FSK TX CELLULAR PLUS Installation and Programming Guide Tel: 0861 105 962 www.fsk.co.za INTRODUCTION The FSK TX Cellular Plus (TXC+) is a highly featured GSM based unit which is used for the transmission of Security and Telemetry messages over the GSM network. The TXC+ can communicate via both GPRS and SMS messages and includes the universal Contact ID interface to Alarm Control Panels as well as serial interfacing into some leading panels. It also has seven dry contact input triggers In addition, the TXC+ has two outputs (expandable to 10 outputs) which can be used to command Alarm Panels and other devices. FEATURES AND FUNCTIONS OF THE TXC + Reporting Options • Option of Single or Dual SIM card operation for enhanced security • GPRS reporting to a control room • Option of back-off to SMS (to control room) if GPRS is not available • SMS directly to cell-phones (up to 10 cell phone numbers) • SMS reporting to cell phones includes full user, zone and partition identification in plain text Interfaces • 7 Hardwired inputs with positive trip, negative trip or both • Dedicated AC Supply monitoring input • 2 on-board relay outputs which can controlled by SMS, missed call or via the remote control • Optional Relay output expansion board (8 relays per board, giving a total of 10 outputs). • Contact ID Tip and Ring Telephone interface to all leading control panels • Serial alarm interface to leading control panels • Over-the-air Panel Uploading and Downloading on the Texecom Premier control panels via the serial interface Remote controls • Optional 433MHz code-hopping remote control receiver compatible with FSK remote transmitters • 2 on-board relay outputs which can be activated by the remote controls • Up to 200 remote controls can be programmed into the unit Programming • Full programming and software updating via a computer serial port • User function programming via SMS Indicators and Controls • Status and error indication via a seven segment display • Remote control programming via push-button 2 INSTALLATION Connections to the TXC+ are shown below Power Supply The TXC+ must be connected to a stable 12V DC (nominal 13.2V) power supply. If a battery is available in the alarm panel, it must preferably be powered directly from the battery Check AC • The Check AC (CAC) input detects the presence of the AC supply and is used to check for power failure. • The CAC line should be connected to one of the transformer’s SECONDARY terminals. Do NOT connect this line to the mains. • The CAC line will detect AC voltages between 10 and 24V. • If the CAC line is not connected, the TXC+ should not be programmed to send AC Failure or Restoral Signals. Dry Contact Inputs • The dry contact inputs can be used to detect alarms generated from the outputs of the Alarm Panel or from other sources. • If the external device generates the alarm by pulling the input to ground (negative trigger), the pullup jumper should be inserted on the input of the TXC+. Contact ID Inputs • The TXC+ can ‘intercept’ signals sent by the alarm panel on its telephone line (Contact ID) interface. If the Contact ID interface is to be used, the Alarm Panel’s TIP and RING lines should be connected to the TIP and RING lines on the TXC+. • The alarm panel must be programmed to use its dialler, and the option for reporting must be set to Contact ID. Refer to the programming manual of the applicable Alarm Panel. • The TXC+ can be programmed to use its own account code or the account code of the alarm panel when sending alarms received via the Contact ID interface. 