Ref: C0654 Economic feasibility of an innovative, welfare and environmental friendly dairy farming system R.P.J. (Rob) van Winden and P.W.G. Groot Koerkamp (Peter), Farm Technology Group Wageningen University, Wageningen, PO Box 317, NL-6700 AA G.W.J. (Gerard) Giesen, Business Economics Group - Wageningen University, Wageningen, PO Box 8130, NL-6700 EW H. Antonissen (Henk), Antonissen Agrarisch Advies, Leende, Halfeindschestraat 2b, NL-5595 AB A.P. Bos (Bram), Wageningen Livestock Research, Lelystad, PO Box 65, NL-8200 AB Abstract The goal for the Dutch dairy production sector is to produce in integrated sustainable production systems that involve economic, environmental, animal welfare and societal aspects. The recently developed Kwatrijn dairy husbandry system incorporates integrated solutions to achieve a higher level of animal welfare, lower emissions of ammonia and improved integration of the barn in the landscape. The measures include the segregation of urine and feces (keep urine and feces separated shortly after excretion), more space per cow, improved floor functionality and new barn design. Kwatrijn is developed by entrepreneurs, Wageningen UR and farmers. This research assessed the economic performance of Kwatrijn as compared to a conventional dairy husbandry system. An economic simulation model in Excel was d e v e l o p e d a n d used to assess the economic feasibility of a Kwatrijn dairy farm with a milk quota of 1,1 Mkg, and compared it with a conventional dairy husbandry system. Assumptions regarding herd performance, variable costs and fixed costs were based on Dutch standards and were included in a sensitivity analysis. The results showed that net farm income from the operation of Kwatrijn was approximately €10.000.- lower than for the conventional farm. This was partly caused by higher fixed costs due to higher investments and partly compensated by lower variable costs due to improved animal health and lower feed costs. Kwatrijn would be economically more attractive at higher farm intensities, at higher slurry disposal costs and at lower a l l o w e d nitrogen and phosphate application levels. These effects were caused by the segregation of manure that lowered manure disposal costs. A sensitivity analysis showed that highly influencing assumptions were culling age, living area per cow in Kwatrijn, farm intensity, phosphate and nitrogen application norms and i n v e s t m e n t c o s t s o f the roof and floor in Kwatrijn. The four least influential assumptions were mastitis incidence, fertilizer price, lameness and claw problem incidence and ratio of segregated urine against total manure production. Keywords: economic feasibility, dairy husbandry system, manure segregation 1 1.1 Introduction Background The objective of the Dutch government and businesses in the livestock sector is that in 2020 the meat, dairy and egg production chain produces safe, healthy, high quality and socially Proceedings International Conference of Agricultural Engineering, Zurich, 06-10.07.2014 – 1/8 accepted products. Animal welfare should be at a high level and harmful emissions and public health risks should be minimized (Bleker, 2011). The livestock production sector needs solutions that address several issues simultaneously. Such solutions do not only find their basis in smart technology. It requires changes in the structure of a system and in the way people operate within the system. Such changes are called system innovations. In order to reach that, assumptions, purposes, functions and their ordering should be systematically reflected upon (Bos et al., 2010). Integrated sustainable animal husbandry systems are systems that produce animal products and many other economic or societal desirable values in a way that are able to sustain on the long-term, not jeopardizing people and animals, nor the ability of future generations to meet their needs (UDV-regiegroep, 2012). 