Akku4Future Report for Workpackage 6 Dav id Lindner, Florian Niederm ayr 29.09.2014 Table of Contents Abbreviations .......................................................................................................................................... 3 1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 4 2 State of Science ............................................................................................................................... 4 2.1 2.1.1 Discharge test method .................................................................................................... 5 2.1.2 Open circuit voltage method .......................................................................................... 5 2.1.3 Coulomb counting ........................................................................................................... 6 2.1.4 Battery model-based method ......................................................................................... 7 2.1.5 Impedance measurements ............................................................................................. 8 2.1.6 Artificial neural network method.................................................................................... 9 2.1.7 Fuzzy logic method........................................................................................................ 10 2.1.8 Support Vector Machine method ................................................................................. 11 2.1.9 Kalman-filtering method ............................................................................................... 11 2.1.10 Hybrid methods ............................................................................................................ 13 2.2 Durability model-based open-loop SOH estimation method ....................................... 14 2.2.2 Battery model-based parameter identification closed-loop SOH estimation method. 15 5 SOF estimation ...................................................................................................................... 15 State of Technology ...................................................................................................................... 16 3.1 4 SOH estimation ..................................................................................................................... 14 2.2.1 2.3 3 SOC estimation........................................................................................................................ 4 Topologies ............................................................................................................................. 16 3.1.1 Centralized .................................................................................................................... 16 3.1.2 Modular......................................................................................................................... 16 3.1.3 Master-slave.................................................................................................................. 17 3.1.4 Distributed .................................................................................................................... 17 3.1.5 Topology comparison.................................................................................................... 18 Further applications of impedance spectroscopy......................................................................... 19 4.1 Impedance spectroscopy in food industry ............................................................................ 19 4.2 Impedance spectroscopy in biomedicine ............................................................................. 21 4.3 Impedance spectroscopy in building industry ...................................................................... 23 Bibliography .................................................................................................................................. 27 Abbreviations SOC state of charge SOH state of health SOF state of function OCV open circuit voltage IS impedance spectroscopy ANN artificial neural network SVM support vector machine EKF extended Kalman filter UKF unscented Kalman filter REKF robust extended Kalman filter SEI solid-electrolyte interface SIP spectral induced polarisation EIS electrochemical impedance spectroscopy 1 Introduction Currently, Li-ion batteries are widely used in many different applications, starting with small portable devices like smartphones and ending with large electric systems like electric vehicles. Especially their high specific energy density makes them very attractive for high-performance applications. However, for an effective and well working energy storage system it is essential to protect the battery and to control its performance. Therefore, a lot of research has been done – and is still being done – in developing battery management systems. One of the most important features of a battery management system is definitely the estimation of the battery states, i.e. state of charge (SOC), state of health (SOH), and state of function (SOF). The detailed definitions of these terms will be given in the respective chapters. So, in this report an overview of the state of science and the state of technology in battery states estimation will be given explaining the most commonly discussed methods and mentioning some exemplary literature. Finally, examples for other fields of applications of some explained methods are given. 2 State of Science 2.1 SOC estimation A general definition of SOC is shown in eq. (1) where Q is the charge balance and C is the capacity. (1) However, the specific definition of SOC is not always consistent in literature. The reason is, that different definitions of capacity are used for the SOC definition [1]. One can use the nominal capacity which is the capacity declared by the manufacturer, the measured capacity which is measured at any moment in time under specified conditions, or the practical capacity which is the actually available capacity for the system. Depending on which capacity definition is used, the SOC is defined accordingly. Fig. 1 illustrates the different SOC definitions, namely the “normal” SOC (using the nominal capacity), the relative SOC (using the measured capacity) and the practical SOC (using the practical capacity). Mostly, the practical SOC definition is used for application because only there the value corresponds to the discharging endpoint. Page 4 of 32 Fig. 1: Different definitions of SOC [2]. The following sections now describe different frequently used approaches for battery SOC estimation methods. 