GREENBANK STAR QUEST XI PROGRAM SCHEDULE WEDNESDAY- JUNE 25, 2014 All Day Camping Your Site 9:00am-7:00pm Registration Registration Desk 9:00am-6:00pm Vendor Area Open Visitor Center 9:00am-6:00pm 10:00am-2:00pm NRAO Hourly Tours / Gift Shop Welcome to Star Quest-Orientation Visitor Center Registration Desk 10:00am–11:00am GBT Tour (Sign Up Sheet) Meet at Registration Desk 10:00am-11:00am Introduction To Astrophotography Using A DSLR and Telephoto Lens Brent Maynard Faraday Computer Lab 10:00am-11:30am Star Lab Room 12:00am-1:00pm Children’s Activities Sketching the Night Sky Michael Rosalina Lunch Break 1:00pm-2:00pm 1:30pm-2:30pm Meteorites 101 David Holden Children’s Activities 11:00am – 12:00pm 2:30pm-3:30pm By NRAO Staff Member 40' Radio Dish Orientation #1 (sign-up sheet) Introduction To Radio Astronomy Sue Ann Heatherly 4:00pm-5:30pm Introduction to Astronomy John Taylor 2:30pm Classroom Classroom Star Lab Room 40' Dish Site Meet at Registration Desk Classroom Classroom 5:00pm-7:00pm Detect an Exoplanet Using a DSLR and Telephoto Lens Brent Maynard Dinner Break 7:00pm-8:00pm TBD Green Bank Speaker 10:00pm Visitor Center Closed 8:30pm-10:00pm Field Session Weather Permitting Field 11:00pm-3:00am 40’ Dish Observation Sessions 40’ Radio Dish Dusk till Dawn Observing Your Site BUY STAR QUEST LOGO PINS / PENS Reminder: Please check at the registration desk for daily schedule updates / revisions and cafeteria meal forms Visit Vendors Don’t forget to purchase Raffle Tickets! BUY STAR QUEST LOGO T-SHIRTS / HOODIES Visit Vendors 4:00pm-5:30pm Faraday Computer Lab Auditorium THURSDAY- JUNE 26, 2014 All Day Camping Your Site 9:00am-7:00pm Registration Visitor Center 9:00am-6:00pm Vendor Area Open Visitor Center 9:00am-6:00pm 10:00am-2:00pm NRAO Hourly Tours / Gift Shop Solar Observing (Weather Permitting) Visitor Center Visitor Center 10:00am-4:00pm Welcome to Star Quest - Orientation Introduction To Radio Astronomy Sue Ann Heatherly Registration Desk Intermediate Astrophotography Using A DSLR Brent Maynard GBT Tour (Sign Up Sheet) Faraday Computer Lab 9:00am-10:00am 9:30am-10:30am 10:30am–11:30am 11:00am-12:00pm Star Lab Room Meet at Registration Desk Mars – Geology Overview Caitlin Ahrens Classroom Children’s Activities Star Lab Room 40' Dish Site 11:00am-1:00pm By NRAO Staff Member 40' Radio Dish Orientation #2 20 person max. (sign-up sheet) Lunch Break 1:00pm-2:00pm Naked Eye Observing Bob Hendricks Classroom 1:15pm-2:15pm Children’s Activities Star Lab Room 2:00pm-3:00pm Meteorites 101 David Holden-Sky Stones Classroom 10:00am-11:30am 11:00am Meet at Registration Desk 4:00pm By NRAO Staff Member 40' Radio Dish Orientation #3 20 person max. (sign-up sheet) Detect An Exoplanet Using A DSLR And Telephoto Lens Brent Maynard High Tech Tour of the GBT Control Room (Sign-up Sheet) 5:00pm-7:00pm Dinner Break 7:00pm-8:00pm Bob Royce, Keynote Auditorium 8:30pm-10:00pm Field Session Weather Permitting Field 11:00pm-3:00am 40’ Dish Observation Sessions 40’ Radio Dish Dusk till Dawn Observing Your Site BUY STAR QUEST LOGO PINS / PENS Reminder Please check at the registration desk for daily schedule updates / revisions and cafeteria meal forms BUY STAR QUEST LOGO T-SHIRTS / HOODIES 2:30pm 3:00pm-4:30pm 40' Dish Site Meet at Registration Desk Faraday Computer Lab Jansky Lab Meet at Registration Desk - FRIDAY- JUNE 27, 2014 All Day 9:00am-7:00pm Camping Registration Your Site Visitor Center 9:00am-6:00pm 9:00am-6:00pm Vendor Area Open NRAO Hourly Tours / Gift Shop Visitor Center Visitor Center 9:00am-10:00am The Refractor Through History Bob Royce Children’s Activities Classroom Star Lab Room 10:00am-11:30am 10:00am-2:00pm 10:00am11:30am 10:30am-11:30 11:00am 11:00am-1:00pm 1:15pm-2:15pm 1:00pm-3:00pm 1:00pm-3:00pm 2:30pm 3:15pm-4:45pm Solar Observing (Weather