RASHTRIYA CHEMICALS & FERTILIZERS LIMITED ADDRESS:- 5th floor, pushpak building, Khanpur,Ahmedabad-380008 TENDER NO. Mktg/Guj/Pvt. Gdn/14-15/Mehsana TENDER FOR HIRING PRIVATE GODOWN SPACE FOR STORAGE OF FERTILIZERS (MIN RESERVATION 500 MT/MONTH) AT MEHSANA 2014/2015 LAST DATE OF RECEIPT OF TENDER : 24.11.14, by 12.00 (No representation or appeal of any kind will be allowed against belated receipt of tenders by post or otherwise beyond the notified date and time or loss in transit etc.) RASHTRIYA CHEMICALS & FERTILIZERS LIMITED Address: : th 5 floor,pushpak building,khanpur, Ahmedabad-380001 TENDER NO. Mktg/Guj/Pvt. Gdn/14-15/Mehsana 1. THIS TENDER DOCUMENT IS FOR HIRING OF PRIVATE GODOWN SPACE FOR STORAGE OF FERTILZERS WITH MINIMUM RESERVATION OF 500 MT AND MAXIMUM OF 100 MT PER MONTH AT MEHSANA FOR PERIOD OF ONE YEAR. 2. All PAGES OF TENDER DOCUMENT SHOULD BE SIGNED. 3. ONE COPY OF TENDER DOCUMENT TO BE RETAINED BY TENDERER. ONE SET OF SCHEDULE-I AND ONE SET OF SCHEDULE-II, HERE OF TO BE SUBMITTED TO RCF LTD. 4. THIS TENDER DOCUMENT IS NON-TRANSFERABLE. EVALUATION CRITERIA 1. If considered necessary by RCF, the lowest tenderer will be invited for negotiations. 2. Out of firms having one or more common Partners / Directors / Proprietor, only one firm will be eligible to quote. 3. The rates quoted shall be inclusive of all taxes. 4. The company reserves the right to issue or reject the tender documents of any Party without assigning any reason thereof. SCHEDULE I TERMS & CONDITIONS 1. Company proposes to hire minimum reservation space of 500 MT & maximum of 1000 MT for storage of fertilizers for the period of 1-year. Godown owner will allow if necessary to store material more than reserved capacity of 500 MTs on Over & Above basis for which he will be paid at the same rate on the highest stock of the month. 2. Minimum Specification for Construction Type of Godown – Concreate Structure with electricity connection preferably with elevated platform. 3. The company will despatch fertilizers to the above location from time to time & Godown owner shall take delivery of the consignment & forthwith arrange to store the same in the above godown.. 4. Godown owner will have to take all necessary precautions for storage of these fertilizers in accordance with reserved capacity, & shall take all necessary steps at his cost to prevent deterioration of stock, theft & or pilferage 5. Godown owner will have to arrange for proper maintenance & supervision of the said godown, Godown owner will provide dunnage at his cost for stacking the bags in accordance with the specifications. 6. Godown owner will have to deliver the material only against delivery orders issued by Company’s authorised officials. 7. Godown owner will have to submit stock statement & other certificates as required by the Company every fortnight as per the proforma prescribed by the company 8. Godown owner will have to agree that he shall be liable to reimburse to the Company amounts of any loss of or damages to the fertilizer bags / fertilizer & or any other article while the same are in the custody of the Godown owner whether such loss or damage caused by fire, theft , rain, flood or due to any negligence or omission on the part of Godown owner or his representative whatsoever reasons may be, the Godown owner shall pay to the Company forthwith on demand without any dispute, the amount of such losses. 9. Godown owner will have to agree to. Indemnify & keep the company indemnified against any loss of or damage to the Company due to any neglect default & or mistake & or omission on the part of Godown owner or their staff & or their representative & or agents 10. Godown owner will have to, at all reasonable times, allow representative of the Company to have access to & inspect the said godown & records accounts of stocks maintained by the Godown owner & also for physical verification of stocks fertilizers in the said godown if any discrepancy is noticed between stock as per records & stock physically verified in godown, the Company may call upon the Godown owner to pay forthwith such amount by way of compensation as the Company may determine & the Godown owner will have to pay it immediately along with interest as per demanded by Company. 11. Godown owner or his creditors will have no right on Company’s stock/s of fertilizers & or other article/s belonging to the Company either by way of lien or otherwise under any circumstances whatsoever 12. All disputes & questions, claims, rights, matters or things whatsoever, In any way arising out of the or relating to the contract are to be referred to the Sole Arbitration of the General Manager (Marketing) of RCF & if the General Manager is unable or unwilling to act to the Sole Arbitration of some other person appointed by the General Manager & who is willing to act as Sole Arbitrator & the Godown owner will not object to this appointment on any account 13. The agreement may be terminated by the Company at any time without notice & without assigning any reason or the cause of any default or breach of obligation on the part of the party or, if, In the opinion of the Company, the service of the part are considered unsatisfactory, or unsafe or, unsuitable for storage of fertilizers. 14. Documents / Agreement towards Ownership of Godown in Firms Name or Lease to be provided to suffice the period of contract. 15. Copy of agreement on 200 Rs Stamp Paper (copy enclosed herewith) to be signed and provided on award of contract AGREEMENT An Agreement made this DD of MM YYYY BETWEEN Rashtriya Chemicals & Fertilizers Limited, a company incorporated under the Indian Companies Act. 1956 & having its Registered Office at “Priyadarshini”, Eastern Express Highway, Sion, Mumbai – 400022 through its Marketing office at th Pushpak Building, 5 Floor, Opp. Cama Hotel, Khanpur, Ahmedabad-380001 (Gujarat) hereinafter called “The Company” (which expression unless repugnant to the meaning or context hereof, shall includes its successors, executors, administrators & permitted assigns) of the ONE PART & XXXX its Registered Office at ADDRESS in the district of XXXX in the state of XXXX hereinafter called the “ Godown owner” (which expression unless repugnant to the meaning or context hereof, shall includes its successors, executors, administrators & permitted assigns) of other Part WHEREAS the Godown owner approached the Company for storage of fertilizers manufactured by the company at Trombay & Thal and Imported Fertilizers in godown owned / hire / managed by the Godown owner, & whereas the company has agreed for such arrangement upon terms & conditions hereinafter contained. NOW THEROF IT IS AGREED AS FOLLOWS: 1. S. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Whereas Godown owner agree to provide warehousing capacity / godowns at the following place for capacity mentioned against each of them. Location & Address Space Avalable in Sq.Ft. . Storage Capacity offered for RCF Fertilizers in MTs. That the Company agrees to hire the space of 500 MT for storage of fertilizers for the period from MM.DD.YYYY to MM.DD.YYYY @ Rs XX/- PMT/Month plus service tax. Godown owner will allow if necessary to store material more than reserved capacity of 500 MTs on Over & Above basis for which he will be paid at the same rate of RS.XX/- PMT plus service tax on the highest stock of the month. That the company will despatch fertilizers to the above location from time to time & Godown owner shall take delivery of the consignment & forthwith arrange to store the same in the above godown. That Godown owner will take all necessary precautions for storage of these fertilizers in accordance with reserved capacity, & shall take all necessary steps at his cost to prevent deterioration of stock, theft & or pilferage. That the Godown owner shall arrange for proper maintenance & supervision of the said godown, Godown owner will provide dunnage at his cost for stacking the bags in accordance with the specifications. That the Godown owner shall deliver the material only against delivery orders issued by Company’s authorised officials. That the Godown owner shall submit stock statement & other certificates as required by the Company every fortnight as per the proforma prescribed by the company. That the Godown owner further agrees that he shall be liable to reimburse to the Company amounts of any loss of or damages to the fertilizer bags / fertilizer & or any other article while the same are in the custody of the Godown owner whether such loss or damage caused by fire, theft , rain, flood or due to any negligence or omission on the part of Godown owner or his representative whatsoever reasons may be, the Godown owner shall pay to the Company forthwith on demand without any dispute, the amount of such losses. That notwithstanding anything contained/herein the Godown owner agrees to. Indemnify & keep the company indemnified against any loss of or damage to the Company due to any neglect default & or mistake & or omission on the part of Godown owner or their staff & or their representative & or agents. 10. That the Godown owner shall, at all reasonable times, allow representative of the Company to have access to & inspect the said godown & records accounts of stocks maintained by the Godown owner & also for physical verification of stocks fertilizers in the said godown if any discrepancy is noticed between stock as per records & stock physically verified in godown, the Company may call upon the Godown owner to pay forthwith such amount by way of compensation as the Company may determine & the Godown owner shall pay it immediately along with interest as per demanded by Company. 11. That the Godown owner or his creditors shall have no right on Company’s stock/s of fertilizers & or other article/s belonging to the Company either by way of lien or otherwise under any circumstances whatsoever. 12. That all disputes & questions, claims, rights, matters or things whatsoever, In any way arising out of the or relating to the contract are to be referred to the Sole Arbitration of the General Manager (Marketing) of RCF & if the General Manager is unable or unwilling to act to the Sole Arbitration of some other person appointed by the General Manager & who is willing to act as Sole Arbitrator & the Godown owner will not object to this appointment on any account. 13. That the agreement may be terminated by the Company at any time without notice & without assigning any reason or the cause of any default or breach of obligation on the part of the party or, if, In the opinion of the Company, the service of the part are considered unsatisfactory, or unsafe or, unsuitable for storage of fertilizers. 14. The stock will be insured by the company. IN WITNESS WHEREOF THE parties hereto have executed this agreement on the day, month & year above written. SIGNED & DELIVERED FOR & ON BEHALF OF RASHTRIYA CHEMICALS & FERTILIZERS LTD. SIGNED & DELIVERED FOR & ON BEHALF OF M/s XXXXX __________________________________ ___________________________________ Witness:1. In the presence of _________________________________ 2. In the presence of ______________________________________ ON PARTY'S LETTERHEAD SCHEDULE –II OFFER AREA INCHARGE DT: Rashtriya Chemicals & Fertilizers Ltd., Address: Dear Sir, I / We submit herewith the quotation with regard to the contract for hiring of private godown space for storage of bagged / loose fertilizers at Mehsana. 1. I / We have already agreed to the terms and conditions given. This will form part of the contract if awarded. Further I/We Have carefully studied the general terms and conditions given in NIT (Schedule-I). I / We agree to abide by all the terms and conditions therein. This will also form part of the contract if awarded. 2. Our rates are Rupees per MT per month inclusive of all taxes (Minimum Reservation of 500 MT per month & Maximum of 1000 MT per month) Quoted Rate : Rs ______/- per MT / month (Inclusive of all taxes) Yours faithfully, (Signature & Designation of Tenderer along with Seal of the Firm.)
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