Phyto 1 Lecture 7 Carbohydrates Part Lecture 7 Non-reducing disaccharides Sucrose Name Structure Methods of Preparation Trehalose (Glc-1α-1α-Glc) Two glucose attached together (Saccharose, Table sugar, Cane Sugar, Beet sugar) - Anomeric Carbon-1 of glucose is linked to the anomeric carbon-2 of fructose. -Thus, BOTH anomeric carbons are involved in glycoside bonds. -Therefore, sucrose is not a reducing sugar( not contain free hemiacetal gp both aldehydic gp and ketonic gp involved in linkage ) The linkage between the two anomeric carbons of the two glucose units (C1- C1) therefore, none reducing (for same reason of sucrose ) Preparation of Sucrose: A) From sugar-cane (Saccharumofficinarum) B) From sugar beet (Beta vulgaris) 2 Uses Chemical Test A) Preparation from sugar-cane(Saccharumofficinarum): ● Alkalinize the juice of sugar cane with Ca(OH)2 (to neutralize the plant acids & avoid hydrolysis) ● Heat to coagulate proteins, which are skimmed ● Filter & concentrate ● Leave to crystallize raw sugar. (repeat crystallization) ● The dark syrup left after second crystallization is called molasses OR blackstrap after third crystallization ● The raw sugar is refined by decolorization with charcoal & is recrystallized after concentration under vacuum. ■ Nutrients and demulcent As sweetener and stabilizer in food industry. ■In the preparation of syrups and molasses (sweeting agent ) Stabilizing cell membranes and has a suppressive effect on ■ In moderate aqueoussolution, sucrose is bacteriostatic (stop growth osteoporosis development of bacteria) & used as preservative (66%w/v). ■It masks disagreeable taste in tablets & pills ■It retards oxidation in certain preparations. ■It is used as excipient for tablets ■In preparation of dextran (a polysaccharide used as plasma substitute) by action of certain bacteria 1) Sucrose + heat (200-2500C) amorphous brown substance as caramel (used as flavouring and colouring matter). 2) Sucrose + cobalt nitrate + NaOH violte color (special test of sucrose) 3) Sucrose + HCl /resorcinol Red Color (seliwanoof's test rapid furfural{special test of fructose}) 4) Sucrose + Fehling's solution -ve (non-reducing) 5) Sucrose + osazone test -ve (non-reducing) 6) Sucrose solution doesn't undergo mutarotation (aldehydic gp of c1 in glucose attached to beta ketonic gp of fructose can’t mutarotate) 7) –ve with barfoed’s 3 Others Hydrolysis of sucrose -The enzymatic (α-glucosidase&invertase) or dil acid hydrolysis of sucrose is called “inversion” due to the fact that: In mushrooms: contains up to 10-25 %. The sign of rotation being changed from (+) in the original solution of sucrose into (-) {sign of fructose }in the hydrolyzed solution, the process is called inversion Molasses: Molasses is a thick, brown to deep black or dark brown, honey-like substance made when cane or beet sugar is processed by boiling to crystallize sucrose. It is used as a sweetener and food supplement in many countries. - Nutritional Profile -Molasses (from second crystallization_ is an excellent source of manganese, copper, iron, calcium, potassium and magnesium. -blackstrap molasses (from third crystallization) is a good source of vitamin B6 and selenium. Nutrients in Blackstrap Molasses of 2 tsp (13.67 grams) Nutrient % Daily Value Mg 18%, Cu 14%, Fe 13.2%, Ca 11.7%, K 9.7%,Mn 7.3%, vit B 65%, Se 3.4%, Calories (32) 1% ( ) االرقام مش حفظ 4 Reducing disaccharides The reducing properties of disaccharides are due to the presence of free hemi-acetal gp in their molecule Reducing dihexoses are classified according to the site (position) of the linkage into C1-C3 / C1-C4 / C1-C6 dihexoses The most common are those of the C1-C4 gp e.g. maltose & lactose Reducing C4 Dihexoses Reducing disaccharides Name Maltose Lactose malt sugar Glc-α1-4-Glcmaltase 2 glucose milk sugar , Gal-β1-4 Glc Glcβ 1- 4Glc It consists of two glucose units, linked by β linkage Structure Source Cellobiose In malt and germinating cereals Lactose is the principal sugar of mammalian milk. cellulose (cotton fibre or filter paper) 5 Properties and Reactions Methods of Preparation • Reduction: + ve Fehling’s soln and –ve Barfoed’s soln. • It forms osazone (rosettes of plates or broad needles). By partial acid hydrolysis of starch or dextrin or by action of b-maltase enzyme. Gal-β1-4 Glc + β- galactosidases β-Galactose + α-Glucose +ve Fehling’s but –ve Barfoed’s solution. Characteristic osazone (needles aggregated in clusters or tufts). Obtained from whey (a by-product of cheese manufacture) after concentration, upon which deposits of lactose crystallize out. Glcβ 1- 4Glc + β -glucosidases (emulsin) β-Glc + Glc Obtained from cellulose (cotton fibre or filter paper) by either careful acid hydrolysis or by the action of cellulase enzyme. Nutrient in infant foods, since it is less Sweet than sucrose and more easily digested. Inert diluent for other drugs. Uses Others It exists in two anomeric forms α-maltose and βmaltose, which undergo mutarotation. 6 Name Structure Source Properties Methods of Preparation Reducing C3 Dihexoses Reducing disaccharides Reducing C5 Dihexoses Reducing disaccharides Turanose Gentiobiose (Glc-α1-3β-Frc) (Glc- β1-6-Glu) tri saccharide melezitose Glcα-1- 3 β-Frc + β–glucosidases(emulsin) α-Glc + β-Frc It is obtained from the tri saccharide melezitose by careful acid hydrolysis trisaccharidegentianose Glcα-1- 6 βGlc+ β–glucosidases(emulsin) β-Glc + Glc It is obtained from the trisaccharidegentianose, but also occurs in someglycosides, e.g. amygdalin. 7 Trisaccharides & Tetrasaccharides Trisaccharides) Gentianose – Raffinose) Tetrasaccharides Raffinose Stachyose Names Structure melitriose or gossypose Source Properties Found in beet, cottonseed & soybean Raffinose is a non-reducing trisaccharide In the tubers of Stachystuberifera (Japanese artichoke) and soybean On complete acid hydrolysis it yields D-fructose, D-glucose and two molecules of D-galactose. 8
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