ARMED FORCES TRIBUNAL, CHANDIGARH REGIONAL BENCH AT CHANDIMANDIR -.OA 333 of 2013 Ram Kumar Vs Union of India & others For the Petitioner (s) : For the Respondent(s) : …… Petitioner(s) …… -.- Respondent(s) Mr. Sultan Singh, Advocate Ms. Renu Bala Sharma, CGC. Coram: Justice Vinod Kumar Ahuja, Judicial Member. Air Marshal (Retd) Naresh Verma, Administrative Member. -.ORDER 25.04.2014 -.- This petition has been filed by the petitioner Ex. Hav Ram Kumar (mentioned as Ex. Hav Ram Kanwar in Written Statement and Ex. Hav Ram Kunwar in the replication) for seeking direction to the respondents to revise the pension of the petitioner @ Rs. 5361/- per month w.e.f. 01-072009 as per Table 24 with a further direction to stop the recovery of the overpaid amount of Rs. 19,672/-and to refund the amount already recovered from his pension with interest @ 18% per annum. Briefly stated that the facts of the case are that the petitioner was enrolled in the Regiment of Artillery on 15-08-1955 and after having served the Army for 18 years and 266 days he was transferred to Pension Establishment on 11-05-1974. When he was discharged from service he was holding the rank of Hav Gnr. (GD), a Group „D‟ post, and pension was granted to him in that rank. Firstly, his pension was revised and fixed @ Rs. 1697/- per month w.e.f. 01-01-1996 as per column 2 of Table 24 (Annexure A-8). Pursuant to the recommendations of 6th Pay Commission Report, his pension was again revised and fixed at Rs. 3995/- as consolidated pension -2w.e.f. 01-01-2006 according to column 9 of Table 24 given in Annexure A8. His pension was third time revised @ Rs. 5361/- per month w.e.f. 01-072009 under column 10 of Table 24 (Annexure A-8). He had been drawing pension at this rate till 30th April 2012. Thereafter, his pension was suddenly reduced to Rs. 4964/- per month by the DPDO, Rewari, who started effecting recovery @ Rs. 2000/- per month w.e.f. 01-05-2012 from his pension in order to recover the over-payment of Rs. 19672/- paid to him. On inquiry, it was told by the DPDO that his pension @ Rs. 5361/- per month was inadvertently fixed w.e.f. 01-07-2009 although he was entitled to pension @ Rs. 4964/- per month from that date. He served a legal notice dated 19-2-2012 (Annexure A-7) on the DPDO, Rewari, requesting him to stop the recovery and the recovered amount be refunded to him with interest,. In response to this notice, it was intimated by the DPDO, Rewari, vide its letter dated 14-12-2012 (Annexure A-5) that his pension was erroneously revised to Rs 5361/- w..e.f. 01-07-2009 and it was paid at this rate till April 2012. Since as per the PCDA (P), Allahabad PPO No. S/9784/1974, his rank was Havildar Group „G‟, his pension has been revised reducing it to Rs. 4964/- from Rs. 5361/- w.e.f. 01-07-2009 for qualifying service of 18.5 years according to table No. 25 of the PCDA (P), Allahabad Circular No. 430 dated 10-03-2010. Therefore, the over-payment of Rs. 19672/- is being recovered @ Rs. 2000/- per month from him. Being aggrieved, he filed the present petition. On notice having been issued, reply has been filed on behalf of the respondents in which one of the plea raised by the respondents is that his pension was erroneously fixed at Rs. 5361/- w.e.f. 01-07-2009 and the same -3was not admissible to him as his group was wrongly mentioned as Havildar Group –„E‟ whereas it should be Havildar Group –„G. This fact has been clarified by the Artillery Record vide its letter dated 21 st November 2012 (Annexure A-6) addressed to the PCDA (P) Allahabad while referring to the legal notice dated 6th November, 2012 served by the Petitioner. In this communication, it was stated that on scrutiny of Corrigendum PPO No. S/R/11235/75 dated 10th April 1975, it had been observed that Group of the petitioner had wrongly been mentioned as Hav Group „E‟, whereas, it should be Hav Group „D‟. It was further stated that the petitioner was enrolled in the Regiment of Artillery on 18-08-1955 and discharged with effect from 11-05-1974 after completion of 18 years and 266 days service in the trade of Gnr (GD). As per Army Instruction 3/S/74 the PBORs, who were discharged prior to 01.01.1973 and served as Gnr GD of Group „G‟ have been regrouped in Group „D‟ and those in Group G (excluding Gnr GD) and Group H to new Group „E. In the light of this observation, the PCDA (P) was asked to forward an amended corrigendum PPO to the Artillery Record for onward submission to the petitioner‟s Paying Branch i.e. DPDO Rewari. The DPDO, Rewari, vide his letter dated 14-12-2012 (Annexure A-5) intimated to the petitioner‟s counsel namely Shri Sultan