CF{APTER 8. APPLIED PSYCHROMETRICS 1-149 ABBREVIATIONS adp SYMBOLS apparatu.sdewpoint BF (tsF)(OALH) (BF) (oAsH) (BF) (OATH) Btu/hr bypassfactor bypassedoutdoor air . bypassedourdoor air bypassedoutdoor air 'tsritiih thermal units clm6o clm6o cfntoo cfmro cfm"o latent heat sensibleheat total heat per hour cfm cubic feet per minute db dp div-bulb dewpoint ERLH ERSH ERTH ESHF effective room latent heat effective room sensibleheat efiective room total heat effective sensibleheat factor F fp* Fahrenheit degrees feet per minute gPm gr/lb GSHF GTH GTHS g a l l o n sp e r m i n u t e grains per pound grand sensibleheat factor grand total heat grand total heat supplement OALH OASH OATH outdoor air latent heat outdoor air sensiblehear outdoor air total heat rh RLH RLHS RSH RSHF RSHS RTH r-elativehumidity room Iatent heat room lateirt heat supplement room sensibleheat room sensitrleheat lactor room sensibleheat supplement room total heat SatEfi SHF saturation efficiencyof sprays sensibleheat factor TLH TSH total latent heat total sensibleheat wb wet-bulb h hoap h", h",, h,o h* hou h,,,, L"o L toap tedh t "ru t erob ttat Llw @ Atu condiliotiesr Goal,a,.y ttub tin too t,,, t"o W W*b Woo W"" Wto w* Woo wr;* W"o bypassedair quantity around appararus dehumidified air quantity outdoor air quantity return air ouantity sirpply air quantity specificenthalpy apparatus dewpoint enlhalpy effective surface temperature enthalpy entering air enthalpy leaving air enthalpy rnixtrrreof outdoor and return air enthalpy outdoor air enthalpy t'oom air enthalpy s u p p l ya i r e n t h a l p y temperature apparatusdewpoint temPeratu re cn tering dry-bu lb temperature effectivesurface temperature entering water temperature entering wet-bulb.temperature leaving dry-bulb remperarure leaving water temperature leaving wet-bulb temperature mixture of outdoor and return air dry-bulb temperature outdoor air dry.trulb temperature room dry-bulb temperature supply air dry-bulb temperarure moisture content or specifichumidity apparatus dewpoint moisture content entering air moisture content effectivesurface temperature moisture content leaving air moisture content mixture of outdoor and return air moisture content outdoor air moisture content room moisture content supply air moisture content PART I.:.LOA,D PSYCHROMETRIC FORMULAS (Outdoorond ReturnAir) A. AIRM|XINGEQUAflONS te m - (tf*o"X to) + (cfrnrnX t*) clm"" (itt,*x h^ _ hou)+ (cfmnax h,;) cfm"" (4 (2) W*) v v_n Gf*o,X. = f f i Woo) , ( 3* (cfm.,ox ) rrt RTH OASH OAI,H OATH (t0) (ll) =4;45f x cJm,6X(h--h,,o) =RSH+RI-H (12) (l3) = 1.08 x cftnoa(tqa- t*), = .68 X cfmoo(Woo- Wr*) - 4.45 x cfmoo(hoo- h,^) (14) (15) RSH + RLH ERSFI] E.RSH+ ERLH TSI-I GSHF = F : TSH + TLH ,TSif,,,a GTH ; : : ::r::, D. BYPASS FACTOR EQUATIONS r: ' gp = tno- toap teau - taitp t"uo-' ; 0 - BF) = teao - sp= !flw-;,(l-BF),n' Wro- - Wo6p haitp ; (l - BF)'= Wr* h h"a .