2.1.1 Discharge test method The discharge test method is a reliable method to determine the battery SOC under controlled conditions (discharge rate, ambient temperature). The remaining charge and thereof the SOC can be estimated accurately, but the method is not useful for applications because the battery has no power afterwards and has to be reloaded. These facts make this method too time consuming and not suitable for on-line estimation [3]. 2.1.2 Open circuit voltage method The open circuit voltage (OCV) of the battery is a good indicator for the SOC because of the one-toone correspondence between OCV and SOC, and because there is almost no influence from the service life of the battery [4]. The problem is that the OCV is depending on many battery parameters and needs a long relaxation time for measuring an accurate value. It is, therefore, difficult to obtain the OVC accurately in an application if there is not enough time for relaxation. For example a C/LiFePO4 battery needs more than three hours for relaxation at low temperatures [5] and this is, for instance, not working for HEV packs. Also hysteretic phenomena play a role so that at the same SOC state the measurements after charging differ from measurements after discharging (Fig. 2). It is, therefore, necessary to create look-up-tables including many different values for the relevant parameters (temperature, charging/discharging current) to calculate SOC accurately from OCV. Creating such tables is very time-intensive so that it is useful to combine OCV measurement with other methods (see chapter 2.1.10). In [6] an on-line SOC estimation method based on the impulse response concept is developed where the OCV is predicted by obtaining the impulse response of the Li-ion battery to an input current impulse. Page 5 of 32 Fig. 2: Charge and discharge OCV curves of C/LiFePO4 battery [4]. 2.1.3 Coulomb counting The coulomb counting method (also known as Ampere-hour integral) is a method which tries estimate the SOC by measuring the consumed charge of the battery. It observes the charging and discharging current of the battery and estimates in base of that measurements. Mathematically, this method is represented by the following equation (2): ∫ (2) .... SOC at initial time .... Capacity of the battery in standard condition .... Coulombic efficiency ( while discharging and while charging) .... Current as a function of time (negative at charge, positive at discharge) If the initial value is precise, coulomb counting is a quite accurate and especially simple method for determining SOC. Page 6 of 32 However, if is not precise, the method is inaccurate and not very useful. Moreover, the coulomb efficiency depends on the operation mode (SOC, temperature, current etc.) and is therefore difficult to obtain. Also the current sensors normally have a little offset which is further deteriorating the estimation. All these factors make the SOC error increase with time (Fig. 3), especially in standby batteries and in HEV packs [7]. Fig. 3: Long-term drift of SOC estimation because of the offset in the current measurement [7]. Nevertheless, coulomb counting in practice is used very often (see chapter 3) because of its simplicity. The errors in results are attempted to get minimized by combinations with other methods (see chapter 2.1.10). Another method to reduce the errors is the so called modified coulomb counting method. This method uses the corrected current to improve the measurement. The corrected current is depending on charging and discharging current of the battery in the way describes by equation (3). Here and are constants obtained from experimental data [8]. (3) The SOC of the battery is now calculated again by equation (2) using instead of . The results in the experiments show, that the accuracy of the estimation improves while using the modified coulomb counting method in comparison with the normal coulomb counting [8] method. 2.1.4 Battery model-based method Battery models are very useful for on-line parameter estimation of a battery so that difficulties (e.g. long waiting times) can be avoided. Generally, two types of models are used: equivalent circuit models and electrochemical models. A comparison of twelve commonly used equivalent circuit models can be found in [9] and some electrochemical models are explained in [10]. Page 7 of 32 The difficulty in using battery models is to find the right balance between complexity and need of precision, i.e. the goal is to get a maximum of accuracy with a minimum of computational cost. In this regard, equivalent circuits are more suitable for applications than electrochemical models because most electrochemical models are rather complicated and usually require huge computations [9]. 2.1.5 Impedance measurements The impedance contains much information about the internal reactions inside a battery and is therefore also sensitive to the SOC of a battery [11]. Since the impedance is frequency-dependent, it is reasonable to measure impedance at different frequencies. This method is called Impedance Spectroscopy (IS). For instance, Tenno et al. in [12] characterized battery impedance through the voltage response pulses to short current pulses. For graphic illustration of the IS measurement results the Nyquist-plot (Fig. 4) is suitable. It shows the real part of the impedance on the x-axis and the negative imaginary part on the y-axis as a function of frequency. The frequency is small at the right side of the curve and is increasing as the curve goes to the left. Fig. 4: Nyquist plot of the complex impedance of a lead-acid battery cell [13]. A big benefit of IS is the fact, that it allows the parameterisation and the derivation of the structure of impedance models [14]. An impedance model is generally a complex function of current, voltage and frequency and sometimes it can be described with an electric circuit diagram. Some examples for impedance based models can be found in [15] where Buller investigated some linear battery models, and in [16] where a Li-ion polymer cell model is developed using a relatively simple equivalent circuit. The impedance provides also information about ageing of the battery so that impedance measurements are also suitable for SOH estimation (see chapter 2.2). A big disadvantage of this method is the fact that for IS a signal with frequency sweep has to be applied and this makes IS Page 8 of 32 expensive and uncomfortable for portable devices. Furthermore, impedance is very temperature sensitive which is another disadvantage, especially for portable devices [17]. 