“SAINT-PETERSBURG INITIATIVE” MEETING ATTENDEE LIST October, 23-24, 2014, SUE “VODOCANAL OF ST.PETERSBURG” The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation 1. Nuritdin INAMOV (Chair), Director, Department of international cooperation, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation 2. Dmitriy KIRILLOV, Director, Department of state policy and regulation in sphere of water resources 3. Elena VIKULOVA, Head of division, Department of international cooperation, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation 4. Olga PODGURSKAYA, Deputy head of division, Department of state policy and regulation in sphere of environmental protection 5. Alexey BAKHTOV, senior specialist-expert, Department of international cooperation, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation Vodocanal of St.Petersburg 6. Feliks KARMAZINOV, Director 7. Anatoly KINEBAS, Director for personnel and safety, SUE «Vodokanal of St. Petersburg» 8. Dmitry TROSHENKO, Deputy Director, “Scientific-education centre”, SUE “Vodocanal of St. Petersburg” The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation 9. Sergei Petrovich, Deputy director, Second European Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Invited participants 10. Alexander ANDREYEV, Assistant to Senator of Kaliningrad region 11. Alexander ALEXASHIN, Deputy Chair of the Committee of public services and environmental protection, Administration of the city of Velikiy Novgorod 12. Leonid ALEXEYEV, FSUE GGI 13. Ali ALYAUTDINOV, scientific associate, Laboratory of marine contaminants monitoring, Federal State Budgetary Institute “State Oceanographic Institute named after N.N. Zubov” (FGBU GOIN) 14. Mikhail ANANYEV, Senior specialist, Division of LNG export LLC “Gazprom export” 15. Vitaly ARTYUSHENKO, General representative in the Russian Federation, Northern Environmental Financial Corporation (NEFCO) 16. Alexander BELOV, Representative of Eurofacts Oy in Russian Fewderation, advisor of Russia to Ilkka Herlin, Chairman of the Board, Baltic Sea Action Group (BSAG) 17. Natalia BOBYLYEVA, Assistant to General director, St. Petersburg Public Organization “Ecology and business” 18. Dmitriy BOGDANOV, Stockhausen Projektgesellschaft EuroProtection GmbH 19. Ruslan BUTOVSKIY, Consultant, The Nordic Environment Finance Corporation (NEFCO) 20. Valentina VARLASHINA, Deputy head of informational and analytical division of North-Western Territorial Administration for Hydrometeorological and Environmental Monitoring 21. Abil VEZIROV, Executive director, LLC Research and production company OPTEL 22. Denis VOROBYOV, Head, Government relations, LLC “Gazprom – gas fuel” 23. Ekaterina GALITSYNA, Head of representative Office, Kreditanstalt fur Wiederaufbau Bankengruppe Bank group (KFW) 24. Vladimir GORBATSKIY, Senior scientific associate, FSUE “Krylovsky State Scientific Centre” 25. Vladimir GRACHEV, President of Nongovernmental Environmental Fund named after V.I. Vernadskiy, Honored member of Parliamentary Assembly of the CE 26. Sergey DETININ, Deputy general director, CJSC “Integra-C” 27. Alexander DITYUK, Deputy director, LLC “Institute of ecological and technological problems” 28. Dmitry DONSKOY, Head of division of international cooperation, St.Petersburg Scientific Center, Russian Academy of Sciences 29. Alexey DUBOV. Chief engineer, LLC Research and production company OPTEL 30. Mikhail DURKIN, Head, Commission of the Public council of the Rosprirodnadzor Directorate in Kaliningrad region, Director of EcoBalt Bureau. 