Singh, Advocate, in response to aforesaid legal notice dated 6-11-2012 that the pension of the petitioner was wrongly fixed at Rs. 5361/- w.e.f. 01-07-2009 and he was paid excess amount at this rate till 30th April 2012. As per PCDA (P), Allahabad PPO No. S/9784/1974 his rank was Havildar Group „G‟, his pension has been revised and fixed at Rs. 4964/- reducing it from Rs. 5361/- w.e.f. 01-07-2009 for qualifying service 18.5 years according to -4Table 25 of the PCDA (P) Allahabad Circular No. 430 dated 10-03-2010. Since the over-payment of Rs. 19672/- was paid to the petitioner w.e.f. 0107-2009 till April 2012, it is being recovered @ Rs. 2,000/- per month. With regard to the reply filed by the respondents, we find that the Tables given in para 2 of the written statement are totally irrelevant and not pertinent to the assertions made in the present petition, which has no connection and relation with re-fixation of pay and grant of pension w.e.f.01-01-1996. Elsewhere in paras 4 and 5 also the information provided has no relevance and pertinence to the assertions made in the petition. The learned counsel for the respondents while admitting the fact that no show cause notice was issued to the petitioner before reducing his pension and consequent effecting recovery, argued that the petitioner‟s pension was initially revised at Rs. 5361/- per month erroneously and pension at this rate was paid to him from 01-07-2009 till 30th April 2012. Since as per the PCDA (P), Allahabad, PPO No. S/9784/1974 the petitioner rank was Havildar Group –„G, his pension was revised and fixed at Rs. 4964/- per month according to his entitlement for qualifying service of 18.5 years according to Table No. 25 of the PCDA (P) Circular letter No. 430 dated 10-03-2010. He further contended that the Army Authorities are within their right and competence to rectify the mistake and recover the excess amount paid to the petitioner due to wrong fixation of pension and this action of the Army Authorities cannot be declared to be wrong and illegal. We have heard the learned counsel for the parties and perused the documents placed on record by the respective parties. -5First we consider the aspect of fixation of pension of the petitioner. There is no dispute that the petitioner was enrolled on 15-08-1955 and was discharged on 11-05-1974. His rank at the time of discharge was Havaldar GNR (GD). His pension was revised as follows. Sr. No. Date of Revision Amount (i) 01-01-1996 Rs. 1697/ PM (ii) 01-01-2006 Rs. 3995/-PM (iii) 01-07-2009 Rs. 5361/-PM (iv) 01-05-2012 Rs. 4964/- PM The Artillery Records letter No. 1142698/SR/6th CPC/Rev/R113/Pen-4 (AXT-A) dated 21 Nov 2012 (Annexure A-6) sent to the office of the PCDA (P) vide para 2 clarifies that “on scrutiny of Corrigendum Pension Payment Order (PPO) No. S/R/11235/75 dated 10 April 1975 in respect of above named ESM, it has been observed that Group has wrongly been mentioned as Hav Group „E‟ whereas it should be Hav Gp „D‟. Vide Para 4 ibid PCDA (P) has been requested to rectify the above mentioned observation and forward a amended Corrigendum PPO to this office for onward submission to his paying branch at the earliest.” However, vide para 3 of the letter ibid we notice that as per AI 3/S/74 the PBOR who were discharged prior to 01-01-1973 and served as GNR AD of Group „G‟ have been regrouped in Group –„D‟, whereas the petitioner was discharged on 11-05-1974 i.e. after 01-01-1973 and hence regrouping of GNR GD of Group – „D‟ is not applicable in his case. Table 24 at Annexure A-8 tabulates the revised pension w.e.f. 01-07-2009 in respect of pre- 01-012006discharged PBOR- Army. The categories covered by this table are as follows:- -6(i) Havildar Gp „D‟ (Pre-73), F (Pre-73) and Gunar GD (Pre-73) discharged Prior to 01-01-1996. (ii) Havildar GP - „D‟ discharged between 01-01-1996 and 09-10-1997. Table 25 at Annexure A-9 tabulates the revised pension with effect from 01-07-2009 in respect of Pre 01-01-2006 discharged PBOR nArmy of the following categories:(i) GP-„E‟ (Post 73), „G‟ (Pre -73) and „H‟ (Pre-73) discharged prior to 01-01-1996 (ii) GP -„E‟ discharged between 01-01-1996 and 09-10-1997 (iii) GP- „Z‟ discharged between 10-10-1997 and 31-12-2005. Annexure A-3 is a copy of his discharge book reflects his category as Gnr GD and he is squarely covered by the categories mentioned in Table 24 which clearly indicates the revised pension for length of service of 18.5 years applicable to him as Rs. 5361/We now consider the issue of recovery of the so-called overpaid amount from the petitioner. During the course of hearing, it was strongly argued by