Phase Diagram Activities in China Report to APDIC Chinese Phase Diagram Committee (CPDC) Chinese Representatives to APDIC: X.J. Liu (Xiamen University) Y. Du (Central South University) May 31, 2014 The Distribution of the Chinese Institute for Phase Diagram Contents 1. Publications in 2013 2. Summary of the systems in 2013 3. List of members of CPDC 1. Publications in 2013 252 papers related to phase diagrams were published by members of CPDC in 2013 Data Analysis of papers published 1. Property and application 80 31.8% 2. Phase diagram (CALPHAD type) 29 11.5% 3. Phase diagram (experimental) 36 14.3% 4. First-principal calculation 13 5.2% 5. Crystal structure 16 6.3% 6. Diffusion 28 11.1% 7. Oxide and others 50 19.8% 1. Publications in 2013 1. Publications in 2013 Research interests: structure, magnetic and electronic transport of antiperovskite structured Mn3XN materials; solar selective absorbing films for concentrated solar power; photocatalytic nanomaterials. Cong Wang Professor Dept. of Physics Beihang University 1. Publications in 2013 Beihang University, Beijing (Wang, C. [email protected]) (10 papers) 1. Magnetic and Electronic Transport Properties in Antiperovskite M3AX Compounds, Advances in Condensed Matter Physics, special issue, volume 2013 article ID214120. 2. Improvement of thermal stability in the solar selective absorbing Mo-Al2O3 coating, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, Vol. 109 (2013), pp. 204-208. 3. The effect of Zn vacancies on the physical properties of antiperovskite compounds Mn3ZnxN, Scripta Materialia, Vol.68(2013), pp. 968-971. 4. Spectral properties and thermal stability of solar selective absorbing AlNi–Al2O3 cermet coating, Solar Energy, Vol. 96 (2013), pp. 113-118. 5. Carbon-Induced Ferromagnetism in the Antiferromagnetic Metallic Host Material Mn3ZnN, Inorganic chemistry, Vol.52(2013), pp. 800. 6. Thermodynamic, Electromagnetic, and Lattice Properties of Antiperovskite Mn3SbN, Advances in Condensed Matter Physics, special issue, volume 2013 article ID286325. 1. Publications in 2013 Beihang University, Beijing (Wang, C. [email protected]) (10 papers) 7. The impact of thermal annealing on the morphology of sputter deposited platinum clusters into anodic aluminum oxide pores, Applied Surface Science, Vol.266 (2013) , pp. 400-404. 8. Magnetic structure and lattice contraction in Mn3NiN, Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 114 (2013), pp. 123902. 9. Controllable growth of BiOCl film with high percentage of exposed{0 0 1} facets, Applied Surface Science, Vol. 289 (2014), pp. 266-273. 10. Surface activity of antiperovskite manganese nitrides, Journal of Materials Research, Vol. 28(2013), pp. 3245. 1. Publications in 2013 Research interests: Nanoscale rare-earth materials; hard alloys. Xiaoyan Song Professor College of Mater. Sci. & Eng. Beijing University of Technology 1. Publications in 2013 Beijing University of Technology, Beijing (Song, X.Y. [email protected]) (17 papers) 11. Modeling the interface area aspect ratio of carbide grains in WC-Co composites, Vol.44(2014), pp.7-11. 12. Experimental and modeling studies on phase stability of nanocrystalline magnetic Sm2Co7, Materials Science and Engineering B-Advanced Functional Solid-State Materials, Vol.15 (2013), pp. 971-976. 13. Effect of carbon content of WC-Co composite powder on properties of cermet coating, Powder Technology, Vol.246 (2013), pp. 492-498. 14. Abrasion Resistance Enhancement of Ultrafine-structured WC-Co Coating Fabricated by using in situ Synthesized Composite Powder, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, Vol.11 (2013), pp. 10671073. 15. Preparation and Phase Stability of Nanocrystalline Li2C2 Alloy, Chinese Journal of Stereology and Image Analysis.(in Chinese), Vol.1(2013), pp.18-22. 16. Simultaneously high fracture toughness and transverse rupture strength in ultrafine cemented carbide, Crystengcomm, Vol.17(2013).pp.3305-3307. 1. Publications in 2013 Beijing University of Technology, Beijing (Song, X.Y. [email protected]) (17 papers) 17. Excess volume in nanocrystalline lithium-carbon system, Micro & Nano Letters, Vol.3(2013), pp. 147150. 18. A nanocrystalline Sm-Co compound for high-temperature permanent magnets, Nanoscale, Vol.6(2013), pp. 2279-2284. 19. Preparation and phase stability of nanocrystalline Li2C2 alloy, Materials Letters, Vol.94 (2013), pp.176178. 20. Effect of interfacial characteristics on toughness of nanocrystalline cemented carbides, Acta Materialia, Vol.6(2013), pp.2154,2162. 21. Special Issue of IJRMHM on the 2012 Zhuzhou International Conference on Cemented Carbides, International Journal of Refractory Metals & Hard Materials, Vol.40(2013), pp. 1-1. 22. On the formation of WC1-x in nanocrystalline cemented carbides, Scripta Materialia, Vol.2(2013), pp.108-110. 1. Publications in 2013 Beijing University of Technology, Beijing (Song, X.Y. [email protected]) (17 papers) 23. Effect of heat-treatment of in-situ synthesized composite powder on properties of sintered cemented carbides, Materials Science and Engineering A-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing, Vol.566(2013), pp. 96-101. 24. Effect of densification mechanism on the Sigma 2 grain boundary plane distribution in WC-Co composites, Materials Letters, Vol.92(2013), pp.86-89. 25. Phase evolution and its effects on the magnetic performance of nanocrystalline SmCo7 alloy, Acta Materialia, Vol.4(2013), pp.1808-1817. 26. Preparation and thermoelectric transport properties of Ba-, La- and Ag-doped Ca3Co4O9 oxide materials, Journal of Rare Earths, Vol.8.(2013), pp.778-783. 27. Thermodynamic stability of Li2C2 and LiC6, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol.575(2013), pp. 403-407. 1. Publications in 2013 Research fields : thermodynamics; phase diagram; diffusion; Coating; Yong Du first-principles calculation. Professor Research Institute for Powder Metallurgy Central South University 1. Publications in 2013 Central South University, Changsha (Du, Y., [email protected]) (31 papers) 28. Application of thermodynamic calculation to the simulation of LPCVD process of the Ti1-XAlXN coating, Cemented carbide, Vol.30 (2013), pp.297-301. (in Chinese). 29. Effect of liquid diffusion coefficients on microstructure evolution during solidification of Al356.1 alloy, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, Vol.23 (2013), pp. 3722-3728. 30. Experimental Investigation of the Al-Fe-Gd System at 773 K, Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion, 34(2)116-121 (2013) 31. Effect of CrN addition on the structure, mechanical and thermal properties of Ti-Al-N coating, Surf. Coat. Technol. , Vol.235 (2013), pp. 506-512. 