Presenting data and making figures Isma Ali Blizard Advanced Light Microscopy Representative labels Colour image, in focus Clear staining Inserts Images presented regularly in a montage No background noise or spectral bleed through Clear figure legend Scale bars Figure 8. Laminin staining is disrupted at the bridges between acini. On day 4, cultures of MCF10A acini were fed in the A) absence or B) and C) presence of 10 nM TPA. The cultures were fixed 23 hours later and stained with DAPI to detect nuclei (blue) and either phalloidin to detect actin (green, left panels) or an anti-laminin antibody (red, right panels) (40X). Bar = 50 microns. Inserts in B) show regions that were digitally enlarged to show areas of the bridge (in boxes) that have irregular laminin staining (red, right panel); actin staining for the same region is also shown (green, left panels). Arrows in C) show disrupted laminin staining (red, right panel). Representative images are shown. Klos KS, Warmka JK, Drachenberg DM, Chang L, Luxton GWG, et al. (2014) Building Bridges toward Invasion: Tumor Promoter Treatment Induces a Novel Protein Kinase C-Dependent Phenotype in MCF10A Mammary Cell Acini. PLoS ONE 9(3): e90722. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0090722 Best practise in data presentation Human lung fibroblast showing intracellular proteins. Epi-fluorescence microscopy, 20x objective. A. Singh, Cornell University, United States. Scale bar: 40 microns. Figure 5 | Effects of 1800 MHz RF-EMF exposure on eNSC differentiation. (a) The representative images of Tuj11 and GFAP1 cells. Scale bar: 50 microns. (b) Statistical results of the percentage of Tuj11 and GFAP1cells in each condition. Laminin staining disruption at bridges between acini, 40x objective with digitally enlarged insets. C. Chen et al., Department of Occupational Health, Faculty of Preventive Medicine, Third Military Medical University, No.30 Gaotanyan Street, Chongqing 400038, China. Points we are covering • • • • • • • Microscope light path How an intensity camera works Adding colour to greyscale images Scale bars Background subtraction Stacks and montages Making an insert Microscope light path Light from light source illuminates specimen Light moves through microscope Detected on camera chip Recorded on an array of pixels How an intensity camera works • Camera only takes grey images, as pixels can detect any colour • When light falls on pixels, it is given a numeric value based on it’s intensity • Number of greyscales camera can detect, determines numeric range (e.g. 12 bit = 4,096 greyscales) Camera Specimen 13 45 23 9 67 243 78 55 23 15 210 70 61 3 167 20 Light hits silicon semi-conductor and emits electrons = Photo-electric effect = Signal How an image is formed • • Scientific camera is formed of an array of pixels of specific dimensions Save images as TIFFs to preserve raw data, JPEGs compress the image A CCD chip has an array of small photosensitive elements Real image 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 65 52 84 78 72 255 153 68 87 68 65 72 85 81 206 168 43 67 57 65 68 59 85 255 255 20 106 40 65 33 65 102 240 235 178 22 78 65 0 28 52 176 200 185 95 58 55 0 0 1 3 2 4 3 5 2 Individual pixels An image is a numeric matrix of pixels What is bit depth? Bit depth is the intensity range expected from each pixel. Greyscale values can be read and analysed by a computer. Higher bit depth Better resolution of image Which bit depth should I use? Qualitative images, keeps colour Quantification, grey images High resolution, grey images Bit Depth Grayscale Levels 8 9 10 256 512 1,024 11 2,048 12 13 14 16 4,096 8,192 16,384 65,536 • 8 bit = 256 discrete greyscale levels (between 0 and 255). Ideal for qualitative images, keeps image colour. • 12 bit = 4,096 greyscale levels. Ideal for quantification, images are grey yet colour can be added back. Duplicating image It is useful to duplicate before processing, so you don’t loose the original image: Or use Ctrl + Shift + D Save duplicate! How to add colour back to images • • • 12/16 bit images appear grey, as saved in greyscale colour format. 8 bit format keeps image colour, but less depth of intensity information. Colour can easily be added back: Please see protocol for putting colour back into greyscale images: 0into%20grey%20images.pdf Image background High background image High background Weak staining Strange artefacts Background subtracted image Background removed How to subtract background 1) Removing uneven illumination, out of focus light and autofluorescence: Rolling Ball background correction evens out uneven signal. After background subtraction Before Same size as the smallest object in image 2) To get rid of ‘constant’ noise: 1 Draw region with only background staining Measure average background intensity 2 Please see protocol for Background subtraction: How to subtract background 4 3 Enter the background intensity in the Value box: 5 This intensity value will be subtracted from all pixels in the image, removing detector noise 3) Or you can use the background subtraction plugin: Default = 2.0 It then subtracts from the image: [mean + (sd × scaling factor)] Please see protocol for Background subtraction: Denoising images Residual noise in images can be caused by excess antibody staining, cellular debris or noise from the detector: Despeckle replaces each pixel with the median value Remove