GERMAN COOPERATION: Towards Sustainable Cities Cooperación Alemana: Desarrollar Ciudades Sostenibles German Events and Contributions at the World Urban Forum 7 5 – 11 April 2014, Medellín, Colombia Welcome Cities are the dynamic centers of our time, places where the opportunities and challenges of global sustainable development all come together. At the same time, it is becoming more and more difficult to make cities a good environment to live in. Therefore, the central concern of German development policy in the field of urban development is to mobilize all actors and to set in motion processes, which will lead to the sustainable and inclusive development of cities and urban areas. The German Pavilion represents a broad range of participants including representatives of ministries, cities, municipal associations and international cooperation organizations working towards sustainable cities. We welcome you to the German Pavilion and invite you to share your thoughts and project ideas to contribute to the discussion on sustainable cities of tomorrow. Monday 7.4.2014 3 16:00-17:00 Organizer Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), Germany Title Opening of and Reception at the German Booth Speaker Opening by Head of the German Delegation Venue: GREEN PAVILLION German booth WUF7 Exhibition / Exposición 56 55 54 BLUE PAVILION 58 57 / Pabellón Azul Colombia 59 60 52 Local Partners / Patrocinadores Locales Academia / Academia Private Sector / Sector Privado Civil Society Organizations / Organizaciones Sociedad Civil Countries - Cities / Países - Ciudades 63 62 61 51 34 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 50 72 73 74 75 39 35 48 33 46 83 82 76 47 84 81 77 40 31 30 32 24 41 42 18 WHITE PAVILION 29 28 19 20 27 26 21 25 43 44 45 78 80 90 22 91 / Pabellón Blanco 86 17 15 16 14 13 92 93 87 12 UN-Habitat / ONU-Habitat Colombia / Colombia United Nations Agencies / Agencias de Naciones Unidas World Urban Campaing Partners / Socios Campaña Urbana Mundial Universities / Universidades 79 23 95 96 11 88 10 94 89 97 98 100 98 City Changer A 115 115 113 116 City Changer B 101 102 114 103 GERMANY 110 117 UN-Habitat 104 105 111 ONE UN Room 106 107 112 108 109 118 German Booth, No. 110 Urban Library Shoop Sh Shop Agora Room GREEN PAVILION / Pabellón Verde Cinema Room Main Entrance to WUF 7 Exihibition Countries - Cities / Países - Ciudades Intergovermental Organizations / Organizaciones Intergubernamentales Tuesday 8.4.2014 4 9:00-10:00 Organizer Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Serbia, executed by AMBERO Consulting Title Sustainable and integrated urban development in Serbia Speaker Harald Mueller, AMBERO Consulting, Team Leader, Serbia; Dr. Ratka Colic, AMBERO Consulting, National Expert Urban Planning, Serbia Venue: GREEN PAVILLION German booth 10:30-11:00 Organizer Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Egypt Title Empowering communities in urban upgrading - the case of Cairo‘s informal areas Speaker Dr. Mohab Elrefaie, GIZ Senior Professional, Participatory Development Programme in Urban Areas (PDP), Egypt; Carl Philipp Schuck, GIZ Advisor, PDP, Egypt Venue: GREEN PAVILLION German booth 11:30 - 12:00 Organizer Berlin University of Technology, Germany Title Life long learning? Expectations, experiences and reflections of international alumni on German university programs Speaker Prof. Dr. Philipp Misselwitz, Habitat Unit, TU Berlin, Germany; Dr. Paola Alfaro d’Alencon, Senior Researcher, Habitat Unit, TU Berlin, Germany; Dr. Bettina Hamann, Coordinator Urban Management Programme, TU Berlin, Germany Venue: GREEN PAVILLION German booth Tuesday 8.4.2014 5 12:30 - 13:00 Organizer Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Germany Title Community Based Monitoring for inclusive urban development Speaker Martin Dirr (Moderation), GIZ Advisor, Policy Advice for Urban Development, Germany; Bernhard Schmidt, Advisor, Urban Green Infrastructure Development, Ministry of Urban Development, Housing & Construction, Addis Abeba, Ethiopia; Giovanni Allegretti, Centre for Social Studies of Coimbra University, Portugal; Sara Hoeflich de Duque, Programme Manager, United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG), Spain Venue: GREEN PAVILLION German booth 