1.2 Current and desired situation Ammonia emissions from animal husbandry systems are one of the main causes for environmental acidification. In 2010, agriculture contributed for 86% (106,500 ton) to the total ammonia emission in the Netherlands. Dairy husbandry systems contributed for 43% of the total to these emissions (Emissieregistratie, 2012). Ammonia emissions have been reduced over the last 20 years, but further reduction is required. Next to ammonia emissions, improving animal welfare is an important challenge. The most important bottleneck of the current dairy barns is the floor. Currently 80% of the dairy cows in the Netherlands are facing claw problems at any time during the year (Berkhout and Bruchem, 2009). The floor is mainly too hard, not dry and too slippery, which causes a poor walkability. Walking floors in dairy barns cause several claw health and welfare risks (Ouweltjes et al., 2003). Profitability is an import prerequisite for the viability of a dairy farm and can be measured with the net farm income (Calker et al., 2005). In the period from 2001 until 2010 the net farm income on Dutch dairy farms was on average €69,150.- (LEI, 2011). In the desired situation dairy cow husbandries have a limited ecological impact, provide the animals with a good welfare, are well integrated in the landscape and last but not least, provide the farmer with a good income now and in the future. 1.3 Kwatrijn dairy husbandry system The starting point for Kwatrijn was the Wageningen UR Livestock Research project ‘Cow Power’ which showed stepping stones towards a sustainable dairy husbandry sector. Within this project several dairy husbandry designs for system innovation were made. The purpose of this project was to trigger the minds of all stakeholders to think about the future of dairy husbandry systems and possible solutions. Kwatrijn is an innovative dairy husbandry system with four essential integrated solutions that provides animals with more space in a comfortable barn, segregates urine and faeces in the barn and generates electricity by solar panels. Furthermore, the barn has a revolutionary roof shape that integrates the barn into the landscape. The basic principle of the urine and faeces removing system in Kwatrijn is that the urine quickly drains away by the sloped grooves in the floor. The urine drains into a transporting mechanism that transports the segregated urine into a controlled storage environment. Segregated urine is urine that is excreted by a dairy cow and dropped on a surface contaminated with faeces, being collected after being in contact with contaminated surface. Faeces will be removed from the floor by an autonomous vehicle that transports the segregated feces to a transporting mechanism or directly to the storage. The feces are picked up from the floor by a scooping mechanism. Segregated feces are the feces that, after being excreted by the dairy cow, dropped down on a surface contaminated with urine. The cows in Kwatrijn have 13.5 m2 space per animal available, which includes walking and lying areas. As proposed in the project Cow Power, providing cows with more space improves their welfare. The BoR (Brief of Requirements) in Cow Power showed that the cows have a preference up of at least 360 m2 to move around. Proceedings International Conference of Agricultural Engineering, Zurich, 06-10.07.2014 – 2/8 The floors in Kwatrijn are made of concrete and have several characteristics that improve the welfare of the animals. The top surface of the Kwatrijn floor is completely flat, but the grooves are equipped with slopes for a quick removal (drainage by gravity) of the urine. The sloped transverse grooves make sure that the urine flows away into the longitudinal sloped grooves, which are connected to the transporting mechanism under the floor. The grooves are shaped as half circles, to prevent faeces to stick to the concrete. The typical profile of the floor quickly removes the urine from the animal environment. Underneath the floor, the system is equipped with drainpipes or a V-shape floor for a quick removal of the urine. Kwatrijn is very open and doesn’t have any sidewalls, making the barn transparent so that the inside of the barn is visible for people that pass by. The roof makes the barn better integrated in the landscape and consists of three gable type roofs with a zigzag shape, which gives the barn a friendly appearance in de landscape. It consists of three caps, each with a steep and a nonsteep side. 2 Materials and methods 2.1 Simulation model The simulation model developed in Microsoft Excel consisted of several sheets. The structure of the model is presented in figure 1. The model as used in this research originates from the work of Vlemminx (2011). Both the Kwatrijn husbandry system as well as a conventional Dutch dairy husbandry system (referred to as Conventional) were modelled. Figure 1 Structure of the simulation model; the boxes are numbered and link to sheets in Excel. A detailed description of the model and the underlying assumptions is given by Vlemminx (2011). For this research the sheets Herd, Feed Rations, Fertilization, Hygiene and Animal Health and Housing were adapted. 