32. Microstructure, mechanical and thermal properties of TiAlN/CrAlN multilayer coatings, J. Refract. Met. Hard. Mater., Vol. 40 (2013), 51-57. 33. Effect of Zr on structure and properties of Ti-Al-N coatings with varied bias, J. Refract. Met. Hard. Mater., Vol. 38 (2013), 81-86. 1. Publications in 2013 Central South University, Changsha (Du, Y., [email protected]) (31 papers) 34. Diffuse-interface modeling of solute trapping in rapid solidification: Predictions of the hyperbolic phasefield model and parabolic model with finite interface dissipation, Acta Materialia, Vol.61(2013), pp. 4155-4168. 35. Thermodynamic assessment of the Ga-X (X=B,Ca,Sr,Ba) systems supported by first-principles calculations, CALPHAD, Vol. 43 (2013), 52-60. 36. Interdiffusivities and atomic mobilities in fcc Ni-Cu-Si alloys, J. Phase Equilibria and Diff., Vol. 34 (2013), pp. 484-492. 37. Constitution of the ternary system Cr-Ni-Ti system, J. Alloy Compd., Vol. 575 (2013), pp. 48-53. 38. A thermodynamic description of the C–Ta–Zr system, Int. J. Refract Met Hard Mater., Vol.41(2013), pp. 408-415. 39. Diffusion-controlled growth of fcc-free surface layers on cemented carbides: Experimental measurements coupled with computer simulation, Int. J. Refract Met Hard Mater., Vol.41(2013), pp. 531-539. 1. Publications in 2013 Central South University, Changsha (Du, Y., [email protected]) (31 papers) 40. Experimental investigation and simulation of the effect of Ti and N content on formation of fcc-free surface layers in WC-Ti(C,N)-Co cemented carbides, Int. J. Refract Met Hard Mater., Vol. 41(2013), pp. 638-647. 41. Diffusivities and atomic mobilities in the Al-Ce-Ni melts, J. Non-Cryst. Solids, Vol. 379(2013), pp. 2017. 42. Development of an atomic mobility database for liquid phase in multicomponent Al alloys: focusing on binary systems,” Int. J. Mater. Res., Vol.104 (2013), pp. 721-735. 43. Thermodynamic assessment of the Cd-X (X= Sr, Ti, B, V) systems, CALPHAD, Vol.42(2013), pp.6-12. 44. Thermodynamic modeling of the La-B and La-Bi systems supported by First-principles calculations, J. Phase Equilib. Diff., Vol.34(2013), pp. 297-306. 45. Thermodynamic evaluation of the C−Ta−Ti system and extrapolation to the C−Ta−Ti−N system, Int. J. Refract Met Hard Mater., Vol. 40(2013), pp. 36-42. 1. Publications in 2013 Central South University, Changsha (Du, Y., [email protected]) (31 papers) 46. Interdiffusion and atomic mobility studies in Ni-rich fcc Ni-Al-Mn alloys, J. Alloy Compd., Vol.579(2013), pp. 124-131. 47. Phase diagram investigation of the Sn-In-InxAgyCuz (x:y:z=7:2:1) section in the Ag-In-Sn-Cu system, Int. J. Mat. Res., Vol. 104(2013), pp. 452-456. 48. Experimental Investigation and Simulation of Gradient Zone Formation in WC-Ti(C,N)-TaC-NbC-Co Cemented Carbides, J. Phase Equilibria and Diff., Vol. 34(2013), pp. 202-210. 49. Diffusivities and Atomic Mobilities of Sn-Bi and Sn-Pb Melts, J. Electronic Mater., Vol. 42(2013), pp. 1158-1170. 50. Thermodynamic reassessment of the Al-Cr-Si system with the refined description of the Al-Cr system, Thermochimica Acta, Vol.561(2013), pp. 77-90. 51. Diffusivities and atomic mobilities in fcc_A1 Ni-X (X = Ge, Ti and V) alloys, CALPHAD, Vol.41(2013), pp. 108-118. 1. Publications in 2013 Central South University, Changsha (Du, Y., [email protected]) (31 papers) 52. Interdiffusion in Cu-rich fcc Cu-Al-Si alloys at 1073 K, J. Alloy Compd., Vol. 566 (2013), pp.156-163. 53. Development of an atomic mobility database for disordered and ordered fcc phases in multicomponent Al alloys: focusing on binary systems, Int. J. Mater. Res., Vol.104 (2013), pp. 135-148. 54. Microstructure and coercive force evolution of WC-10%Co cemented carbide during sintering, Cemented carbide, Vol. 29(2013), pp. 344-50. 55. A thermodynamic description of the Co-Cr-Ti ternary system over the entire composition and composition ranges, CALPHAD, Vol.41(2013), pp.42-49. 56. The standard enthalpies of formation of some binary intermetallic compounds of lanthanide-Iron systems by high temperature direct synthesis calorimetry, J. Alloy Compd., Vol.554(2013), pp. 232-39. 57. Thermodynamic reassessment of the La-Mn system, J. Min. Metall. B-Metall., Vol. 49(2013), pp. 391394. 58. First-principles investigation of the mechanical, electronic and thermophysical properties of Q-phase in Al-Mg-Si-Cu alloys, Computational Materials Science, Vol.67(2013), 334-340. 1. Publications in 2013 Research fields : phase diagram; thermodynamic calculation; kinetic simulation. Libin Liu Professor School of Mater. Sci. & Eng. Central South University 1. Publications in 2013 Central South University, Changsha (Liu, L.B., [email protected], Jin, Z.P., [email protected]) (5 papers) 59. Phase equilibria in Mg-rich corner of Mg-Ca-RE (RE=Gd, Nd) systems at 400 °C, Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China, Vol.23(2013), pp. 881-888. 60. Experimental Investigation and Thermodynamic Modeling for the Mg-Nd-Sr System, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, Vol. 44A (2013), pp. 5634-5641. 61. Computational study of atomic mobilities in Al–Zr solid solutions and the growth of ZrAl3 intermetallic phase, CALPHAD, Vol. 40 (2013), pp. 34-40 62. Experimental study and thermodynamic assessment of the Cu–Fe–Ti system, CALPHAD, Vol.40(2013), pp. 24-33. 63. Modeling and simulation of the TiC reaction layer growth during active brazing of diamond using DICTRA, Computational Materials Science, Vol.78(2013), pp.74-82. 1. Publications in 2013 Central South University, Changsha (Liu, H.S., [email protected]) (8 papers) 64. Thermodynamic assessment of Sn-Cu-Ce system, CALPHAD, 43 (2013) 124-132. 65. Thermodynamic assessment of Cu-Ni-Ti ternary system assisted with key measurements, Thermochimica Acta, 574 (2013), 121-132. 66. Thermodynamic optimization of Co-Ge binary system, Thermochimica Acta, 572 (2013), 94-100. 67. Strength and fatigue fracture behavior of Al-Zn-Mg-Cu-Zr(-Sn) alloys, Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China, 23(2013), 2817-2825. 68. Isothermal Sections of Al-Ni-Zr Ternary System at 850 and 1050˚C, J. Phase Equil. and Diffus., 34 (2013), 390-402. 69. Modeling and simulation of the TiC reaction layer growth during active brazing of diamond using DICTRA, Comput. Mater. Sci., 78 (2013), 74-82 70. Influence of various powder fabrication methods on magnetic properties of powder cores, Powder Metallurgy, 56(2013), 196-201. 71. Fatigue crack propagation behavior and corrosion resistance of Al-Zn-Mg-Cu-Ti(-Sn) alloys, Mater. Sci. Tech., 29(2013), p319-325. 