14:00 - 16:00 Organizer Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), Germany Title NE16: How to enable urban innovation - fast, at broad scale, and equitable? Speaker Emilia Saiz, (Moderation) Director, Institutional Relations, United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG), Spain; Franz-Birger Marré, Head of Division Water, Energy, Urban Development, Geosciences Sector, Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), Germany; André Müller, Research Coordinator and Senior Adviser at the German Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development (BBSR), Germany; Prof. Elke Pahl Weber, Professor, Institute for Regional and Urban Development, TU Berlin, Germany; Rabiu Farouk, Representative Slum Dwellers International (SDI), Ghana; Julie Alexander, Director UrbanDevelop ment, Siemens, United Kingdom; Alfred Vanderpuije, Mayor of Accra, Ghana; Dr. Didas Massaburi, Mayor of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania; Benjamin C. Abalos Jr., Mayor of Mandaluyong, Philippines; Eduardo Paes, Mayor of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (tbc); Yonas Yosef, Mayor of Hawassa, Ethiopia (tbc); Karsten Gerkens, Head of Department Urban Renewal and Housing Promotion, City of Leipzig, Germany Venue: RED PAVILLION, Room 16 - Event organized at Tuesday 8.4.2014 6 14.30 - 15:00 Organizer TU Dortmund University, Germany Title Grassroot-level urban planning: potentials_limitations_impacts Speaker Dr. Wolfgang Scholz, Assoc. Prof. Urban Planning, GUtech Muscat, Oman and TU Dortmund University, Germany; Dr. Alexander Jachnow, Senior Expert Urban Planning, Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies, IHS, Rotterdam, The Netherlands Venue: GREEN PAVILLION German booth 14.45 - 15:45 Organizer DLR Project Management Agency, Germany; Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), Germany; UN-HABITAT Title City Changer: Rapid Planning – Sustainable Infrastructure, environmental and resources management for highly dynamic metropolises Speaker Dr. Heike Bauer, Program Manager DLR Project Management Agency, Germany; Dieter Steinbach, Chairman AT-Verband, Rapid Planning Project Director, Germany; Laura Petrella, Project Manager Urban Planning and Design Branch UN-Habitat, Kenya; Raf Tuts, Coordinator Urban Planning and Design Branch UN-Habitat, Kenya; Andre Dzikus, Coordinator Urban Basic Services Branch, UN-Habitat, Kenya; Dr. Nguyen Van Hung, Vice-Director DISED, Peoples Committee, Da Nang, Vietnam; Dr. Aymen Hashem, Senior Researcher Assiut University, Egypt; Esther Mutamba, Project Manager Rwanda Housing Authority, Rwanda; Dr. Nguyen Quang, HPM Vietnam UN-Habitat, Vietnam; Dr. Harry Storch, Senior Researcher Rapid Planning Project, BTU Cottbus, Germany; Bernd Franke, Scientific Director, Senior Researcher Rapid Planning Project, IFEU, Germany; Kathrin Wieck, Researcher Rapid Planning Project, TU Berlin, Germany Venue: CITY CHANGER, Room B - Event organized at Tuesday 8.4.2014 7 16:00 - 16:30 Organizer Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), Germany Title Future Megacities’ Short Films: - Future Megacities - A Research Programme for Sustainable Megacities of Tomorrow - Adaptation Planning in Ho-Chi-Minh City, Vietnam Speaker Thilo Petri, ‘Future Megacities’ Support Team, Germany Venue: GREEN PAVILLION German booth 16:30 - 18:30 Organizer South Africa Ministry of Traditional Affairs and Cooperative Governance, South Africa; Palestine Ministry of Local Government, Palestine; Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammen arbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Palestine Title NE40: Shared learning to overcome urban inequality and discrimination: The case of Palestine – South Africa cooperation Speaker Dr. Michael Sutcliffe (Moderation), Founding partner, City Insight, South Africa; Ulrich Nitschke (Moderation), GIZ Head of Programme, Local Governance and Civil Society Development Programme / LGP, Palestine; Lechesa Tsenoli, Minister of Traditional Affairs and Cooperative Governance, South Africa; Dr. Azzam Hjouj, General Director of the Department of Planning, Ministry of Local Government, Palestine; Prof. Dr. Daoud Za’tari, Mayor City of Hebron, Palestine; Shanaaz Majiet, Deputy Director General, Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (COGTA), South Africa; N.N., Mayors from South Africa, Palestine, and Germany Venue: RED PAVILLION, Room 17 - Event organized at Tuesday 8.4.2014 16:30 - 18:30 Organizer Ministry of Water Resources, Works and Housing, Ghana Title NE45: Scaling Up Informal Settlement - Upgrading and Prevention through National Housing Policies and Programma tic Approaches: Lessons Learnt from 12 Countries Speaker Prof. Günter Meinert (Moderation), GIZ Programme Manager, Policy Advice for Urban Development, Germany; Alhaji Yahaya Yakubu, Director of Housing, Ministry of Water Resources, Works and Housing,Ghana; André Herzog, Senior Urban Specialist, World Bank Institute, U.S. Jose Floriano, Housing Secretary of the Municipality of Sao Paulo, Brazil; Joshua Mulandi, Participatory Slum Upgrading Programme (PSUP), UN-Habitat, Nairobi; Dr. René Peter Hohmann, Senior Urban Specialist, Cities Alliance, Belgium; Fernanda Margalhães, Senior Economist, Inter-American Development Bank (IADB), U.S. Venue: RED PAVILLION, Room 22 - Event organized at 8 Wednesday 9.4.2014 8:30-11:30 Organizer UN-HABITAT Title Dialogue 2: Urban Planning and Design for Social Cohesion Speaker Shipra Narang (Moderation), Vice-President, International Society of City and Regional Planners (ISOCARP); Jean Marie Dikanga Kazad, Provincial Minister of Infrastructure, Urban development, Habitat and financial affairs, DRC; Anke Brummer-Kohler, Director General, Urban Development, Housing and Building Legislation, Federal Ministry for the Enviroment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB), Germany; Mauricio Macri, Mayor of Buenos Aires, Argentina; Ali Madanipour, Professor of Urban Design and the Director of Global Urban Research Unit, Newcastle University, United Kingdom; Lisa Rice, Vice president, National Fair Housing Alliance, U.S. Venue: Meeting Room - Event organized at 8:30 - 11:30 Organizer Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, South Africa, Colombia, El Salvador Title Training Event: How to employ systemic approaches to (youth) violence prevention for the creation of safer cities Speaker Dr. Tina Silbernagl, GIZ Head of Programme, Inclusive Violence and Crime Prevention (VCP), South Africa; Philipp Kühl, GIZ Advisor, VCP, South Africa; Jaime Andrés Gómez, GIZ Senior Professional, VCP, South Africa; Hilka Langohr, GIZ Junior-Advisor, Cercapaz, Colombia; Elizabeth Frey, GIZ Advisor, PREVENIR, El Salvador Venue: RED PAVILLION, Room 15 - Event organized at 9 Wednesday 9.4.2014 9:00 - 10:00 Organizer Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Colombia Title PyMes productivas, agentes de cambio en el desarrollo de las ciudades Speaker Patricia Bermúdez, GIZ Coordinator, Global Business Exchange Programme (GloBus), Colombia; n.n. Agencia Presidencial de Cooperación Internacional Colombia (APC); n.n., Asociación Colombiana de MiPymes (ACOPI); n.n., Ministerio de Comercio Industria y Turismo (MinCIT); Esther Wegner, GIZ Junior-Advisor, Policy Advice on Urban Development, Germany (tbc) Venue: GREEN PAVILLION German booth 10:30 - 11:30 Organizer Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Germany Title Smart Cities - ICT for Urban Transformation Speaker Stephanie Ludwig, GIZ Advisor, Information and Communication Technologies for Development (ICT4D), Germany; panelists tbc Venue: GREEN PAVILLION German booth 10 Wednesday 9.4.2014 12:00 - 14:00 Organizer UN-Habitat Regional Office for Arab States; Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ), Egypt Title City Changer: Slum Upgrading at Scale – Case studies from the Arab Region Speaker Mohamed El Sioufi, Head of UN-Habitat Housing and Slum Upgrading Branch, Kenya; Safa Ashoub, GIZ Institutionalisation Advisor, Participatory Development Programme in Urban Areas (PDP), Egypt; El-Tayed Hag Ali, Director of Khartoum Physical Plan Implantation and Monitoring, State Ministry of Planning, Sudan; Istabraq Alshouk, Vice Minister of Construction and Housing, Iraq; Prof. Mohammed El Malti, Architect/Urban Planner, School of Architecture, Rabat, Morocco Venue: UN Habitat Pavilion, City Changer Room 12:45 - 14:00 Organizer TÜV Rheinland on behalf of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), Germany