GABI™ Motor Provides Superior At-Bit Technology for

Case History
Directional Drilling
GABI™ Motor Provides
Superior At-Bit Technology
for Real-Time Geosteering
on GOM Continental Shelf
Location: Gulf of Mexico
OPERATOR’S CHALLENGE – An operator drilling a pilot
hole in depleted shale and sandstone formations on the Gulf of
Mexico Continental Shelf required a high-angle build and hold
(>60 degrees) section for the 9-7/8-inch hole. The job required a
high-quality, smooth wellbore to improve running of liners and
per hour, with ZERO non-productive time or health, safety
completion strings and avoidance of non-production time (NPT)
and environment incidents. The GABI motor demonstrated an
associated with searching for a good pay zone. In addition, it was
enhanced capability for landing the curve and has the potential
critical to avoid nearby wells on the pad while drilling.
for further utilization.
HALLIBURTON’S SOLUTION – Sperry Drilling services
Inclination and azimuthal gamma readings from just behind
provided the GABI™ downhole drilling motor with real-time
the bit helped deliver a smoother wellbore and reduced the
at-bit azimuthal gamma ray and inclination measurements for
reaction time for making critical geosteering decisions. The
improved geosteering and optimum wellbore placement. The
wellbore was precisely positioned in the pay zone capturing
bottom-hole-assembly (BHA) also included a triple combo
more of the reservoir, and overall drilling efficiency was
M/LWD suite of sensors to capture enhanced lithology data.
improved by receiving immediate feedback on any changes in
Sperry Drilling also performed anti-collision services to address
gamma ray and inclination.
the tight well spacing on the pad.
The geologist was very pleased with the added benefit of seeing
The gamma ray sensor close to the bit allowed the operator see
the lithology around the tool continuously, even while sliding,
“further ahead” and the at-bit inclination measurement allowed
which eliminated the need to re-log sliding sections and
faster inclination updates. The GABI motor was used to help make
saved additional time. This successful project has opened up
geosteering decisions sooner than waiting for the M/LWD sensors
discussions for future lateral drilling on the GOM shelf.
located further back in the BHA to pick the lithology indicators.
SperryDrill® positive displacement motors with a GABI sensor
(1,509-meter) hole section was delivered as planned in a
mounted below the power unit deliver immediate feedback on
single run (eliminating additional BHA changes), drilling 100
directional trends and formation changes. The GABI sensor is
percent of the target sand. The interval was drilled in 43.5
located just behind the bit, providing two important measurements
drilling hours with an average rate of penetration of 114 feet
for improved geosteering and optimum wellbore placement.
By providing four independent gamma ray readings simultaneously
in four directions around the tool, the GABI sensor delivers full
wellbore coverage even in ‘sliding’ mode without the need to
orient the motor for up, down, left and right readings. Locating
the sensors close to the bit makes it possible to detect adjacent bed
boundaries before exiting the pay zone, and avoid wasting time
drilling non-productive footage. Inclination readings from just
behind the bit contribute to flatter, longer horizontals and more
accurate wellbore placement. The GABI motor is a powerful tool for
drilling long horizontal sections and staying in the pay zone for both
conventional and unconventional reservoirs.
© 2013 Halliburton. All rights reserved. Sales of Halliburton products and services will be in accord solely with the terms and conditions contained in the contract
between Halliburton and the customer that is applicable to the sale.
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