1. Publications in 2013 China University Geosciences (Beijing) (Ma, H.W., [email protected], Liu, Y.Q., [email protected]) (9 papers) 72. The experimental study of carbothermic reduction of magnesia with different carbon materials, Advanced Materials Research, Vols.652-654 (2013), pp. 2552-2555. 73. Investigations on phase constitution, mechanical properties and hydration kinetics of aluminous cements containing magnesium aluminate spinel, Ceramics International, Vol. 39(2013), pp.8393-8400. 74. Synthesis of aragonite by carbonization from dolomite without any additives, International Journal of Mineral Processing, Vol.123 (2013), pp.25-31. 75. Preparation of Magnesia Nanoballs from Dolomite, Integrated Ferroelectrics, Vol. 145(1) (2013), pp.170-177. 76. 焦炭真空还原氧化镁的热力学分析及实验研究,2013年第3期,pp. 49-53 77. 热还原制备金属镁的反应热力学与工艺过程评价,矿产综合利用,2013年第3期,pp. 39-44. 78. 低钙烧结法从高铝粉煤灰脱硅产物中提取氧化铝,轻金属,2013年11期,pp.11-13. 1. Publications in 2013 China University Geosciences (Beijing) (Ma, H.W., [email protected], Liu, Y.Q., [email protected]) (9 papers) 79. 高铁钾长石粉体合成13X型分子筛的晶化过程,矿物学报,2013年31卷1期,pp. 31-37。 80. 钾长石粉体合成L 型分子筛,硅酸盐学报,2013年41卷8期,1151-1157. 1. Publications in 2013 Guangxi University, Nanning (Yan J.L., [email protected]) (10 papers) 81. Isothermal section of the Al-Tb-V ternary system at 773 K, Int. J. Mater. Res., Vol.104 (2013), pp. 129134. 82. Theoretical investigation of the Al–Cr–B orthorhombic ternary compounds, Comput. Theoret. Chem., Vol.1020 (2013), pp.51-56. 83. Phase Equilibria of the Al-Mo-Dy Ternary System at 873 K, J. Phase Equilib. Diff., Vol.34 (2013), pp. 322-327. 84. Phase equilibria of the Al-Cr-Pr ternary system at 773 K, Int. J. Mater. Res., Vol.104 (2013), pp. 12331239. 85. Phase diagram of Er-Sn-Te system for diluted magnetic semiconductor developments, J. Rare Earths, Vol.31 (2013), pp. 800-803. 86. Solid state phase equilibria and intermetallic compounds of the Al-Cr-Ho system, J. Solid State Chem., Vol.198 (2013), pp. 344-356. 1. Publications in 2013 Guangxi University, Nanning (Yan J.L., [email protected]) (10 papers) 87. Effects of alloying elements on structural, electronic and mechanical properties of AlSc2 by firstprinciples calculations, Comput. Mater. Sci., Vol. 69 (2013), pp. 160-167. 88. Theoretical prediction of structural, elastic and electronic properties of Si-doped TiCuGe intermetallics, Curr. Appl. Phys., Vol.13 (2013), pp.549-555. 89. Investigation on the thermal stability of the compounds Y1-xErxCo5 (x = 0, 0.12, 0.24) , Advanced Materials Research, Vol.815(2013), pp 126-129. 90. Investigation on the thermal stability of the compoundsY3Fe29-xCrx, Advanced Materials Research, Vol.820(2013), pp 71-74. 1. Publications in 2013 Guangxi University, Nanning (Ouyang, Y.F., [email protected]) (5 papers) 91. Phase stability, thermodynamic and mechanical properties of AlZr2, FeZr2 and Al2FeZr6 from firstprinciples calculations, Journal of Nuclear Materials, Vol. 440(2013), pp. 6-10. 92. First-principles investigation of the mechanical, electronic and thermophysical properties of Q-phase in Al-Mg-Si-Cu alloys, Computational Materials Science, Vol.67(2013), pp. 334-340 . 93. The pressure dependence of elastic and lattice dynamics properties of AlAs from ab initio calculations, Chin. Phys. B, Vol. 22(2013), pp. 026201. 94. Surface energy and surface self-diffusion of Al Calculated by embedded atom method, Physica B: Condensed Matter, Vol. 422(2013), pp. 51-55. 95. Experimental Investigation of the Al-Fe-Gd System at 773 K, Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion, Vol. 34(2013), pp. 116-121 . 1. Publications in 2013 Guilin University of Electronic Technology, Guilin (Gu Z.F., [email protected]) (2 papers) 96. Experimental determination of the phase relations of the Co–Pt–Dy system at 773 K, Int. J. Mater. Res. (formerly Z. Metallkd.), Vol. 104(2013), pp. 643-649 97. Phase equilibria at 1173K in the ternary Fe-Pt-Tb system, Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion, Vol. 35(2014), pp. 163-171. 1. Publications in 2013 Research fields : phase relation; phase transition; crystal structure determination; thermal analysis; thermodynamics; X-ray crystallography; structure-property relationship of materials. Guanghui Rao Professor College of Mater. Sci. & Eng. Guilin Univ. of Elec. Tech. 1. Publications in 2013 Guilin University of Electronic Technology, Guilin (Rao, G.H., [email protected]) (13 papers) 98. Crystal structures, phase relationships, and magnetic phase transitions of R5M4 compounds (R = rare earths, M = Si, Ge), Chin. Phys. B, Vol. 22(2013), pp. 097501. 99. R-site cation randomness effect in the A-site ordered Y0.5La0.5BaMn2O6 compound, Chin. Phys. B, Vol. 22(2013), pp. 07750. 100.(FeCo)-Ag颗粒膜制备及GMR性能的研究,稀有金属材料与工程, 42(5),1067-1070,2013. 101.Effect of Dy on structure and magnetic properties of CoPt alloys, Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Mater.Sci.Ed., Vol. 288(2013), pp. 40-843 102.稀土Dy对Dyx(Co21Cu79)100-x颗粒膜结构与GMR效应的影响,稀有金属材料与工程,2013年第8 期,pp. 690-1693. 103.Gdx((Fe83Co17)55Ag45)100-x颗粒膜结构及巨磁电阻效应研究,稀有金属,2013年第1期,pp. 55-59. 1. Publications in 2013 Guilin University of Electronic Technology, Guilin (Rao, G.H., [email protected]) (13 papers) 104.Development of thermodynamic database of Ti-V-based hydrogen storage alloys, Materials Science Forum, Vol. 749(2013), pp. 577-582. 105.C Leinenbach,Modeling and simulation of the TiC reaction layer growth during active brazing of diamond using DICTRA, Computational Materials Science, Vol. 78(2013), pp. 74-82. 106.Mobilities and diffusivities for bcc Nb-W, Nb-Ta, Zr-Mo and Zr-Hf alloys, J. Alloys Compd, Vol. 555(2013), pp. 381-389. 107.Thermodynamic basis and related phase equilibria for Bi-Li and Bi-Na binary systems, Thermochimica Acta, Vol. 558(2013), pp. 53-60. 108.Thermodynamic Descriptions and Phase Diagrams for Sb-Na and Sb-K Binary Systems, Thermochimica Acta, Vol. 569(2013), pp. 119-126. 1. Publications in 2013 Guilin University of Electronic Technology, Guilin (Rao, G.H., [email protected]) (13 papers) 109.Co-C颗粒膜的结构、磁性能和GMR效应研究, 稀有金属材料与工程,2013年第8期,pp. 1659-1663. 110.铁基合金Fe63Co20Ce13Al4吸波性能的研究,功能材料,2013年第21期,pp. 3139-3142. 1. Publications in 2013 Guilin University of Electronic Technology, Guilin (Sun L.X., [email protected]) (18 papers) 111.Nanosized Cu-MOFs induced by graphene oxide and enhanced gas storage capacity, Energy & Environmental Science, Vol. 6(2013), pp. 818. 112.Mesoporous metal-organic frameworks: design and applications, Energy & Environmental Science, Vol. 5(2012), pp. 7508-7520. 113.H2 storage and CO2 capture on a nanoscale metal organic framework with high thermal stability, Chemical Communications, Vol. 48(2012), pp. 759-761. 114.Graphene oxide and lithium amidoborane: a new way to bridge chemical and physical approaches for hydrogen storage, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, Vol.1(2013), pp. 8016. 