Or Name of Deceased (Surname first) TAYLOR, Frank Address, description and date of death of Deceased 920 Chnstchurch Road, Bournemouth, Master Grocer 17th April 1969. WAINWRIGHT, Leonard Westward Ho' Hotel, Felixstiowe, Suffolk, District Commissioner, Foreign Office (Retired) 27th April Austin. 1969. Names, addresses and descriptions of Persons to whom notices of claims are to be given and names, in parentheses, of Personal Representatives Date before which notices of claims to be given George T. Richards & Morgan, 67 Souithbourne Grove, West Southbourne, Bourne- 31st July 1969 mouth, Solicitors {'Letitia Taylor.) (058) Steward, Vulliamy & Watkins, 17 Arcade Street, Ipswich, Solicitors Redvers Wamwrtght and David Michael Hastings Vulhamy.) (059) (Frederick 25th July 1969 FLETCHER, Arthur Frank 37 The Ridgeway, Herne, Herne Bay, Kent, Retired Westminster Bank Limited, Trustee and Income Tax Department, P.O. Box No 9, 25th July 1969 29 Earl Street, Maidstone, Kent. Company Director 5lh. May 1969. (060) VAN VEEN, Olive 12 St Andrews Road, Coventry, Warwickshire, Lloyds Bank Limited, Executor and Trustee Department, Lloyds Bank Chambers, 26th July 1969 George Row, Northampton Married. 5th May 1969. Constance. (061) GEUZETIAN, Nazaret Andon 50A Cambridge Street, London SW1, Retired Boot- Campbell Hooper & Austin Wright, 15 Jermyn Street, London S.W 1, Solicitors •(Elizabeth Irene McAleavy and James Austan Wright ) maker 31st January 1969. 28th July 1969 Derby, Campbell Hooper & Ausitin Wright, 15 Jermyn Street, London SW1, Solicitors (James Austan Wright and James Morrison Lickerish ) 28th July 1969 OLLERENSHAW, Kathleen St Andrew's, Wyedale View, Bakewell, Mary. Widow 24th April 1969. Shore Road, Littleborough, Lanes, formerly Barclays Bank Limited, Trustee Department, PO. Box 345, 10 Norfolk Street, Man- 1st August 1969 chester, or H 'R Fitton & Butler, 103 Long Street, Middleton, Manchester, Solicitors 64 Slyne Road, Bolton-le-Sands, Carnforth, Lanes. 3rd May 1969. LORD, Florence 60 NASSAU, Herbert John . 208 Princes Avenue, London N 13, Electrician April 1969 AUSTIN, Mary Eleanor... 268 Yew Tree Road, Fallowfield, Widow 16th April 1969. 21st Manchester, Hamilton-Hill & Partner 263 Green Lanes, London N 13, Solicitors. (Doris Nassau) 21st July 1969 Grover, Smith & Moss, 18-22 Lloyd Street, Manchester, M2 5LS, Solicitors. Cecil Jones ) (George 23rd July 1969 GREEN, Ernest Charles 50 Baglan Street, Treherbert, Glamorganshire, for- Edgar Cule and Evans, i!97 Ystrad 'Road, iPentre, Glam, Solicitors merly 41 Talbot Road, London W2, of no Green and James Harold Green) occupation (Retired) 1st March 1969 PYOTT, Alfred 6 Washfield Crescent, Treeton, Rotherham, Yorkshire, sHickmott & Co , " Mansfield House," 34 Mansfield 'Road, 'Rotherham, Solicitors (Midland Bank Executor and Trustee Company Limited.) Retired Insurance Agent 21st April 1969 21st July 1969 24 Birchdale Gardens, Chadwell Heath, Essex, Retired Lorry Driver 24th March 1969 26th July 1969 ADAMS, Albert (Oliver George 21st July 1969 Bates Son & Braby, Thames House, 1528 London Road, Leigh-on-Sea, Essex, Solicitors (Lilian Gladys Hearn ) (062) (063) (064) o sM I to o (065) (066) (067) vO ANDREW, Annie 57 Chatsworth Avenue, Winnersh, Reading, Berkshire, Kitsons, Easterbrook & Co , 2 Vaughan Parade, Torquay, Devon, Solicitors. (Barclays 26th July 1969 Bank Limited ) Widow 2nd May 1969 Luscombe ARCHDALE, Mabel Gorse Cottage, Hook, Hampshire, Spinster. 10th Lloyds Bank Limited, Executor and Trustee Department, 173-174 Friar Street, Reading, 31st July 1969 Berks, or Lamb Brooks & Bullock, 76 Bounty Road, Basmgstoke, Hants, Solicitors Elizabeth. May 1969. (068) (069) (070) (071)
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