31. Alexey ZAVADSKIY, Superintendant, LLC “Gazpromneft Shipping” 32. Olga ZADONSKAYA, FSUE GGI 33. Margarita ZARETSKAYA, Expert-consultant, Strategic Partnership “North-West” 34. Sergei ZOLOTARYEV, Director, MUE “Vodokanal of Novgorod” 35. V. IVANOV, North-West Federal Okroug Department of the Russian Federal Supervisory Natural Resources Management Service 36. Igor IVASHIN, Councilor to General director, CJSC “Sudoimpex” 37. Valentina IGNATYEVA, Business Development, Maersk Oil Trading 38. Albert KASPAROV. Director, FSUE “Information-analytical centre of water industry development” 39. Elena KOBETS, Bellona 40. Igor KOVTUN, NIB General Representative, Russia and Belarus 41. Oleg KORNEEV, Deputy general director on geoecology and engineering survey, JSC “Sevmorgeo” 42. Leonid KOROVIN, General Director SPb PO «Ecology and Business» 43. Alexander KORSHENKO, head of the laboratory of marine environmental contamination, Federal State Budgetary Institute “State Oceanographic Institute named after N.N. Zubov” (FGBU GOIN) 44. Stanislav KRYSHTOFOVICH, Technical Directorm LLC “UK Sistema” 45. Maria KRYZHEVICH, senior scientific associate, FSUE “Krylovsky State Scientific Centre” 46. Mikhail LAVRUKHIN, Economist, Vneshekonombank rep. office in St. Petersburg 47. Andrey LAPPO, General director, JSC Research and Design Institute of Urban Development NIIPGradostroitelstva 48. Mark LEVIN, press center, Federal Target Program “Water of Russia” 49. Anton LOUTSKEVITCH, Senior engineer, FSUE “Krylovsky State Scientific Centre” 50. Yuriy MALASHIN, Head of the FSBE “North-Western Territorial Administration for Hydrometeorological and Environmental Monitoring” 51. Igor MALUNOV, General director, JSC “Biozem” 52. Vladimir MARYEV, National coordinator, UNIDO project 53. Sergey MELNIKOV, Deputy head of Administration, Chair of the municipal services committee, Administration of Kaliningrad 54. Valeriy MERKULOV, General director, LLC Corporatiom “BioGazEnergoStroy” 55. Valeriy MIZONOV, specialist, FSUE “Krylovsky State Scientific Centre” 56. Vladimir MOROZOV, Executive director, LLC “Titan-Severo-Zapad” 57. Ivan Murashko, Head of Division of environmental monitoring and environmental review Deputy head of Department of natural resources, Committee of natural resources of Leningrad region 58. Yuriy NARYSHKIN, Senior specialist, LLC “SKF Arctica” 59. Vadim NIKOLAEV, Leading specialist, Foreign projects research, Directorate of external relations, LLC “Gazprom gas fuel” 60. Konstantin OSTRIKOV, Deputy Chair of the Natural Resources Committee of the Leningrad region 61. Alexey PAVLOV, Deputy Minister of Nature Use and Environment, Republic of Karelia. 62. Marina PETROV, Head of EBRD representation office in North-West Federal Okroug. 63. Konstantin PETROV, Senior Marine Representative for Nordic Area, Lloyd's Register EMEA 64. Tatyana POKROVSKAYA, Division of development and investment projects, Committee of municipal development of St. Petersburg 65. Konstantin POLNOV, Chair of the Committee of Public Services and Transport of the Leningrad region 66. Vladimir POTAPOV, Wärtsilä Vostok LLC 67. Ilia RAZBASH, FSUE “Information-analytical centre of water industry development” 68. Alexander ROGACHEVSKIY, Principal Banker, EBRD representation office in NorthWest Federal Okroug 69. E. RYBACHOUK, Kaliningrad region representation in St. Petersburg 70. Alexander SABLIN, First Deputy chair of the Committee of Public Services and Transport, Leningrad region 71. Roman SENIN, Head, Government Relations Division Department for International Financial Integration and Multilateral Cooperation, International Investment Bank 72. Ivan SEREBRITSKIY, Deputy Chair of the Committee of nature use, environmental protection and environmental safety, St. Petersburg Administration 73. Alexander SLYOUSARENKO, Regional manager, New and developing technologies, Haldor Topsøe A/S 74. Irina STEPANENKO, FSUE “Information-analytical centre of water industry development” 75. Veronika TARBAEVA, Professor, corresponding member, Russsian Academy of Natural Sciences, Chair of Interregional Public Organization “Nature Conservation Union” 76. Georgiy TARITSA, JSC “Sudoimpeks” 77. Youri FYODOROV, General director, LLC “International center for business development” (WTO-center) 78. Kirill