2.1.6 Artificial neural network method An Artificial neural network (ANN) tries to imitate the neural network of the human brain. It has become a common tool for modelling complex or even unknown systems because of his simplicity in handling data from such systems [18]. The big advantage of ANNs for SOC estimation is its ability to handle data with nonlinear dependencies and its universality due to the fact, that it is not necessary to take into consideration all the details of the battery. A little disadvantageous is the need of powerful processing chips because of the big computational cost of this method [4]. A typical ANN is build up of three layers: an input layer, a hidden layer and an output layer (Fig. 5). It is composed by neurons which are connected to work together and to process the information coming from the input layer. The connecting lines illustrate the weights which are in principle functions between the layers. To find appropriate values for these weights it is necessary to train the ANN before using it for estimations. This training phase is the biggest limitation of an ANN because a lot of different data is needed to get an accurately working network [19]. Fig. 5: Different layers of a typical Artificial Neural Network [19]. Examples for applications of ANNs for SOC estimation can be found in [20] where an ANN is used for capacity estimation of a lead-acid battery, and in [21] where internal battery parameters of different types of batteries were used as inputs of the ANN to get SOC as the output. Page 9 of 32 2.1.7 Fuzzy logic method With the fuzzy logic method it is possible to model nonlinear and complex systems by processing the measured data using the rules of the fuzzy logic theory. A practical method for estimating SOC using fuzzy logic has been developed in [22], where also the concept of fuzzy logic is described. The fuzzy logic method allows a certain level of uncertainty in the calculations. The measured data can be categorized by crisp or fuzzy sets. Crisp sets categorize data with certainty, while data sets in fuzzy sets have uncertain values. For example a crisp set could be a set of temperatures between 30°C and 40°C, a fuzzy set could be categorized by the expression “warm”. The subset categorized by the expression “warm” is defined by its so called membership function and each element in a fuzzy set gets a degree of membership which indicates the degree of belonging to the different subsets. An example of a fuzzy set with three subsets is shown in Fig. 6. The process of determining the degree of membership of the crisp data is called the fuzzification of the data. Fig. 6: Membership function for temperature [22]. A simple fuzzy system where both the inputs and the outputs are crisp sets is shown in Fig. 7. The fuzzy system, after determining the degree of membership, has four conceptual components: - A rule base describing the relationship between input and output variables A database that defines the membership functions for the input and output variables A reasoning mechanism that performs the inference procedure A defuzzification block which transforms the fuzzy output sets to a crisp output Page 10 of 32 Fig. 7: Fuzzy system with crisp inputs and outputs [22]. The fuzzy logic method is a powerful method, but it requires a big amount of testing data, relatively large computations and a good understanding of the batteries themselves for an accurate SOC prediction [4]. An example for fuzzy logic based SOC estimation can be found in [23] where a SOCmeter for Li-ion batteries used in portable defibrillators is developed. Also extended fuzzy logic methods are investigated for application in battery management systems, e.g. a wavelet-fuzzy logic based energy management system is examined in [24]. 2.1.8 Support Vector Machine method The support vector machine (SVM) can be used as a regression algorithm for nonlinear problems and is therefore also suitable for SOC estimation of Li-ion batteries. In [25], Hansen and Wang investigated the implementation of a SVM-based SOC estimation method. The input vector included current, voltage and SOC calculated from the previous step and the voltage change in the last second, and the output was SOC. The SOC estimation model was trained using just steady state data and the reported errors were around 5%. Moreover, the authors emphasize, that regressions using the SVM method are more stable than least-squares estimation because of its insensitivity to small changes. Nevertheless, a good SVM regression model requires fine tuning of the different parameters, and this process is likely to be time-consuming [18]. 2.1.9 Kalman-filtering method A Kalman filter is an algorithm to estimate the inner states of a battery, among others, SOC and SOH. The estimation is based on a battery model which includes the wanted unknown quantities in its state description. Since Kalman-filtering is a very effective and widely used tool, its basic concept will now be explained referring to the introduction of Welch and Bishop [26]. The goal of using a Kalman filter is to estimate the state of a discrete-time controlled process governed by the linear difference equation (4) with a measurement that has the form of equation (5). Page 11 of 32 (4) (5) The matrix relates the state ( at time step ) to the state ( at time step ), the matrix relates the control input to the state and the matrix relates the state to the measurement . The variables and are random variables and represent the noise in the process and in the measurement, respectively. The Kalman filter algorithm is working in two alternating steps, the time update step (predictor equations) and the measurement update step (corrector equations). In the time update step the filter estimates the process state a priori at a specific time and