115.Adjustable structure transition and improved gases (H2, CO2) adsorption property of metal-organic framework MIL-53 by encapsulation of BNHx, Dalton Transactions, Vol. 41(2012), pp. 3119-3122. 116.Syntheses, structures and chemical sensing properties of three complexes with mixed ligands of carboxylate and bipyridine, Dalton Trans, Vol. 42(2013), pp. 1346-1351. 1. Publications in 2013 Guilin University of Electronic Technology, Guilin (Sun L.X., [email protected]) (18 papers) 117.Enhanced selectivity of CO(2) over CH(4) in sulphonate-, carboxylate- and iodo-functionalized UiO-66 frameworks, Dalton Trans, Vol. 42(2013), pp. 4730-4737. 118.Hydrolysis reaction of ball-milled Mg-metal chlorides composite for hydrogen generation for fuel cells, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 37(2012), pp. 6771-6775. 119.Mechanisms of H2 generation for metal doped Al16M (M = Mg and Bi) clusters in water, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol.38(2013), pp. 6930-6937. 120.Bienzymatic glucose biosensor based on direct electrochemistry of cytochrome c on gold nanoparticles/polyaniline nanospheres composite, Talanta, Vol. 110(2013), pp. 96-100. 121.Hydrogen storage and selective carbon dioxide capture in a new chromium(III)-based infinite coordination polymer, Rsc Advances, Vol. 2(2012), pp. 2939-2945. 122.Preparation and thermal properties of fatty acids/CNTs composite as shape-stabilized phase change materials, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, Vol. 1(2013), pp. 377-384. 1. Publications in 2013 Guilin University of Electronic Technology, Guilin (Sun L.X., [email protected]) (18 papers) 123.Improved dehydrogenation/rehydrogenation performance of LiBH4 by doping mesoporous Fe2O3 or/and TiF3, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, Vol. 112 (2013), pp. 1407-1414. 124.Heat capacities and thermodynamic properties of Co(3,5-PDC)(H2O), Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, Vol. 112(2012), pp. 1579-1585. 125.Al-LiBH_4复合材料的制备与产氢性能,高等学校化学学报,2013年,pp. 1953-1958. 126.基于碳纳米材料载体的氢气传感器,化学进展,2013年,pp. 270-275. 127.纳米限域的储氢材料,化学进展,2013年,pp. 115-121. 128.AlCl3对4MgH2-Li3AlH6体系脱氢性能的影响,材料导报,2013年,pp. 58-61. 1. Publications in 2013 Guilin University of Electronic Technology, Guilin (Zhou H.Y., [email protected]) (31 papers) 129.Effect of Electrolytes on Electrochemical Properties of MmNi5-based Hydrogen Storage Alloy, Int. J. Electrochem. Sci., Vol. 9(2014), pp. 2397-240. 130.Effect of Co substitution for La on hydrogen storage properties and thermal stabilities of amorphous Mg60Ni30La10-xCox (x=0, 2 and 4) alloys prepared by melt spinning, Materials Science and Technology, Vol. 30(2014), pp. 176-182. 131.Effect of Al content on structure and electrochemical properties of LaNi4.4- xCo0.3Mn0.3Alx hydrogen storage alloys, Int. J. hydrogen energy, Vol. 38(2013), pp. 1-6. 132.Hydrogen storage properties and thermal stability of amorphous Mg70(RE25Ni75)30 alloys, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 563(2013), pp. 1-5. 133.Effect of high and low temperature on the electrochemical performance of LaNi4.4-xCo0.3Mn0.3Alx hydrogen storage alloys, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol.579(2013), pp. 438–443. 134.Study on glass-forming ability and hydrogen storage properties of amorphous Mg60Ni30La10-xCox (x = 0, 4) alloys, Materials Characterization, Vol.86(2013), pp. 200-205. 1. Publications in 2013 Guilin University of Electronic Technology, Guilin (Zhou H.Y., [email protected]) (31 papers) 135.Effect of annealing treatment on structure and electrochemical properties of LaNi4.5Co0.25Al0.25 alloy with low Co content, Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 788(2013), pp. 141-146 136.Adsorption of Ag+ by persimmon tannins immobilized on collagen fiber, Desalination and Water Treatment, (2013), pp. 1-8. 137.Preparation of Persimmon Tannins Immobilized on Collagen Adsorbent and Research on its Adsorption to Cr(VI), Materials Science Forum, Vol. 743-744(2013), pp. 523-530. 138.Adsorption for Au3+ by Persimmon Tannins Immobilized on Collagen Fiber, Materials Science Forum, Vol. 745-746(2013), pp. 39-45. 139.Adsorption of In3+ from aqueous solutions by persimmon tannins-immobilized collagen fiber, Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 788(2013), pp. 114-118. 140.Pressure-induced stabilization and insulator-superconductor transition of BH, Physical Review Letters, Vol. 110(2013), pp. 165504. 1. Publications in 2013 Guilin University of Electronic Technology, Guilin (Zhou H.Y., [email protected]) (31 papers) 141.Mechanical properties and chemical bonding of the Os-B system: a first-principles study, Acta Materialia, Vol. 60(2012), pp. 4208-4217. 142.Synthesis and activity of Ag-doped Bi2WO6 photocatalysts, Materials Science Forum, Vol. 743744(2013), pp. 560-566. 143.Synthesis and photocatalytic activity of Ag-doped BiVO4, Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 734737(2013), pp. 2204-2209. 144.Improved reversible dehydrogenation properties of LiBH4-MgH2 composite by tailoring nanophase structure using activated carbon, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 38(2013), pp. 37103716. 145.High Power LiMn2O4 Hollow Microsphere Cathode Materials for Lithium Ion Batteries, International Journal of Electrochemical Science, Vol. 8(2013), pp. 6775-6783. 146.Evaluation of Pulsed Laser Deposited Li4Ti5O12 Thin Film Anodes by CV and EIS, Materials Science Forum, Vol. 743-744, pp. 13-19. 1. Publications in 2013 Guilin University of Electronic Technology, Guilin (Zhou H.Y., [email protected]) (31 papers) 147.Electrochemical Properties of LiNi0.50Co0.25Mn0.25O2 Thin Film Cathodes Prepared by Pulsed Laser Deposition, International Journal of Electrochemical Science, Vol. 8(2013), pp. 1770 – 1777. 148.Isothermal section of Gd-Sm-Co ternary system at 773 K, JOURNAL OF RARE EARTHS, Vol. 31(2013), pp. 415-418. 149.Investigation of glass forming ability in Ce-Al-Co(Cu) alloys, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, Vol. 383(2013), pp. 6-12. 150.kinectics of glass transition, Materials chemistry and physics, Vol. 142(2013), pp. 707-711. 151.Interdiffusion and atomic mobility studies in Ni-rich fcc Ni-Al-Mn alloys, Journal of alloys and Compounds, Vol. 579(2013), pp. 124-131. 152.Development of thermodynamic database of Ti-V-based hydrogen storage alloys, Materials Science Forum, Vol. 749(2013), pp. 577-582. 153.Modeling and simulation of the TiC reaction layer growth during active brazing of diamond using DICTRA, Computational Materials Science, Vol. 78(2013), pp. 74-82. 