BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 44 NORTH SAN JOAQUIN STREET, STE. 627 STOCKTON, CALIFORNIA 95202 TELEPHONE: 209/468-3113 FAX: 209/468-3694 MIMI DUZENSKI Clerk of the Board BOB ELLIOTT Chairman Fifth District CARLOS VILLAPUDUA Vice Chairman First District FRANK L. RUHSTALLER Second District STEVE J. BESTOLARIDES Third District KEN VOGEL Fourth District APPOINTMENTS TO BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS – 6/24/2014 Committee Name: Category: Term: Incumbent: Health Commission San Joaquin County - 1 Position(s) (1) Community Representative 01/17/2014 - 01/17/2017 John LeVeck APPLICANT(S) 1. William Egelston 2. Harvey Williams BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 44 N. SAN JOAQUIN S11U!IlT. SUITE 6X1 SIUCKTON. CAUFORNlA 95202 TBLEPHONEo 209/468-3113 P,\JC, 209/468-3694 MIMI DUZIlNSKI BOBELIJOIT Chmman F"tfrh District CARWSV1LLAPUDUA V.ICC Chairman F"ustDimict FRANKL RUHST.lULBR Second District Clerl< of the Bootd STI!VE J. BESrOLARlDES Third D.istrict SAN JOAQUIN COUNTY APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO BOARDS/COMMISSIONS/COMMITTEES William W. Egelston NAME KHNVOGBL Fourth District Health Commission for the Health plan BOARD/COMMISSION/COMMITIEE of San Joaquin Third SUPERVISORIAL DISTRICT (!ftlnkno1Jl1l, tOntad Clerk tifthe BoorrJ) CATEGORY Please check one: Incumbent 0 New Appointment [!I RESIDENCE ADDRESS RESIDENCE PHONE (209) 924-4614 City/St/Zip 1240 Holly Berry ct. Manteca, Ca. 95336 --~~------------------MAILINGADDRESS ·OCCUPATION Retired Physician from Kaiser, Stockton, Modesto, etc. ~ BUSINESS ADDRESS ~ -~ EMAIL :po <[email protected] 5~ c:: :z: Cell Phone: (20~) ~ (,J\ FAX --- - V> !;f;S(; ~~ -0 :x Professional Experience: I am a retired Kaiser physian with @32 years of experience @21 years fiere in the County. I worked out of the Stockton facility (including Dameron Hospital) & the Manteca, Modesto & other facili_ties around the Valley. I have served on prior community & hospital boards (Valley . Memorial Hospital then in Livermore, Cal as well as on professional boards -& societies and numerous - Kaiser administrative & committee assignments. Professionalatl.d/or other community organizations on which you serve: I have recently become involved with the County Office of Education TOPS program (Teaching Opportunities for Partners in Science) to supplement the curriculum in Science subjects. THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO PUBLIC INSPECTION _ Undergraduate Degree: UC Berkeley (Molecular Biology) Ed~tton:Graduate School: Berkeley & Cal State Hayward & Medschool in . San Francisco. Internship: Pacific Presbyterian in SF and Residency in Bay Area Hospitals (UCSF, SFGH, Kaiser, VA & Stanford) PetsonalInterests & Hobbres: My wife (a Physical Therapist) & I enj oy European travel (Rick Steves, etc.), sailing (Windjammer, etc.), We also enjoy hiking (backpacking in my prearthritis years) & bicycling. Otherwise, I enjoy reading, photography and watching my wife perform in Musical theater (Stockton, Tracy,/, Pleasanton & Lodi). Axe you an ~loyee or officer ofthe County, any Cityin the County, the State, or the Federalgovemment? YesDNo~ A!eyou related by blood ot maniage to any employee Ot officer ofan agency which is subject to the Board, Comrilittee or Commission to which you are seeking appointment? Yes DNo IKl Axe there any facts of which you are aware that would cause you to have an actual or apparent conflict of interest with tespect to the position to which yuu are seeking appointment? YesDNolKI If ''Yes", you will be asked to submit the facts in writing for review before yout consideration of appointment. Have you ever been convicted of a felony which would disqualify you from appointment? YesDNolKI .If you answer ''Yes'', please list the nature of the conviction and the date and court in which the conviction was entered. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ----- - ------------- ----- - - - • If you are appointed, you may be tequired t:o be bonded fot yOUt perfonnance. Ifyou are appointed and cannot be bonded as required, your appointment will be revoked. • If you desire a petsorial interview or wish to address the Board of Supervisors, you may contact the Board Office directly at (209) 468-3113. • . If you ytOPtovide additional information, please attach it to this application. {t1 ~/~ SI ATiJRE"---- Please retum application to: ~ c;jt'ej/-f DATE Clerk of the Board 44 N. San Joaquin Street, Suite 627 Stockton, CA 95202 If you have any questions, please feel free to call the Clerk of the Board Office at (209) 468-2350. Revised APRIL 2013 Page 2 Grand jury sets new standard I Page 1 of 1 News GRAND JURY SETS NEW STANDARD By The Record June 20, 2013 The outgoing San Joaquin County grand