3 Serial Port The TXC+ can receive alarms from the following alarm panels on its serial port: • Texecom premier range (panel uploads and downloads can also be done) • Paradox E65, SP6000 and MG5050 • Pima Relay Outputs • Two dry-contact relay outputs are available on the TXC+. These outputs can be commanded to turn on and off via the GSM network or by using the option of the on-board remote control receiver. • The outputs are rated to 24V AC or DC, up to a maximum of 5A. • Do not connect the relay outputs to the mains supply Indicators and Controls The TXC+ has a seven segment display which indicates the current operating status and the SIM card being used. TXC+ Status CHARACTER FLASHED STATUS DESCRIPTION i 1 or 2 Initialising (using SIM 1 or SIM 2) The TXC+ is starting the GSM modem r 1 or 2 Restarting The TXC+ is re-starting the GSM modem c (lower case) 1 or 2 Connecting The TXC+ is connecting to the GSM network C (upper case) 1 or 2 Connected The TXC+ is connected to the GSM network and is ready to send alarms CS Connecting to server Sending GPRS alarms dS Disconnecting from server All alarms sent, disconnecting from the server F2 Send SMS Sending an SMS to the control room or a cellphone L Learn Mode The TXC+ is learning remote controls TXC+ Errors - If the TXC+ detects an error, it will flash the error code on the seven segment display CHARACTER FLASHED STATUS DESCRIPTION E0 Stunned The TXC+ E1 SIM card not found The TXC+ has not detected a SIM card which it has been programmed to use E2 Reserved E3 SMS Sending has Failed The TXC+ cannot send the message via SMS E4 Connection to Server has failed The TXC+ cannot connect to the server to send the alarms 4 Diagnostics of Error Codes ERROR STATE CAUSE CORRECTIVE ACTION Stunned The TXC+ has been sent a stun message via SMS and will no longer send any alarms. Or The TXC+ has sent too many SMS messages in a period of time and is stopping a run-away SMS condition (30 SMS messages in an hour) Send the TXC+ the Un-stun SMS No SIM card There is no SIM card inserted in a SIM holder and the TXC+ has been programmed to use that SIM card Or The SIM card is damaged Make sure that a SIM card is correctly inserted in the holder The TXC+ cannot send the SMS Or The network has returned an error in response to the TXC+ sending the SMS Make sure that the SIM card is capable of sending SMS messages The TXC+ cannot connect to the FSK server to route the GPRS message to the control room Make sure that the SIM card is capable of connecting to the GPRS network SMS fail Server Connection Fail If there is only one SIM card installed, make sure that the TXC+ is not programmed to use the open SIM holder If it is a pay as you go SIM card, make sure that it has available funds loaded onto the SIM card Make sure that the programming of the Server GPRS settings are correct If it is a pay as you go SIM card, make sure that it has available funds loaded onto the SIM card The GSM network may be experiencing technical problems. Contact the GSM provider 5 PROGRAMMING PC based Programmer The FSK TX Cellular+ Setup utility is a Windows ® based programmer which is used as the primary means of programming the TXC+. The TXC+ programmer requires a PC running Windows XP or Windows 7 with an available COM Port (a USB to Serial Adapter can also be used). The FSK programming cable and RS232 converter is required to program the TXC+ (see Appendix E) Handheld Programmer The FSK Handheld Programmer is a programming and diagnostics tool which can be used with the TXC+. When the TXC+ is used in conjunction with the handheld Programmer in diagnostics mode, any problems connecting to the GSM network can be determined. SMS Programming Many of the settings on the TXC+ can be changes by sending a SMS to the unit. The SMS commands are shown in Appendix A. 6 APPENDIX A – SMS COMMANDS AND PROGRAMMING The TXC+ has a number of SMS commands and programming commands which can be used to: • Activate the outputs • Request the unit status • Change programming information and request current programming information If the TXC+ is to reply to any of these commands and programming updates, the SMS function has to be enabled on the SIM card. FSK supplied SIM cards cannot send SMS’s SMS Commands Activate the outputs on the TXC+ Keyword Description Notes 1on Turn output 1 on (Relay 1) Not case sensitive 1off Turn output 1 off (Relay 1) 2on Turn output 2 on (Relay 2) 2off Turn output 2 off (Relay 2) 3on …. 