SREE SOWDAMBIKA COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING (An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Institution) CHETTIKURICHI - 626 134, ARUPPUKOTTAI. Tel: 04566 – 223953, 229817 Fax: 04566 – 228232 SSCE NEWSLETTER Until You Triumph... July 2014 E-mail: [email protected] Vol. 5 Issue 07 website: EDITORIAL BOARD Dr.M. Sivakumar Principal Editor-in-Chief Dr.K. Arulmozhi Advisor Editor K.S. Srinivas Asst. Prof. / English Associate Editor MEMBERS M. Barathiraja Asst. Prof. / English D. Ramesh Asst. Prof. / Humanities Technical Support S. Soundaiyan Lab Tech. / English Mad(k)e Weak by time and fate But Strong in Will, To Strive, to seek, to find… And not to yield” - Tennyson South Asia AN ISO 9001 : 2008 From the Editorial Board: The ‘Sidhathantha’ of democracy is to provide equal rights to all citizens. But now a days this democracy has changed its dimension and paves the way to categorize two types of people, one is Haves and the other one is Have Nots. For Haves the law of democracy bends, For have not's the law of democracy rigids. Among all, discrimination in education is spreaded all over the country, and it is unpardonable. The government has launched uniform education in the previous years. It's motto is to provide uniform curriculum to all children. Of course, we all should appreciate and applaud the government for bring this scheme into practice. Has the moto been fulfilled? Certainly not, all the students are studying the same curriculum, but all the students are not studying in the same environment. On one hand, students are grooming with smart screens, white boards, tablets and Wi-Fi connections, on the other hand the students of have not's are studying without having the basic teaching tools such as black board, sitting benches and class rooms. Still most of the class rooms in rural areas are functioning under the trees. Their books have been upgraded but not their learning environment. The infrastructures of private schools are doubled than government schools. The other important issue is shortage of teachers in government schools. In most of the govt. schools a language teacher teaches social science and in turn a social science teacher teaches English classes, such cases are not found in private schools. In private schools the latent talents of students are carefully monitored and many value added courses are being conducted to them after the school hours, while the Govt. schools are emptied after the school hours. Make the word 'uniform' meaningful by providing equal learning environment. When a single person or single a trust doing wonders in school education; why not the giant government? M. BARATHIRAJA SSCE Newsletter Vol.5 Issue 07, July 2014 Department of Computer Science and Engineering Ms.K. Ramya AP / CSE Mrs.S. Sudha AP / CSE Mr.G. Shivaji Rao AP / CSE Ms.N. Sujitha AP / CSE Ms.K. Ramya, Mrs.S. Sudha, Mr.G. Shivaji Rao and Ms.N. Sujitha, AP/CSE attended a seven day National Level Short Term Training Programme on “Mobile Application Development using Android and ios” at nd th Sri Eshwar College of Engineering, Coimbatore during 2 - 8 June 2014. Mr.V. Ramachandran Mr.G.Vadivel Murugan AP / CSE AP / CSE Mr.V.Ramachandran and Mr.G.Vadivel Murugan, AP/CSE attended a seven day National Level Faculty Development Programme sponsored by Anna University, Chennai on “CS2303Theory of Computation” at Sethu Institute of Technology, th th Kariapatti during 12 - 18 June 2014. Mr.K.Mathan Kumar and Mr.G.Vadivel Murugan, AP/CSE attended a one day National Level Workshop on “Cyber Security” at Kamaraj College of Engineering & Technology, Virudhunagar on 9th June 2014. Mr.K. Mathan Kumar