ULTEO OPEN VIRTUAL DESKTOP V4.0.2 INSTALLING OVD GATEWAY ON UBUNTU 12.04 (PRECISE PANGOLIN) Ulteo Open Virtual Desktop v4.0.2 Contents 1 Prerequisites 3 1.1 System requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1.2 sudo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2 Package Configuration 2.1 4 Online Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 3 Package Installation 5 4 Web Portal Configuration 6 © ULTEO SAS - HTTP://WWW.ULTEO.COM 2014 - 1 Ulteo Open Virtual Desktop v4.0.2 The purpose of this document is to describe how to install an Ulteo OVD Gateway on a Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise Pangolin). The Ulteo OVD Gateway is part of the premium Edition . The premium Edition contains functionality on a commercial Open-Source basis. To activate the premium Edition, you need an Ulteo OVD Premium Edition Subscription Key. To upgrade to the OVD premium Edition, refer to the information here © ULTEO SAS - HTTP://WWW.ULTEO.COM 2014 - 2 Ulteo Open Virtual Desktop v4.0.2 Section 1 Prerequisites • An installed Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise Pangolin) system (x86 or amd64). • An Internet connection that provides HTTP access. • An Ulteo OVD Session Manager and Application Server installed and configured. The Gateway Server has to be a system dedicated for Ulteo OVD usage only. It may also host another Ulteo OVD server role. However, if multiple roles are installed on the same system, Ulteo does not guarantee that the system will work correctly. 1.1 System requirements • Evaluations/POCs: Minimum prerequisites are 1 CPU core and 1GB RAM • Production envrionments: Ulteo recommends a minimum of 2GB RAM and 2 CPU cores In this document, we are using sm.test.demo for the Session Manager address, aps.test.demo for the Application Server and web.test.demo for the Web Portal. You need to use the names that are configured for your own environment. 1.2 sudo On Ubuntu systems, we are not using the super user (root) to log in and install packages. It is recomended to use sudo. So there are two alternatives: either you think about adding sudo before each command you launch or you log in as root To log in as root: $ sudo -s © ULTEO SAS - HTTP://WWW.ULTEO.COM 2014 - 3 Ulteo Open Virtual Desktop v4.0.2 Section 2 2.1 Package Configuration Online Method The following method describes the repository process when your servers have access to the Internet. • Edit the /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ulteo_ovd.list file and add these lines: deb http :// archive . ulteo . com / ovd /4.0/ ubuntu precise main deb http :// archive . ulteo . com / ovd /4.0/ premium / ubuntu precise main Completing the Installation Process • Update the package database: # apt - get update GPG errors given by the previous command will be fixed in the next installation steps. They won’t prevent the installation from succeeding. • Install the keyring package to validate the repository using gpg: # apt - get install ulteo - keyring # apt - get update © ULTEO SAS - HTTP://WWW.ULTEO.COM 2014 - 4 Ulteo Open Virtual Desktop v4.0.2 Section 3 Package Installation • Install the package ulteo-ovd-slaveserver-role-gateway: # apt - get install ulteo - ovd - slaveserver - role - gateway • The only installation data required is the host/IP address of the Session Manager. (We use sm.test.demo here as an example, but of course, you have to specify your own domain name). The configuration is now done. The service should be started at the end of the installation and you should see the server appear in the unregistered server page of your Session Manager. © ULTEO SAS - HTTP://WWW.ULTEO.COM 2014 - 5 Ulteo Open Virtual Desktop v4.0.2 Section 4 Web Portal Configuration For security reasons, the Gateway doesn’t allow communication to the Web Portal by default. If you want to provide access to the Web Portal via the Gateway, you have to change the default configuration. Edit the slaveserver.conf file in /etc/ulteo/ovd/slaveserver.conf and change this line: # web_client = http [ s ]:// ip [: port ]/ You have to uncomment the variable and set the value to the URL of your Web Portal. For example: web_client = http :// webportal . test . demo / Now, restart the slaverserver service. # / etc / init . d / ulteo - ovd - slaveserver restart © ULTEO SAS - HTTP://WWW.ULTEO.COM 2014 - 6
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