jury is to be commended for drilling down on the subjects it tackled, from how Stockton got into bankruptcy to group homes. Its reports revealed a depth of understanding and an eye for detail lacking in reports of many past juries. Reports in previous years often were so amateurish that responding agencies knew they could get away with a the-jury'srecommendation-is-being-addressed response. That really meant the jury's recommendations were being ignored. The county's 2012-13 panel was different. Their reports in most cases indicated they asked questions not only until they got answers but also until they understood. Especially outstanding was their analysis of how group homes operate in the county. State officials, for example, started doing their job only after jurors kept pestering them for information (although it's not clear they'll keep doing their job). The jurors' work and recommendations deserve a serious consideration by the agencies and those running the programs they studied. One suggestion we'd make is that the incoming grand jury, impaneled Monday, not be bashful about following up on the investigations their predecessors undertook. Such follow-up would not only be a tip of the hat to those who came before but also a clear signal to those previously investigated that the grand jury reports cannot be viewed as just a nuisance to be ignored. http://www.recordnet.comlapps/pbcs.dlllarticle?AID=/20130620/A_ NEWS/306200314&ci... 6/28/2013 '(!Cbe $uperior QCourt of QCalifornia QCountp of $an jfoaquin Hon. George J. Abdallah, Jr. Judge ofthe Superior Court June 17,2013 Dr. William Egeslton 1240 Holly Berry Court Manteca, CA 95337 Dear Dr. Egeslton: Please accept this expression of gratitude on behalf of the Superior Court, County of San Joaquin for your service as a member of the San Joaquin County Civil Grand Jury. I did not want your term to conclude without acknowledging the important contributions you made to the administration of justice by performing your duties as Grand Jurors. For many, if not all, our Grand Jurors, contributing the number of hours you spent doing the tedious sifting of evidence, paying careful attention to witnesses and carrying out thoughtful deliberations was a severe imposition on your busy schedules. For that reason, it has always been, and will continue to constitute a major sacrifice on the part of citizens such as you to serve the community in this fashion. Accordingly, you are to be commended for your understanding of the important role the Grand Jury plays in the administration of justice, and for your willingness to undertake the burdens of citizenship involved in insuring that the protections of the Grand Jury function are not lost. Your commitment to these principles and demonstrated determination to secure the integrity of our system of justice reflect honor on yourselves and the community in which you reside. I ,~a~ HON. GEORGE J. ABDALLAH, JR. Judge of the Superior Court and Advisor Judge to the San Joaquin County Grand Juries GJA:tlm 222 E. Weber Avenue, Room 303, Stockton, CA 95202 • (209) 468·2827 BOB ELLIO'rr Chairman Fifth District BOARD OF SUPERVISORS CARLOS VILLAPUDUA Vice Chairman First District 44 N, SAN JOAQUIN S'l'REET, SUI'I'E 627 S'rOCK1'ON, CALIFORNIA 95202 'rELl";PHONI':: 209/46f\-3113 FAX; 2.09/468-3694 MIMI DUZENSKI Clerk of the Board FRANK 1.. RUI-ISTAIJ.I-.:R Second District STEVE]. BES'I'OLARIDES Third District SAN JOAQUIN COUNTY APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO BOARDS/COMMISSIONS/COMMITTEES KEN VOGEL Fourth District l~ARVfY WiLGfAMS NAME BOARD/COMMISSION/COMMITTEE r\~?t I Pi!~~ud!l:J 2-(,)(] Td~trd~h Alif-; JtuJc.t(;!!',cAtS2.Dlf SUPERVISORIAL DI TRICT (If IInknown, (ontact Clerk of tbe Board) RESIDENCE AD RE S (5-;J)1.(e ~'> J-~OJf') MAILING ADDRESS City /St/Zip , CATEGORY Please cbeck one: Incumbent 0 New Appointment ~ 109 ~J.j6,b-7ZB1 RESIDENCE PHONE l'e·6r.ei - fJlltt'V'(tUf Rd'e5'JOr! (JOP OCCUPATION BUSINESS ADDRESS n,d, FAX BUSINESS PHONE Briefly state how you learned of the opening: _...:s."-,.'1.±:td:~o:::Jdce.;C'Y\~L!.k..L''P.d.£.£.o.II~-d~_ _ _ _ _ __ Personal Interests & I-lobbies: $ ?AH>C _--,G",V-?'=-="<N "~ -'"""""'l7'1:- I''-;· =t--+;-,~ c=oc·'-~'-+-il:k cv--,- - - J,- ., d7- -_JL.-L..-\ _· - <J+- ", f\(>E'd -==&::..= Y-':· 3 Are you an employee or officer of the County, any City in the County, the State, or the Federal government? Yes D No IX1 Are you related by blood or marriage to any employee or officer of an agency which is subject to the Board, Committee or Commission to which you are seeking appointment? Yes D No 'lQ] Are there any facts of which you are aware that would cause you to have an actual or apparent conflict of interest with respect to the position to which you are seeking appointment? Yes D No ~ If "Yes" , you will be asked to submit the facts in writing for review before your consideration of appointment. Have you ever been convicted of a felony which would disqualifj' you from appointment? Yes DNo ~ If you answer "Yes/), please list the nature of the conviction and the date and court in which the conviction was entered. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ • If you are appointed, you may be required to be bonded for your performance. If you are appointed and cannot be bonded as required, your appointment will be revoked. • If you desire a personal interview or wish to address the Board of Supervisors, you may contact the Board Office direcdy at (209) 468-3113. • If you desire to provide additio nal information, please attach it to this application. !.': / SIGNATURE DATE I~ r0,., ;;91 Clerk of the Board 44 N. San Joaquin Street, Suite 627 Stockton, CA 95202 <=> . a- t- c: :z: I z:- ::0 rn () rn -0 < "'""'-. " :x rn !1jj~ Please return application to: -"" 1ft II,) W 0 .... 0 If you have any questions, please feel free to call the Clerk of the Board Office at (209) 468-2350. Revi sed AP RIL 2 013 Page 2 SAN JOAQUIN COUNTY BOARDS, COMMISSIONS & COMMITTEES COMMITTEE FACT SHEET NAME: HEALTH COMMISSION COMPENSATION: None. LEGAL AUTHORITY: Board Order B-93-1685 dated December 14, 1993; Board Order B94-1588 and Ordinance #3816 dated December 13, 1994; Board Order B-95-384 and B-95-385 dated April 11, 1995; Board Order B-95-1011 dated September 12, 1995; Ordinance #4309 dated December 12, 2006; Title 5, Division 7, Chapter 1, Sections 57100 – 5-7109; Division 9, Part 3, Chapter 7, Sections 1400014199.3 of the California Welfare and Institutions Code; and the California Knox-Keene Health Care Services Plan Act of 1975; B-05-1093; Bylaws. MEMBERSHIP, QUALIFICATIONS, & RESIDENCY REQUIREMENTS: 11 Members appointed by the Board of Supervisors: 2 - Board of Supervisor Members 1 - County Administrator or Designee 1 - Health Care Services Director 3 - Physicians Nominated by the San Joaquin County Medical Society of whom 1 must be a Physician representing the category of a traditional provider of Medi-Cal Services 1 - Physician Nominated by the Director of Health Care Services 1 - Representative of the Hospital Council of Central and Northern California Nominated by the Director of Health Care Services 2 - At-Large Community Representatives TERM: 3 Years DUTIES: The Commission will: oversee activities of the Health Plan of San Joaquin; establish policies; hire executive staff and supervise and evaluate their work; assure the fiscal integrity of the organization; appoint members to advisory committees; and be responsible for assuring that the goals of the Health Authority are met. MEETING DATE & LOCATION: 4th Wednesday of each month at 5:00 p.m. Health Plan of San Joaquin 7751 South Manthey Road French Camp, CA 95231 CONTACT PERSON: Sue Nakata, Executive Administrator Health Plan of San Joaquin 7751 South Manthey Road French Camp, CA 95231 (461-2257) Updated 11/14/2013 County of San Joaquin - Boards, Commissions & Committees (v.0.1) - Roster - Library Page 1 of 1 HEALTH COMMISSION SAN JOAQUIN COUNTY Board Contact & Phone Number Sue Nakata, Executive Administrator; Health Plan of San Joaquin; 7751 South Manthey Road; French Camp, CA 95231 ; (2094612257); [email protected] Incumbent Category/Appointed By Appointed TERM Villapudua, Carlos Board of Supervisors Board of Supervisors 1/7/2014 01/07/2014 12/31/2014 Bestolarides, Steve Board of Supervisors ExOfficio Member Board of Supervisors 1/7/2014 01/07/2014 12/31/2014 Ruhstaller, Larry Board of Supervisors ExOfficio Member Board of Supervisors 1/7/2014 01/07/2014 12/31/2014 LeVeck, John Community Representative Board of Supervisors 1/25/2011 01/17/2011 01/17/2014 Kirkpatrick, Mike Community Representative Board of Supervisors 4/3/2012 01/10/2012 01/10/2015 ROSE, Chris County Administrator Designee Board of Supervisors 6/25/2013 PERM APPT. Cohen, Ken Health Care Services Director ExOfficio Member Board of Supervisors 2/8/1994 PERM APPT. JENSEN, Brian Hospital Council of Central and Northern California Representative Board of Supervisors 7/9/2013 01/16/2013 01/16/2016 Saadat, M.D., Moshen San Joaquin County Health Care Services Director Nominee Board of Supervisors 3/12/2013 01/16/2013 01/16/2016 VU, Gentry Joseph San Joaquin County Medical Society Nominee Board of Supervisors 3/26/2013 01/16/2013 01/16/2016 Herrera, Michael San Joaquin County Medical Society Nominee Board of Supervisors 5/20/2014 01/17/2014 01/17/2017 Primack, Marvin H. San Joaquin County Medical Society Nominee Board of Supervisors 2/14/2012 02/14/2012 02/14/2015 http://sjcvmwebapp1/boardscomm/rptRoster.aspx 6/11/2014
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