Title Future Megacities Short Film Series Venue: Cinema Room - Event organized at 11 Wednesday 9.4.2014 14:00 - 14:45 Organizer Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Germany; ENGAGEMENT GLOBAL gGmbH / Service Agency Communities in One World, Germany; German Association of Cities Title Learning for sustainable development - the „Community of Practice for Sustainable Urban Development“ Speaker Sabine Drees, Senior Advisor for International Affairs, German Association of Cities, Germany; Anita Reddy, Head of Department for Municipal Cooperation and Education for Development, Engagement Global gGmbH, Germany; Dr. Manfred Poppe, GIZ Senior Project Manager, Community of Practice for Sustainable Urban Development, Germany Venue: GREEN PAVILLION German booth 14:00 - 16:00 Organizer Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ), Germany; Local Governments for Sustainability (ICLEI) Title NE51: Urban NEXUS: strengthening inter-sectoral linkages and crossing municipal boundaries for integrated resource-efficiency in cities Speaker Carmen Vogt, GIZ Head of Programme, Sustainable Development of Metropolitan Regions, Germany; Anke Brummer-Kohler, Director General, Urban Development, Housing and Building Legislation, Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB), Germany; Franz-Birger Marré, Head of Division Water, Energy, Urban Development, Geosciences Sector, Federal German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), Germany; Eng. Mussa Natty, Municipal Director, City of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania; N.N., Commissioner from Nashik Municipal Corpo- ration, City of Nashik, India; Adrian Atkinson, Consultant, United Kingdom; Kathrin Wiek, BMBF-Megacity-Project “Urban Agri- culture as an Integrative Factor of Climate-Optimised Urban Development, Casablanca / Morocco” (UAC), Germany; Alexandra Linden, GIZ Advisor, Sustainable Development of Metropolitan Regions, Germany Venue: RED PAVILLION, Room 5 - Event organized at 12 Wednesday 9.4.2014 15:00 - 16:00 Organizer Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Germany; UN-HABITAT; Gender CC - Women for Climate Justice, Germany Title Gender, Cities and Climate change: How urban gender-sensitive climate policy can make a difference Speaker Sabine Gürtner, GIZ Programme Director, Promoting Gender Equality and Women’s Rights, Germany; Robert Kehew, Leader Climate Change Planning Unit, UN Habitat, Kenya; Gotelind Alber, founder of GenderCC, Germany Venue: GREEN PAVILLION German booth 16:15 - 17:00 Organizer Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Nepal Title Gender Equity and Social Inclusion (GESI) in Urban Development and Budgeting Speaker Dr. Mahendra Subba, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Urban Development, Nepal; Dr. Horst Matthaeus, GIZ Program Manager, Sub-national Governance Program, Nepal Venue: GREEN PAVILLION German booth 13 Wednesday 9.4.2014 16:30 - 18:30 Organizer ENGAGEMENT GLOBAL gGmbH / Service Agency Communities in One World, Germany Title NE88: Inclusive urban governance: cities for citizens – experiences from the Global North and South Speaker Giovanni Allegretti, Centre for Social Studies of Coimbra University, Portugal; Silvia Haas, City of Leipzig, Germany; Dr. Ratka Colic, National Expert Urban Planning, AMBERO Consulting, Serbia; Goodluck Justin Mollel, Civic Education Teachers’ Association (CETA), Tanzania; Sergio Barrios, City of Rosario, Argentina Venue: RED PAVILLION, Room 19 - Event organized at 17:00 - 18:30 Organizer Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ), South Africa, Colombia, El Salvador Title Violence prevention for the creation of safer cities: Meeting of Minds Speaker Speaker Opening Remarks by Annette Bähring, GIZ Head of Unit, Key Issues Good Governance and Human Rights, Germany Venue: GREEN PAVILLION German booth 14 Thursday 10.4.2014 15 8:30-11:30 Organizer UN-HABITAT Title Dialogue 3: Basic Services: Local Businesses for Equitable Cities Speaker Mathieu Lefevre (Moderation), Executive Director, New Cities Foundation, France; Juan Esteban Calle Restrepo, President, Public Enterprises of Medellín, Colombia; Patrick Magebhula, Slum Dwellers International, South Africa; Dr. Didas Massaburi, Mayor of Dar es