Permitting) Introductory Astrophotography Using A DSLR And Telephoto Lens Brent Maynard Meteorites 101 David Holden-Sky Stones By NRAO Staff Member 40' Radio Dish Orientation #4 20 person max. (sign-up sheet) Lunch Break Detect An Exoplanet Using A DSLR And Telephoto Lens Brent Maynard Children’s Activities “Rocket Making” Meet at Registration Desk Faraday Computer Lab Star Lab Room Meet at Registration Desk Meteorites 102 David Holden Classroom High Tech Tour of the GBT Control Room (sign-up sheet) 5:00pm-7:00pm Dinner Break 8:30pm-10:00pm Classroom 40' Dish Site Sketching the Night Sky Michael Rosalina By NRAO Staff Member 40' Radio Dish Orientation #5 20 person max. (sign-up sheet) 4:00pm 7:00pm-8:00pm Visitor Center Faraday Computer Lab Digging Deep – New Physics Experiments in Old Mines Dr. Michelle Shinn - Keynote Classroom 40' Dish Site Jansky Lab Meet at Registration Desk Auditorium 11:00pm-3:00am Field Session Weather Permitting 40’ Dish Observation Sessions 40’ Radio Dish Dusk till Dawn Observing Your Site BUY STAR QUEST LOGO PINS / BUTTONS & KEYCHAINS Reminder Please check at the registration desk for daily schedule updates / revisions and cafeteria meal forms Field BUY STAR QUEST LOGO T-SHIRTS / HOODIES SATURDAY- JUNE 28, 2014 SAT. 1:00am6:00am (NOTE TIME) Radio Telescope Observing 40 foot dish 40 Foot Dish All Day 9:00am-1:00pm Camping Registration Your Site Visitor Center 9:00am-6:00pm Vendor Area Open Visitor Center 9:00am-6:00pm NRAO Hourly Tours / Gift Shop Mercury Messenger Update Mark “Indy” Kochte Solar Observing (Weather Permitting) Visitor Center By NRAO Staff Member 40' Radio Dish Orientation #6 20 person max. (sign-up sheet) 40' Dish Site 9:00am-10:00am 10:00am-2:00pm 10:00am 10:00am-11:00am GROUP PHOTO PLEASE MEET IN THE FIELD 11:00am-12:00pm Detect An Exoplanet Using A DSLR And Telephoto Lens Brent Maynard Don’t forget to purchase RAFFLE Tickets Visit Vendors 11:30am–1:00pm 1:00pm-2:00pm 2:15pm–3:15pm 3:30pm–4:30pm Lunch Break The Reflector Through History Bob Royce 3:30pm–4:30pm Jimmie O’Dell Carroll-Rocket Boy Intermediate Astrophotography Using A DSLR Brent Maynard BLANK 3:30 Children’s Rocket Launch 4:00pm 4:30pm–5:30pm 5:00pm-6:00pm 5:30pm–7:00pm High Tech Tour of the GBT Control Room (sign-up sheet) Time Lapse Astrophotography Mark “Indy” Kocthe MERAL Annual Meeting John Goss Dinner Break ENTER TITLE Classroom Visitor Center Meet at Registration Desk Field Faraday Computer Lab Visit Vendors Classroom Classroom Faraday Computer Lab Basement Field Jansky Lab Meet at Registration Desk Classroom Auditorium 7:15pm–8:30pm Dean Regas - Outreach Astronomer for the Cincinnati Oberservatory, TV Host Auditorium 8:30pm–10:00pm Raffle Drawing / Certificate Awards Auditorium 10:00pm Dusk till Dawn Visitor Center Closed Observing Your Site SUNDAY- JUNE 29, 2014 7:00-10:30am Sunday Morning Breakfast Star Quest Activities End Visitor Center GREENBANK EMPLOYEE – Keynote WEDNESDAY- JUNE 25, 2014 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm BIO BOB ROYCE – Keynote THURSDAY- JUNE 26, 2014 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm BIO Dr. Michelle Shinn – Keynote FRIDAY- JUNE 27, 2014 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm BIO Dr. Michelle Shinn, Chief Optical Scientist of the Free-Electron Laser Division, has been at Jefferson Lab since 1995. Jefferson Lab’s Free-Electron Laser, often referred to by its acronym FEL, is created using an underground particle accelerator and the laser is directed to laboratory rooms above ground. The FEL is the world’s highest-power, tunable laser. As Chief Optical Scientist, Dr. Shinn sets the specifications and analyzes the performance of the FEL’s complex optics systems. In addition, she has led design, procurement, and installation activities for upgrades to the Free-Electron