1. Publications in 2013 Guilin University of Electronic Technology, Guilin (Zhou H.Y., [email protected]) (31 papers) 154.Mobilities and diffusivities for bcc Nb-W, Nb-Ta, Zr-Mo and Zr-Hf alloys, J. Alloys Compd, Vol. (555)2013, pp. 381-389. 155.Thermodynamic basis and related phase equilibria for Bi-Li and Bi-Na binary systems, Thermochimica Acta, Vol. 558(2013), pp. 53-60. 156.热处理对TbFeCr合金微波吸收性能的影响,稀有金属材料与工程,2013年第24期,pp. 1038-1042 157.Co添加对Fe-Si基合金微波吸收性能影响研究, 广西师范大学:自然科学版,2013年第31期,pp. 26-30. 158.高能球磨工艺对Nd-Fe-Cr合金吸波性能的影响,电子元件与材料,2013年32期,pp. 57-60. 159.Thermodynamic Descriptions and Phase Diagrams for Sb-Na and Sb-K Binary Systems, Thermochimica Acta, Vol. 569(2013), pp. 119-126. 1. Publications in 2013 Research interests: phase diagrams; structure; magnetic properties of R-Fe system alloys; magnetostrictive devices. Bowen Wang Professor Magnetic Technique and Magnetic Materials Research Center Hebei University of Technology 1. Publications in 2013 Hebei University of Technology (B.W. Wang, [email protected]) (5 papers) 160.The effect of magnetic annealing on the magnetostriction for Sm-Dy-Ferod alloys, J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 113 (2013), pp. 17A905-1/3. 161.Relationships between magnetization and dynamic stress for Galfenol rod alloy and its application in force sensor, J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 113 (2013), pp. 17A917-1/3. 162.Major and minor stress-magnetization loops in textured polycrystalline Fe81:6Ga18:4 Galfenol, J. Appl. Phys., Vol.113 (2013), 024508-1/9. 163.Magneto-thermo-mechanical characterization of giant magnetostrictive materials, Rare Met., Vol. 32 (2013), pp.486-489. 164.Phase diagram of the Sm–Nd–Fe ternary system, Trans. Nonferrrous Met. Soc. China, Vol. 23 (2013), pp. 1633-1638. 1. Publications in 2013 Northeastern University, Shenyang (G.W. Qin [email protected]) (3 papers) 165.Mg-Zn-Al三元系富镁角350℃等温截面,中国有色金属学报,Vol. 23(2013), pp.. 297-302 166.Theoretical Understanding of Enhanced Photoelectrochemical Catalytic Activity of Sn-doped Hematite: Anisotropic Catalysis and Effects of Morin Transition and Sn doping, Journal of Physical Chemistry-C, Vol. 117 (2013),pp. 3779-3784. 167.Dependence on the structure and surface polarity of ZnS photocatalytic activities of water splitting: firstprinciples calculations, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics,Vol.15( 2013), pp. 9531-9539. 1. Publications in 2013 Research interests: Synthesis, structure of the functional oxides such as multiferroic, superconductor, ionic conductor. Guobao Li Associate Professor College of Chem. & Mol. Eng., Peking University 1. Publications in 2013 Peking University, Beijing (Li, G.B. [email protected] ) (4 papers) 168.Synthesis of β-FeSe by Salt-Flux Method under Air Atmosphere, Acta Phys. -Chim. Sin., Vol.29( 2013), pp. 2661-2666 169.On the Structure of α-BiFeO3, Inorg. Chem., Vol.52(2013), pp. 2388-2392 170.Enhanced oxide ion conductivity in stabilized cubic BaInO2.5 byMn5+ doping, Inorganic Chemistry Communications, Vol.33 (2013), pp. 151-153. 171.Phase relationship of the TbO1.81-Mn3O4-Fe2O3 system synthesized at 1200oC, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol.554 (2013), pp. 385-394. 1. Publications in 2013 Research fields : The research of the inorganic compounds, including designing, synthesis, structure, electronic structure and basic physical property; Exploration and development of the new type of inorganic functional materials. Jingtai Zhao Professor Shanghai University 1. Publications in 2013 Shanghai University, Shanghai (Zhao, J.T., [email protected] ) (32 papers) 172.Synthesis, crystal structure, and properties of KSbO3-type Bi3Mn1.9Te1.1O11, JOURNAL OF SOLID STATE CHEMISTRY, 197, pp. 543- 549. 173.Preparation and photovoltaic properties of N-doped TiO2 nanocrystals in vacuum, Journal of Materials Research, 2013, 28, 468-474. 174.Diffusion-Controlled Formation of Ti2O3 during Spark-Plasma Synthesis I. Inorganic Chemistry 2013, 52(8): 4458-4463. 175.Synthesis, structure and properties of two new Zintl phases around the composition SrLiAs, Inorganic Chemistry 2013, 52(15): 8971-8978. 176.Synthesis, crystal structure, and properties of KSbO3-type Bi3Mn1.9Te1.1O11, JOURNAL OF SOLID STATE CHEMISTRY, 197, 543- 549. DI 10.1016/j.jssc.2012.07.038, 2013 177.Preparation and photovoltaic properties of N-doped TiO2 nanocrystals in vacuum, Journal of Materials Research, 2013, 28, 468-474. 1. Publications in 2013 Shanghai University, Shanghai (Zhao, J.T., [email protected] ) (32 papers) 173.Diffusion-Controlled Formation of Ti2O3 during Spark-Plasma Synthesis I. Inorganic Chemistry 2013, 52(8): 4458-4463. 174.Synthesis, structure and properties of two new Zintl phases around the composition SrLiAs, Inorganic Chemistry 2013, 52(15): 8971-8978. 175.Crystal structure of cadmium iridium, Cd41Ir8, Zeitschrift für Kristallographie-New Crystal Structures 2013, 228 online available, DOI 10.1524/ncrs.2013.0168 176.Preparation and characterization of Bi2O3-SiO2-Al2O3 based glasses of good transparency with high Bi2O3 content, J. Non-Cryst. Solids, 2013, 363: 84-88. 177.Crystal Structure, Phase Transition and Optical Properties of -PrBO3, Journal of Inorganic Materials, (2013), 28, 1153-1157. 178.Photoluminescence properties of red-emitting Mn2+-activated CaAlSiN3 phosphor for white-LEDs, ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology, 2013, 2(4), r70-r75. 1. Publications in 2013 Shanghai University, Shanghai (Zhao, J.T., [email protected] ) (32 papers) 179.Synthesis, characterization and luminescent properties of needle-like lanthanide-doped orthorhombic Y5O4F7, Journal of Rare Earths, 2013, 31 , 745-749. 180.Structural Assembly from Phosphate to Germanophosphate by Applying Germanate as a Binder, Inorg. Chem. 2013, 52, 9169−9171. 181.A Promising Mid-Temperature Thermoelectric Material Candidate: Pb/Sn-Codoped In4 Pbx Sny Se3. Advanced Materials , 2013; DOI:10.1002/adma.201302038 182.Structure and magnetism of Cr2BP3O12: Towards the “quantum–classical” crossover in a spin-3/2 alternating chain, Phys. Rev. B, 87, 064417 (2013) 183.Synthesis and Properties of Type-I Clathrate Phases Rb8−x−tKx□tAuyGe46−y, Inorg. Chem. 2013, 52, 9720−9726, . 184.Synthesis, crystal structure and physical properties of Yb11Bi10 – xSnx, Solid State Sciences 18:127– 130. DOI:10.1016/j.solidstatesciences.2013 1. Publications in 2013 Shanghai University, Shanghai (Zhao, J.T., [email protected] ) (32 papers) 185.Preparation, Electronic structure and Photoluminescence properties of RE (RE= Ce, Yb)-activated SrAlSi4N7 yellow-red emitting phosphors for white-LEDs”, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 1 (2013) 7856. 