Salaam,Tanzania; Joachim Prey, Director General Sectoral Department, GIZ, Germany; Dr. Mahendra Subba Joint Secretary, Ministry of Urban Development, Nepal; Sarah Rosen Wartell, President, Urban Institute Venue: Meeting Room - Event organized at 9:00 - 10:00 Organizer ENGAGEMENT GLOBAL gGmbH Service Agency Communities in One World, Germany Title City-to-city cooperation on climate change – experiences of Municipal Climate Partnerships Speaker Anita Reddy, Head of Division for Municipal Development Cooperation and Development Education, Engagement Global gGmbH, Germany (Moderator); Dr. Didas Massaburi, Mayor of Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania; Tomás Kroyer, Head of Department International Affairs and Cooperation, City of Buenos Aires, Argentina; Dr. Ralf-Rainer Braun, Head of Department Environmental Affairs, City of Hagen, Germany Venue: GREEN PAVILLION German booth Thursday 10.4.2014 16 11:00 - 11:30 Organizer Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Ecuador Title La calidad del agua, estadísticas policiales y atractivos turísticos - Aprendizajes de un sistema de monitoreo público basado en Datos Abiertos desarrollado por el Consorcio Público de la Cuenca del Rio Jubones (CCRJ) Speaker Joachim Fritz, GIZ Coordinator Strengthening Good Governance Programme, Ecuador; Ludger Niemann, Advisor to the Consorcio Público de la Cuenca del Río Jubones, Ecuador Venue: GREEN PAVILLION German booth 12:00 - 13:00 Organizer Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, AgenZ, Germany Siemens AG, Germany Title Being prepared -Resilient Urban Solutions by Siemens and GIZ Speaker Martin Dirr, GIZ Advisor, Policy Advice for Urban Development, Germany; Stefan Denig, Head of Corporate Communications - Issue Management at Siemens AG; Germany Venue: GREEN PAVILLION German booth Thursday 10.4.2014 12:15 - 13:15 Organizer The Development Partners Working Group on Decentralisation and Local Governance - DeLoG, Germany Title Localising the Post-2015 Development Agenda – Preliminary results of the DeLoG Study on the Local Public Sector‘s role in achieving Development Goals Speaker Joe Hooper, Head of Local Government and Decentralisation Unit, UN-Habitat, Kenya; Kodjo E. Mensah-Abrampa, Local Governance Policy Advisor, UNDP, U.S.; Edgardo Bilsky, Director of Programmes and Research, UCLG, Spain, on behalf of the Global Taskforce of local and regional governments for post 2015 development agenda (GTF); Jamie Boex, Senior Research Associate, Urban Institute, U.S.; Jochen Mattern, Coordinator Secretariat DeLoG, Germany Venue: URBAN LIBRARY - Event organized at 14:00-16:00 Organizer KfW Entwicklungsbank, Germany; Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Germany Title NE97: Urban Equity through Inclusive Mobility Speaker Franz-Birger Marré, Head of Division Water, Energy, Urban Development, Geosciences Sector, Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), Germany; Guillermo Penalosa, Executive Director of 8-80 Cities, Canada; Josef Monatzeder, Third Mayor Of Munich, Germany Venue: YELLOW PAVILLION, Room 5 - Event organized at 17 Thursday 10.4.2014 14:00 - 16:00 Organizer Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB), Germany Title NE103: How NAMAs contribute to sustainable urban development Speaker Konrad von Ritter (Moderation), GIZ Consultant, Germany; Maria Paloma Silva de Anzorena, Deputy General Director for Housing Market Development, CONAVI, Mexico; Carlos Felipe Pardo, GIZ Consultant, Sustainable Urban Transport Project, Indonesia; Johannes Frommann, GIZ Senior Technical Advisor, Sustainable Waste Management, Indonesia; Sithole Mbanga, CEO, South African Cities Network (SACN), South Africa (tbc) Venue: YELLOW PAVILLION, Room 11 - Event organized at 14:00 - 16:00 Organizer Cities Development Initiative for Asia (CDIA) Title NE104: Linking Cities To Financing: Realizing Low-Carbon And Climate Resilient Infrastructure Investments Speaker Steve Hammer, Lead Urban Specialist, World Bank, U.S.; N.N., ICLEI; Michael Berkowitz, Director 100 Resilience Cities Campaign, Rockefeller Foundation, U.S.; Robert Kehew, Climate Change Specialist, UN-HABITAT, Nairobi; Joris van Etten, Deputy Program Coordinator, CDIA, Philippines; Rhoda Lynn Gregorio, GIZ Advisor, Policy