Laser. She also collaborates with other scientists who use the FEL, and in particular, pursues her own research on laser applications, as well as on the laser-induced damage of optical components. Before coming to Jefferson Lab, she was a physicist in the Laser Division at Lawrence Livermore National Lab (1984-1990), and Associate Professor of Physics at Bryn Mawr College (1990-1995). Recently, Dr. Shinn was named a Fellow of the American Physical Society in recognition of her contributions to the application of lasers in society. In her free time, she enjoys time spent outdoors as an amateur astronomer, birdwatcher and beekeeper. DEAN REGAS SATURDAY- 28, 2014 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm BIO Dean has been the Outreach Astronomer for the Cincinnati Observatory since 2000 and the cohost of the syndicated astronomy program Star Gazers since 2010, but he has always been a teacher. After graduating from Xavier University, with an education degree he taught many different subjects including history, government, science, nature education, and even trail construction. But the stars captured him in 1998 when he began working at Cincinnati's intimate Wolff Planetarium. It was there that Dean discovered his real passion for space and has since become a national popularizer of astronomy and an expert in observational astronomy, star identification, mythology, and myth debunking. Dean is a contributor to Sky and Telescope Magazine and Astronomy Magazine, and in 2008 he won the Astronomy Magazine “Out-of-this-World” Award for astronomy education. He has written over 100 astronomy articles for the Cincinnati Enquirer and Community Press and recently began blogging for the Huffington Post. Dean is a frequent guest on National Public Radio’s Science Friday and is regularly featured on local television and radio whenever an exciting astronomical event comes to a sky near you. At the Cincinnati Observatory he has developed his skills as a dynamic writer and public speaker who brings the complicated field of astronomy down to Earth for students of all ages. GREENBANK INORMATION? NOTES Green Bank Star Quest Rules & Regulations Due to the location of the Green Bank Star Quest at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory in Green Bank, West Virginia; the following restrictions apply while on the Green Bank site: No two way radios such as; FRS, CB, Ham, etc… No electrical generators or microwave ovens. No cell phones, pagers, PDA’s, Bluetooth enabled, or wireless devices allowed. No pets are allowed in or around NRAO buildings -- no exceptions! Animal waste must be properly disposed of. Animals shall be properly restrained. Violators will be asked to leave! No use of 4 wheelers, motorcycles, etc. in the observing field. No digital cameras allowed beyond the observing field. No open fires permitted. No white light in or near field. Red lights only during night observing. Vehicles with campers should detach their camper in the field and move to the upper parking lot so engine interference and vehicles moving in the dark are kept at a minimum. GBSQ sponsors will provide a charging station for batteries during the event. The use of green lasers for sky pointing and celestial orienteering will be permitted up till a certain hour, early in the evening. Red light rules will be enforced to accommodate imaging and observing in the field. The NRAO Interference Protection Group monitors for noise 24 hours a day and reserves the right to turn off ANY device that is causing interference to the observations. GBSQ reserves the right to add to and/or modify the rules at our discretion without prior notice. GBSQ reserves the right to eject any person(s) from the event for any violation of the rules.
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