2014 Summer Learning Opportunities Online and Face-to-Face Course Offerings and Registration Information Gwinnett County Public Schools (GCPS) offers high school students two ways to learn for credit this summer. • G winnett Online Campus (GOC) 2014 Summer Session. Register online at www.gwinnettonlinecampus.com under the Supplemental Program tab between March 1 and June 2. See inside for course offerings and find frequently asked questions on the back page. • G CPS’ 2014 High School Summer School, with face-to-face classes at three high school campuses. Register online at www.mypaymentsplus.com between February 1 and June 2, or register in person on June 2, 2014, at Duluth High. Important information for face-to-face and Online Campus summer school students… • Transportation is not provided for face-to-face summer school classes or for the face-to-face sessions required for Online Campus courses. • A student should take no more than two summer classes: two face-to-face classes, two online classes, or a combination. • All tuition fees are due at the time of registration. • A ny student planning to participate in the summer school graduation ceremony must take all summer classes with Gwinnett County Public Schools. • Face-to-face and online summer classes will not meet on Fridays. Note: GCPS’ Community Schools also offer summer classes. Check the GCPS website to learn more. Find out more about summer learning on the school system website. Gwinnett County Public Schools • 437 Old Peachtree Road, NW • Suwanee, GA 30024-2978 • (678) 301-6000 • www.gwinnett.k12.ga.us S ummer S ession 2014 O nline C ampus C ourse O fferings Health/PE NOTE: PE classes require face-to-face sessions for Fitness Preand Post-Tests at Gwinnett Online Campus, located at 713 Hi Hope Road in Lawrenceville. Mathematics (continued) Integrated Geometry 1st semester (requires graphing calculator) Integrated Geometry 2nd semester* Integrated Algebra II 1st semester Introduction to Health Integrated Algebra II 2nd semester* Introduction to Lifetime Fitness (PE) Once registered, students should sign up for a fitness testing time at www.gwinnettonlinecampus.com/health-pe.html. Integrated Trigonometry 1st semester Integrated Trigonometry 2nd semester* Students have two options for tracking workouts. Science ˚ Check out Polar Heart Rate Equipment from GOC. A limited number of slots are available for this option. Requires wearing watch and strap during workouts. Lost equipment replacement is $300. Polar equipment is not compatible with Mac/Apple products. Mandatory fitness testing for this option will be held on Monday, June 9. NOTE: All science classes require one face-to-face lab at GOC, located at 713 Hi Hope Rd. in Lawrenceville, on June 9, time TBD. The final or End of Course Test for each science class also is conducted as a face-to-face session. ˚ Use free Map My Fitness App downloaded to an iPhone or Android device. Requires carrying or wearing phone during workouts. Mandatory fitness testing for this option will be held on Tuesday, June 10. Anatomy and Physiology 1st semester Anatomy and Physiology 2nd semester Biology 1st semester Biology 2nd semester Honors Biology 1st semester Honors Biology 2nd semester Language Arts Freshman Language Arts 1st semester Freshman Language Arts 2nd semester Honors Freshman Language Arts 1st semester Honors Freshman Language Arts 2nd semester Sophomore Language Arts 1st semester Sophomore Language Arts 2nd semester Honors Sophomore Language Arts 1st semester Honors Sophomore Language Arts 2nd semester Junior Language Arts 1st semester Junior Language Arts 2nd semester Honors Junior Language Arts 1st semester Honors Junior Language Arts 2nd semester Senior Language Arts 1st semester Senior Language Arts 2nd semester Honors Senior Language Arts 1st semester Honors Senior Language Arts 2nd semester Mathematics Algebra I CCGPS 1st semester Algebra I CCGPS 2nd semester* Geometry CCGPS 1st semester Geometry CCGPS 2nd semester* Chemistry 1st semester Chemistry 2nd semester* Honors Chemistry 1st semester Honors Chemistry 2nd semester* Physics 1st semester Physics 2nd semester* Honors Physics 1st semester Honors Physics 2nd semester* Astronomy 1st semester Astronomy 2nd semester Environmental Science 1st semester Environmental Science 2nd semester Forensic Science 1st semester Forensic Science 2nd semester Social Studies World Geography 1st semester World Geography 2nd semester World History 1st semester World History 2nd semester Honors World History 1st semester Honors World History 2nd semester U.S. History 1st semester U.S. History 2nd semester S ummer S ession 2014 O nline C ampus C ourse O fferings Social Studies (continued) All classes require a final exam or the state’s required End of Course Test (for designated courses noted in list with symbol). EOCTs serve as the final exam for these courses. (See below for more information about EOCTs.) Final exams, which count 20% of the total grade, are administered in a face-to-face session at Gwinnett Online Campus. Final exams are scheduled for July 7. Honors U.S. History 1st semester Honors U.S. History 2nd semester Political Systems Honors Political Systems Economics Honors Economics Designated courses require a face-to-face, state-mandated Controversial Issues Psychology Sociology Technical Education Banking and Investing 1st semester Principles of Accounting I 1st semester Business Communication and Presentation 1st semester Business Communication and Presentation 2nd semester Introduction to Digital Technology 1st semester Introduction to Digital Technology 2nd semester Introduction to Business and Technology 1st semester End of Course Test (EOCT). Students must take the End of Course Test in order to receive credit for a course requiring an EOCT. The EOCT serves as the final for the course, and counts for 20% of the total grade. EOCTs are administered in a face-to-face session at Gwinnett Online Campus. The EOCT window is July 1–3 (time TBD). Students retaking one of these designated courses previously failed must have taken the EOCT in order to enroll in the course again. *Prerequisite: As noted in the course list, students must have successfully completed 1st semester prior to taking 2nd semester of a designated mathematics, science, or technical education course. Introduction to Business and Technology 2nd