2.1.1 Assumptions Herd Kwatrijn and Conventional were modelled with a size of 140 dairy cows as this is expected to be a very common herd size in the Netherlands in the near future. The average herd size in the Netherlands in 2011 was 83 dairy cows per farm (LEI, 2011). The numbers of young stock and calves are determined by the replacement rate which is based on the culling and Proceedings International Conference of Agricultural Engineering, Zurich, 06-10.07.2014 – 3/8 mortality rate as presented in Vlemminx (2011). Milk production per cow and the milk contents were assumed to be equal for both husbandry systems as presented in Table 1. The milk production per cow (8,180 kg/year) was based on the average of 2010 as presented in BINternet, with a fat content of 4.36% and a protein content of 3.51% (LEI, 2011). It was assumed that the farmer owns the milk quota. For Conventional the culling age was set at 2,128 days, based on the average culling age in the Netherlands in 2009 (CRV, 2010). Within Kwatrijn a culling age of 2,554 days was assumed, resulting from better animal welfare and more living space. The age of the first calving for the heifers was 796 days for both husbandry systems (CRV, 2010). This affected the number of young stock in Kwatrijn as it is lower compared to Conventional. The calving interval was 417 days (CRV, 2010) and the average dry period length was 64 days (CRV, 2010). The number of inseminations per gestation was 1.8 (Vermeij et al., 2010). Table 1 Herd, production, life cycle and reproduction data of the herd for Conventional and Kwatrijn. Variable Herd Milking and calving cows Young stock >2 yr Young stock 1-2 yr Calves <1 yr Replacement rate Culling rate Mortality rate Production Milk production Fat content Protein content Life cycle Culling age cows Age first calving heifers Dry period length Reproduction Calving interval Inseminations per gestation Unit Conventional Kwatrijn [-] [-] [-] [-] % % % 140 7 41 45 27.4 25.4 2.0 140 5 30 32 20.8 18.8 2.0 kg % % 8,180 4.36 3.51 8,180 4.36 3.51 2,128 796 64 2,554 796 64 days days days days [-] 417 1.8 417 1.8 Feed production and quality The gross yield of the grass and maize land is presented in table 2. Grassland for grazing and silage was assumed to yield both 12,000 kg dm/ha and maize land was assumed to yield 15,000 kg dm/ha (Vermeij et al., 2010). Both yields included the harvesting losses in terms of dry matters. These losses also occured during the storage and feeding process as presented in table 2. Table 2 Gross yield, ensiling and storage losses, grazing/feeding losses and net yield for grass grazing, grass silage and maize silage, based on (Remmelink et al., 2011; Vermeij et al., 2010). Variable Gross yield Ensiling and storage losses Grazing/feeding losses Net yield Unit kg dm/ha % % kg dm/ha Grass grazing 12,000 17 9,960 Grass silage 12,000 15 5 9,690 Maize silage 15,00 7 5 13,253 Fertilization The total land area of Kwatrijn was based upon manure regulations regarding the production of nitrogen from animal manure such that Kwatrijn would not have to dispose manure. In case Kwatrijn had to dispose manure, Kwatrijn would only dispose segregated faeces, as segregated faeces have the highest contents of both nitrogen and phosphate. In Conventional slurry had to be disposed. The amount of manure to be disposed was based on the assumed nitrogen and phosphate contents as presented in Table 3 and the manure regulations. Disposal prices for manure depend on the type of manure, the season and the region of production. The disposal price for slurry was based on a norm in KWIN, while the prices Proceedings International Conference of Agricultural Engineering, Zurich, 06-10.07.2014 – 4/8 for segregated urine and faeces were assumptions. It was assumed that segregated urine and faeces were more valuable separately than slurry as they are better applicable for a specific fertilization demand of a farmer. A contractor applied the different types of fertilizers. It is assumed that segregated urine is applied in the same way as slurry in Conventional. Table 3 Nitrogen fertilizer replacement value (NFRV), contents, disposal prices and application costs of different types of animal manure and artificial fertilizer for Conventional and Kwatrijn (DR-loket, 2012) KWIN (Vermeij et al., 2010). Conventional and Kwatrijn Unit NFRV animal manure Slurry with grazing Slurry with without grazing Segregated urine Segregated feces with grazing Segregated feces without grazing Contents animal manure Nitrogen in slurry Nitrogen in segregated urine Nitrogen in segregated feces Phosphate in slurry Phosphate in segregated urine Phosphate in segregated feces Disposal prices animal manure Slurry Segregated feces Application costs Slurry and segregated urine Segregated feces Application capacity segregated feces Artificial fertilizer 45 60 80 45 60 % % % % % 3 4.40 4.00 6.40 70 0.20 4.10 kg N / m 3 kg N / m 3 kg N / m 3 kg P2O5 / m 3 kg P2O5 / m 3 Kg P2O5 / m 3 15 10 3 5 8 1.5 52 €/m 3 €/m €/m € / ton ha / hr € / ha The total land area in Kwatrijn was set equal to that in Conventional. As a result the area for feed production in Conventional is slightly more due to the fact that the area used for buildings in Kwatrijn is larger, as presented in Table 4. The soil type for both husbandry systems is clay. The grassland has a neutral PAL-value and the arable land has a neutral Pw-value. Table 4 presents the usage of the land within non-productive land and land used for feed production for Conventional and Kwatrijn. Table 4 Land usage within Conventional and Kwatrijn. Variable Non-productive land Buildings Feed production land Grass for grazing Grass silage Maize silage Maize sales Total cultivated area Total area Share grassland within total area Unit Conventional Kwatrijn ha 0.72 0.90 ha ha ha ha ha ha % 37.49 32.29 10.09 0.00 79.30 80.02 88 35.80 30.74 9.38 3.19 79.12 80.02 84 Animal health The improved animal environment in Kwatrijn was assumed to result in a declined incidence of lameness, claw problems and mastitis, which lowers costs and income losses from animal health as presented in Table 5. It was assumed that the lameness and claw problem incidence in Kwatrijn was 10%, while Conventional had a lameness and claw problem incidence of 20%. This decrease of lameness and claw problem incidence gave a reduction of the losses of €770 per year. It was assumed that the mastitis incidence in Kwatrijn was 10%, while 30% was taken for Conventional. This decrease of mastitis incidence gives a reduction of the losses of €6,097. According to (Enting et al., 1997) 20% of the dairy cows in the NethProceedings International Conference of Agricultural Engineering, Zurich, 06-10.07.2014 – 5/8 erlands has lameness or claw problems. Each case reduces the net farm income from operation by €100 consisting of production losses, early replacements labour and treatment costs. The income losses from early replacement were not taken in to account, as the increased culling age was already included. Table 5 Reduction of losses due lameness and claw problems based on (Enting et al., 1997) and reduction of losses due to mastitis based on (Dijkhuizen, 1992) Variable Losses per case Production losses Early replacement Labour Treatment costs Abnormal milk Total attributable per case Incidence Conventional Incidence Kwatrijn Reduction of losses Unit € € € € € € € % % € Lameness and claw problems 100 31 45 14 10 55 20 10 770 Mastitis 260 110 42 47 60 218 30 10 6,097 Housing General assumptions regarding the housing are presented in Table 6. The main difference between the Conventional and Kwatrijn barn is the space per animal, being 9 and 13,5 m2 respectively. Both barns have 144 lying places for the dairy cows. Both barns had a straw pen of 62 m2 used for cows that require special attention. Total space for the cows was 1,512 m2 for Kwatrijn and 864 m2 for Conventional. The feeding alley had a standard width