17/07/14 15:26 HP LASERJET FAX P.Ol .; .• . :~., ' ~':.,::~":.:; Government Department Subject:- of ,Jammu and Kashmir of Forest, Environment Civil S()cretariat Srinagar (lx, Ecology Transfers and postings of Fisheries . Officers Government Order No: 231 ~FSTof 2014 Dated: 17·07-2014 S(1nction is hereby t;).ccordt~dto the assigning of the charge of the post in or Deputy Directon~/CPO to the following senior most Assi~t.ant. Directors tht:ir own pay and grade for a period of 6 momhs whichever is earlier: or till the DPC is held, 1. Mr. Mohd Ashraf Da.rzi '). Mr. Gopal Krishan. 3. Mr. Abdul Majid Tak. Consequent upon the above arrangement administration, following transkI's and postings hereby ordered with immediate effect: L 2, 3. 4. '5. and in the interest of of FisheriE:s' Officers are Mr. K.K.Khajuria, CPO, Kathua is tra.nsferred and posted as CPO Mark(~tting . Jammu vice Mr. Vijay Kumar Sharma. Mr. f3ashir Ahmad Bhat, CPO Trout Fish Farm I<okernag is transferred and posted as CPO RFFDA Kashmir vice Mr. M.M.Bautz. Mr. Vijay Kumar Sharma. CPO Marketting .Jam,mu is transferf(~d and posted as CPO NFSF', Kathua viet Mr. K.K.Klwjuria. Mr. Irshad Ahmad Shah, CPO NFSF, Manasbal Kashmir is tnU1sk~rred and posted as Deputy Director Central Kashmir against an available vacancy. Mr. M.M.Bazaz, CPO I~FPDA Kashmir is transl(~rred and posted as CPO Marketting Srin(~gar against an available vacancy. 6. Mr. Mohd Manzoor Wani, Deputy Director Central .Jammu is transferred ancl poswd as CPO NFSF Manasbal vice Mr. Irshad Ahmad Sha.h. 17/07/14 7. 8. 15:26 HP LASERJET FAX p.02 Mr. Mohd Ashraf Darzi, Assistant Director Fisheries Am.lntnag is tn:lt1sft;rred and posted as lie CPO Aquariutn/Laribal Srinagar ag,:tinst an availHble vacancy. Mr. C:;'opal Krishan, Assistant Director Fisheries Kathua is transferred and posted as lie Deputy Director Central ,Jammu vice Mr. Mohd Manzoor Wani. 9, Me Abdul Majid Tak, 81'. Project Ojlicer, Gagtibal Srinn.gar is tra.nsferred and posted as lie CPO Trout FlSh Farm Ko!<.ernag vice Mr. Bashir Ahmad Bhat. 10. fI,·lr. Gh. Mohi~ud-Din transferred Mr. Munir 11. I) Wani, A:;;sistant Director Fisheries Pulwarna is and posted as Asslstn.at Driector Fisheri<~s Budgarn vice Ahmad Wani. Mr. Kulbushan lie Verma attached with Director Fisheries is posted as Director Fisheries Jammu vice Mr. Joginder La!. Assistant Mr. Munir Ahmad Wani, lie Assistant Director Fisheries Budgam is transferred arid posted II C Assistant Din~ct{)r Fisheries Pulwama vice Mr. Gh. Mo}-d-ud-Din Wani. 13. Mr. Abdul 14. vice Mr. Manzoor'Alunad Samoon. Mr. Mohd HUSSlidn Wani, lie SPO Survey Srinagar is tnH1sfcrred posted II C Assistant Director Fisheries Headquarter in tl1e Directorate Ahad Mir, lie Assistant Director transferred and posted as lie Assistant of Fisheries Mr. Rafiq transferred vice Mr. Kulbu.shan Fisheries Kupwara is Director Fisheries Cfand(~rbal and Verma. Soft, lie Assistant Director Fisheries Shopil;J.11 is and post.ed as lie SPO Trout Fish Farm Kokernag vice Ahmad Mr.Sajad Hussain Oar. lie Assistant Director Fisheri(~s Mr. Manzoor Ahamd Samoon, Ganderbal is transfen-ed and post~~d C1S lie SPO Survey Srinagar vice Mr:. Mohd Hussain W<.\ni. 17. Mr. Mohd Sidiq Choh II C Principal H<~rC Kok(?rnag is tnllH,ferred und posted as lie Assistant Director Fisheries Anantnag vice Mr. Mohd Ashraf Da.rzi. 18. Mr. Gh. Jeel.:mi F'andit, fie Assistant Dir<:cto[ Fisheries Srinagar is transkrred and posted as lie Assistant Director Fisheries Bandipora vice Mr. Mohd ShHfi W~uli. 19. 20. Mr. Mohd Shafi Wani, fie Assista.nt: Director Fisheries Bandipora is transferred and posted lie Prindpal If"'TCKokernag vice Mr. Mohd Sidiq Choll. Mr. Sajad Hussain Oar lie spa Trout fish Farming Project Kokernag is transferred and posted as lie Assist.ant Director Fisheries Kupwara vice Mr. Abd1.11Ahad Mir. 17/07/14 21. 