AGENDA #0914 Board Meeting Agenda Gaslamp Quarter Association Wednesday, June 25th, 2014, 3:30 PM San Diego Marriott Gaslamp Quarter | 8th Floor 660 K Street, San Diego, CA 92101 *Please turn your cell phone to vibrate* 3:30 PM 1. Roll Call – Darren Moore, Chair 2. Additions to the agenda 3. Non-Agenda Member/Public Comment (2 minutes maximum per speaker) 4. Liaison Reports SDPD – Officer Suzy De La Peña DSDP/PBID – Bahija Hamraz Council District 3 – Anthony Bernal County of San Diego – Sterling McHale (Ron Roberts) City Attorney’s Office – Melissa Ables 5. th State Assembly, 76 District – Dale Kelly Bankhead (Toni Atkins) GQH Foundation – Catalina Preskill th State Assembly, 39 District – Chris Ward (Marty Block) City of SD BID Advocate – Liz Studebaker Approval of the Minutes of the Board Meeting – Martin Gonzalez, Secretary a. May 28, 2014 6. Financial Report(s) – Jim Shaw, Treasurer a. May 2014 7. CONSENT AGENDA - These items represent topics, items and/or initiatives that are generally accepted and have a reasonable expectation of approval. In the interest of a more efficient meeting all of the items on the Consent Agenda are to be voted as a group without discussion or presentation. An item on the consent agenda can be removed by any member of the board for any of the following reasons: Public Comment, Desire to Discuss Matter in Length, Error in Supporting Materials, Lack of Proper Notice and/or Opposition to the Item. a. No items for consent 8. REGULAR AGENDA - (Public Comment accepted, 2 min max on each item as called by the Chair) a. FY15 GQA Annual Budget Review – Jim Shaw, Treasurer i. Discussion and approval b. FY15-16 Board Elections – Brandy Shimabukuro, GQA Staff i. Review and acceptance of ballot results ii. Review and acceptance of Committee Chair Recommendations c. FY15 GQA Executive Committee – Darren Moore, Chair i. Discussion of recommendations and approval 1 of 4 6/20/2014 614 5th Ave, Suite E | San Diego, California 92101 | 619.233.5227 | FAX 619.233.4693 d. Does the Board of Directors accept the results of the GQA Events Producer RFP process and authorize the GQA Staff to contract with the finalist? – Jimmy Parker, Executive Director e. Does the Board of Directors approve the commitment of 50% of the 2014 Shamrock partnership funds to the “2014 Parking Day” promotion scheduled for Friday, September 19th? – Darren Moore, Chair f. Does the Board of Directors authorize the GQA staff to lend a greater level of direct support to the 2015 Shamrock through the following ways; Drafting and Layout Services, Advertising on Website, E-Blasts and Kiosks (pending availability)? – Jimmy Parker, Executive Director g. Does the Board of Directors approve the following application(s) for GQA Associate Membership? – Alex Ward, GQA Staff i. Bub’s at the Ballpark- (10-50 Employees = $550) a. 715 J Street, #102, San Diego, CA 92101 ii. Pacific Magazine - (1-9 Employees = $275) a. 2165 San Diego Avenue, San Diego, CA 92110 b. Kevin Sheehan – Representative 9. INFORMATIONAL AGENDA (NO ACTION TO BE TAKEN. Public Comment accepted, 2 min max on each item as called by the Chair) a. Dash and Dine Gaslamp 5K – Jim Shaw, Race Committee Chair i. Volunteer Needs (75) 10. WRITTEN AGENDA a. May 2014 Marketing Reports b. Clean & Safe Monthly Report & Newsletter (June) 11. REPORT OF THE CHAIR – D. Moore a. FY15 Board Retreat – Darren Moore, Chair i. Wednesday, August 6th, 2014 ii. Discussion of recommendations and approvals 12. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S REPORT – J. Parker a. Website + Branding Project Initiation th b. Street Light Outage on 4 Avenue (800 Block)- Repaired th c. Street Light 6 & Market St.(Pole Missing: Circuit Severed) - Ongoing th d. SDPD & SDFD – Hospitality Public Safety Forum (June 17 ) e. FY15 Events – Early Submissions for Fall Events & CEQA Requirements f. Comic Con – Banners + g. LUP Committee Transition h. $2 Tuesdays Approvals/Contracting i. Taste of Gaslamp 2014 – Saturday Only j. Golf Tournament 2014 – Wrap-up k. Amgen Tour of California 2015 l. SDTA Support – Mering-Carson 2015 Ad Concepts Presentation m. Kiosk Program Upgrade Initiative n. FY14 SBEP City Fees Offset Submission o. SD Padres Fall & Winter Events p. Kiosk Maintenance & Repair 2 of 4 6/20/2014 614 5th Ave, Suite E | San Diego, California 92101 | 619.233.5227 | FAX 619.233.4693 13. REPORT OF THE LAND USE & PLANNING COMMITTEE – M. Sewell/P. De Bartolo a. Tuesday, June 10, 2014 – No Quorum