Mr.G.Vadivel Murugan AP / CSE AP / CSE Mrs.S.Sudha, Ms.N.Sujitha, Mr.M.Senthil Kumar, Mr.S.Sakkaravarthi, Ms.K.Ramya, Mr.G.Shivaji Rao, Mrs.K.Rajeswari and Mr.G.Vadivel Murugan, AP/CSE attended a National Level Online Certification on “Spoken Tutorial - PHP and MYSOL” at IIT, Bombay via online on 19th June 2014. Mr.G. Shivaji Rao, AP/CSE attended a eight day National Level ISTE-SRM Sponsored Short Term Training Programme on “High Speed Network” at National th th Engineering College, Kovilpatti during 9 - 16 June 2014. Mr.G. Shivaji Rao AP / CSE Paper Published in the International Journals Mr.S. Sakkaravarthi, AP/CSE Published a paper on “SVM Based Intelligent System For Classification Of MRI Brain Images” in the International Journal of Wisdom Interdisciplinary Soceity of Engineers, Vol.1, Issue 1, June 2014. Mr.S. Sakkaravarthi AP / CSE Everything goes wrong all at once. 76 SSCE Newsletter Vol.5 Issue 07, July 2014 Selvi.P.Selvi, Selvi.M.Vinitha, Selvi.A.Revathi, Selvi.M.Sharmila Devi, Selvi.P.Suganya, Selvi.P.Sumathi, Selvi.R.Saranya, Selvi.A.V.B.Shanmuga Priya, Selvi.D.Nethra Gowri Devi and Selvan.P.Dinesh Kumar of Final Year CSE underwent an In-Plant Training on “SDLC, Flash, Photoshop, Web Hosting and Dreamweaver” at Uniq Technologies, Chennai during 12th - 16th June 2014. Selvi.Ra.Sangavi and Selvi.V.Deepa of Final Year CSE underwent an In-Plant Training on “Android” at Elysium Technologies, Coimbatore during 11th - 16th June 2014. Selvi.S.S. Sivasankari of Third Year CSE underwent an In-Plant Training on “Recent Technologies-Cloud Computing, Android and Java” at HCL, Chennai during 26th - 28th June 2014. Selvan.A.Marieswaran, Selvan.R.Sankar Ramkumar, Selvan.U.Mohamed Khaja Mohaideen and Selvan.B.Bala Subramanian of Third Year CSE underwent an In-Plant Training on “Web Tool and Soft Tool” at Uniq Technologies, Chennai during 13th - 17th June 2014. Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Lieutenant.J. Ganesan AP / EEE Lieutenant.J. Ganesan, AP/EEE published a paper on “Energy Efficient DC Shunt Motor Fed Drives” in the International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Science, pp.12-17, April 30, 2014 and also he publised on “Improvement of Efficiency and Thermal Withstanding Capacity of Single Phase Induction Motor” in the International Journal of Academic Essays, pp.10-15, June 2014. Selvan. G.Karthikeyan Selvan. A.Marirajan Selvan. R.Mohamed Sahirul Saman Selvan. V.Rajasekaran A state level project presentation ICTACT STUDENT INNOVATOR AWARD 2014 was organized by the ICTACT on 14th June 2014. Our college students participated and won the second place in the category of Electrical and nd Electronics. Out of 1536 projects our students’ project bagged 2 place entiled as “Analysis of Efficiency and Thermal Withstanding Capacity of Al2O3 Nano Coated Three Phase Motor”. The project presenters are Selvan.G.Karthikeyan, Selvan.A.Marirajan, Selvan.R.Mohamed Sahirul Saman and Selvan.V.Rajasekaran (2010-2014 Batch) of EEE. The Award is being distributed by Shri. Lakshminarayanan, Vice-Chairman, CTS, Chennai at La De Meridian, Coimbatore. Mr.Kesavan, Chairman, K7 Computing, Chennai and Shri.M.Sivakumar, Chief Executive Officer, ICTACT along with Participates, Lieutenant.J.Ganesan, AP/EEE and Prof.P. Manikandan, HOD/EEE - a view. Selvan.R. Mohamed Sahirul Saman is presenting his team’s project in front of the Jury Members of ICTACT - a view. Never say “Oops” always say “Ah, interesting!” 77 SSCE Newsletter Vol.5 Issue 07, July 2014 Selvan.N.Jeyakumar, Selvan.B.Dhilip and Selvan.S.Velmurugan of the Final Year EEE students th th underwent an In-Plant Training at Neyveli Lignite Corporation during 17 - 24 June 2014. Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Mr.S.Chinna Muniyandi, AP/ECE attended a thirteen day Faculty Development and Training Programme on “Entrepreneurship” at Vellore Institute of nd th Technology, Vellore during 2 - 14 June 2014. Mr.S. Chinna Muniyandi AP / ECE Mrs.R.Sathiyakala and Mrs.R.Sasikala, AP/ECE attended a three day workshop on “Communication System Design Workshop using NI Platform” at Thiyagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai during 16th - 18th June 2014. Mrs.R. Sathiyakala AP / ECE Mrs.R. Sasikala AP / ECE Mr.R.Karthik Kumar, AP/ECE attended a seven day Anna University Sponsored Programme on “Electronic Circuits-I” at PSR Engineering College, rd th Sivakasi during 23 - 29 June 2014. Mr.R. Karthik Kumar AP / ECE Paper Published in the International Journals Mrs.S. Bama AP / ECE Mrs.S. Bama, AP/ECE Published a paper on “Despeckling of Medical Ultrasound Kidney Images in the Curvelet Domain using Diffusion Filtering and MAP Estimation” in the International Journal of Signal Processing, Elsevier, Vol.103, pp. (230-241), 2014. Selvan.D.Karthick, Selvan.M.Karthikeyan, Selvan.R.A.Bharath Akash, Selvan.R.Pandiarajan, Selvan.B.Divakar, Selvan.A.Sathishkumar and Selvan.M.Mohan Dass of Final Year ECE underwent a two day Inplant Training in “Dairy Electrical Wing” at Aavin, The Madurai District Cooperative Milk Producer's Union Limited, Madurai th th during 26 - 27 June 2014. Make it sufficiently difficult for people to do something, and most people will stop doing it. 78 SSCE Newsletter Vol.5 Issue 07, July 2014 Department of Information Technology Prof.V. Ganeshkumar, HOD/IT attended a three day International Conference on “EARP:Energy-aware Anonymous Routing Protocol in MANET's” at Syed Ammal Engineering College, Ramanathapuram during 8th - 10th May 2014. Mr.V. Ganeshkumar HOD / IT Mr.A.Ramesh Kumar, AP/IT attended a one day National Level Seminar on “Research Issues & Challenges in Cloud Computing & Bigdata Analysis” at nd National Engineering College, Kovilpatti on 22 May 2014. Mr.A. Ramesh Kumar AP / IT Mr.J. Ramakrishnan, AP/IT attended a eight day National Level ISTE-SRM Sponsored Short Term Training Programme on “High Speed Network” at National th th Engineering College, Kovilpatti during 9 - 16 June 2014. Mr.J. Ramakrishnan AP / IT Department of Mechanical Engineering Selvan.V. Muthurama Muneeswaran, Selvan.R. Jeyaraman, Selvan.S. Ram Kumar and Selvan.A.Mohamed Anwardeen of Third Year Mechanical Engineering students underwent an In-Plant th st Training in Southern Railways, Madurai during 16 - 21 June 2014. Selvan.S.M. Vijaya Shankar of Third Year Mechanical Engineering students underwent an In-Plant th th Training at Ramco Cements, Virudhunagar during 16 - 20 June 2014. Selvan.V. Balamurugan of Third Year Mechanical Engineering students underwent an In-Plant Training at th st Aruna Steels and Alloys, Madurai during 17 - 21 June 2014. Selvan.B. Ravichandran, Selvan.S. Sheik Mohamed, Selvan.M. Vairamuthu of Third Year Mechanical th th Engineering students underwent an In-Plant Training at G.B. Engineering Enterprises, Trichy during 19 - 24 June 2014. Selvan.C. Maheswaran of Final Year Mechanical Engineering students underwent an In-Plant Training at th st Aruna Steels and Alloys, Madurai during 17 - 21 June 2014. Selvan.A. Alagar Raja, Selvan.J. Arun Raj, Selvan.S. Divakar, Selvan.M. Madhesh Karthick, Selvan.S.Raja Prabhu, Selvan.M. Mallaiya Raj and Selvan.A. Grithar of Final Year Mech students underwent rd th an In-Plant Training at Tuticorin Thermal Power Station, Thoothukudi during 23 - 27 June 2014. Selvan.S.Kowshik, Selvan.S.Suresh and Selvan.M.Vadivel Murugan