in the measurement update step the filter obtains feedback from the measurement to obtain an improved a posteriori estimation. This process with the associated equations is illustrated in Fig. 8. Here ̂ and denote the a posteriori state estimation and the a posteriori estimation error covariance, while ̂ and denote the corresponding a priori estimations. The matrix is the so called Kalman gain factor that minimizes the a posteriori error covariance, the matrix denotes the measurement error covariance and the matrix represents the process noise similar to the variable . In the time update step the equations project the state and covariance estimations from time step to step . In the measurement update step first the Kalman gain is calculated, then the a posteriori state estimate is generated by incorporating the measurement and finally the a posteriori error covariance estimate is computed. Fig. 8: Complete picture of the operation of the Kalman filter [26]. Page 12 of 32 This Kalman filter is working for a linear measurement-to-process-relationship but in many cases (e.g. for SOC estimation) the relationships are nonlinear and so the so called extended Kalman filter (EKF) is necessary. Here the process is governed by the equation (6) with the measurement in the form of equation (7) where and are nonlinear functions. The EFK works similarly to the Kalman filter by linearizing the nonlinear functions around the current estimate using the partial derivatives of the functions [26]. (6) (7) There are some other variations of Kalman filters which will not be explained here, e.g. the Unscented Kalman filter (UKF) or the robust extended Kalman filter (REKF). In [27], [28] and [29], Gregory L. Plett investigated the use of Kalman filters for battery management systems and examined five algorithms using EKF, namely the combined model, the simple model (Rint model), the zero-state hysteresis model, the one-state hysteresis model and the enhanced selfcorrecting model. In [30] and [31] different battery equivalent circuits are investigated using a REKF and an EKF, respectively. Some other examples for implementations of Kalman filters for SOC estimation can be found in [32] (EKF for electric vehicle battery SOC estimation), in [33] (EKF based on an electrochemical model), in [34] (UKF based on an enhanced battery model) and in [35] (UKF based on the “Partnership for a New Generation of Vehicles” equivalent battery model). 2.1.10 Hybrid methods To benefit from the advantages of each SOC estimation method and thereby optimize the estimations, hybrid methods are developed. Naturally, any combination of the methods mentioned above is conceivable and in this section some examples for hybrid methods should be given. In [17] an SOC estimation algorithm was implemented by combining Coulomb Counting and OCV measurement. Lee et al. developed a State-of-charge and capacity estimation method in [36], applying a dual EKF to OCV measurements. In [37] LiFePO4-based Li-ion secondary batteries are investigated using a battery model for OCV estimation which included an impedance model, a hysteresis model and an OCV recovery model part. A SOC estimator based on Coulomb counting using an adaptive EKF is developed in [38]. In this method the Kalman filter is applied to correct the initial value used in the Coulomb counting method. Page 13 of 32 Do et al. in [39] improved the impedance spectroscopy based parameter estimation in Li-ion batteries for hybrid electric vehicles using an EKF. Impedance spectroscopy measurement have been combined with fuzzy logic methods, for instance, in [40] and [41] where the parameters for a fuzzy logic model are derived from electrochemical impedance spectroscopy measurements for SOC (and also SOH) estimation. In [42] SOC is estimated combining an ANN with an EKF. The ANN is first trained offline and then used for finding a battery model which is necessary for the EKF to estimate the SOC. Andre et al. developed a method of SOC (and SOH) estimation in [43] combining a dual Kalman filter, consisting of a standard Kalman filter and a UKF, with a SVM. By joining minimum variance estimation and machine learning in this way they claimed to get a robust and powerful real-time SOC (and SOH) estimation method with an estimation error below 1%. As mentioned above, this was just an exemplary extract of all the possible hybrid methods and the purpose was to give an idea of possible combinations. 2.2 SOH estimation There is no consistent definition of SOH in literature, but in principle SOH can be seen as a value which represents the actual condition of a battery compared to its initial (ideal) condition. SOH can be calculated from different parameters like internal resistance, capacity, impedance, power density, self-discharge rate etc. The important factor which determines the SOC is ageing, influenced by extreme temperatures (high and low), overcharge, overdischarge and high charge/discharge rate. Basically the SOH estimation methods can be divided in two categories, namely the durability modelbased open-loop SOH estimation method and the battery model-based parameter identification closed-loop SOH estimation method [4]. 2.2.1 Durability model-based open-loop SOH estimation method This method estimates directly the capacity and the internal resistance changes based on battery durability models which include durability mechanism models and durability external characteristic models. Durability mechanism models are models which describe the internal side reaction mechanisms of batteries. They are used to estimate microscopic quantities of the battery like ion concentration and solid-electrolyte interface (SEI) resistance for a deep understanding of these mechanisms and, in this way, of the batteries ageing. However, the durability mechanism models are not practical for application because the age mechanisms of batteries are complex and therefore computations are large and parameters are hard to define accurately. Durability external characteristic models use external characteristics of the battery like capacity loss and internal resistance increase for SOH estimation. These parameters can easily be estimated and therefore the durability external characteristic models are suitable for applications, although a big number of measurements is necessary for an accurate