b. Former Marble Room – General discussion with no action th i. 535 5 Avenue ii. Awning, Façade, Sidewalk Café and Rooftop Lounge c. Lou & Mickey’s – Not ready, pulled from agenda th i. 224 5 Avenue ii. Awning with Signage, Façade d. NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, July 8, 2014 14. REPORT OF THE HOSPITALITY COMMITTEE – S. Bosier/N. Wing a. Tuesday, June 17, 2014 (Location: Hilton Gaslamp Quarter) i. EVENTS & MARKETING OPPORTUNITIES a. Dash & Dine Gaslamp 5K – Thursday, July 3, 2014 at 7:00pm b. Call for Content – Con-Themed Promotions, Specials & Events – July 23 – 27, 2014 (DEADLINE for SDTA Inclusion: 5/23/14) c. Fifth Avenue Auto Showcase – Sunday, October 12, 2014 ii. UPCOMING IN THE COMMUNITY a. BIO International Convention: 6/23/14 – 6/26/14 | Expected Attendance: 16,500 b. BIO International Convention Block Party: 6/25/14 | Expected Attendance: 3,100 c. Esri International User Conference: 7/14/14 – 7/18/14 | Expected Attendance: 14,500 d. San Diego Comic Con 2014: 7/24/14 – 7/27/14 | Expected Attendance: 130,000 iii. PUBLIC SAFETY FORUM a. Capt. Brian Ahearn, San Diego Police Department (SDPD) Central Division b. Lt. Dan Douglas, SDPD Downtown Lieutenant c. Sgt. Patrick Vinson, SDPD Gaslamp Quarter Bike Team d. Lt. Darryl Hoover, SDPD Vice e. Sgt. Jason Weeden, SDPD Vice f. Ofcr. Bruce Getz, SDPD Vice g. Ofcr. Mark McCullough, SDPD Traffic h. Ofcr. Suzy de la Peña, SDPD Central Division, Community Relations i. Deputy Chief/Fire Marshal Douglas Perry, San Diego Fire-Rescue Department b. NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, July 15, 2014 (Location: TBD) 15. REPORT OF THE SPECIAL EVENTS COMMITTEE – L. McFarlane/G. Oggel a. Thursday, June 19, 2014 – (GQA Staff – Jimmy Parker Chaired) i. The Haunted Hotel – Robert Bruce of The Haunted Hotel INITIAL PRESENTATION Event Contact: Robert Bruce, (619) 231-0131 Varied dates and times from September 26th through November 1st 2014 Sidewalk Impacts: West side of 4th Avenue, between G and Market Streets i. 22nd Year of the event. Same plan as the previous 5 years. “Don’t fix what has been working”. Additional outreach to Werewolf (New Business). Discussion of Co-op marketing with the hotels and other members, especially on non-weekend days. All in attendance was supportive. Back on July 17th for final presentation. ii. Dash & Dine Gaslamp 5K –Gaslamp Quarter Association Staff FINAL PRESENTATION Thursday, July 3, 2014 3 of 4 6/20/2014 614 5th Ave, Suite E | San Diego, California 92101 | 619.233.5227 | FAX 619.233.4693 Event Contact: Rachel Hiner, Sandy Feet Events and Brandy Shimabukuro, Gaslamp Quarter Association, (619) 233-5227 Street Closures: 5th Avenue, between E and L Streets 7th Avenue/Tony Gwynn Drive, between J Street and Park Blvd 8th Avenue, between E Street and Island Avenue 9th Avenue, between Island Avenue and J Street 10th Avenue, between J Street and Park Blvd E Street, between 5th and 8th Avenues Island Avenue, between 8th and 9th Avenues J Street, between 5th and 10th Avenues Park Blvd, between Tony Gwynn Drive and 10th Avenue 6:00pm to 9:00pm or better Projected Attendance: 1,500 (limited to 3,000) General discussion of route and co-op opportunities. Updates on community noticing through direct to Gaslamp Merchants (Alex Ward) 92101 Residential Mailing (Brandy Shimabukuro) and East Village Association (Jimmy Parker). No quorum for vote, but all assembled were supportive and enthusiastic on the GQA’s direction. b. NEXT MEETING: Thursday, July 17, 2014 16. URGENT NON-AGENDA ITEMS – (Action items must meet requirements of Government Code Section 54954-2) 17. MEETING ADJOURNMENT The Board of Directors may take action on any item included in this agenda unless the item is specifically designated as an “INFORMATION ITEM”. The entire Board packet, which includes staff reports and supporting documents on each item, is available for viewing in the reception area of the Gaslamp Quarter Association offices located at 614 Fifth Avenue, Suite E during normal business hours, and Monday through Friday 9am to 5pm. Copies of the Board packet or specific items may be obtained during those hours. NEXT MEETING: Annual Retreat Wednesday, August 6th, 2014 (All Day) Wednesday, September 24, 2014, 3:30 PM San Diego Marriott Gaslamp Quarter 660 K Street, San Diego CA 92101 4 of 4 6/20/2014 614 5th Ave, Suite E | San Diego, California 92101 | 619.233.5227 | FAX 619.233.4693
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