Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. Executive Summary For PROPOSED INSTALLATION OF FEED PREPARATION UNIT (FPU) FOR CATALYTIC DEWAXING UNIT (CDWU) AT HALDIA REFINERY In District: Purba Medinipur, West Bengal Envirotech East (P) Limited An ISO 9001:2008, 14001:2004 & OHSAS:18001:2007 Bengal Ambuja Commercial Complex UN F13, 1050/1, Survey Park, Kolkata 700 075, India Ph: (033) 2418 8127/8128/8601, e-mail: [email protected] web: Environmental Impact Assessment for Installation of Feed Preparation Unit (FPU) for Catalytic Dewaxing Unit (CDWU) at Haldia Refinery, District: Purba Medinipur, West Bengal ES - 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1.0 INTRODUCTION Haldia refinery is the fourth in the chain of the existing seven refineries of Indian Oil Corporation Ltd (IOCL) in the country located at Guwahati, Digboi, Barauni, Haldia, Baroda, Mathura and Panipat. Haldia refinery is located on the bank of the river Hoogly at Haldia in East Midnapur district of the state of West Bengal. The refinery was commissioned in 1974. The refinery handles imported crudes, mostly from Middle East countries, Nigeria and Malaysia. The refined products help meet the demand of the eastern region by road, rail as well as through Haldia-Barauni-Kanpur and Haldia-MourigramRajbandh pipelines. Haldia refinery was initially designed for a capacity of 2.5 million metric tonnes per annum (MMTPA) and was subsequently modernised and debottlenecked for capacity augmentation and improvement of product pattern. The refinery now has two Crude Distillation Units (CDU) with the processing level of 7.5 MMTPA. Haldia Refinery proposes to install Feed Preparation Unit (FPU) for CDWU. The estimated capacity of the proposed UCO Vacuum Fractionation Unit (Feed Preparation Unit, FPU) shall be 650 TMTPA. With the implementation of the proposed facility, it is envisaged that the refinery shall be able to produce 100% Gr-III LOBS (of 70N/150N/500N grades). Minor piping modifications shall be required in the High-pressure section of CDWU to enable processing of neat desulphurized waxycuts ex FPU and modifications in low-pressure section (vacuum column of CDW) for enabling production of Gr-III LOBS. M/s Envirotech East Pvt. Ltd. have conducted an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for the proposed project and formulated an appropriate Environmental Management Plan (EMP) for such expansion project. Executive Summary Envirotech East Pvt. Ltd. Environmental Impact Assessment for Installation of Feed Preparation Unit (FPU) for Catalytic Dewaxing Unit (CDWU) at Haldia Refinery, District: Purba Medinipur, West Bengal ES - 2 2.0 SITE LOCATION Haldia Refinery is located at Haldia, district Purba Medinipur in the state of West Bengal. No additional land will be required as the proposed Feed Preparation Unit will be installed in the vacant plot (Area: 3600 m2), available near the existing OHCU within the refinery complex. Its geographical coordinates are Latitude 22°0241.54N and Longitude 88°0625.30E with mean sea level 26 ft. Nearest Railway Station is Durgachak which is about 5.5 km away from the project site. Hooghly river is within 1.0 km distance from the project site and Haldi river is about 6.0 km away from the project site. Tamluk (Dist. HQ) is about 34.0 km (aerial distance) from the project site. The nearest airport “Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Airport”, Kolkata is located about 75 km (aerial distance) from the project site. 3.0 PROJECT HIGHLIGHTS The principal features or highlights of the proposed Feed Preparation Unit (FPU) for Catalytic Dewaxing Unit (CDWU) at Haldia Refinery under study are as follows: Location Haldia in East Midnapur district of West Bengal. Land requirement No additional land will be required as the proposed Feed Preparation Unit will be installed in the vacant plot (Area: 3600 m2), available near the existing OHCU within the refinery complex. Raw water Requirement & Source Power Requirement & Source Cooling system Around 51.8 m3/hr, which will be met from the existing water supply system of the refinery. 0.72 MW, which will be met from the existing power supply system of the refinery. Source of cooling water ( 2686 m3/hr.) is the existing OHCU Cooling tower, which will be augmented by addition of one extra cell (3000 m3/hr. capacity) and accessories. Totalrequisite 5 m3/hr., which will undergo necessary treatment in the existing ETP before final discharge through the existing system. Effluent Generation, Treatment & Disposal SO2 Emission Executive Summary An additional proposed FPU. 20 kg/hr. from the Envirotech East Pvt. Ltd. Environmental Impact Assessment for Installation of Feed Preparation Unit (FPU) for Catalytic Dewaxing Unit (CDWU) at Haldia Refinery, District: Purba Medinipur, West Bengal ES - 3 4.0 BASELINE ENVIRONMNETAL SCENARIO The area falling within the radius of 10 km around the Haldia Refinery of M/s IOCL at Haldia, District Purba Medinipur in West Bengal has been considered as study area. On-site environmental quality monitoring was carried out from 15th March, 2014 to 14th June, 2014. 