of Final Year Mech students th st underwent an In-Plant Training at Hindhuja Foundaries, Chennai during 14 - 21 June 2014. Selvan.R.Rajendra Prabhu and Selvan.P.Serma Ganesh of Final Year Mechanical Engineering students underwent an In-Plant Training at TVS Srichakra, Madurai during 18th - 25th June 2014. Only when you accept the rules of freedom can you call yourself free. 79 SSCE Newsletter Vol.5 Issue 07, July 2014 Department of Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering Selvan.S. Anand, Selvi.M. Anantha Lakshmi, Selvi.M. Aruljothi, Selvan.V. Karthick Raj, Selvan.Mohamed Azharudeen, Selvan.N. Senthil Kumar and Selvan.M. Balaji of Second Year EIE students th st underwent an In-Plant Training at Rail Net Software Solutions during 16 - 21 June 2014. Department of Science & Humanities Paper Published in the International Journals Mr.B. Rameshkumar and Mrs.S. Buvaneswari, AP/Maths Published a paper on “A Novel Approach for Bi-objective Fuzzy Transportation Problem Using Testing of Hypothesis” in the International Journal of Applied Mathematics (Recent Science Publications) Vol.27, Issue 1, pp.1294 -1300. Mr.B. Rameshkumar Mrs.S. Buvaneswari AP / Maths AP / Maths Mr.D. Ramesh, AP/Humanities Published a paper on “Financial Inclusion: Need of the Hour” in the National Journal of ‘Facts For You’- Vol. 33, Issue 9, pp. 23 -26, June 2014. Mr.D. Ramesh AP / Humanities Industry Institute Interaction Cell (IIIC) Selvan.V. Gopi, Selvan.P. Ramakrishnan, Selvan.C. Vignesh and Selvan.A. Vijay of Third Year Civil Engineering students underwent an In-Plant Training at Kartya Constructions Pvt. Ltd., Madurai during 9th - 23rd June 2014. Selvi.M. Jeyasri, Selvi.R. Nandhini, Selvi.R. Sudha and Selvi.K.Vaishali of Third Year Civil th th Engineering students underwent an In-Plant Training at Southern Railway, Arasaradi, Madurai during 11 - 24 June 2014. Selvan.S. Velmurugan, Selvan.B. Dhilip and Selvan.N. Jeyakumar of Third Year EEE students underwent an In-Plant Training at Neyveli Lignite Corporation Limited, Neyveli during 17th - 24th June 2014. Selvi.G. Ancy Prabha, Selvi.P. Malathi, Selvi.C. Pandy Selvi, Selvi.Pu. Raenukaa and Selvi.B.Subameenal of Third Year ECE students underwent an In-Plant Training at Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited, Karaikal during 30th June - 4th July 2014. Selvan.B. Ravichandran, Selvan.S. SheikMohamed and Selvan.M. Vairamuthu of Second Year Mechanical Engineering students underwent an In-Plant Training at G.B. Engineering Enterprises Pvt. Ltd., Tiruchirappalli during 19th - 20th June 2014. Selvan.B.Rajendra Prabhu and Selvan.P. Serma Ganesh of Third Year Mechanical Engineering th th students underwent an In-Plant Training at TVS Tyres, Madurai during 18 - 25 June 2014. Selvan.V.Balamurugan of Second Year and Selvan.C. Maheswaran of Third Year Mechanical th th Engineering students underwent an In-Plant Training at Aruna Alloy Steels, Madurai during 17 - 24 June 2014. No one will listen until you make a mistake. 80 SSCE Newsletter Vol.5 Issue 07, July 2014 Selvan.K. Rajthilak of Third Year and Selvan.M. Mareeswaran of First Year Civil Engineering students underwent an In-Plant Training at Ultra Tech Cements, Chennai during 18th - 24th June 2014. Selvan.S. Kowshik, Selvan.S. Suresh and Selvan.M. Vadivelmurugan of Third Year Mechanical Engineering Underwent an In-Plant Training at Hinduja Foundries, Chennai during 18th - 24th June 2014. Placement And Training Cell (PAT) PSYCHOSYMBOLOGY A blessed and panoramic Motivation programme on “PSYCHOSYMBOLOGY” was organized by the PAT (Placement And Training Cell) of our college on 20th June 2014. Dr. V.P. Ravichandran a divine and devoted