the learned counsel for the petitioner that the action of the authority in reducing his pension from 5361/- to Rs. 4964/ per month w.e.f. 1-07-2009 and consequent recovery of Rs. 19672/- effected from his pension is illegal and violative of the principles of natural justice as no show cause notice was issued which was mandatory and no opportunity of being heard was afforded to him. It was further contended that initially the pension of the petitioner was fixed at Rs. 5361/- per month w.e.f. 01-07-2009 by the authority of the Government of India itself for which there was no misrepresentation on his -7- part nor he committed any fraud. Since the petitioner is not liable and responsible for the wrong fixation of pension, the respondents are not entitled to recover the over-payment of Rs. 19,672/- from him. In support of his contentions, he placed reliance on the following two decisions of the Hon‟ble Supreme Court:(i) Sahib Ram Vs. State of Haryana, (S.C) 1994 (5) SLR 753 (ii) Bhagwan Shukla Vs. Union of India & others, 1994(4) SLR 614. Apart from these two decisions of the Apex Court, reliance was also placed by the learned counsel for the petitioner on two judgments of this Bench, one dated 12-05-2010 passed in OA No. 120 of 2010 titled as Mangi Ram Vs Union of and others, and another dated 26-04-2011 passed in TA No. 345 of 2010 (arising out of CS No. 331 of 2009) titled as Fateh Singh Vs Union of India & others. We have given our thoughtful consideration to the submissions of the learned counsel for the parties and have-gone through the judgments cited by the learned counsel for the petitioner referred to above. From the perusal of the decision of the Apex Court in Sahib Ram’s case (supra), we find that the appellant in that case was appointed in July 1972 as a Librarian in Govt. College in the pay scale of Rs. 220-550/This pay-scale was subsequently upgraded to Rs. 700-1600 w.e.f. 1-01-1973 It was applicable only in the case of those Librarians, who possessed a minimum educational qualifications of first or second class M.A, M.Sc, M. Com. plus a first or second class B. Lib Science or a Diploma in Library Science. Subsequently Govt. relaxed qualifications as regards obtaining first -8- class or second class in the prescribed educational qualifications, but in the educational qualifications. In that case, the Principal of the College where the appellant was working, by misinterpreting the instructions relaxed the educational qualifications in his case and allowed him the benefit of higher pay-scale though he was not entitled to that scale as he did not fulfil the required educational qualifications. Subsequently, on the direction of the Haryana Govt. the higher pay-scale given to the appellant was withdrawn by the Principal. The appellant then challenged the order of withdrawal of higher pay-scale in the Punjab and Haryana High Court by way of CWP No. 10988 of 1993 which was dismissed by the Hon‟ble Court vide its order dated September, 9, 1993. However, the appeal preferred against that Judgment was partly allowed by the Apex Court vide order 19-09-1994. While rejecting his claim for relaxation of educational qualifications in para 5 of the judgment, it was held by the Apex Court as under:“Admittedly, the appellant does not possess the required educational qualifications. Under the circumstances, the appellant would not be entitled to the relaxation. The Principal erred in granting him the relaxation. Since the date of relaxation, the appellant had been paid his salary on revised scale, however, it is not on account of any misrepresentation made by the appellant that the benefit of higher pay-scale was given to him, but by wrong construction made by the Principal for which the appellant cannot be held to be at fault. Under the circumstances, the amount paid till date may not be recovered from the appellant.” In the aforesaid case, it was clearly held by the Supreme Court that while granting higher pay-scale to the appellant, the Principal erred in doing so. The higher-pay-scale was not given to the appellant on account of -9- any misrepresentation made by the appellant as such the appellant cannot be held at fault. Though in that case the appellant was not held entitled to relaxation as he did not possess the required educational qualifications, but he was not held liable for recovery of the amount given as salary in revised higher pay-scale. In Bhagwan Shukla’ case (supra) the appellant was an employee of the Railways. Initially, his basic pay was fixed at Rs. 190/- per month in December 1970 in a running pay scale. Subsequently, by an order dated 