186.Synthesis and luminescent properties of BaGd2O4:Dy3+, a novel scintillating phosphor”, Applied Physics B – Lasers and Optics, DOI 10.1007/s00340-012-5246-8. 187.Luminescent properties of Eu3+-activated (70-x)B2O3-xGeO2-Gd2O3 scintillating glasses”, IEEE Transaction on Nuclear Science. (2013) Accepted; 188.Luminescence properties of B2O3–GeO2–Gd2O3 scintillating glass doped with rare-earth and transition-metal ions”, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 716 (2013) 90–95. 189.Preparation and spectroscopic properties of Rare - Earth (RE) (RE = Sm, Eu, Tb, Dy, Tm) - activated K2LnZr(PO4)3 (Ln = Y, La, Gd and Lu) phosphate in vacuum ultraviolet region”, Materials Research Bulletin, 48 (2013) 224-231. 1. Publications in 2013 Shanghai University, Shanghai (Zhao, J.T., [email protected] ) (32 papers) 190.Luminescence properties of Tb3+ activated B2O3–GeO2–Gd2O3 scintillating glasses”, Journal of NonCrystalline Solids, 379 (2013) 127-130. 191.Mild hydrothermal synthesis and photoluminescence of needle-like Y(OH)1.1F1.9:Tb3+”, Materials Letters. 100 (2013) 245-247. 192.Photoluminescence properties and energy levels of RE (RE=Pr, Sm, Er, Tm) in layered-CaZnOS oxysulfide ”, Journal of Applied Physics, 114,(2013)213518 . DOI:10.1063/1.4842815 193.Zintl phase compounds AM2Sb2 (A=Ca, Sr, Ba, Eu, Yb; M=Zn, Cd) and their substitution variants: a class of potential thermoelectric materials, JOURNAL OF RARE EARTHS, Vol. 31( 11),( 2013), 1029. DOI: 10.1016/S1002-0721(12)60398-6. 1. Publications in 2013 Shanghai University, Shanghai (Zhao, J.T., [email protected] ) (32 papers) 194.Preparation, electronic structure and photoluminescence properties of RE (RE =Ce, Yb)-activated SrAlSi4N7 phosphors, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2013, 1,7856 195.Preparation, electronic structure and luminescence properties of Ce3+-activated CaZnOS under UV and X-ray excitation, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 592 (2014) 73–79 196.Preparation and spectroscopic properties of rare-earth (RE) (RE = Sm, Eu, Tb, Dy,Tm)-activated K2LnZr(PO4)3 (Ln = Y, La, Gd and Lu) phosphate in vacuum ultraviolet region, Materials Research Bulletin 48 (2013) 224–231 197.Synthesis and Red Emission of NaY(WO_4)_2 Phosphor with Lithium and Europium Dopants , Journal of Inorganic Materials, 28(12), (2013) 1281-1285. 198.Eu3+-Activated Borogermanate Scintillating Glass with a High Gd2O3 Content”, Journal of American Ceramic Society, 96 [5] (2013) 1483-1489. 1. Publications in 2013 Shenzhen University, Shenzhen (Li, J.Q. [email protected] ) (10 papers) 199.High thermoelectric performance of GeTe–Ag8GeTe6 eutectic composites, J. Alloy Compd., Vol. 565 (2013), pp144-147. 200.Enhanced thermoelectric Properties of (PbTe)0.88(PbS)0.12 composites by Sb doping, J. Elec. Mater., Vol. 42 (2013), pp. 366-371. 201.Enhanced thermoelectric Properties of (PbTe)0.88(PbS)0.12 composites by Bi doping, J. Alloy Compd., Vol. 547(2013), pp. 86-90. 202.Solvothermal synthesis of nano-sized skutterudite Co1-xNixSb3 powders, Powder Diffraction, Vol. 28(2013), ppS17-S21. 203.Partial isothermal section of the Dy-Co-Ga ternary system at 500 oC, Inter. J. Mater. Res., Vol. 104 (2013), pp.364-371. 204.Ternary compounds and isothermal section in Lu-Fe-Ga ternary system at 773K, Phase Tran., Vol. 86 (2013), 585-597. 205.Effect of Co substitution on the martensitic transformation and magnetocaloric properties of Ni50Mn35xCoxSn15, Powder Diffraction, Vol. 28 (2013), S22-S27. 1. Publications in 2013 Shenzhen University, Shenzhen (Li, J.Q. [email protected] ) (10 papers) 206.The martensitic transition and magnetocaloric properties of Ni51Mn49-xSnx, Physica B, Vol. 412 (2013), 74-78. 207.A comparative study of structural and electrical properties of Ba0.8Pb0.2TiO3 nanocrystalline ceramics prepared by microwave and spark plasma sintering, Mater. Chem. Phy., 142 (2013), pp. 686-691. 208.Preparation and thermoelectric properties of polythiophene/multiwalled carbon nanotube composites, Syn. Met., Vol. 181 (2013), pp. 79-85. 1. Publications in 2013 Research interests: Phase diagram and phase transitions, computational materials science, electronic packaging materials, composite materials, amorphous materials Xingjun Liu Professor College of Materials Xiamen University 1. Publications in 2013 Research interests: Phase diagram and phase change, materials thermodynamics and kinetics, computational materials science, metal-matrix composites, hightemperature alloys, high-performance copper alloys, nuclear materials. Cuiping Wang Professor College of Materials Xiamen University 1. Publications in 2013 Xiamen University, Xiamen (Liu, X.J. [email protected], Wang, C.P. [email protected] ) (22 papers) 209.Experimental Investigation of Phase Equilibria in the Cu-Fe-Zr Ternary System, Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion, Vol. 34 (2013), pp. 438-446. 210.Experimental investigation of phase equilibria in the Fe-Si-Zr ternary system, Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion, Vol. 34 (2013), pp. 277-288. 211.Effects of V on phase formation and plasticity improvement in Cu–Zr–Al glassy alloys, Materials Science and Engineering: A, Vol. 561 (2013) 245-251 212.Accurate determination of thermodynamic properties for liquid alloys based on ab initio molecular dynamics simulation, Fluid Phase Equilibria, Vol. 360 (2013) 44-53. 213.Magnetoelectic sensor with miniature universal tunable bias magnetic circuit, Applied Physics letters, Vol. 103 (2013) 032903. 214.Experimental investigation of phase equilibria in the Cu-Ni-Si ternary system, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol.578 (2013), pp. 439-447. 1. Publications in 2013 Xiamen University, Xiamen (Liu, X.J. [email protected], Wang, C.P. [email protected] ) (22 papers) 215.Experimental investigation and thermodynamic calculation of the phase equilibria in the Cr-Hf-Ti ternary system, Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion, Vol. 34 (2013), pp. 375-384. 216.Thermodynamic assessments of the Au-Th and As-U systems, Journal of Nuclear Materials, Vol. 440 (2013), pp. 214-219. 217.Effect of blue tungsten oxide on skeleton sintering and infiltration of W–Cu composites, International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, Vol. 41 (2013) , pp.236-240. 218.Giant phase shift effect in Tb 0.3Dy0.7Fe2/Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 laminated composite, Applied Physics Letters, Vol.102 (2013), pp. 112904 219.Experimental investigation of phase equilibria in the Co-Cr-W ternary system, International Journal of Materials Research, Vol.104 (2013), pp. 836-842. 220.Experimental investigation of phase equilibria in the Co-Cr-Nb system at 1000, 1100, and 1200 °C, Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion, Vol.34 (2013), pp. 313-321. 