FIRSOV, Wärtsilä Vostok LLC 79. Elena SHPINEL, Vice-President, New and Developing Technologies, Haldor Topsøe A/S 80. Mathias BERGMAN, Secretary General, Baltic Sea Action Group (BSAG) 81. Riku VENHOLA, Senior Advisor, Baltic Sea Action Group (BSAG) 82. Thorbjørn LINDMARK, Consul General, Royal Danish Consulate General in St. Petersburg 83. Kamila GIMADUTZANOVA, senior commercial adviser, Royal Danish Consulate General in St. Petersburg 84. Alex HEMMINGSEN, counsellor, Royal Danish Consulate General in St. Petersburg 85. Marina PIOTROVSKAYA, Sector expert, Royal Danish Consulate General in St. Petersburg 86. Tine MADSEN, Trainee, Royal Danish Consulate General in St. Petersburg 87. Sonya FROMCHENKO Spender, trainee, Royal Danish Consulate General in St. Petersburg 88. Lolan Margaretha ERIKSSON Ministerial counselor Ministry of Transport and Communications Finland 89. Johanna LOGREN, Councellor at the Embassy of Finland in Moscow 90. Kauko JÄMSÉN, The Director of St. Petersburg's Turku Centre 91. Katila MIRJA, Assistant, Embassy of Finland 92. Dr. Svante BODIN, European Director International Cryosphere Climate Initiative 93. Dr. Harri MATTILA Principal Lecturer (Research) HAMK University of Applied Sciences Bioeconomy Education and Research Centre Forssa, Finland 94. Jesper MORTENSEN, Head of Business Development, Maersk Oil Trading 95. Jaakko HENTTONEN, NDEP Fund Director. 96. Jouko RAITA, Commercial Director 97. Alexey ULANOV, Sales Director 98. Kim SUNDBERG, Project Director 99. Jurijs TROSENKO, Sales Representative 100. Jouko SAARELA, SYKE, Dr.Tech. 101. Kai PAANANEN, Finland SET Group 102. Ilya ERMAKOV, Senior Adviser Council of the Baltic Sea States Secretariat. MEDIA Tatyana Artyomova, “Posev” magazine ElviraGouseva, press service of Leningrad region Angelina Davydova, “Kommersant” Irina Mikhalchenko, School of environmental journalism Margarita Potekhina, Interfax Natalya Fialkina, C-News “ST. PETERSBURG INITIATIVE” MEETING October, 23-24, 2014 AGENDA October, 23 (Thursday) Registration of participants 9:30-10:00 Strategic development 10:00-10:15 10:15-10:20 10:20-10:30 10:30-10:35 10:35-10:45 10:45-10:55 10:55-11:05 11:05-11:15 Opening and welcome. Introductory word bout the work of “St. Petersburg Initiative”. Nuritdin Inamov, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation Address from the Advisor to President of the Russian Federation, Special Commissioner of the Russian Federation on Climate, Mr. A. Bedritskiy Address from the Baltic Sea Action Group (BSAG). Ilkka Herlin/ Mathias Bergman, BSAG Address from the HELCOM Address from the Council of the Baltic Sea States (CBSS), Ilia Ermakov Joint projects of St. Petersburg and the city of Turku in field of environment. Ambassador Kauko Jämsen About changes in Russian environmental legislation. Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation Subsidizing mechanism for organizations that implement investment projects on construction, reconstruction and modernization of recycling and resequential water and of sewage disposal facilities in the framework of the Federal Target Program "Development of the water management system of the Russian Federation in 2012-2020." Irina Stepanenko, FSUE “Information-analytical centre of water industry development” Coffee-break Regional projects and cooperation 11:30-11:40 About the Center for environmental monitoring. Alexander Korshenko, Federal Service of Russia on Hydrometeorology and Monitoring of the Environment (Roshydromet). 