25-07-1991, his pay-scale was sought to be re-fixed. While re-fixing his pay-scale, the appellant pay was reduced to Rs. 181/- per month from Rs. 190/- from 18-12-1970. In that case, the appellant questioned the legality of order reducing his pay with retrospective effect before the Central Administrative Tribunal, Patna Bench by way application which was dismissed on 17-09-1993, but the appeal filed against that order was allowed by the Apex Court vide its order dated 05-8-1994. While allowing the appeal, it was held by the Apex Court that the appellant was not granted any opportunity to show cause against the reduction of his basic pay and the impugned order came to be made behind his back without following any procedure known to law. Therefore, in that case, the order of the Railway Department dated 25-07-1991 was held to be in flagrant violation of the principles of natural justice and while setting aside the order of the Administrative Tribunal, it was observed by the Apex Court that fair play in action warrants that no such order making an employee to suffer civil consequences and huge financial loss can be passed against an employee without being heard. -10- In the case of Mangi Ram (supra) the controversy before this Tribunal was that thought the petitioner was entitled to pension of Group – „E‟ but he was wrongly granted pension in Group –„G‟. In that case, the petitioner sought for a direction for the refund of the amount of Rs. 18,215/recovered by DPDO from him along with interest due to wrong fixation of his pension in Group „G‟. While allowing the petition partly, the entitlement of the petitioner‟s pension in Group –„E‟ was upheld. However, the respondents were directed to refund back the amount of Rs. 18.215/recovered by the DPDO. Similarly, in Fateh Singh’s case (supra), the controversy before this Tribunal was also with regard to recovery of excess pension paid to the petitioner. In that case, the petitioner on having discharged as Sepoy after serving the Army for more than 28 years was granted service pension w.e.f. 01-01-1981 which was revised from time to time. In December 2006, the DPDO, Bhiwani , initiated proceedings for recovery of Rs. 1450/- per month for the excess amount of Rs. 83,447/- on the ground that though he was discharged as a Sepoy, but erroneously he was paid the pension of Havaldar from 01-01-1996 till the error was discovered in 2006. While disposing of the petition, it was directed that the excess payment made to the appellant cannot be recovered and the respondents were further directed to discontinue the recovery and refund the amount already recovered from him. This view was taken by the Tribunal having regard to the decision of the Hon‟ble Supreme Court dated 10-10-2006 rendered in Col BJ Akkara Vs Union of India, wherein it was held by the apex court as under:- -11- “the recovery of excess wrong payment could not be affected if the excess payment not made on account of any misrepresentation or fraud on part of the employee and such excess payment was made by the employer by applying a wrong principle for calculating the pay/allowance or on the basis of a particular interpretation of rule/order which is subsequently found to be erroneous. Similar matter came up for consideration before this Bench in OA 424 of 2011 (Ex. Sepoy Pritam Chand Vs Union of India & others), decided on 31-03-2013. In that case, the petitioner‟s disability was found less than 20% by the Re-survey Medical Board in 1990. Though his disability pension was stopped w.e.f. 07-10-1990, but he was wrongly paid the service element till 28-02-2008. While allowing the petition partly, it was held that the respondents are not entitled to recover the amount wrongly paid by them on account of service element during the period 07-10-19990 to 28-02-2008 from the petitioner irrespective of the fact it was paid erroneously or otherwise to the petitioner. Obviously, this view was taken by this Bench in view of the decision of the Full Bench of Punjab and Haryana High Court dated 22-05-2009 rendered in CWP No. 2799 of 2008 (Budh Ram Vs. State of Haryana). In its judgment, the Hon‟ble High Court discussed various decisions of the Hon‟ble Supreme Court as well as the different High Courts and ultimately held as follows:“It is in the light of the pronouncement, no longer open to the authorities granting the benefits, no matter erroneously, to contend that even when the employee concerned was not a fault and was not in any way responsible for the mistake committed by the authorities, they are entitled to recover the benefit that has been received by the