Advice on Urban Development, Germany (tbc) Venue: YELLOW PAVILLION, Room 12 - Event organized at 18 Thursday 10.4.2014 19 14:30 - 15:30 Organizer The Development Partners Working Group on Decentralisation and Local Governance - DeLoG, Germany Title Localising the Post-2015 Development Agenda – Preliminary results of the DeLoG Study on the Local Public Sector‘s role in achieving Development Goals Speaker Joe Hooper, Head of Local Government and Decentralisation Unit, UN-Habitat, Kenia; Kodjo E. Mensah-Abrampa, Local Governance Policy Advisor, UNDP, U.S.; Edgardo Bilsky, Director of Programmes and Research, UCLG, Spain, on behalf of the Global Taskforce of local and regional governments for post 2015 development agenda (GTF); Jamie Boex, Senior Research Associate, Urban Institute, U.S.; Jochen Mattern, Coordinator Secretariat DeLoG, Germany Venue: GREEN PAVILLION German booth 16:30 - 17:00 Organizer Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Germany; KfW Entwicklungsbank, Germany; Cities Development Initiative for Asia (CDIA) Title Connecting Mobility Plans with Financing and Knowledge Speaker Manfred Breithaupt, GIZ Senior Advisor, Transport Policy Advisory Services, Germany; Michael Gruber, Senior Sector Economist, KfW, Germany; Joris van Etten, Deputy Program Coordinator, CDIA, Philippines Venue: GREEN PAVILLION German booth 17:30 - 18:30 Organizer The German Delegation Title Cocktail Reception: Meet the Mayors Speaker Opening Remarks by Jürgen Nimptsch, Mayor City of Bonn, Germany Venue: GREEN PAVILLION German booth Friday 11.4.2014 20 8:30 - 11:30 Organizer CEPT University, India; Cities Development Initiative for Asia (CDIA) Title Training Event: How to Strengthen Urban Spatial Planning to reduce Social Vulnerability and Exclusions in South Cities Speaker Prof. Saswat Bandyopadhyay, CEPT University, Ahmedabad, India; Mats Jarnhammar, SKL International, Sweden; Joris van Etten, Deputy Program Coordinator, CDIA, Philippines; Rhoda Lynn Gregorio, GIZ Advisor, Policy Advice for Urban Development, Germany Venue: RED PAVILLION, Room 19 - Event organized at 9:00 - 10:00 Organizer ENGAGEMENT GLOBAL gGmbH / Service Agency Communities in One World, Germany Title German-Palestinian municipal partnerships – opportunities and challenges Speaker Prof. Dr. Daoud Za’tari, Mayor City of Hebron, Palestine; Moussa Hadid, Mayor City of Ramallah, Palestine; Jürgen Nimptsch, Mayor City of Bonn, Germany; Ulrich Nitschke, GIZ Head of Programme, Local Governance and Civil Society Development Programme (LGP), Palestine; David Linse, Head of Department International Affairs, Integration and Protocol, City of Mannheim, Germany Venue: GREEN PAVILLION German booth Friday 11.4.2014 21 10:30 - 11:30 Organizer Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Central America Title Ordenamiento Territorial y Desarrollo Sostenible en Centroamérica (ODETCA) Speaker Guido Alberto Monge Fernández, Ministry of Housing and Human Settlements, Costa Rica; Carlos Estuardo Barillas Estrada, Director of Spatial Planning and Urban Development, Guatemala; Dr. Daphne Frank, GIZ Expert Urban and Regional Development, Germany Venue: GREEN PAVILLION German booth 12:00 - 13:00 Organizer City of Bonn, Germany Title SE32: Tomorrow is too late: how to make cities and metropolitan regions more resilient Speaker Jürgen Nimptsch, Mayor City of Bonn, Germany; Cynthia Rosenzweig, Head of Climate Impacts Group, NASA/Goddard Institute for Space Studies, U.S.; Debra Roberts, Head of Environmental Planning and Climate Protection Department of eThekwini Municipality, City of Durban, South Africa; Martha Delgado-Peralta, First Vice President, Global Executive Committee, ICLEI, Mexico Venue: YELLOW PAVILLION, Room 6 - Event organized at Friday 11.4.2014 14:00 - 16:00 Organizer The South African Cities Network (SACN), Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, South Africa, Colombia, Central America Title NE145: “Cities without Life?” The case for urban safety as a public good and as a core theme for local and national urban policies Speaker Sithole Mbanga, CEO, South African Cities Network, South Africa; Hon. Minister Lechesa Tsenoli, Ministry of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, South Africa; Dr. Tina Silbernagl, GIZ, GIZ Head of Programme, Inclusive Violence and Crime Prevention Programme (VCP), South Africa; Patrick Odolwa, Ministry of Land, Housing and Urban Development, Kenya; Elizabeth Johnston, Executive Director, European Forum for Urban Security; Juma Assiago, Safer Cities Programme, UN-HABITAT, Kenya Venue: YELLOW PAVILLION, Room 7 - Event organized at 14:45 - 15:45 Organizer Cities Development Initiative for Asia (CDIA) Title Linking Cities to Financing: Bridging the gap between planning and implementation of urban infrastructure investments Speaker Joris van Etten, Deputy Program Coordinator, CDIA, Philippines; Inga Beie, GIZ Advisor, Policy Advice for Urban Development, Germany Venue: City Changer Room - Event organized at 22 Participants BMZ The Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) is responsible for formulating the principles and strategies of German development policy. These then form the basis of the cooperation projects and programmes developed together with our partner countries and with international organisations. Sustainable urban development is recognised as a key element in achieving international climate and development goals (e.g. MDGs) and therefore constitutes a significant field of German development policy. BMUB The Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Buildings and Nuclear Safety is focusing on a sustainable use of resources and an environmentally as well as climate friendly deployment of our country and on international level. This applies to the conservation of flora and fauna, the promotion of resource efficiency as well as an active role of Germany in avoiding climate change and environmental damage. Further responsibilities are the security of nuclear facilities and related issues. Since 2013 the Ministry is also in charge for the building sector and urban development in Germany. BMBF The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) promotes education and research to contribute to securing our country’s prosperity. Research creates previously unknown opportunities in all domains of life, and it keeps our products and services innovative and competitive. International exchange in education and science is also one of our responsibilities. 23 24 PT-DLR, Project Management Agency The PT-DLR, Project Management Agency (part of the German Aerospace Center) is a research funding organisation supporting the Federal Ministry of Education and Reserach (BMBF) along with other Federal Ministries, in the implementation of programme-related project funding. Bearing in mind the necessity and the importance of research and development for the science and business location Germany, the PT-DLR is committed to the interests of the community. It carries out the specifications of its principals competently and swiftly, thus supporting the acquisition and utilisation of scientific knowledge and technological progress. GIZ As a federal enterprise, the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH supports the German Government in achieving its objectives in the field of international cooperation for sustainable development. GIZ offers workable, sustainable and effective solutions in political, economic and social change processes. GIZ operates throughout Germany and in more than 130 countries worldwide. KfW KfW is one of the world’s leading and most experienced promotional banks. As an integral part of the KfW group, KfW Development Bank carries out Germany’s Financial Cooperation with developing and emerging countries on behalf of the Federal Government. The 600 staff at its head office in Germany and about 200 specialists in almost 70 local offices cooperate with partners all over the world. Its goal is to combat poverty, secure the peace, protect the environment and the climate and make globalisation fair. 25 Deutscher Städtetag The German Association of Cities is the voice of Germany’s cities. It is also the national association of all the country’s autonomous and most of its affiliated cities and towns. A community of solidarity, it acts as the cities’ advocate for the idea of local selfgovernment in dealings with the Federal Government, federal states (Bundesländer), the European Union, and governmental and non-governmental organisations. The work and services of the German Association of Cities are primarily geared to the needs and interests of the direct member cities and their citizens. Engagement Global gGmbH ENGAGEMENT GLOBAL is the contact point in Germany for development policy activities. Since January 1. 