(ro) (17) (BF)(oATH) = (BF)(oAsH) + (Br) (OALH) (18) ERSH = 1.08x cfm6o[x(t,*: t"il(l - Bf) OATH RSH ESI{F = ERSH = RSH + (BF) (oAsI{) + RSHS* (4} ERLrr - RLH + (BF) (OALrr) + RLHS* (5) E.RTH _ERL.H+ERSH (6) -RSH+OASH+RSHS* TSH (7) = RLH + OALH +'RLHS* TLH (8) GTH -TSH+TLH+GTHS* (e) RTH SENSIBLE HEATFACTOR RSHF = B. COOTINGTOADEQUATTONS -: 1.08tx 4m*x (t*- tse) RSH RLH .- .68tx,gfm,nx(W*-W,o) = 1.08X cfrnuolX(t"uu: .68x cfmu,! x (Weo- Wl = 4.45x cfm*lX,(huo- TSH TLH GTH =OASH+OALH ERLH = .68xc rndalx(W,--*,rr)A-g?) (?o) , ERTH = 4.45x$md"tx(h,*- hoo)U -.B,Ti *RSHS, RLHS and GTHS aie ,supplementary loads due to duct heat gain, duct leakageloss,fan and pump.horsqpower gains, etc. To simplify the various examples, these sup. plementar,y loads have not been used in the calculations. Hofiever, in aitual. practice, thesesupplementary loads should be ubedwhere appropriate. Chabter 7 gives the valuesfor the various supplementary loads.Frg. l,Chapter 1, illustiates the method of accounting for these supplementary loads on the air conditioning load estimate. lltern H, page .151,gives the derivation of these air constants. fWhen no air is to be physically bypassedaround the conditioning apparalus, cf moo = ctfr u. E. TEMPERATURE EQUATIONSAT APP.ARA tudb** = (fimo"x too)+ (cfn,ax t*)',: 4m*I tuv = ta6p * BF (t"db - toap) t"r6 and troDcorrespond t6 the calcu of.ho,and h1non the psychrometric 'L 'ea r** _ (cfrno"x hoo)+ (cf.mrox h,^) 4m"oI hu = hadp+ BE (h"r- hoao) ":: F. TEMPERATURE EQUATIONS FORSUPPIY tao= I'^- RSH LogGf*-t) **When tm, Wiltand h* are equal to the enterin$;,C.-a rat the cooling apparatus, they may be substituted: 'll .,1, roand.h*respectively. CHAPTER g, Rpp,rrEo,P.sIcHI(oMETRIcs r-151 . 4 . . : . . G. AIR QUANTITY EQUATIONS cfmao =cfffiro- cfrnao Note: be less than 1.08x (,1" Cfin6o, = cfu*l= cf.tnul ERTH 4.48x (l : BF) ('k*TSH L08(t"r- t") TLH ,: .68(W"o - Wt) cfm*l= GTH 4'.45(h:*- hrn) l1 ' l'.08,X.flr,i - f*o) Cllll,"n - cftn"o : RLH '.68 x (wr,,,-:wro) (37) huon) (38) (3e) (40) 1.08= .Z++x 90 r3.5 ' where i E: * *. F f } "60 = *i,,'7'iir'" " 1'3,5.,= specificvolumeof moistair at70Fdb and50l"gh , 6q 1076 .68= x r3.5 7000 (4.t) (43) ,244,=.s.pSqlfig t1eatoJ moist air at 70 F db and 6|Toth, : : where (44 hoo) (44) (46) H. DERTVATION Or IiN CONSTANTS 60 = rnin/h1 l3:5 : spec.ificvolume of rnoist air *t,'r.0 Fdb,and b0l6nt. 1076 =:averag,G heat tenrsval re',., q u i r e d t o c o n d e n s eo n e ,, pound of water vapor from 4.45=9.13.5 where, RTH 4.45 x (h,,,- cJ.rn"o only when ,efftL"o+.qfmon* cfrnro , RSIT , w.ill conditioning apparatus. ERIII 1!y7'-' W efm* (45) 6{ = min/hr 13.5:. specificvolumg of moist air at 70 F db and \tforh
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