Advances in Information Science and Applications - Volume II Mathematical Model for Object Oriented Class Cohesion Metric -MCCM Dr. Omer Saleh,Tejdeda Alhussen Alhadi, Xavier Patrick Kishore, Sagaya Aurelia Abstract—Despite inherent difficulties, measuring software quality is important because it makes evaluation and improvement of various aspects of software. In this study, a new cohesion metric named MCCM is proposed and its first empirical validations arebeing a structural metric, MCCM can be used in every stage of software lifecycle. Keywords—MCCM; Metric; Cohesion; Connectivity; Indirect; Method Invocation; Attribute Usage I A class with low cohesion does many unrelated things, or does too much work. Such classes are undesirable; they suffer from the following problems: • Hard to comprehend • Hard to reuse • Hard to maintain • Delicate; constantly effected by change [6]. Direct; III. DEVELOPED METRIC: MCCM I. INTRODUCTION Three steps are followed while calculating the cohesion of a class using the new metric. In the first step, the relationship between methods are examined by looking into the method invocations and the first graphic (GxA) is obtained. In the second step, the relationship between methods are examined by looking into the attribute usage, and the second graphic (GxB) is obtained. In the third and last step, the graphics created in the previous steps are combined into one graphic (Gx). In the remaining sections these steps are elaborated in detail. n order to improve the software’s quality, the software quality should be measured at various stages of software lifecycle and the obtained measures should be compared and evaluated. One or more metrics should be chosen before making measurement. At this time, one is faced with the difficulty of finding properties that are agreed upon about software quality, which is already hard to define. In order to begin measuring at the earlier phases of software lifecycle, a metric needs to use the internal quality factors. Coupling [1] and cohesion [2] are fundamental properties used for this aim. In the software that are produced by the proper usage of Object Oriented Programming (OOP) approach, low coupling and high cohesion is expected [3]. There are lots of metrics for coupling and cohesion in the literature, but more empirical studies are needed as the verification of software metrics is not easy [4]. In this paper, for the estimation of class cohesion is based on different relationships that may exist between its methods. It takes into account several ways of capturing the functional cohesion of the class, by focusing on Connectivity between methods. A. Examination of Method Invocations A directed line is created between methods from the calling method to the called method if one of the methods calls the other. The obtained graphic Gx1 can be expressed asbelow [7]: If a directed graphic Gx1(V, E) and V = Mx, E={<m, n> € V × V|(m calls n)} M1 M2 Direct M3 Fig.1. Direct connection graphic (Gx1) II. CLASS COHESIONMETRICDEFINITION To find indirect connections, the directed lines are used in graphic Gx1. By looking at Fig.2, it can easily be seen that method M1 is calling method M2 and method M2 is calling method M3. Consequently, method M1 is calling method M3 indirectly. Then, a directed line is created from method M1 to method M3. The connection graphic Gx2 obtained in this way can be expressed as such:If a directed graphic Gx2(V, E) and The degree to which the methods within a class are related to one another and work together to provide wellbounded behavior. Effective object-oriented designs maximize cohesion since it promotes encapsulation. Cohesion is an internal software attribute that depicts how well connected the components of a software module are. This can be determined by knowing the extent to which the individual components of a module are required to perform the same task [5]. Cohesion, in object-oriented terms, is a measure of how strongly related and focused the responsibilities of a module are. V=Mx, (1) The graphic Gx2 obtained from graphic Gx1 can be seen in Fig.2. Dr. Omer Saleh, Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Education, Beniwalid, Libya ([email protected]) Tejdeda Alhussen Alhadi, Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Education, Beniwalid, Libya ([email protected]) Xavier Patrick Kishore, Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Education, Beniwalid, Libya ([email protected]) Sagaya Aurelia1, Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Education, Beniwalid, Libya ([email protected]) ISBN: 978-1-61804-237-8 Direct Indirect M1 640 M2 M3 Advances in Information Science and Applications - Volume II considered, the method invocation relation between two methods can be defined as below [11]: Fig.2.Indirect connection graphic (Gx2) As the last step of investigation of method invocations, the direct and indirect connected methods are shown by combining the previously obtained graphics Gx1 and Gx2 into one graphic GxA. The graphic GxA can be seen in Fig.3 which is obtained from example graphics Gx1 and Gx2 [8][9]. Method_inv(Mi,Mj)= (2) Indirect M1 Direct Direct M2 Let n be number of attributes shared by Mi and Mj . Attr_usg (Mi , Mj)= n (3) M3 The relation between two methods, Relation (Mi, Mj), is the sum of method invocation and attribute sharing between methods Mi and Mj, where Mi Mx, Mj Mx, and i ≠ j [12]. Fig.3. Method invocation graphic (GxA) B. Examination of Attribute Usage A graph showing a sample case of method-attribute relation is drawn in order to see attribute usage by methods. If a