Annual Executive Fire Oficers Section Meeting Fire Rescue International, Dallas Texas 15 August 2014 IAFC 2nd Vice President Candidates - Chief Thomas Jenkins and Chief Niles Ford campaign speeches Roll Call of Board Members: Chief Pat Kelly, Section Chair Chief Harold "Bud" Phillips, Vice Chair Chief Jo-Ann Lorber, Secretary/Treasurer Chief Joe Fahd, Director-at-Large Helen Johnson, Director-at-Large Chief Trey Mayo, Director-at-Large Chief Don Dominick, Director-at-Large Sharon Baroncelli, IAFC Staff Liaison Not in Attendance: Chief Ben Chlapek, retired (excused) Chief Jim Trainor, Director-at-Large Called to Order: Chief Kelly brought the meeting to order at 0830 hrs. Central Chair's Report: Presented how the EFO Section was formed from the National Society of Executive Fire Officers (NSEFO) Discussion on how Chief Metcalf and the entire Board of Directors at IAFC supported NSEFO becoming the EFO section Discussed that NSEFO set up the EFO Section Board with its current Board members In FY 2015 the Section will conduct elections for new officers to be seated at FRI in Atlanta The Board is working on establishing committees such as: NFA/EFO Symposium Committee; Membership and Elections Committee; and an Educational/Credentialing Committee Currently looking for a new Board Member/Director-at-Large to represent the Northwest Section IAFC President Chief Metcalf: Swearing in of all Board Members Discussed executive development for all executive leaders Stated that there is something beyond the Executive Fire Officers Program and we need to find that next level Vice Chair's Report: Discussed the changes that took place with NSEFO as he was a long time board member of NSEFO EFO Section needs to develop the next level for chief fire officers and to promote the organization (IAFC and EFO Section) Stated that the EFO Section purchased a brick in behalf of Chuck Burkell from the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation and placed it in the walk of honor at the NFA Secretary/Treasurer's Report: Reported that the EFO Section balance is $26,727.55. Board meeting minutes from July's conference call were presented. Shared that the EFO Section now has a Twitter account - @IAFC_EFO and encouraged everyone to participate Motion by Don Dominck and seconded by Helen Johnson to accept Treasurer's Report and July Meeting Minutes. Unanimous approval. Staff Liaison Report: Pins, Coins and Polo Shirts will be sold at the Pavilion and at the EFO Reception EFO Reception will be held this evening at 4:30 pm in room D161 Old Business: EFO Symposium updates from Committee Members - Chiefs Lorber and Mayo Chief Mayo stated that all the "Chuck Chats" have been established and all presenters have given their intro's to him The Symposium has a very tight schedule to follow Chief Lorber stated that there were six (6) award winners this year and the Don Manno Awards have been made and shipped to the NFA EFO Section has produced a plaque for Dr. Burt Clark to be given to him at the Symposium Banquet for his dedication to the EFO Program and the Fire Service The topic for the EFO Symposium is the Affordable Health Care Act - directive from USFA Ernie Mitchell Code of Ethics Plaque - has been updated at Framing Achievement to show that the EFO Section adopted New Business: Elections and By-Laws Review Committee - (Chair Helen Johnson, Committee Members - Trey Mayo and Ben Chlapek) Active/Non-Active Discussion - the committee recommends that Board Members can continue to serve if they have had had qualifying postions to be on the Board and have retired or have been relieved from their positions. ... a person should not lose their position on the Section Board if they continue to have needed expertise and qualifications to serve (active in fire service by teaching, mentoring, consulting, etc.). These positions will be reviewed by the Board on a case by case event. Article 3, Section 2 Board of Directors: "A" what is the definition of EFO Member? - In reviewing the IAFC By-Laws, we determined that there is specific language for the qualification and election of IAFC Board Members, but no language that specifies how Section Officers are selected nor qualifications that they must hold Article 6, Section 4 (Eligibility for election to Office) - no changes recommended Article 7, Section 1 - the committee feels that this is writtten in a way that if any inconsistency arise, there is already a remedy in place. No changes recommended Election Committee suggests that the terms of office shall be as follows: The Executive Board (Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary/Treasurer) shall be elected in 2015 and serve for a 2-yr term Positions 1 & 2 (Southwest and New England Directors-at-Large) shall be elected in 2015 Positions 3 & 4 (Northwest and Great Lakes Directors-at-Large) shall be elected in 2016 Positions 5 & 6 (Southeastern and Northeast Directors-at-Large) shall be elected in 2017 From then on, the cycle will be established to follow the current by-laws on the Section Motion by Helen Johnson and seconded by Bud Phillips to accept the by-laws and election committee's report. Passed unanimously. Specialty Board Members: Chief Kelly discussed the establishment of Specialty Board Members to assist in Education and Credentialing Education Specialty Board Member - Keith Padgett, CSU Credentialing - Reggie Freeman, CPSE Motion by Pat Kelly to appoint education and credentialing specialty board members to assist EFO Board of Directors and seconded by Joe Fahd. Passed unanimously. Discussion on formation of new committees: NFA/EFO Symposium Committee Credentialing/Education Committee Membership Committee Election and By-Laws Committee Will send out blast email looking for members to assist in establishing the new committees Chief Larry Grorud - IAFC Past President Congratulated the Board and members on the new Section formation and discussed two dichotomies - education and leadership? Chief Manny Fonsaco -Memphis Fire Department Discussed the Managing Company Officer Program at the NFA and how will the NFA incorporate that into the EFO Prgram and how will the EFO Section incorporate Chief Kelly stated that we are willing to work with the IAFC Professional Development and Company Officers Committees that have been established and that will work with the NFA Future EFO Symposium dates: Chiefs Kelly, Lorber, Mayo and Phillips will be meeting with Cortez Lawrence at the EFO Symposium to estbalish dates and assistance for future EFO Symposiums so that the committee can start planning Motion to adjourn at 0930 hrs (CST) by Chief Kelly and seconded by Chief Mayo. *** Board Meeting at EFO Symposium for those that are attending Next Conference call on Wednesday, September 10 at 1600 hrs EST Minutes Sumbitted by: Chief Jo-Ann Lorber, MPA, EFO, CFO EFO Section, Secretary/Treasurer
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