any of this up? (i.e., can SD provide a better tool than known techniques?) Important because higher orders are relevant for current experiments. 8 / 17 Intro Standard Cosmo Cosmo Shape Perts Conclusions Cosmological Shape Perturbations: Basic Strategy Two Separate Tasks: 1 Isolate gauge-invariant degrees of freedom ⇒ solve local constraints: √ Conformal Constraint (D = π − hπi g ≈ 0): algebraic (simple trick) to all orders. Diff constraint (Ha = ∇b πa b ): same as standard picture. 2 Compute eq’ns of motion ⇒ compute HSD perturbatively and evolve observables. 9 / 17 Intro Standard Cosmo Cosmo Shape Perts Conclusions Zeroth Order: FRW Assumptions Take k = +1 and Λ > 0. Make the homogeneous/isotropic Ansatz for background: (0) gab = V 2/3 Ωab φ(0) (x, t) = φ(0) (t) V 1/3 τ ab Ω 2 (0) (0) πφ (x, t) = πφ (t) , ab π(0) = (2) (3) where τ ≡ “York time”, and {V , τ } = 1. LYE ⇒ unique algebraic solution: 1st Friedmann eq’n (after some messaging)! Hamilton’s equations then lead to 2nd Friedmann eq’n (after more messaging). ⇒ Reproduces FRW 10 / 17 Intro Standard Cosmo Cosmo Shape Perts Conclusions Conformal Constraint (I) Idea: Solve the conformal constraint using a clever gauge fixing that makes use of background solution. Perturbation-Inspired Transformation Perform an expansion inspired by the decomposition gab = V 2/3 (Ωab + hab ): p 1 τ hab = 2/3 gab − Ωab π ¯ ab = V 2/3 π ab − g ab (h, V ) g (h, V ) (4) 2 V So that (gab ; π ab ) → (hab , V ; π ab , τ ) is canonical. Note: g ab (h, V ) means that you must express g ab in terms of a hab and V (can be done in an h-expansion). New conformal constraint D=π ¯ ab (Ωab + hab ) ≈ 0. (5) 11 / 17 Intro Standard Cosmo Cosmo Shape Perts Conclusions Conformal Constraint (II) Trick Use the gauge fixing: 1 hab Ωab ≈ 0, D which is such that {D(x), G (y )} = δ(x, y ). G = (6) Solutions (to all orders!!): GI hab = hab − 13 hcd Ωcd Ωab ab πGI =π ¯ ab − (7) p 1 cd π gcd (h, V ) g ab (h, V ) 3 g (h, V ) . (8) ⇒ This gauge fixing makes use of the Weyl invariance: Off the ADM intersection!! (only at order > 1) First Order Solutions are traceless wrt background: GI hab = hab − h Ωab 3 ab πGI =π ¯ ab − π ¯ ab √ Ω Ω, 3 (9) where h = hab Ωab and π ¯=π ¯ ab Ωab . 12 / 17 Intro Standard Cosmo Cosmo Shape Perts Conclusions Diff Constraint (I) Kindergarten: 1st order Fourier Transform on S 3 ⇒ spin-decomposition on k-space: ab (1) (1) hab (x) → hi (k) = A−1 hab (k) φ(x) → φ(k) (1) πab (x) i → p (k) = i i ab Aab π ¯(1) πφ (x) → πφ (k). (10) (11) where Ωab Aiab = 0 for (i = 3, . . . , 6), k a k b Aiab = 0 for (i = 3, 4) k a Aiab = 0 for (i = 5, 6). Then i = 1, 2 ⇒ scalar modes, i = 3, 4 ⇒ vector modes, and i = 5, 6 ⇒ tensor modes. Diff constraint kills vector modes and one linear combination of scalar modes (i = 2 and φ(k)). Conformal constraint kills (i = 1) scalar mode. ⇒ Mukanov variable (in CMC gauge) is the left-over scalar mode!! 13 / 17 Intro Standard Cosmo Cosmo Shape Perts Conclusions Diff Constraint (II) Higher Orders Perturbative: Can use standard perturbative techniques (e.g., diagramatic expansion) for Diff constraint. Non-Perturbative: Can solve the elliptic PDE (see, e.g., York ’72) using standard techniques from spectral analysis or numerically. 14 / 17 Intro Standard Cosmo Cosmo Shape Perts Conclusions Evolution Compute Hsd order by order in perturbation theory in k-space. Use result to propagate observables. Solving the conformal constraint simplifies many terms. An analytic recursion relation can be obtained at all orders of magnitude. ⇒ just follow a straightforward algorithm!! Note Don’t yet have an expression that I’m confident with (free of minus sign errors, factors, etc...) ⇒ coming soon!! 15 / 17 Intro Standard Cosmo Cosmo Shape Perts Conclusions Advantages Perhaps a cleaner (simple expansion) and more powerful (applies to all modes) tool for studying higher order perturbations than Maldacena or complete/partial observables? Clean identification of observables. Straightforward algorithm for determining evolution. No “funny” expansions. Take advantage of our new symmetry: Weyl invariance. ⇒ we must explore what this extra Weyl invariance buys us!! 16 / 17 Intro Standard Cosmo Cosmo Shape Perts Conclusions Conclusions Can SD serve as a useful tool for computing observable effects for non-Gaussianity? ⇒ If so: what can we do to bring the theory into a form that is suitable for and attractive to cosmologists? THANK YOU!! 17 / 17
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