employee on the basis of any such erroneous grant. We say so -12- primarily because if the employee is not responsible for the erroneous grant of benefit to him/her, it would induce in him the belief that the same was indeed due and payable. Acting on that belief the employee would, as any other person placed in his position, arrange his affairs accordingly which he may not have done if he had known that the benefit being granted to him is likely to be withdrawn at any subsequent point of time on what may be then said to be the correct interpretation and application of rules. Having induced that belief in the employee and made him change in his position and arrange his affairs in a manner that he would not otherwise have done, it would be unfair, in equitable and harsh for the Government to direct recovery of the excess amount simply because on a true and correct interpretation of the rules, such a benefit was not due. It does not require much imagination to say that additional monetary benefit going to an employee may not always result in accumulation of his resources and savings. Such a benefit may often be utilized on smaller luxuries of life which the employee and his family may not have been able to afford had the benefit not been extended to him. The employees can well argue that if it was known to them that the additional benefit is only temporary and would be recovered back from them, they would not have committed themselves to any additional expenditure in their daily affairs and would have cut their coat according to their cloth. We have, therefore, no hesitation in holding that in case the employees, who are recipient of the benefits extended to them on an erroneous interpretation or application any rule, regulation, circular and instructions have not in any way contributed to such erroneous interpretation nor have they committed any fraud, misrepresentation, deception to obtain the grant of such benefit, the benefit so extended may be stopped for the future, but the amount already paid to the employees cannot be recovered from them.” In our view, so far as the aspect of recovery is concerned, the law, as laid down in the aforesaid decisions of the Apex Court as well as the High Court, is very clear. In the present case, initially the pension of the petitioner was revised and fixed by the Authorities of the Army itself at -13- Rs. 5361/- per month and it was not on account of any misrepresentation on his part and for this wrong fixation by the authorities of the Army, the petitioner cannot be held at fault and responsible. In this case, no show cause notice was issued to the petitioner affording any opportunity of being heard before reducing his pension to Rs. 4964/- from Rs. 5361/- and consequent effecting recovery of excess amount of Rs. 19,672/- from his pension. Hence for their action being violative of principles of natural justice, they cannot be held entitled to recover the over-payment made to the petitioner from him. Hence, in the light of the foregoing discussion, the present petition is allowed. The respondents are directed to revise the pension of the petitioner @ Rs. 5361/- per month w.e.f 01-07-2009 and refund the amount of Rs. 19,672/- recovered from him as overpayment, within three months from the receipt of a certified copy of this order, failing which they shall be liable to pay an interest @ 10% per annum till actual payment. No order as to costs. (Justice Vinod Kumar Ahuja) (Air Marshal (Retd) Naresh Verma) 25 .04.2014 „dls‟ Whether the judgment for reference to be put on Internet – Yes/No Date of enrolment 15-08-1955 Date of Discharge 11-05-1974 Total Service 18 years 8 months 260 days Rank on discharge Havaldar Gnr. (GD) Date of grant of pension 11-05-1974 Pension revised w.e.f. 01-01-1996 as Rs. 1697-00 PM Pension revised w.e.f. 01-01-2006 as Rs. 3995-00 PM Pension revised w.e.f. 01-07- 2009 as Rs. 5361-00 PM Downward revision carried out on 01-05-2012 and Pension reduced to Rs. 4964/- per month As per ASI 3/5/74 PBOR discharged prior to 01-01-73 and served as GNR GD of Gp „G‟ have been regrouped in Gp „O‟ Confusion due to date 1.1.73 mentioned in Artillery Records letter at Annexure A-3 Page 23 Annexure -8 clearly mentions revised pension at Rs. 5361/- from 01-072009. Note: Written statement -- totally erroneous as it mentions about pay and allowances Other factual errors like date of retirement as 1996 Name mentioned in petition is wrong – it should be Ram Kunwar and not Ram Kumar. ********* (Justice Vinod Kumar Ahuja) (Air Marshal (Retd) Naresh Verma) .03.2014 „dls‟
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