DAMAN MUNICIPAL COUNCIL, DAMAN E-TENDER ( ON LINE ) INVITATION NOTICE NO. 03 /2014-2015. No. 18 /G-01/DMC /2014 -15/60j Dated tf / 06 / 2014 The Daman Municipal Council invites tender through On-line on https://daman.nprocure.com from the eligible Contractors and those who are in approved list of M.E.S., Railway and State P.W.D. (appropriate category) for the following works and schedule' Sr. No . Name of Work 01 Construction of Asphalt road with hume p i pe gu tt er 02 03 No. Estimated Cost ( in Rs.) Amount of EMD ( in Rs .) Tender Fees (Non Refundable Time Limit 148788 11915173.04 238303.00 10000.00 180 days 148789 9553931.05 191079.00 5000.00 270 days 148791 16383159.35 Tender ID from Sweeper's Quarters, to Mangelwad adjescent to protection wall, ward no. 6, at Moti Daman. (Grant-in-aid). 2nd Call . Strengthening and Upgradation of A sp h a l t road with hume pipe gutter from Sapli Sheri, ward no. 10 to Junction of Devka road on Indira Gandhi Marg via Jupiter Distillery, ward no. 12, Nani Dam22. Grant-in-aid .2nd Call]. Beautification of Dilip Na g ar lane 1 t o 7 w i t h both side paver block foot path, hume pipe gutter and asphalt road at W. No. 14, Nani Daman. (Grant-inaid 2 nd Call]. 327663.00 10000.00 180 da s On line downloading of tender documents U to 09107/2014, 14.00 hrs. 'On line submission of Tender On 09 / 07/2014 , ti n t^ 15 . 00 hrs. ' On line Openin of Technical Bid On 15/07/2014, 16.00 hrs. If possible) 'On line Open nof Financial Bid As soon as p ossible 'Bidders have to submit price bid in electronic format only on https://daman nprocure com website till the last date and time for Lsubmission. Price Bid in physical format shall not be accepted in any case Physical submission of tender fees, EMD, The satisfactory Govt./Semi Govt. construction works experience are required for qualifying for the purpose as similar/relevant works carried out upto the extent of required amount i.e. 3 works of 40% or 2 works of 50% or 1 work of 80%, Registration, VAT Registration from the VAT Department of UT of Daman & Diu, Pan Card, Affidavit in case of road work for shifting and installation of plant and machineries within 35 Kms. in range of work and the document etc in addition to other requirement for bidding in hard copy in the office of the tender inviting authority by RPAD/Speed Post /Courier to be submitted on or before 14.07.2014 upto 18:00 hours in the office of the Chief Officer, D.M.C., Daman. In case, physical submission through RPAD/speed post/Courier, the Tender Inviting Authority shall not be responsible for any postal delay or loss of documents. (Refer Tender terms and condition) The Tender Inviting Authority reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the tender to be received without assigning any reasons thereof In case bidder needs any clarification or if training required for participating in online tender, they can contact the following office :"(n) Code Solution - A Division, GNFC Ltd" 403, GNFC Info Tower, Bodakdev, Ahmedabad - 380054, Gujarat (India) E-mail nprocure(d_)gnvfc.net; Fax + 91 79 26857321 • Website : www.nprocure.com (Tanvir Ahmad) Chief Officer, Daman Municipal Council, Daman. Copy fd. w.cs. to P . S. to Administrator for kind perusal of Hon . Administrator, Secretariat , Daman, COPY SUBMITTED FOR INFORMATION TO:The Development Commissioner , U.T. of Daman & Diu, Secretariat , Daman. The Finance Secretary , U.T. of Daman & Diu, Secretariat , Daman. The Collector , Daman. The Superintending Engineer , PWD, Daman (5 Copies ), Fort Area , Moti Daman. Copy to VN.I.C., Secretariat, Daman for publication on web site www . daman . nic.in Assistant Engineer , Sub Division No. 1,11,111 & IV, Daman Account Section , Daman Municipal Council, Daman. All the Municipal Notice Boards. Hoti;blc r '7csfdrvtl b4m h Nt4vL;ci^Al Cot-(+),3)gmq>~.
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