SOH estimation. Some examples for durability mechanism models can be found in [44] where a review of the batteries ageing mechanisms and their consequences occurring during a battery life is given. An Page 14 of 32 implementation of an advanced durability mechanism model is developed in [45] where a third order, single particle, positive electrode model of Li-ion cells is realized using least square and recursive parameter estimators. In [46] and [47] different approaches for battery lifetime prediction using durability external characteristic models are presented and compared. An example for an advanced durability external characteristic model can be found in [48] where a battery life prediction error within 15% is reached using stress coupling analysis which considers many factors like temperature, charge and discharge rate, charge and discharge cut-off voltage etc. Another example can be found in [49] where Dubarry et al. developed a diagnostic and prognostic model synthesizing processes like loss of active material, loss of lithium inventory and formation of parasitic phases. 2.2.2 Battery model-based parameter identification closed-loop SOH estimation method The battery model-based parameters identification closed-loop method is not just focusing on SOH changes caused by ageing, but it uses existing battery models such as the models mentioned in Section 2.1 and estimates the battery model parameters like capacity or internal resistance using Kalman filters, ANNs and other algorithms. From these parameters the SOH is derived. For example, Plett in [29] estimates not only SOC, but also SOH using an EKF with the Rint model, and, as already mentioned, SOH is also estimated in [41] and [43]. In [50] there is used a Kalman filter too, combined with a linear fitting method for the parameters estimation. Other examples can be found in [51] and [52] where Remmlinger et al. developed a battery internal resistance on-line identification method based on special battery equivalent circuits. A model based on impedance spectroscopy and recurrent neural networks is investigated in [53] where a real-time automated system for monitoring SOH is developed, taking to account several important phenomena and dependencies in Li-ion cells. 2.3 SOF estimation The SOF of a battery is a battery state which cannot be defined universally because it depends on the system for which the battery is used. In words the SOF can be defined as the capability of the battery to perform a specific duty, which is relevant to the functionality of a system powered by the battery [54]. Generally, SOF is a function of SOC, SOH and temperature, but the concrete dependency has to be defined for each system separately. Page 15 of 32 3 State of Technology Commercially available battery management systems in principle focus on battery balancing, protecting and charge control. The SOC estimation is mostly done by coulomb counting in combination with voltage measurements. Some of the few exceptions therefrom are three battery management systems designed by Texas Instruments which are based on a technology using impedance measurements (“Impedance Track” technology) [55]. Further details about the working principles and the SOC estimation algorithms of the different battery management systems are difficult to detect because, naturally, the companies are unwilling to betray their whole knowledge. Therefore, the topological differences of commercially available battery management systems will be described. 3.1 Topologies Battery management systems can be installed in different ways, i.e. with different topologies. In this section, following the explanations in [7], a classification of topologies according to functionality is presented and some examples for applications of each topology in commercially available battery management systems are given. 3.1.1 Centralized A centralized battery management system (Fig. 9) consists of one module from which the wires go to the individual cells. This topology is very compact, relatively cheap, and if repair is required, it is comfortable to replace just one single module. An example for a commercially available battery management system with this topology is the Flex BMS48 from Convert the Future [56]. 3.1.2 Modular A modular battery management system (Fig. 10) consists of multiple, identical modules and each module is connected with a certain number of cells in the same way as for the centralized topology. Normally, one of the modules is chosen as the master module with the task, linked with each of the other modules, to manage the whole pack and to communicate with the rest of the system. The advantages of this topology are basically the same as the ones of the centralized topology. Additionally, the wires are easier to handle for a big number of cells and expansions to larger packs can simply be done by adding more modules. However, this topology is slightly more expensive than the centralized one because more modules and more wires are needed and some of the inputs of the modules may be remain unused for a better spatial arrangement of the packs. An example for a modular battery management system is the solution of Reap Systems [57]. Page 16 of 32 Fig. 9: Centralized topology block diagram [7]. Fig. 10: Modular topology block diagram [7]. 3.1.3 Master-slave A master-slave battery management system (Fig. 11) has a similar topology to the modular system. Multiple identical modules, the slaves, measure the voltage of a certain number of cells and the master module handles communications with the system and computations. This topology has almost the same advantages and disadvantages as the modular system, just the cost can be slightly less because the slave modules are designed to only measure voltage. An example for a master-slave battery management system is the BMS Master 9-M from REC [58]. 3.1.4 Distributed The distributed battery management system (Fig. 12) consists of a controller module and in many cell boards, one for each battery cell. The cell boards are placed directly on the cells and contain all the electronics, while the controller unit handles computations and communications. Therefore, the distributed topology is significantly different from all the other topologies where the electronics are separated from the cells. The distributed topology is more expensive than the other topologies indeed, but the measurements are also more accurate because of the direct connections between cells and measuring electronics. An example for a distributed battery management system is the Lithiumate Pro from Elithion [59]. Page 17 of 32 Fig. 11: Master-slave topology block diagram [7]. Fig. 12: Distributed topology block diagram [7]. 