11:40-11:55 Progress in realization of a complex project of SUE "Vodokanal of St. Petersburg" to reduce the negative impact of the "Ladoga Lake - Lake Onega - Neva River - Gulf of Finland" water system, Feliks Karmazinov, SUE “Vodokanal of St. Petersburg 11:55-12:10 Mitigation of the negative impact on the water objects of the Leningrad regiom. Konstantin Polnov, Chair, Committee of communal services and transport Water quality assessment in the “Ladoga Lake - Neva River - Gulf of Finland" water system. Konstantin Ostrikov, Deputy Head of the Natural Resources Committee, Leningrad region 12:10-12:20 Administration of the Republic of Karelia, Alexey Pavlov, Deputy minister of environment of the Republic of Karelia 12:20-12:30 12:30-12:40 12:40-12:55 12:55-13:05 Administration of St. Petersburg, tbd On the project of Kaliningrad waste treatment facilities reconstruction, Sergey Melnikov, Deputy head of Administration, Chair of the municipal services committee, Administration of Kaliningrad Environmentally safe alternatives to agricultural burning. Dr. Svante Bodin, International Cryosphere Climate Initiative Concrete projects for environment in NW Russia; successes and lessons by NDEP". Jaakko Henttonen, NDEP Lunch Projects in field of water resources, climate and energy efficiency 14:00-14:15 14:15-14:25 14:25-14:40 14:40-14:55 14:55-15:10 15:10-15:25 Development of eco-technologies related to catalytic purification of gases from nitrogen oxides, sulfur compounds and organic compounds. Elena Shpinel, Haldor Topsoe (Denmark) System of unintermitting monitoring on sites and territories “Integraplaneta”. Sergey Detinin. CJSC “Integra-S” Biotechnologies of Iceclean (Sweden) for water treatment. Thomas Ahlnäs, Granula Ltd, Finland Energy efficiency – OPTEL’s new generation optimizer. Abil Vezirov, LLC OPTEL Potential for cooperation in the Baltic region. “SET Group” (Finland) environmental technologies and solutions for water. Low-Carbon Technology Transfer in the Russian Federation. Vladimir Maryev, UNIDO Coffee-break Green shipping 15:55-16:05 Green shipping and St. Petersburg Initiative. Igor Ivashin, Sudoimpex 16:05-16:20 Gas-motor fuel market development in Russia and Prospects of LNG use as a bunker fuel. Vasiliy Tolstopyatov, LLC “Gazprom gas-motor fuel”. 16:20-16:35 Finnish experience in sphere of green shipping. Lolan Eriksson, Ministry of Transport and Communications Finland Green equipment and dual-fuel machinery. K. Firsov, V.Potapov, «Wärtsilä» (Finland) 16:35-16:50 16:50-17:05 Gas-as-fuel Readiness, Konstantin Petrov, Lloyd's Register EMEA 17:05-17:20 Prospects of LNG use as a bunker fuel for water transport, Anton Lutskevich, FSUE “Krylovskiy State scientific Centre”. Close of the 1st day program October, 24 (Friday) Waste refinery 10:00-10:15 On the progress in realization of the project on utilization of the livestock waste, Igor Malunov, Biozem 10:15-10:30 Direct-flow fermentation technology for the production of biogas and biomethane. GazEnergoStroy Corporation, tbc 10:30-10:40 “Set Group” technologies in field of waste treatment. Short film presentation. “SET Group” (Finland) 10:40-10:45 Determination of chemical contaminants in waters using underwater mass spectrometer and X-ray. V. Gorbatskiy, Senior scientific associate, FSUE “Krylovsky State Scientific Centre” New chemical reagent treating methods for disinfection and treatment of water of various purpose. A. Dityuk, LLC “Institute of ecologicaltechnological problems” 10:45-11:00 11:00-11:15 Electronic wastes utilization. V.Maryev, UNIDO Coffee-break 11:30-11.45 Scenarios of biogens inflow from the Russian water take areas of the Gulf of Finland. L. Korovin, “Ecology and business” 11:45-12.00 Discussion. Proposals for further cooperation. All participants 12:00-12:30 Final addresses from the Co-chairs. Conclusions Signing ceremony Official signing of the Agreement on cooperation between FSUE “Information-analytical centre of water industry development” and Royal Danish Consulate General in St. Petersburg Official signing of the Agreement on cooperation between LLC OPTEL and LLC “UK Sistema” Official signing of the Protocol of intentions between ANO “International centre for best environmental technologies” and SET-Group Close of the meeting
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