4.1 Meteorology The monthly minimum and maximum temperatures recorded on-site during the aforesaid monitoring period varied between (15.5-23.0)C and (37.5-41.5)C respectively with overall minimum and maximum temperatures being 15.5C and 41.5C respectively. The monthly minimum and maximum relative humidity recorded onsite during the said monitoring period varied between (25.0-57.0)% and (76.0-84.0)% respectively, the overall minimum and maximum being 25.0% & 84.0% respectively. During the said monitoring period, the monthly mean wind speed measured on-site varied between 5.2 km/hr to 7.0 km/hr. The overall mean wind speed during the period was 6.1 km/hr. The predominant wind directions are from South and South-West corner. 4.2 Ambient Air Quality Ambient air quality was monitored at eight (8) locations in and around the project site. The overall mean of 24-hourly average values of PM10, PM2.5, SO2, NO2, CO, HC & benzene in the area (mean of all the 8 locations) were 61.07 g/m3, 25.70 g/m3, 11.02 g/m3, 25.47 g/m3, 0.81 mg/m3, 1.49 ppm and 2.24 g/m3 respectively. 4.3 Water Quality Water samples were collected and analyzed at eight (8) locations to assess the surface water quality in the study area. Water samples were collected from eight (8) locations to assess the baseline status of the ground water quality of the study area. The pH value of the collected Hoogly river water samples was found of 7.3-7.5. Dissolved Oxygen was observed 5.9-6.2 mg/l. The Total Dissolved Solids were found 1340-1393 mg/l while total Hardness was found 646-653 mg/l. Calcium was found of 136-140 mg/l. Executive Summary Envirotech East Pvt. Ltd. Environmental Impact Assessment for Installation of Feed Preparation Unit (FPU) for Catalytic Dewaxing Unit (CDWU) at Haldia Refinery, District: Purba Medinipur, West Bengal ES - 4 Sulphate, Nitrate and Chloride were observed 124-130 mg/l, 1.2-2.2 mg/l and 610-631 mg/l respectively. Iron & Zinc contents were found 0.09-0.10 mg/l & 0.22-0.24 mg/l respectively. Total Alkalinity was found 268-290 mg/l. The pH value of collected six pond water samples was found in the range of (6.8-7.8). Dissolved Oxygen was observed in the range of (5.56.3 mg/l). Total Dissolved Solids were found in the range of 376-620 mg/l while Total Hardness was found in the range of 238-430 mg/l. Calcium was found varying in the ranges of 65-136 mg/l. Sulphate, Nitrate and Chloride were observed in the ranges of 28-63 mg/l, 2.87.3 mg/l and 110-178 mg/l respectively. Iron & Zinc contents were found in the ranges of 0.24-0.48 mg/l & 0.12-0.45 mg/l respectively. Total Alkalinity was found 163-320 mg/l. The pH value of collected eight ground water samples was found in the range of (6.8-7.6). Total Dissolved Solids were found in the range of 570-790 mg/l while Total Hardness was found in the range of 255487 mg/l. Calcium and Magnesium was found varying in the ranges of 90-136 mg/l, 21-39 mg/l. Sulphate, Nitrate and Chloride were observed in the ranges of 23-59 mg/l, 0.46-1.56 mg/l and 150-229 mg/l respectively. Iron & Zinc contents were found in the ranges of 0.38-0.71 mg/l & <0.05 mg/l respectively. Conclusion can be drawn in the light of the overall analysis made so far that both the surface & the ground water in the study area is free of any kind of industrial and urban pollution and has been found to be generally fit for human consumption. 4.4 Noise A total of 11 locations around the proposed project were selected for the measurement of ambient noise levels. During the day time, the equivalent noise levels were found to vary in the range of (56.1-69.2) dB (A) while in the night time, the equivalent noise levels were observed to be varying in the ranges of (45.3-56.5) dB (A). 