3.1.5 Topology comparison In Fig. 13 a comparison of the mentioned topologies is shown. The distributed topology seems to be the most suitable one, but also the master-slave topology is interesting for application, especially from a pricing perspective. Therefore, most of the commercially available battery management systems are implemented using one of these two topologies. A very detailed list and a comparison off almost all battery management systems available on the market can be found in [60]. Fig. 13: Comparison of battery management system topologies [7]. Page 18 of 32 4 Further applications of impedance spectroscopy The impedance spectroscopy method is not only suitable for battery states estimation, but it can be used for many investigations in different subjects because of its ability to characterize the frequencydependent electrical behavior of a system. Some examples for the fields of application of the impedance spectroscopy method will be described in this section focusing on three subjects, namely food industry, biomedicine and building industry. 4.1 Impedance spectroscopy in food industry In food industry, impedance spectroscopy can be used to assess the physiological condition and the quality of different foods like meat, fish or fruit. This has, for instance, been done in [61], where the electrical impedance of kiwifruit was studied during fruit ripening. Impedance spectra of the whole fruit, the outer pericarp, the inner pericarp and the core of the fruit were recorded using alternating current at frequencies between 50 Hz and 1 MHz. The measured spectra were interpreted with a kiwifruit cell model (Fig. 14) which consists of resistances of apoplast, cytoplasm and vacuole and in the capacitances of the plasma membrane and of tonoplast. Fig. 14: Circuit diagram used to interpret kiwifruit impedance spectra [61]. The measurements showed that the resistances of the outer pericarp, the inner pericarp and the core were significantly different because of the differences in firmness and volume of the respective extracellular fluid and in the sugar and ionic content of the cells. However, there was surprisingly little change in the impedance characteristics of the fruit during the ripening process. This was Page 19 of 32 unexpected since previous investigations on other fruit observed decreasing impedance during fruit ripening. The proposed explanation therefor is that the mobility of electrolytes within the cell walls of the kiwifruit did not change during ripening because of the formation of a gel which immobilized the electrolytes. Another example of an application of impedance spectroscopy in food industry can be found in [62]. Here, a low-cost non-destructive system for measurement of salt levels in food products such as cured ham or pork loin is developed. The system consists of a PC application for evaluation, of an electronic equipment for the implementation of impedance spectroscopy and of a concentric needle electrode (Fig. 15) that is introduced into the food sample. Fig. 15: Coaxial needle electrode [62]. In order to calibrate the system, solutions with different NaCl concentrations were measured and statistically processed. The results show a good correlation between predicted and observed NaCl concentrations. The measurement system was also tested on meat samples and showed reliable results as well. Some other investigations of foods by impedance spectroscopy have been done by Fuentes et al. in [63] and [64]. In [63] the effect of temperature on potato microstructure and texture is investigated and a correlation between temperature of the heat treatments and impedance has been observed and explained by rupture and leakage processes taking place in potato microstructure. In [64] a rapid, low cost and easy-to-use system for distinguishing fresh and frozen-thawed sea bream was studied. Systems with different electrodes were investigated and compared. The results show that impedance spectroscopy is able to assess damages in fish structure and other changes on sea bream caused by freezing-thawing processes, but they show also that the choice of the type of electrode is crucial for a working system. Page 20 of 32 4.2 Impedance spectroscopy in biomedicine The ability of impedance spectroscopy to provide information about changes and processes in different types of tissues makes this method also suitable for biological, medical and biomedical areas. Some exemplary applications of impedance spectroscopy in this field will be described in this section. In [65] Clemente et al. used the electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) method to investigate muscular tissue in different physiological conditions. Muscles change their characteristics when they perform physiological functions and the changes in the electrical properties of muscular tissue are analysed using EIS. The goal of this research was to characterize different muscular conditions, i.e. rest, contraction and four minutes after contraction with preferably one simple value. In order to do this, the area under the Nyquist plot is proposed to be an index for the impedance changes due to different muscle tissue conditions. It is claimed that the EIS has potential in this field of application, although further research is needed for getting a reliable method for muscle tissue investigation based on EIS. The electrical impedance of muscles during isometric contraction was already observed by Shiffman et al. in [66] using the dynamic electrical impedance myography technique. They did non-invasive impedance measurements on the anterior forearms of six healthy men and woman with ages from 19 to 70 years. The impedance war measured at a frequency of 50 Hz during voluntary isomeric contraction of the finger flexor muscles with a defined force (Fig. 16). The results showed that the resistance and reactance increased under this contraction of the finger flexor muscles and that the relationship