semester Fundamentals of Web Design 1st semester Fundamentals of Web Design 2nd semester Beginning Programming 1st semester (Prerequisite: Integrated Algebra I completed successfully or teacher recommendation) Beginning Programming 2nd semester* Advanced Web Design 1st semester (Prerequisites: Fundamentals of Web Design and Computing in the Modern World completed successfully) Advanced Web Design 2nd semester* Important Note: Course prerequisites listed here refer to Online Campus requirements. Additional course prerequisite information is listed in The Choice Book. Please talk to your counselor about all course requirements when considering your online schedule. Courses that Require Materials Pick-up The following courses require materials pick-up at Gwinnett Online Campus on June 5 (1–4 p.m.). All other courses have the materials built into the course and do not require materials pick-up. Note: Students will return materials at the face-to-face session scheduled for Final Exam/EOCT. Social Studies World History Honors World History U.S. History Honors U.S. History Psychology Sociology Technical Education If you do not have Microsoft Office on your computer, you will need to pick up software during Materials Pick-up. Business Communication and Presentation Introduction to Business and Technology Frequently Asked Questions About Gwinnett Online Campus (GOC) Summer School What is the cost of an Online Campus summer course? Each online summer course is $250. How do I register and pay for online classes? Register online at www.gwinnettonlinecampus.com under the Supplemental Program tab between March 1 and June 2. Online Campus only accepts payment by Mastercard/VISA prepaid, debit, or credit card; or by electronic check. Online Campus does not accept cash or personal checks. All GOC registration is handled online. What are important dates for the Online Campus summer session? March 1–June 2 Online registration June 5 (1–4 p.m.) Some courses require materials pick-up at Gwinnett Online Campus, located at 713 Hi Hope Rd. in Lawrenceville. See the gray box inside for the list of courses that require materials pick-up. June 6 Students have access to their courses. Click on “Summer Beginning of Term Information” under the Supplemental Program area. June 9–10 For Introduction to Lifetime Fitness (PE), a mandatory face-to-face Fitness Pretest will be held at the GOC gym facility (time TBD). Sign up for a time at www.gwinnettonlinecampus.com/health-pe.html. June 9 First day of class July 1–3 *Window for End of Course Test (EOCT) for designated () courses. Students must take the EOCT to earn credit for the course. July 7 *Final Exams July 10 Graduation Ceremony, Gwinnett Arena * Check website and/or course announcements for date and time for EOCTs and final exams. These tests are administered in face-to-face sessions at GOC. What is the Beginning of Term Information? “Summer Beginning of Term Information” is part of the registration system in MyPaymentsPlus. The Beginning of Term letter will automatically pop up and requires a signature confirming that the student has read and agrees to attend required face-to-face sessions as set for each course. This information is also available in the “Summer Beginning of Term Information” link under the Supplemental Program tab on www.gwinnettonlinecampus.com. Starting June 6, students may access their online course through the “Logins” box at www.gwinnettonlinecampus. com in the Desire2Learn login area. Students will use their GCPS student ID number for both their username and password. Once logged in, students will click on the course title to enter the session homeroom. A welcome e-mail will be sent to the student’s @gwinettonlinecampus.com e-mail address, not to a personal e-mail address. Students must check their GOC e-mail daily during the summer session for important information. Students will begin work in their courses on June 9. The teacher’s contact information will be posted on the course home page. How many online courses can I take at one time? Online Campus allows students to take no more than two courses during the summer, including any face-to-face summer school classes. Online Campus does NOT allow students to take a full unit of any course when the first semester is a prerequisite for the second. Do I have to log in to my course every day? Yes, you will need to log in each day during the school week (Monday through Thursday) during the entire summer session. Classes do not meet on Fridays but students are strongly encouraged to use this time to work on assignments. An online course requires 16–20 hours a week per course during the shorter, more intensive summer classes. What is an online class like? • Online courses offer flexibility with summer schedules because the content is accessible 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Students may “attend” class at any time of the day. • Students are expected to log in Monday through Thursday during the summer session. • Students may work ahead in their courses. • Most work is completed online, with the exception of a scheduled face-to-face lab for science classes, fitness preand post-tests in PE, and EOCTs and final exams. • Students also are expected to log in during course-specific Blackboard Collaborate sessions for live, online instruction. • Teachers will communicate through phone, e-mail, and course feedback. • All courses require a face-to-face final exam or an EOCT (which serves as the course final). What is the structure of a course? For most classes, all class work is completed online. Some courses, such as science and PE, require additional face-toface labs or activities. All classes require a face-to-face final exam or a state-mandated EOCT at the end of the semester. For more information, see the demo course available on the website, and additional information in the “Departments” section. What if I want to withdraw and receive a course refund? With parental approval, students can drop courses up until the posted first day of class. To request a refund, go to the GOC website and click on the “Request a Refund” link under the Supplemental Program tab. No refunds will be given if requested after the posted first day of class. If you have additional questions, please e-mail us at [email protected].
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