4.5 Ecology The study area is found to have a good vegetation cover due to helpful climatic conditions and good soil quality in the area. There are Executive Summary Envirotech East Pvt. Ltd. Environmental Impact Assessment for Installation of Feed Preparation Unit (FPU) for Catalytic Dewaxing Unit (CDWU) at Haldia Refinery, District: Purba Medinipur, West Bengal ES - 5 naturally growing plants, vegetation and grasses. The overall floral composition in the whole study area is quite rich. 4.6 Demography and Socio-economy The 10 km radius study area around the proposed project comprises of three blocks namely Sutahata-I, Haldia & Nandigram and Haldia municipality under district Purba Medinipur. A total of 67 villages fall under the study area. The study area is mainly rural and semi-urban in nature and moderately populated with the total population of 3,64,129 (as per 2011 Census). Scheduled Caste (SC) and Scheduled Tribe (ST) population is about 17.88% and 0.51% of the total population respectively. The overall literacy rate is about 77.2%. In the major portion of the study area principal language is Bengali. The principal staple food is rice. 5.0 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS OF PROPOSED PROJECTS 5.1 Impacts on Air Quality Stack emission would be constituted of mainly SO2. Other emissions are negligible. There will be only one stack, which will be attached to Feed Preparation Unit. As recommended by CPCB, GLCs at various receptor locations within 10 km radius have been computed for the three months’ period (15th March, 2014 – 14th June, 2014) representing the summer season, based on the hourly meteorological data of this period. The computation has been made applying Industrial Source Complex (ISC3) model, developed by United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), which is most widely used and also recommended by CPCB (PROBES/70/1997-98). The maximum of the predicted GLCs of SO2 is about 4.93 g/m3, which will occur in ‘NE’ direction at a distance of about 0.8 km. w.r.t. the proposed stack. The predicted maximum GLC of SO2 due to the operation of the proposed project is within the prescribed limits. Therefore, there is insignificant impact due to the operation of the proposed project on the Air Quality of the area. Executive Summary Envirotech East Pvt. Ltd. Environmental Impact Assessment for Installation of Feed Preparation Unit (FPU) for Catalytic Dewaxing Unit (CDWU) at Haldia Refinery, District: Purba Medinipur, West Bengal 5.2 ES - 6 Impacts on Water Quality Operation of the proposed units will generate about 5 m3/hr. of excess effluent. This effluent will be subjected to necessary treatment in the existing Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) to amend the quality of effluent to regulatory requirement before discharge into river Hooghly. As the effluent will be completely treated and its quality is expected to be similar to the level achieved now, no impact on the water quality of the receiving water body is envisaged. 5.3 Impacts on Soil There will be no solid waste generation from the proposed project. Thus, there will be no impact on soil quality of the area. 5.4 Impacts on Land Use The proposed development will take place in the vacant plot (Area: 3600 m2), available near the existing OHCU within the refinery complex, so there will not be any impact on the land use pattern of the area. 5.5 Impacts on Biological Environment The surrounding area has substantial vegetation in the form of village orchards, roadside trees and agriculture. If the gaseous emission is controlled properly, there will not be significant impact. There will be sufficient plantation of trees at the plant site. All these measures, if implemented properly will ensure insignificant impact on the local vegetation from the proposed project and may improve the vegetation scenario of the area. No thermal pollution is expected as closed cycle cooling system will be adopted. As the effluent of the proposed units will be completely treated and its quality is expected to be similar to the level achieved now, no impact on water bodies is envisaged. 5.6 Impacts on Socio-Economic Environment The project will offer substantial employment potential during construction phase and operation phase, which will have beneficial impact. Executive Summary Envirotech East Pvt. Ltd. Environmental Impact Assessment for Installation of Feed Preparation Unit (FPU) for Catalytic Dewaxing Unit (CDWU) at Haldia Refinery, District: Purba Medinipur, West Bengal ES - 7 6.0 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN M/s IOCL will develop various management activities for the Environmental Management Programme which will meet all statutory requirements and help to improve environmental quality. In order to improve the aesthetic look of the area and enhance the land use as well as to compensate for any loss in ecology during construction, adequate plantation programmes around the project site have been planned and will be adopted. Development of green belt will include plantation of trees along boundary of the factory, roads, raw material yard and other available spaces. A detailed monitoring for different environmental parameters will be carried out as per direction of State Pollution Control Board. An environmental management group will be established to implement the management plan. Executive Summary Envirotech East Pvt. Ltd.
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