Outliers replaces a pixel by the median of pixels if it deviates from median by more than the threshold Median filters: used to eliminate camera noise or PMT noise Please see protocol for Background subtraction: Contrast stretching • Contrast stretching can help to better highlight data present • Image, Adjust, Brightness/Contrast (Ctrl + Shift + C) • Alter the minimum, maximum, brightness or contrast, and press Apply If you have a stack of images, it will alter the brightness and contrast of the whole stack at the same time! How to make a stack • • Stacks of images can be useful for batch processing You can perform the same operation on all images in a stack, e.g. resizing, changing colour and measuring 1. Open the images you want to use 2. Image, Stacks, and Images to Stack Input a name for the stack, and type in a word or abbreviation that appears in all the image names Please see protocol for making stacks and montages: Stacks for large data sets • • • Scroll to move through stack: For importing lots/selection of images, (e.g. live cell imaging): In Sequence Options window, tell ImageJ which images to open 3 1 • • • All images must be the same size and file format Enter common word to open images Save stack! 2 Please see protocol for making stacks and montages: Sorting stacks To move images around in a stack and sort: Check images are in correct order, stack position and image name Plugins, Stacks - Shuffling and Stack sorter Please see protocol for making stacks and montages: Example of a montage Confocal images showing localisation of GSDMB-HA isoforms (green) and RAC-1 (red) in cancer cells. Scale bar = 37.5 microns. Hergueta-Redondo M, Sarrio´ D, Molina-Crespo A´, Megias D, Mota A, et al. (2014) Gasdermin-B Promotes Invasion and Metastasis in Breast Cancer Cells. PLoS ONE 9(3): e90099. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0090099 How to make a montage • • • Allows presentation of images together in ordered sequence Easy to compare differences or changes in images Open a stack with the images you want. Then go to Image, Stacks, and Make Montage: • • • Usually number columns = number epitopes stained Number rows = number of conditions Border width: at least 5 Save montage! To see more detail about montages see protocol: Calibrating your image • Measurements in images are originally made in pixels • Calibrate image first, so it is converted from pixels to microns (pixel to micron ratio) • Magnification of objective and camera pixel size determines the scale ratio found in calibration information on Z drive: What is a scale bar? • Shows the scale of area of interest in the image, such as size of a cell • Add scale bar size information in figure legend • Calibration information on Z drive and scale bar protocol available Scale bars Scale bar: 60 microns Scale bar: 50 microns How to add a scale bar 1 2 3 4 5 Please see scale bar protocol for adding scale bars using Zen and Stereoinvestigator: Don’t forge images! • It is important not alter the image in a way that misrepresents the true image, e.g. with misrepresentative inserts Original image Insert added from another image, misrepresenting true image Inaccurately altered image Example of inserts in figures H&E staining of tumour cells at x20 magnification and with x60 magnification insets. Hergueta-Redondo M, Sarrio´ D, Molina-Crespo A´, Megias D, Mota A, et al. (2014) Gasdermin-B Promotes Invasion and Metastasis in Breast Cancer Cells. PLoS ONE 9(3): e90099. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0090099 Confocal images of fixed FAK-/- cells with insets showing focal adhesions. Deramaudt TB, Dujardin D, Noulet F, Martin S, Vauchelles R, et al. (2014) Altering FAK-Paxillin Interactions Reduces Adhesion, Migration and Invasion Processes. PLoS ONE 9(3): e92059. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0092059 How to make an insert • Inserts can be added to an image to highlight a point, as long as they are not interfering with the true image. • • Resizing changes the scale of images. Cropping keeps the scale the same. Confocal images of FAK-/- cells showing Src and paxillin staining with magnified insets. Deramaudt TB, Dujardin D, Noulet F, Martin S, Vauchelles R, et al. (2014) Altering FAKPaxillin Interactions Reduces Adhesion, Migration and Invasion Processes. PLoS ONE 9(3):e92059. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.009 2059 Inserts showing magnified regions Resizing Cropping Cropping images To keep the scale of the image, areas can be cropped and added as inserts: To crop, use the selection tools and highlight the area you want to keep, then go to Image, Crop: Please see resizing and cropping protocol: Resizing images Details of the size of your image Go to Image, Adjust, Size Type in the size you want your image to be (in pixels) New image size Please see resizing and cropping protocol: Protocols we discussed today BALM Image analysis protocols: Protocols discussed today: • Putting colour back to greyscale images • Adding a scale bar to your image • Background subtraction • Making stacks and montages • Resizing or cropping your images • How to generate a scientific figure Further resources • Olympus Microscopy Resource Centre • Nikon MicroscopyU • Fluorescence SpectraViewer • For more help, please contact me! [email protected], Ext: 2407
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