method uses an attribute, an undirected line is created between the method and the attribute [9]. An example graphic GxB which is obtained in this way can be seen in Fig.4. M1 M2 Direct A1 M3 Direct The total relation value of the class is found from the relation of two methods as below: Total_Relation(x) = (5) Total_Relation(x) = M4 Indirect A3 A2 Relation(Mi,Mj) = Method_inv(Mi,Mj) + Attr_usg(Mi, Mj) (4) (6) Direct A4 The maximum number of public methods pairs is [13]: n * (n – 1) / 2 Fig.4 Direct and Indirect attribute usage graphic (GxB) C. This means an invocation exists in every (Mi, Mj) relation and this can be found by the number of all possible (Mi, Mj) relations: Method Invocation and Attribute Usage The graphic Gx is obtained by combining the graphics GxA and GxB created in the previous steps into one graphic. By the examination of indirect method invocations and determination of indirect attribute usage, the final version of Gx is obtained. A Gx graphic which is generated by using the example graphics given in previous steps can be seen in Fig.5 [10][11]. Max (Method_inv) = (8) Similarly, maximum attribute sharing relation in the class can be defined as; Max (Attr_ usg) = means all attributes of the class are shared in every (Mi, Mj) relation: Max_( Att_usg)= Indirect M1 Direct Indirec A1 (7) (9) The value of Max_Relation(X) can be defined as below: Direct M2 Direct M3 Max_Relation (x) = Direct Indirect A3 A2 M4 + (10) According to above explanations A4 MCCM = Indirect CI. Several researchers [4][14][15] have proposed properties that software metrics should posses in order to increase their level of confidence; the points considered while developing MCCM are verified. Fig.5. Final relationship graphic (Gx) IV. METHOD CONNECTIVITY COHESION METRIC (MCCM) • Let X denote a class, Ix the set of attributes, and Mx the set of methods of the class. When a directed graphic Gx(V, E) is ISBN: 978-1-61804-237-8 THEORETICAL VALIDATION 5B 641 Property 1: Non-negativity Advances in Information Science and Applications - Volume II The cohesion of a class of an object oriented system should belong to a specified interval (i.e. Cohesion (C) [0, Max]. Normalization allows meaningful comparisons between the cohesions of different classes, since they all belong to the same interval. • Property 2: Normalization In the case of Fig.8, the intuition leads one to expect minimum cohesion as there are no method interactions involved. Metric computation for the graphic in Fig.8.(a) (m = 3, a = 2) is as follows: MCCM = Determines if the result of the metric is normalized i.e. values returned by the metric is between 0 and 1; classes with zero cohesion value have the least cohesion while classes with cohesion value 1 have perfect cohesion. • When MCCM is computed for graphic in Fig.8.(b) (m = 2, a = 1), it is calculated as: MCCM = Property 3: Null value and maximum value The cohesion of a class of an object oriented system is null if there is no interactions among the components of the class (i.e. interaction among the methods and attributes of the class) and it is maximum if the interaction among the components is maximal. M2 M1 M3 M2 M1 • A1 A2 A1 As a result, the proposed metric gave the same value, depicting minimum cohesion for both of the graphics in Fig.8, in parallel with the intuition. The MCCM of a class = 0 if there is no interactions among the components of the class and MCCM = 1 if all methods are directly or indirectly connected (i.e. if the interactions among the components of the class is maximal). Therefore, the value of MCCM lies in the interval [0, 1] inclusive. Hence, the metric satisfies the Property 1, 2 and 3. Consider three classes c1, c2 and c3 such that, Cohesion (c1) <Cohesion (c2) and Cohesion (c2) < Cohesion (c3), then Cohesion (c1) < Cohesion (c3). Fig.7.(b) Fig.7.(a) Property 4: Transitivity Fig.7. Example graphics for maximum relation When Fig.7 is examined, one intuitively expects the metric to give the maximum cohesion value “1” for both cases a and b. Metric computation for the graphic in Fig.7.(a) (m = 3, a = 2) is as follows: M1 A2 A1 MCCM = M1 M3 M2 A2 A1 Class A When MCCM is computed for graphic in Fig.7.(b) (m = 2, a = 1), it is calculated as: M1 M2 A3 Class B M2 M2 M1 M3 MCCM = As a result, the proposed metric gave the same value, depicting maximum cohesion for both of the graphics in Fig.7, in parallel with the intuition. M1 A1 M2 M3 A2 Fig.8.(a) M1 A1 A1 A2 A3 Class C (The union of Class A and B) M2 Fig.9. Example graphics for Transitivity If we have three classes A, B and C, such that Cohesion (Class A) < Cohesion (Class B) and Cohesion (Class B) < Cohesion (Class C). Then it implies that Cohesion (Class A) < Cohesion (Class C). Therefore, MCCM satisfies the property 4. A1 Fig.8.(b) • Fig.8. Example graphics for minimum relation ISBN: 978-1-61804-237-8 A2 642 Property 5: Relative number of cohesive interactions Advances in Information Science and Applications - Volume II If the interactions among the components of the class increase, the metric should indicate higher cohesion [16][17]. M3 M2 M1 A2 A1 If the indirect connections are not taken into account, metric computation for the graphic in Fig.11.(b) is calculated as follows: M3 M2 M1 MCCM = MCCM = A2 A1 When the indirect connections are not taken into account, the metric gave the same result. However, it is desirable for a good metric to differentiate these results. If the indirect connections are taken into account, metric computation for the graphic in Fig.11.