10on Turn outputs 3 – 10 on the expansion module on 3off …. 10off Turn outputs 3 – 10 on the expansion module off Format is output number (3-10) and output state (on/off) Change the default SIM card to be used (for TXC+ units fitted with two SIM cards) Use this command with care, as it will stop the TXC+ from functioning if a SIM card is selected which is not installed or activated Keyword Description SELECT SIM 1 Select the first SIM card as the default SELECT SIM 2 Select the second SIM card as the default SMS Status Requests Keyword Description Notes status? Get full unit status Not case sensitive. No spaces balance? Get account balance Not case sensitive. No spaces Note: the balance request works with pre-paid SIM cards only. 7 SMS Programming SMS programming allows some of the parameters in the unit to be changed without having to physically go to the unit with a programming computer NOTE: BE VERY CAREFUL WHEN PROGRAMMING THE TXC+ USING SMS’s AS YOU CAN STOP THE UNIT FROM FUNCTIONING CORRECTLY Unit Description and Phone Numbers Change the description of the TXC+ (which it uses to refer to itself in SMS’s) and the phone numbers which it reports to. To change the value, send the KEYWORD followed a space, followed by the new value (shown in Italics). E.g. to change phone number 1, send 1 Phonenumber (where Phonenumber is the cell phone number) To retrieve the value, send the KEYWORD followed by ‘?’ (no space), e.g. 1? (to request the phone number) Note, when requesting the phone number, the TXC+ will respond with all the stored phone numbers. KEYWORD DESCRIPTION TO CHANGE 0 Unit description 0 Name 1 Phone number 1 1 Phonenumber 2 Phone number 2 2 Phonenumber 3 Phone number 3 3 Phonenumber 4 Phone number 4 4 Phonenumber 5 Phone number 5 5 Phonenumber 6 Phone number 6 6 Phonenumber 7 Phone number 7 7 Phonenumber 8 Phone number 8 8 Phonenumber 9 Phone number 9 9 Phonenumber 10 Phone number 10 10 Phonenumber 11 GPRS fallback num 11 Phonenumber 12 Sim 1 SMS Centre number 12 +27831000002 (MTN) 13 Sim 2 SMS Centre number 13 +27829119 (Vodacom) 8 Timers KEYWORD DESCRIPTION VALUE 58 AC fail/restore delay (minutes) 1 to 60. (e.g. 60 = 60 mins = 1hr) 59 Battery fail restore delay 1 to 60. (e.g. 60 = 60 mins = 1hr) 1179 SMS self test interval 10 to 60000 (10 min to 100 hrs) 1180 GPRS test interval 10 to 60000 (10 min to 100 hrs) SMS Text – Inputs KEYWORD DESCRIPTION 256 AC OK (AC Restored) SMS Text 257 Battery OK SMS Text 322 AC Failed SMS Text 323 Battery low SMS Text 258 Input 1 High SMS Text 259 Input 2 High SMS Text 260 Input 3 High SMS Text 261 Input 4 High SMS Text 262 Input 5 High SMS Text 263 Input 6 High SMS Text 264 Input 7 High SMS Text 324 Input 1 Low SMS Text 325 Input 2 Low SMS Text 326 Input 3 Low SMS Text 327 Input 4 Low SMS Text 328 Input 5 Low SMS Text 329 Input 6 Low SMS Text 330 Input 7 Low SMS Text 9 SMS Text – Remote Controls And Missed Call KEYWORD DESCRIPTION 392 Remote Control Button 1 SMS Text 393 Remote Control Button 2 SMS Text 394 Remote Control Button 3 SMS Text 395 Remote Control Button 4 SMS Text 395 Remote Control Button 5 SMS Text 397 Remote Control Button 6 SMS Text 398 Missed Call SMS text APPENDIX B – TEXECOM SERIAL INTERFACE The TXC+ can receive alarms from the Texecom Premier range of alarm panels. Using a modem connected to a computer, the TXC+ can also be used to remotely upload and download the Texecom premier alarm panels. TXC+ to Texecom Premier Serial Interface Cable 10 Programming of the Texecom Premier two COM Port Alarm Panel Program the TXC+ to use the Texecom Serial Alarm Interface (DTMF – Serial Interface