of 4,25 m. The volume of the animal manure storage was based on 75% of the total yearly manure production. Table 6 General assumptions regarding the housing for Conventional and Kwatrijn. Variable Area per animal Animal area incl. walking and lying Roof Length roof Width roof Floor Unit 2 m 2 m 2 m m m 2 m Conventional 9 1,296 2,174 73 29.75 864 Kwatrijn 13.5 1,944 3,010 90 33.5 1,512 The total costs of the barn were calculated based on the different components, which are presented in Table 7. For example the costs of the roof, floor, windbreak netting, substructure, segregated faeces storage and pavement were included. The roof of Kwatrijn is a zigzag roof, instead of a traditional gable roof in Conventional. Kwatrijn had a separate storage for segregated faeces and segregated urine, while Conventional had slurry storage only. Kwatrijn was equipped with the special designed floor with a sloped subfloor underneath to quickly drain off the segregated urine. The combined price amounted €140 per m2, which was higher than €80 for a standard low emission floor in Conventional. The segregated faeces were stored in a covered storage. Table 7 Purchase values of different barn components in Conventional and Kwatrijn. Variable Roof Windbreak netting Concrete floor feed alley Slurry storage Segregated urine storage Sloped subfloor Barn floor Segregated faeces storage, covered Pavement Unit 2 €/m €/m 2 €/m 3 €/m 3 €/m 2 €/m 2 €/m 2 €/m 2 €/m Conventional 95 225 32.60 95.55 80 35 Kwatrijn 105 225 32.60 95.55 45 95 95 35 Proceedings International Conference of Agricultural Engineering, Zurich, 06-10.07.2014 – 6/8 Data from the BINternet database (LEI, 2011) were used to validate the assumptions for Conventional. A linear interpolation was applied to get the right values for a farm size with a milk quota of 1,145,200 kg milk. 2.1.2 Sensitivity analysis The simulation model was also used to perform a one at a time sensitivity analysis on the input variables and assumptions of Kwatrijn. The parameters were varied in several categories being: Kwatrijn as proposed (K), Fertilization (F), Animal health (AH), Institutional developments (ID), and Farm intensity and manure disposal (FM).The relative effect of variables on the difference in net farm income (DNFI) was calculated as the change in DNFI per % of change of the variable. The ranges of variation are presented in table 9. Most parameters were varied within a range between -20 and +20 percent. Some parameters, mainly in the category Institutional developments and Fertilization, were varied in a different range due to legislation or assumed practical relevance. 3 Results The revenues in Kwatrijn were €2,582 higher compared to Conventional which was due to a difference in cattle sales and roughage sales, see Table 8. The revenues from cattle sales were lower for Kwatrijn due to the higher culling age of the cows in Kwatrijn that lowered the number of culled cows per year. Besides, Kwatrijn was able to sell maize silage roughage that generated additional revenues. The total variable costs were €16,745 lower for Kwatrijn which was mainly due to the lower fertilization costs and the reduction of several losses due to the better animal health in Kwatrijn. The total fixed costs in Kwatrijn were €27,174 higher compared to Conventional which was mainly due to the higher costs of housing and mechanisation for Kwatrijn. The higher revenues and fixed costs and the lower variable costs in Kwatrijn caused the net profit to be €7,847 lower for Kwatrijn. The calculated labour costs for Kwatrijn were lower due to the lower calculated labour costs of the family employee in Kwatrijn due to the lower labour requirement. The difference between the calculated interest and paid interest was larger for Conventional compared to Kwatrijn causing the difference in net farm income from operation to be increased from the difference in net profit. This resulted in a positive net farm income from operation of €44,974 for Kwatrijn and €55,230 for Conventional, a difference in net farm income €10,256. Table 2 The net farm income from operation (€) per year for Kwatrijn, Conventional and the difference. Variable Total revenues Total variable costs Total fixed costs Net profit Calculated labour costs