1. Publications in 2013 Xiamen University, Xiamen (Liu, X.J. [email protected], Wang, C.P. [email protected] ) (22 papers) 221.Experimental determination of phase equilibria in the Ni-Hf-Si ternary system, Intermetallics, Vol.42 (2013), pp.14-22. 222.Experimental investigation of phase equilibria in the Co-Si-Zr ternary system, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol.574 (2013), pp.33-44. 223.Thermodynamic assessment of the B-Ce and B-Pr systems, CALPHAD, Vol. 41(2013), pp. 150-155. 224.Thermodynamic assessment of the Eu-Pb and Lu-Pb systems, CALPHAD, Vol. 41 (2013) 20-25. 225.Experimental determination of phase equilibria in the Co-V-Mo ternary system, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 556 (2013) 280-286 226.Formation Mechanisms of Self-Organized Core/Shell and Core/Shell/Corona Microstructure in Liquid droplets of Immiscible Alloys, Acta Materialia, Vol. 61 (2013) pp.1229-1243. 227.Thermodynamic, structural and elastic properties of Co3X (X=Ti, Ta, W, V, Al) compounds from firstprinciples calculations, Intermetallics, Vol. 32(2013), pp. 303-311 1. Publications in 2013 Xiamen University, Xiamen (Liu, X.J. [email protected], Wang, C.P. [email protected] ) (22 papers) 228.First-principles investigation of electronic, mechanical and thermodynamic properties of L12 ordered Co3(M, W) (M = Al, Ge, Ga) phases, Acta Materialia, Vol. 61(2013), pp. 5437-5448. 229.A modified model to predict self-diffusion coefficents in metastable fcc, bcc and hcp structures, Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion, Vol. 34(2013), pp. 17-24. 230.Thermal stability, crystallization behavior, Vickers hardness and magnetic properties of Fe-Co-Ni-CrMo-C-B-Y bulk metallic glasses, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, Vol. 23(2013), pp. 148-155. 1. Publications in 2013 University of Science and Technology Beijing (Xianran Xing [email protected] ) (14 papers) 231.First-principles study on negative thermal expansion of PbTiO3, Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol.103(2013), pp.221901(1-5). 232.Temperature-independent ferroelectric property and characterization of high-TC 0.2Bi(Mg1/2Ti1/2)O30.8PbTiO3 thin films, Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol.103(2013), pp. 082902(1-5). 233.Large remanent polarization in multiferroic NdFeO3-PbTiO3 thin film, Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol.103(2013), pp.82904(1-5). 234.Niobium Pentoxide Hollow Nanospheres with Enhanced Visible Light Photocatalytic Activity, J. Mater Chem. A, Vol. 1(2013), pp.11894-11900. 235.Experimental visualization of the Bi–O covalency in ferroelectric bismuth ferrite (BiFeO3) by synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction analysis, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., Vol.15(2013), pp.6779-6782. 236.Effects of Oxygen Vacancy on the Multiferroics in Pb0.8Co0.2TiO3 Thin Films Derived from Sol-gel Route, Dalton Trans., Vol.42(2013), pp. 10358-10364. 237.Multiferroics and Electronic Structure of (1−x)PbTiO3–xBi(Ni1/2Ti1/2)O3 Thin Films, Thin Solid Films, Vol.542(2013), pp.155-159. 1. Publications in 2013 University of Science and Technology Beijing (Xianran Xing [email protected] ) (14 papers) 238.Effectively control negative thermal expansion of single-phase ferroelectrics of PbTiO3-(Bi,La)FeO3 over a giant range, Sci. Rep., Vol. 3 (2013), pp. 2458(1-5). 239.Unusual transformation from strong negative to positive thermal expansion in PbTiO3-BiFeO3 perovskite, Phys. Rev. Lett., Vol.110 (2013), pp.115901(1-5). 240.Enhanced piezoelectric and ferroelectric properties in the BaZrO3 substituted BiFeO3-PbTiO3, Appl Phys. Lett., Vol.102 (2013), pp. 022905(1-5). 241.Leaching of Zinc from Calcined Smithsonite using Sodium Hydroxide, Hydrometallurgy, Vols.131-132 (2013), pp. 89-92. 242.Large remanent polarization and small leakage in sol–gel derived Bi(Zn1/2Zr1/2)O3–PbTiO3 ferroelectric thin films, Dalton Trans., Vol.42 (2013), pp. 585. 243.Influences of oxide chemical modified on microstructure and electrical properties of PbTiO3Bi(Ni1/2Ti1/2)O3, Inorg. Chem. Commun., Vol.27 (2013), pp. 9-12. 244.Multiferroic properties and enhanced magnetoelectric coupling in (1-x)PbTiO3-xNdFeO3, Solid State Sciences, Vol.15(2013), pp.91-94. 1. Publications in 2013 Research interests: Structure and equilibrium, thermodynamics of materials and material design. Zhenmin Du Professor School of Mater. Sci. & Eng. University of Science and Technology Beijing 1. Publications in 2013 Research interests: Thermodynamics of Materials and Phase Diagrams of Alloys. Changrong Li Professor School of Mater. Sci. & Eng. University of Science and Technology Beijing 1. Publications in 2013 University of Science and Technology Beijing (Zhenmin Du [email protected] , Changrong Li [email protected] ) (8 papers) 245.Thermodynamic optimization of the Gd–Pb system using random solution and associate models, CALPHAD, Vol.42(2013), pp. 1-5. 246.Thermodynamic re-assessment of the Ni–Sn system, Inter. J. Mat. Res., Vol.104(2013), pp. 51-59. 247.Thermodynamic assessment of the Bi–Rb binary system, Thermochimica Acta, Vol.551(2013), pp. 2732. 248.Thermodynamic modeling of the Ba–Mg binary system, Inter. J. Mat. Res., Vol.104(2013), pp. 358363. 249.Thermodynamic assessment of the Gd–Bi and Ho–Bi systems, CALPHAD, Vol.41(2013), pp. 1-5. 250.Experimental study on phase relationships in the Si-rich portion of the Nb–Si–W ternary system, CALPHAD, Vol. 41(2013), pp. 60-70. 251.Thermodynamic assessment of the Bi–Er and the Bi-Dy systems, Thermochimica Acta, Vol.566(2013), pp. 44-49. 252.Thermodynamic assessment of the La–Sb and Ho–Sb systems using the associate model, Thermochimica Acta, Vol.551(2013), pp. 104-109. 