personality also the Chief Consultant, Free Hospital, Aravind Eye Hospital, Madurai delivered his valuable address to the staff of our college. A serene and scintillating atmosphere was bloomed through his speech. Dr. B. Ravi Babu, Secretary, Shri.C. Sundaramoorty, Former Secretary and Dr.M. Sivakumar, Principal of our college honoured the Chief Guest with pious and pride. Through the delivery of the Chief Guest the audience were administered the values and goals of life. Mr.P. Pechimuthu AP / Mech. Mr.A.S. Satheesh Kumar Mr.M. Saravana Kumar AP / Mech. AP / Mech. Mr.P.Pechimuthu, Mr.A.S.Satheesh Kumar and Mr.M.Saravana Kumar, AP/Mech. of our college had been to a three day Exposure Visit to Komatsu India Pvt. th th Ltd., Chennai during 9 - 11 June 2014. STAFF CLUB The SSCE Staff Club organized a programme on “Manavalakalai Yoga” in the Conference Hall on 24th June 2014. Mr.Jyothi Mani, Managing Trustee and Mr.Gnanasekar, Secretary, Manavalakalai Mandram Trust, Aruppukottai were the Chief Guests. To have a grievance is to have a purpose in life. 81 SSCE Newsletter Vol.5 Issue 07, July 2014 MATRICULATION SCHOOLS PRINCIPALS’ MEET The Principals’ meeting for Matriculation School th held on 24 June 2014 in Sree Sowdambika College of Engineering. One Hundred and Sixty Principals of Virudhunagar and Thoothukudi Districts Matriculation Schools attended and graced the meeting. Shri. Pitchai, Director, Tamilnadu Matriculation Schools was the Chief Guest of the meeting and addressed the principals of Matriculation Schools. Dr.M.Sivakumar, Principal / SSCE and Shri. Balasubramanian, Principal / SSCMHS graced the occasion by organizing the same. TALES AND PARABLES OF SRI RAMAKRISHNA The Stench of Worldliness "Once a fisherman’s wife was a gue st in a gardener's house. She was asked to sleep in a room full of flower s. But she couldn't get any sleep ther e. She was restless and began to fidget about. The gardener's wife asked her : 'Hello there! Why aren't you asleep?' 'Oh, I don't know', said the fisherman’s wife. 'There are flowers here. The sm ell keeps me awake. Can't you bring me my fish-basket?'. When she got her fish -basket, she sprinkled a little water in it, and taking the smell of the fish com ing from it, she fell fast asleep.” Worldly people are like this fisherma n’s wife. They are uneasy in the pure atmosphere that leads Godwar d and cannot do without the smell of worldy things. They do not want to sm ell the divine fragrance of meditation on God. NATURE OF GOD GOD has the nature of a child. by rt of his cloth. Many a person passes A child is sitting with gems in the ski gems y to him for gems. But he hides the him along the road. Many of them pra e, "No I will not give any away." But fac his ay aw g nin tur s say and s and h with his s ask for the gems, and yet the child run not oes d He . ng alo es com n ma her anot ging him to accept them. after him and offers him the gems, beg HOW A MONK KNEW THE TRUTH ABOU T GOD? A certain monk went to the temple of Jagann ath at Puri. He had doubts as to whether God is with form or without form. W hen he saw the holy image, he desired to examine it and settle his doubt. He passed his staff from the left to the right in order to feel if it touched the image. For a tim e, he could not see anything or feel anything with the staff. So he decided that God was without form. When he was about to pass the staff from the right to the left , it touched the image. So the monk decided that God is both with form and withou t form. Mr.A.D. Rameshbabu HOD / S&H Your articles and comments can also be sent to the following E-mail: [email protected]
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