15:26 HP LASERJET FAX p.03 Joginder Lal [/ C Assistant. Direct.or Fisheries .Jammu is tn:tnsferred and pos[(~d as lie Assistant Director F'isheri(~s Udhampur M.L vice Mr. Lal Hussain. 22. Mr. F'ayaz Ahmad Fayaz, lie Assistant Director Fish(~rie$ Ramban is transferred and posted as I! C Assistant Director Fisheri/;~s Dada, He will also hold the additional charge of PO Bheja till further ord~~rs. 23. Ms. Nahida transferred 24. 25. Akhtar, Project Officer to ,]DF (Projects), Kashmir is and posted as II C Assistant Director Fisheries Srinagar vice ML Oh .. Jce1ani Pandit. Mr. Munish Shar'mH, lie FDO to JDF, ,)runmu is tHl.n~fcrred and post.ed as [Ie Assistant Director Fisheries Rambnn vice Mr. Fayaz Ahmad Fayaz. Mr. Bodh Raj, lie Assistant Director Fisheries, Reasi is transferred and posted as lie PO HFFDA Gumnahsan. ,JammLl vice Mr. Sanjesh Gupta. 26. Mr. Muzaft~r Mehraj Minto, PO Trout Fish Farm Bheja is transferred and posted as IIC Assista.nt Director Fisheries Kishtwar against available vacancy relieving Mr. fayaz Ahmad Fa.yaz of th{~ additional charge. 27. Mr. Murtaza and posted lie Assistant Director Fisheries Kargil is tnwsferred lie Assistant Director Fisheries Leh vice Mr. Mohd Ali, l:1s Amin Lone. 28. Mr. Mohd Amii:l Lone, l/C Assistant Director Fisheries L(;~h is transf(:rred and posted as llC Assistant Director Fisheries KargJ1 vic~~ Mr. Murtaza Ali. lie FDO to JDF Kashmir is t.nmsi'erred and DireclOr Fisheries Shopian. vice Mr. Rafiq 29. Mr. Zahoor Ahamd Mir, posted ~is II C Assist::lnt Ahmad Sofi. 30. Mr. Sanjesh Gupta, PO I<FFDA Ghomnahsan .Jammu is transferred and posted as lie FDO to .lOP Jammu vice Mr. Munish Sharma, and Mr. Ataulla Khan, lie FDO, Market.ting Kashmir is transferred posted as lie FDO to .lDF Kashmir vice Mr. Zahoor Ahmad Mil'. 31. 32. 33, Mr. Lal Hussain, l/e Assistant Director Fisheries Udh~unpur is transferred and posted as lie Assistant Director Fisheries Kathua vice MI', Gop~11Krishan. Mr. Sharat 8husha.r1 l/C FDO to JD (Projects) Jammu is transferred and posted as lie Assistant Direct.of Reasi vice Mr. Bodh Raj, He will also hold the additional charg(~ of PO Thanpal. \ ~ Jammu. Anu Bala, Project Officer, Jammu is transferred ..ID (ProJects) ~ 34. and posted as PO to 17/07/14 HP LASERJET 15:26 p.04 FAX The plncement of officers from S.No. 7 t.o 9 as lie Deputy Directs/CPO shall not confer upon them any preferential right/d:'-lim for consiCleration for regular promotion as and when •.nade alongwith other eligible officers under rules and is su~ject to outcom(~ of any writ petition if any pending before any competent Cotlrt of law. By order of the Governn)(~nt of ,Jamrnu u.nd Kashmir Sdj· (Ml.lhamrnad Afzal) IAS Secn"tary to Government Depa.rtm(~nt of F'Qrest/ Fisheries Dated: 17-07-2014 No:·· I:;'STfFish/27/2012 Copy to the: 1, DiH~ctQr Fisheries, ,J&K, Srinagar. 2. Special Assistant to Hon'ble Ministel~ of State for Fisheri{~s. ;). Concerned Officer, (Independent 4. Private Secretary to Secretary to GOVL Forest:, E&.E. 5. PA to Spt~dal Secret.ary to (Jovt. Forest, E&E. 6. Gov(~rnment order file (w.2.s.c) -" ' ~ .,.._.".. Charge) ~ -".__.".-..-.._-,---'-'-" "'"~':::T ~' ( Moharnrnad Arnin ) Under Secreta.ry Department Government t.o (jovernment Forest! Fisheries of of Jammu and Kashmir, De~artmentof fl~b!(l!§,;jrllJ~g'i!tl No: DOF/Adm/2014/ ;),769 -.) L Copy to the: I. Joint Director Fisheries Projt~l~tsKashmir Dated: 1 ~07-2014 for infonnntiol1 and nJactiol'l. please 2. Joint Director Fisheries Kashmir Division for information and nhlcti~n please 3, Joint Director Fisheries Jnmmu Division for information and nJaction please 4. Joint Director Fisheries Prnjects Jammu thr inf and n/action plea.se 5. Officcfilc ~ ~. ~.'\.- (R. K. Dogra) \~lVernment ~?irector Fisheries, of J&K
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