Tab) The TXC+ is connected to COM1 on the Alarm Panel The following programming is required on the Texecom panel: MENU 71 0 1 2 3 4 5 TEL NO 22 (YES) ACC CODE 3456 (YES) PROTOCOL TYPE = 4 (CONTACT ID) DIALLER ATTEMPTS = 1 PARTITION (SELECT PARTITIONS 1 AND 2) SELECT REPORTING OPTIONS MENU 70 1,2,5,8 ON (ENABLE COMMUNICATOR) MENU 76 COM1 DEVICE TYPE – 3 (ComIP PROTOCOL) Uploading and Downloading the Texecom Premier Alarm Panel The Texecom premier alarm panel can be uploaded and downloaded using the Texecom WinTex software (available at www.texe.com). Please contact the local Texecom agent for more details A PC based modem for is available from FSK Electronics which can be used to connect to the Alarm Panel (via the TXC+) The Wintex Software requires the IP Address and Port Number of the TXC+ to be entered in the Account Details section of Wintex. The IP Address of the TXC+ is provided by FSK. If the FSK APN Connector is being used, the IP Address is always The Port is Always set to ‘9090’ Select the Panel Modem Type as ComISDN IP ADDRESS OF THE TXC+ ON THE FSK PRIVATE APN IF USING APN CONNECTOR 11 When connecting to the Texecom panel (through the TXC+), select the connection option of CONNECT VIA NETWORK from the Wintex Software SELECT “CONNECT VIA NETWORK” 12 APPENDIX C – PARADOX SERIAL INTERFACE The TXC+ can send alarms received from the serial port of the Paradox E65, MG5050 and SP6000 alarm panels. Events Sent By the Paradox Alarm Panel The table below shows the Contact ID codes which will be sent in response to the messages received from the Paradox E65/MG5050 and SP6000 alarm panel serial ports. PARADOX CONTACT ID EVENT GROUP NO SUB-GROUP NO CONTACT ID CODE EVENT (1) RESTORE (3) ZONE/ USER 06 = Non Reportable Event 00 = Telephone Line Trouble 350 1 0 29 = Arming with User 01 - 32 = User Number 400 3 USER 30 = Special Arming 03 = Partial Arming 456 3 0 05 = Arm Keyswitch 409 3 99 06 = Arm Keyswitch 456 3 0 31 = Disarming with User 01-32 = User Number 401 1 USER 32 = Disarming after Alarm with user 01-32 = User Number 401 1 USER 34 = Special Disarming N/A 401 1 USER 05 = Disarming with Keyswitch 401 1 USER 36 = Zone In Alarm 01 to 32 = Zone Number 130 1 ZONE 37 = Fire Alarm 01 to 32 = Zone Number 110 1 ZONE 38 = Zone Alarm Restore 01 to 32 = Zone Number 130 3 ZONE 40 = Special Alarm 00 = Panic non-medical emergency 120 1 0 01 = Panic medical 100 1 0 02 = Panic Fire 110 1 0 05 = Duress Alarm 120 1 0 01-32 = Zone Number 380 1 ZONE 42 = Zone Tampered 13 PARADOX CONTACT ID EVENT GROUP NO SUB-GROUP NO CONTACT ID CODE EVENT/ RESTORE ZONE/ USER 44 = New Trouble 01 = AC Failure 301 1 0 02 = Batt Fail 302 1 0 04 = Bell Current Overload 320 1 0 05 = Bell disconnected 320 1 0 08 = Fail To Communicate Tel 1 350 1 1 09 = Fail to Communicate Tel 2 350 1 2 10 = fail to Communicate Pager 350 1 3 11 = fail to communicate voice 350 1 4 01 = AC Failure Restore 301 3 0 02 = Batt Fail restore 302 3 0 04 = Bell Current Overload Rest 320 3 0 46 = Bus/wireless module new trouble 01 = tamper Trouble 137 1 0 48 = Special (Partition 1 only) 01 = Reporting Test 602 1 0 04 = Installer Entered Prog Mode 627 3 0 05 = Installer Exited Prog Mode 628 1 0 45= Trouble Restore 07 = Maintenance Exited Prog Mode 49 = Low Battery on Zone 01-32 = Zone Number 302 1 ZONE 50 = Low Battery on Zone Restore 01-32 = Zone Number 302 3 ZONE 51 = Zone supervision trouble 01-32 = Zone Number 147 1 ZONE 52 = Zone Supervision restore 01-32 = Zone Number 147 3 ZONE 53 = Wireless Module Sup Trbl 147 1 ZONE 54 = Wireless Module Sup Rest 147 3 ZONE 55 = Wireless Module Tamper Trbl 144 1 ZONE 56 = Wireless Module Tamper Rest 144 3 ZONE 14 APPENDIX D – PIMA SERIAL INTERFACE The Pima serial interface will send the standard FSK Contact ID alarm codes. 15 APPENDIX E – PROGRAMMING CABLE TOPS 0861 10 22 10 / JB10812 16
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