2012 we have been bringing initiatives and programmes active in development policy work and dedicated to fair global cooperation together under one roof. ENGAGEMENT GLOBAL is commissioned by the German Federal Government and funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development. Service Agency Communities in One World The Service Agency Communities in One World is Germany’s competence centre for local development cooperation. It is a division of Engagement Global. On behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, we have been providing advisory and other services to municipalities and other local actors since 2001. We focus on the future-oriented issues of municipal partnerships, migration and development, and fair public procurement. 26 City of Bonn Bonn is Germany’s United Nations City with 18 UN organisations working towards a sustainable development worldwide, surrounded by a dense cluster featuring science, economy, media and 150 NGOs. Bonn has long qualified as leading platform for the debate on sustainability and place to learn about solutions for a better future. City of Hagen The city of Hagen lies in the heart of North Rhine-Westphalia. Its Environmental Protection, Youth and Social Affairs administration division is engaged in international projects in the field of climate change mitigation and energy saving at the European level but also cultivates partnerships in sustainable development with other countries. City of Leipzig Leipzig, 1989 the city of the peaceful revolution, has a population of 530.000 making it the largest city in East Germany second only to Berlin. Leipzig has a long and tradition as city of books, education and literature. The hometown of Johann Sebastian Bach has also an international reputation as a city of music and is home to the famous Gewandhausorchestra. Following unification in 1990 Leipzig went through a period of radical transition. Losing the majority of its jobs, population declined radically in a city whose valuable architectural heritage was in urgent need for renovation. Leipzig at that time was at the brink of losing its historical identity. Today it can look back to a successful transformation: Quality of life improved e.g. via city wide urban regeneration processes and since 2001 the population is growing again, actually at the biggest rate in Germany. 27 City of Mannheim The City of Mannheim is located in the south-western part of Germany and is home to 325.000 residents. It is also the economic and cultural centre of the Rhine-Neckar Metropolitan Region with approximately 2.4 million residents which stretches out over three federal states. With an integrated and impact oriented approach Mannheim aims at an inclusive, ecologically and socially balanced urban development which also includes a comprehensive participation of its citizens. For this governance model the city was awarded the German Sustainability Award in 2013. City of Munich Munich is the capital of the state of Bavaria and gains always top positions in city rankings for life quality. The attractiveness is result of the good labor market situation, the diverse cultural and educational offer and the beautiful surrounding countryside with its many recreational opportunities. On the other side there is a high influx pressure and associated challenges such as lack of housing and adaptation of infrastructure. Forecasts predict a rise from the current 1.4 to 1.6 million inhabitants until 2020. Munich is thus already the most densely populated city in Germany with the highest housing costs and with a very high utilization of individual and public means of transport. IMPRINT World Urban Forum 7 5-11 April, Medellín, Colombia [email protected] Concept and Realisation: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH Cámara de Industria y Comercio Colombo-Alemana Deutsch-Kolumbianische Industrie- und Handelskammer (AHK) Layout: marca gráfica
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