between impedance and force is nonlinear, depending on the type of test, the history of prior exercises and the health status of the acting person. Fig. 16: Illustration of the physical arrangement and of the data acquisition system [66] Page 21 of 32 Moreover, it was shown that the changes of the impedance reflect primarily the physiological changes in the muscle and not the morphological ones. For example, the impedance changes many milliseconds before the muscles are contracting and the impedance does not return to its original value after the relaxation of the muscle either. A comparison of their results with a preliminary study of patients with various neuromuscular diseases showed quantitative and qualitative differences in the impedance measurements which could be suitable for future medical applications [66]. Another medical examination method based on impedance measurements, called impedance tomography, is developed in [67]. This system is able to take images of the electrical impedance of the human thorax with a frame rate of 80 frames per second in the frequency range of 12.5 kHz to 800 kHz. The experiments showed that meaningful illustrations of the impedance distribution can be reconstructed by this system. Compared to other imaging methods like magnetic resonance tomography or ultrasound imaging, impedance tomography has relatively low spatial resolution. However, the human thorax is a conductive body with irregular boundaries and therefore the high spatial resolution is not absolutely essential. The main advantage of impedance tomography compared to other methods is the high time resolution. It has been shown that meaningful images can be obtained for illustrations of activities of lung and heart. It is for example possible to monitor an accumulation of fluids in the lung and to localize it constantly or to determine the volume of a heart. Furthermore, since small currents in the mentioned frequency range are used, there is no risk to the patient, which makes this method suitable for medical applications [67]. An example for a more biological application of impedance spectroscopy can be found in [68]. Here, redox enzyme kinetics are investigated using three mathematical models which describe the mechanisms of a bio-enzymatic process. As a model system an enzyme horseradish peroxidase adsorbed on graphite electrode was chosen and the mathematical models were based on generalized mechanisms of horseradish peroxidase catalysed hydrogen peroxide reduction. Based on these mathematical models, the theoretical electrochemical impedances are derived and mechanistic details of the bio-electrochemical reactions including all relevant kinetic parameters were obtained. In order to discriminate the quality of the mathematical models and to find that one which describes the enzyme kinetics best, EIS measurements are performed to compare the theoretically calculated impedances to the measured data. In doing so, it was possible to ascertain that model of the three which described the mechanisms of the bio-enzymatic processes in the best way [68]. These are just a few examples for application of impedance spectroscopy in biomedicine so as to give an idea of the different fields of IS applications. A very detailed overview of biomedical IS applications containing many examples and explaining their principles can be found in [69]. Page 22 of 32 4.3 Impedance spectroscopy in building industry Most methods which are applied in civil engineering research for testing building materials are of a destructive character and can therefore be applied to a particular material only once. Nondestructive testing methods like the impedance spectroscopy do not have this limitation and are therefore suitable for investigations of building materials [70]. In this section some examples for applications of impedance spectroscopy are given. An attempt of investigating building materials by EIS is presented in [71]. Here, an equivalent circuit model for EIS of concrete has been proposed (Fig. 17). This model takes into account the resistance of the continuously connected micro-pores in the concrete ( ), the resistance of the discontinuously connected micro-pores blocked by cement paste layers in the concrete ( ), the capacitance across the concrete matrix ( ) and the capacitance of the cement paste layers blocking the discontinuously connected micro-pores in the concrete ( ). Fig. 17: Equivalent circuit model of concrete [71]. In this paper it has been shown that the proposed model is able to explain the experimental phenomena observed in previous researches, i.e. the influences of hydration time, silica fume, water/cement ratio etc. on the impedance spectra. Also the hardening process of cement paste can be studied by impedance spectroscopy, for example done in [72] where Andrade et al. measured the impedance of hardening cement paste with different water/cement ratios in the range of 10 kHz to 15 MHz. In order to avoid the influence of sample-electrode interfacial phenomena a non-contact air gap technique was introduced. As a result of the measurements they were able to differentiate between the solid phase contribution and contribution of the electrolyte inside the paste pores which are both governing the dielectric properties of the hardened cement. Moreover, they found a linear dependence between the high frequency dielectric constant and the cement paste porosity. A similar study can be found in [73] where hardened Portland cement paste is investigated using a non-contact air gap technique for the impedance measurements. For interpretation of the impedance spectroscopy results, an equivalent circuit model is proposed which allowed determining two time constants, one attributed to the solid cement matrix and the other one to the liquid phase filling the pores of the cement paste. In [74] the hydration on concrete is investigated by means of impedance spectroscopy. The measurements allowed to track the changes in the spectrum during concrete hydration and to Page 23 of 32 characterize the concrete hydration process stages. As a consequence it was possible to analyse concrete aging in various environment. Another application of impedance spectroscopy for investigating cement paste is presented in [75]. Here, Tang et al. analyse the pore structure in Portland cement