entrepreneur Calculated labour costs family employee Return to labour and management Interest calculated (cost of total capital) Interest paid Net farm income from operation Kwatrijn 460,623 99,031 398,018 -36,427 50,900 6,217 20,690 87,876 63,592 44,974 Conventional 458,041 115,776 370,844 -28,580 50,900 7,736 30,056 85,737 60,564 55,230 - + + - Difference 2,582 -16,745 27,174 -7,847 0 -1,519 -9,366 2,139 3,029 -10,256 Effects on DNFI per parameter In Table 9 all the parameters from the sensitivity analysis are presented in order of influence on the difference in net farm income from operation. The gross grass yield was most influential for the difference in net farm income from operation with €710 change of DNFI per % of change of the parameter gross grass yield. Nitrogen and phosphate in segregated faeces did not influence the difference in net farm income from operation within the given assumptions. Proceedings International Conference of Agricultural Engineering, Zurich, 06-10.07.2014 – 7/8 Table 3 Change of DNFI per % change of all the variables included in the sensitivity analysis. With categories: Kwatrijn as proposed (K), Fertilization (F), Animal health (AH), Institutional developments (ID), and 3: Farm intensity and manure disposal (FM). Variable Gross grass yield Culling age Kwatrijn area per cow Area cultivated land Phosphate application norm grassland Nitrogen application norm with derogation Kwatrijn roof Kwatrijn floor Application costs segregated faeces NFRV segregated urine Kwatrijn manure robot Kwatrijn subfloor Mastitis incidence Fertilizer price Lameness/claw problems incidence Ratio segregated urine / total manure production Disposal costs segregated faeces Nitrogen in segregated faeces Phosphate in segregated faeces 4 Unit kg dm/year year 2 m ha kg/ha kg/ha 2 €/m 2 €/m €/ton % € 2 €/m % €/kg N % % €/ton kg/ton kg/ton Category F AH K F ID ID K K F ID K K AH F AH F F F F DNFI change (€) per % change 710 670 -536 -436 -387 -350 -286 -130 -115 70 -65 -62 -61 30 -15 9 0 0 0 Range of variation (%) -20 +20 -20 +20 -20 +20 -10 0 -21 0 -32 0 -20 +20 -20 +20 -20 +20 -12 0 -20 +20 -20 +20 0 +200 -20 +20 0 +200 -20 +20 -20 +20 -32 0 -21 0 Discussion This research used many assumptions and standard values from KWIN-Veehouderij, Handboek Melkveehouderij and LEI database BINternet. These standard values can differ from practical values due to specific situations on the farm, and price fluctuations in time. We assumed that these assumptions had the same effect for Conventional and Kwatrijn, so that results for differences in DNFI can be considered as valid. The average culling age in Kwatrijn was assumed to be 7 years due to the improved housing system for the cows. However, according to Gosselink et al. (2009), an improved housing system only would not suffice to reach a culling age of 7 years. Also production level, farm scale and management skills of the farmer play an important role. As shown in table 9 the culling age is much more influential on the difference in net farm income the the mastitis, lameness and claw problem incidences. Realization of a culling age of 7 years is therefore very attractive for the net farm income, but still a challenge how to realize this on farms. 5 Conclusions Given the assumptions the net farm income from operation of Kwatrijn is around €10.000 lower than of the conventional dairy farm. This is due to higher investments for housing and higher manure application costs of segregated faeces. Variable costs in Kwatrijn are lower due to improved animal health and lowered costs of manure disposal. The eight most influential assumptions are gross grass yield, culling age, area per cow in Kwatrijn barn, farm intensity, phosphate and nitrogen application norms and purchase costs of the Kwatrijn roof and floor. Kwatrijn becomes economically more interesting with future expected institutional developments and possible developments trends such as abolishment of the derogation, lowering of phosphate application norms, higher farm intensities and higher fertilizer prices. 6 References References can be obtained from the authors. Proceedings International Conference of Agricultural Engineering, Zurich, 06-10.07.2014 – 8/8
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