(a) stays as the same, as there are no indirect connections in this graphic. If the indirect connections are taken into account, metric computation for the graphic in Fig.11.(b) is calculated as follows: Fig.10.(b) Fig.10.(a) Fig.10. Example graphics for interaction When Fig.10. is examined, one intuitively expects the metric to give a cohesion value better for Fig.10.(b) than for Fig.10.(a) as there are more interactions in Fig.10.(b) than there are in Fig.10.(a). Metric computation for the graphic in Fig.10.(a) (m = 3, a = 2) is calculated as: MCCM = MCCM = This example shows the importance of considering the indirect connections: Inclusion of indirect relations into MCCM has enabled the metric to produce results in parallel with the intuition. When MCCM is computed for graphic in Fig.10.(b) (m = 3, a = 2), it is calculated as: MCCM = CIII. CONCLUSION As computing becomes more pervasive, a software defect can lead to bad results such as financial loss, time delay or the loss of human life in even worse cases. Therefore, software systems should operate as error free and consistent systems. Increasing demand on software quality introduces us the “quality” characteristic as an important factor for a software product. Cohesion, an important quality factor for Object Oriented Programming paradigm, can be described as the degree of connectivity among the elements of a single module. It is expected that cohesion to be high and coupling to be low in a well designed system [9]. The current state of the MCCM metric is encouraging as it gives results that are normalized and parallel with intuitions. MCCM uses both direct and indirect method relations in its calculations; however, it does not take inherited methods into account. For these reasons, continuation of empirical works and the ability to use inherited methods in calculations are planned as future work. As a result, it is seen that MCCM depicts higher cohesion as the interactions among the components of the class increase. CII. Point of Consideration: Considering indirect relations If the indirect connections are not taken into account, the cohesiveness cannot be measured precisely [18]. In this case, a metric should indicate lower cohesion. When Fig.11 is examined, one intuitively expects the metric to give the cohesion value better for Fig.11.(b) than for Fig.11.(a). However, if the indirect relations are not taken into account, this expected result cannot be seen. Direct M1 M2 Direct Direct M3 Fig.11.(a) M1 M2 Direct Indirect M3 REFERENCES [1] Fig.11.(b) Fig.11. Example for considering indirect relations [19] [2] If the indirect connections are not taken into account, metric computation for the graphic in Fig.11.(a) is calculated as follows: ISBN: 978-1-61804-237-8 643 Al Dallal, J. and Briand, L., A Precise Method-Method InteractionBased Cohesion Metric for Object-Oriented Classes, ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM), 2012, Vol. 21, No. 2, pp. 8:1-8:34. 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Counsell, S., Swift, S., and Crampton, J., The Interpretation and Utility of Three Cohesion Metrics for Object-Oriented Design, ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology(TOSEM),Vol.15,No.2,2006,pp.123-149. Ms. Tejdeda Alhussen Alhadi (Feburary 1, 1980) is now with Faculty of Education, Azzaytuna University, Bani-walid, Libya. She is into teaching profession for more than 13 years. She has done B.Sc and M.Sc in Computer Science from Libyan Academy. She has also been involved in various administration related activities. Her specialization includes Database, Software Engineering and Artifical intelligence. She has published various national and international papers and guided many projects. Mr. Xavier Patrick Kishore (November 6, 1973) received his BSc Mathematics (1994), Master of Computer Application (2002) and Diplomas in E-Commerce and Advanced software Technology. He has received Brain bench certification in Java and HTML. Now he is working in Department of computer science Faculty of Education, Azzaytuna University,Baniwalid, Libya. He is specializedin programming languages. His current research interest includes Natural languageprocessing. He has authored more than 9 papers and attended many conferences. Er. Mrs. Sagaya Aurelia (November 9,1978) par-time research scholar in Bharathidasan university . Now she is with department of Computer Science, Faculty of Education, Azzaytuna University, Bani-walid, Libya. She received her Diploma in Electronics and Communication (1997),B.E (Bachelor of Engineering specialized in Electronics and Communication Engineering(2000) and M.Tech in Information Technology(2004),she has also done her Postgraduation diplomas in Business Administration (PGDBA) and Journalism and Mass Communication (PGDJMC). She has received Brainbench certification in HTML. Her current research interest includes Virtual reality, Augmented reality and Human Computer Interaction and User interface Design. She has authored14 papers and attendance several national and international level workshops and conferences. Dr. Omer Saleh Mahmod Jamah (January 25,1973) is now the Director of Post graduate cum Research and Development and Head of the department of Computer science, Faculty of education, Azzaytuna university, Baniwalid, Libya. He received his B.Sc. in Control System and Measurement (1995), M.Sc. in Electrical and Computer Measurement (2004), and Ph.D. in Electrical engineering, Automatics computer science and electronics from AGH University of technology, Krakow, Poland. He has done his Diploma in Planning and time ISBN: 978-1-61804-237-8 644
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