paste. The pore structure of cementbased materials is crucial for its strength, permeability and durability. Since the pores can be seen as passages of ions transportation it is possible to relate the impedance response of the cement to the pore size. The characterisation of the pore size in [75] is based on the pore fractal theory which includes a combination of two networks, namely a fractal electrical network and a pore structure network (a further explanation of the theory is given in the paper and would go beyond the scope of this text). The obtained results permitted to detect the pore size domain from µm to mm scale. In [76] an impedance measurement method is presented which is able to monitor changes of humidity and salt affliction in building materials. The measurements are performed using a twoelectrode design which, compared to a four-electrode design, has the advantage that there are less boreholes necessary. This is, for instance, very important for measurements on historical buildings. Since the electrical conductivity in this kind of objects is mainly caused by the electrolytes in the pores of the building and since the amount of dissolved salt is dependent on the humidity of the material, the impedance is determined by salt concentration and humidity. Thus, information about the salt concentration and the evolution of moisture inside the building has been obtained. Moreover, it was possible to detect transport routes and fonts of the electrolytes by spatially distributing many sensors. A very detailed investigation of the impedance behavior of salt affected building materials can be found in [77] where an experiment series with different types of salt and different salt concentrations has been performed in order to develop a system which permits to determine the salt concentration in building materials quantitatively. A further application of impedance measurements in building industry is the detection of corrosion of steel in building materials which is most of the times caused by the reaction of chloride, present in the environment, with a passive layer formed on the surface of the steel. An example for an analysis of the chloride diffusion in steel reinforced concrete can be found in [78] where Sánchez et al. developed a tool to determine the chloride diffusion coefficient of the concrete using impedance spectroscopy. This coefficient describes the velocity of ingress of chloride into the material, and thus its physical condition. The technique developed in [78] was able to determine the chloride saturation of concrete or mortar samples using equivalent circuits for the interpretation of the impedance measurements. The pores of the material which are initially filled with water cause a high resistivity and the resistivity decreases while the chloride is diffusing from the environment into the material (Fig. 18). By measuring this diminution in real time it was possible to calculate the diffusion coefficient of the material. In addition to these results, the impedance measurements allowed also to study the modifications in the microstructure of cementitious materials caused by the applied electric field during the measurements for the determination of the diffusion coefficients. Page 24 of 32 Fig. 18: Evolution of the resistance during the migration test for a mortar sample after 28 days hardening [78]. Also Ye et al. analysed the chloride-induced corrosion of steel by impedance measurements in [79]. They studied the behavior of reinforcement steel in simulated carbon concrete pore solution containing different concentrations of chloride using EIS and linear polarisation resistance measurements. The results showed that EIS is a suitable method for monitoring the chloride induced corrosion process and also a value for the chloride concentration of the simulated carbon concrete pore solution (0.01 mol/L) could be detected which is critical for corrosion initiation. The topology of the reinforcement steel surface has been observed with a scanning electron microscope (Fig. 19). The pictures visually show the corrosion of the steel at different chloride concentrations. Fig. 19: Images of reinforcement steel after 4h immersing in solutions with different chloride concentrations [79]. Page 25 of 32 In [80] the corrosion of stainless steel is investigated by EIS. Different types of stainless steel have been analysed and as a result it is shown that the use of stainless steel rebars for concrete reinforcement is advantageous because it is much more resistant to chloride-induced corrosion. However, negative performance of building materials is not just caused by chloride-induced corrosion but also by carbonation processes, and these processes can be analysed using impedance spectroscopy as well. An example therefor can be found in [81]. Here, Dong et al. studied the carbonation behavior of cementitious materials using EIS in combination with an electrochemical model (Fig. 20) which is based on the so called solid/liquid double-phase model described in the paper. Fig. 20: Equivalent circuit model for the performed carbonation study; R stands for resistance, W for Warburg resistance and Z for impedance [81]. Using this model the impedance measurements were in good agreement with the results of the model analysis. The fitting parameter R_ct1 turned out to be characteristic for the carbonation behavior of the cementitious materials, and in consequence it was possible to predict the carbonation time and the carbonation depth effectively. In conclusion, a German institute should be mentioned which already uses impedance measurements for damage assessment on real buildings: the “Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing”. The division 8.2 of this institute is specialized on non-destructive damage assessment and environmental measurement methods and its prime topic is to promote, to improve and to enhance practical applications of non-destructive testing methods in civil engineering, amongst others, methods based on impedance spectroscopy [82]. Further information including some posters and a list of publications can be found on their website under [82]. Page 26 of 32 5 Bibliography [1] A. Jossen and W. Weydanz, Moderne Akkumulatoren richtig einsetzen, Reichardt Verlag, 2006. [2] U. 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