2. Summary of the systems in 2013 System E x P D T E x C D A T A M S d D Co alloys F Comment Contact person Country International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials. Vol.44(2014), pp.7-11 Gregory S. Rohrer CN Mn-Sb-N F Advances in Condensed Matter Physics, special issue, volume 2013 article ID286325. YanFeng Guo. CN Mn-Ni-N F Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 114 (2013), pp. 123902. Jeffrey W. Lynn CN Mn alloys F Journal of Materials Research, Vol. 28(2013), pp. 3245 Ying Sun CN Materials Science and Engineering B-Advanced Functional Solid-State Materials, Vol.15 (2013), pp. 971-976. Wenwu Xu CN Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol.575(2013), pp. 403-407. Markus CN Cemented carbide, Vol.30 (2013), pp.297-301. (in Chinese). Shequan Wang CN Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion, 34(2)116121 (2013) Yuehui He CN CALPHAD, Vol. 43 (2013), 52-60. Yong Du CN J. Phase Equilibria and Diff., Vol. 34 (2013), pp. 484492. Yong Du CN F Sm-Co Li-C F Ti alloys Al-Fe-Gd Ga-X (X=B,Ca,Sr,Ba) F F F Ni-Cu-Si F Cr-Ni-Ti F J. Alloy Compd., Vol. 575 (2013), pp. 48-53 J.C. Schuster CN C–Ta–Zr F Int. J. Refract Met Hard Mater., Vol.41(2013), pp. 408-415. Keke Chang CN 2. Summary of the systems in 2013 System E x P D WC-Ti(C,N)-Co F E T x C D A Comment T A M S D d Contact person Country F Int. J. Refract Met Hard Mater., Vol. 41(2013), pp. 638-647. S.Q. Wang CN Al-Ce-Ni F J. Non-Cryst. Solids, Vol. 379(2013), pp. 201-7. Z.P. Jin CN Al alloys F Int. J. Mater. Res., Vol.104 (2013), pp. 721-735. A. Engström CN CALPHAD, Vol.42(2013), pp.6-12. Y. Du CN J. Phase Equilib. Diff., Vol.34(2013), pp. 297-306. D. Zivkovic CN Int. J. Refract Met Hard Mater., Vol. 40(2013), pp. 36-42. K.K. Chang CN J. Alloy Compd., Vol.579(2013), pp. 124-131. C.Y. Tang CN Int. J. Mat. Res., Vol. 104(2013), pp. 452-456. A. Kostov CN F J. Phase Equilibria and Diff., Vol. 34(2013), pp. 202-210 S.Q. Wang CN F J. Electronic Mater., Vol. 42(2013), pp. 1158-1170. C.Y. Tan CN Thermochimica Acta, Vol.561(2013), pp. 77-90. Y.L. Zhang CN CALPHAD, Vol.41(2013), pp. 108-118. H.H. Xu CN J. Alloy Compd., Vol. 566 (2013), pp.156-163. Z.P. Jin CN Int. J. Mater. Res., Vol.104 (2013), pp. 135-148. Z.P. Jin CN Cd-X (X= Sr, Ti, B, V) F La-B and La-Bi F C−Ta−Ti F Ni-Al-Mn F Ag-In-Sn-Cu F WC-Ti(C,N)-TaC-NbCCo F Sn-Bi and Sn-Pb Al-Cr-Si F A1 Ni-X (X = Ge, Ti, V) Cu-Al-Si Al alloys F F F 2. Summary of the systems in 2013 System E x P D E T x C D A Comment T A M S D d Co-Cr-Ti F lanthanide-Iron F La-Mn F Al-Mg-Si-Cu Mg-Ca-RE F F F Mg-Nd-Sr Al-Zr Cu–Fe–Ti F F Ti -C F F Contact person Country CALPHAD, Vol.41(2013), pp.42-49. Wen Xie CN J. Alloy Compd., Vol.554(2013), pp. 232-39. Yong Du CN J. Min. Metall. B-Metall., Vol. 49(2013), pp. 391-394. Yong Du CN Computational Materials Science, Vol.67(2013), 334-340. Yuehui He CN Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China, Vol.23(2013), pp. 881-888 L.B. Liu CN Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, Vol. 44A (2013), pp. 5634-5641. L.B. Liu CN CALPHAD, Vol. 40 (2013), pp. 34-40 Z.P. Jin CN CALPHAD, Vol.40(2013), pp. 24-33 Z.P. Zhang CN Computational Materials Science, Vol.78(2013), pp.74-82. Leinenbach CN Al-Tb-V F Int. J. Mater. Res., Vol.104 (2013), pp. 129-134. X.Y. Zhang CN Al–Cr–B F Comput. Theoret. Chem., Vol.1020 (2013), pp.51-56 X.Y. Zhang CN Al-Mo-Dy F J. Phase Equilib. Diff., Vol.34 (2013), pp. 322-327. W. Zhou CN Al-Cr-Pr F Int. J. Mater. Res., Vol.104 (2013), pp. 1233-1239 W. Zhou CN Er-Sn-Te F J. Rare Earths, Vol.31 (2013), pp. 800-803 C. Li CN 2. Summary of the systems in 2013 System E x P D Al-Cr-Ho F E x T D Al-Sc F Y-Er-Co F Y-Fe-Cr F Al alloys Al-Fe-Gd C A T D A Comment M S d F F Contact person Country J. Solid State Chem., Vol.198 (2013), pp. 344-356. Y. Du CN Comput. Mater. Sci., Vol. 69 (2013), pp. 160-167. Y. Zhan CN Advanced Materials Research, Vol..815(2013), pp 126-129. Ling-Min Zeng CN Advanced Materials Research, Vol.820(2013), pp 71-74. Ling-Min Zeng CN Physica B: Condensed Matter, Vol. 422(2013), pp. 51-55. Ran Li CN Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion, Vol. 34(2013), pp. 116-121 . Yuehui He CN Al-Fe-Zr F Journal of Nuclear Materials, Vol. 440(2013), pp. 6-10. Junqiang Zhu CN Al-Mg-Si-Cu F Computational Materials Science, Vol.67(2013), pp. 334340 . Yuehui He CN Al-As F Chin. Phys. B, Vol. 22(2013), pp. 026201. Yong Du CN Sm–Nd–Fe F Trans. Nonferrrous Met. Soc. China, Vol. 23 (2013), pp. 1633-1638. Bowen Wang CN Mg-Zn-Al F 中国有色金属学报,Vol. 23(2013), pp.. 297-302 Gaowu Qin CN Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics,Vol.15( 2013), pp. 9531-9539. W. Qin CN Inter. J. Mater. Res., Vol. 104 (2013), pp.364-371. Li .J.Q CN F Zn-S Dy-Co-Ga F 2. Summary of the systems in 2013 System E x P D E x T D C A T D M d A S Comment Contact person Country Lu-Fe-Ga F Phase Tran., Vol. 86 (2013), 585-597. F.S. Liu CN Cu-Fe-Zr F Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion, Vol. 34 (2013), pp. 438446. X.J.Liu CN Fe-Si-Zr F Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion, Vol. 34 (2013), pp. 277288. C.P. Wang CN Fluid Phase Equilibria, Vol. 360 (2013) 44-53. X.J. Liu CN Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol.578 (2013), pp. 439-447. X.J. Liu CN Al–Fe F Cu-Ni-Si F Cr-Hf-Ti F F Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion, Vol. 34 (2013), pp. 375384. C.P. Wang CN Au-Th F F Journal of Nuclear Materials, Vol. 440 (2013), pp. 214-219 C.P. Wang CN As-U F F Journal of Nuclear Materials, Vol. 440 (2013), pp. 214-219 C.P. Wang CN Co-Cr-W F International Journal of Materials Research, Vol.104 (2013), pp. 836842. C.P. Wang CN Co-Cr-Nb F Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion, Vol.34 (2013), pp. 313321. C.P. Wang CN Ni-Hf-Si F Intermetallics, Vol.42 (2013), pp.14-22. X.J. Liu CN B-Ce/B-Pr F CALPHAD, Vol. 41(2013), pp. 150-155. C.P. Wang CN Eu-Pb/Lu-Pb F CALPHAD, Vol. 41 (2013) 20-25. C.P. Wang CN 2. Summary of the systems in 2013 System E x P D E x T D C A T D M d A S Comment Contact person Country Co-Si-Zr F Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol.574 (2013), pp.33-44. C.P. Wang CN Co-V-Mo F Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 556 (2013) 280-286 X.J. Liu CN Gd–Pb F CALPHAD, Vol.42(2013), pp. 1-5. Z.M. Du CN Ni–Sn F Inter. J. Mat. 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List of members of Chinese Phase Diagram Committee Members of CPDC, Chinese Physical Society Chairman: Rao Guanghui Advisor: (Guilin Univ. of Electron. Tech. ) Liang Jingkui ( Inst. of Phys., CAS, Beijing ) Zhang Weijing (Univ. of Sci. & Tech. Beijing, Beijing ) Zhuang Yinghong (Guangxi Univ., Nanning) Qiao Zhiyu (Univ. of Sci. & Tech. Beijing, Beijing) Hao Shiming (Northeastern Univ., Shenyang) Jin Zhanpeng (Central South Univ., Changsha) Zhou Guozhi (Univ. of Sci. & Tech. Beijing, Beijing ) Xie Sishen (Peking Univ., Beijing ) 3. List of members of Chinese Phase Diagram Committee Members (Alphabetic order): • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Chu Maoyou, General Research Inst. for Nonferrous Metals, Beijing Du Yong, Central South Univ., Changsha Du Zhenmin, Univ. of Sci. & Tech. Beijing, Beijing Gu Zhenfei, Guilin Univ. of Electron. Tech., Guilin Huang Xueli, Xinjiang Univ., Urumqi Jiang Laizhu, Baosteel Group Corporation, Shanghai Jiang Min, Northeastern Univ., Shenyang Li Changrong, Univ. of Sci. & Tech. Beijing, Beijing Li Guobao, Peking Univ., Beijing Li Jingbo, Inst. of Phys., Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing Li Junqin, Shenzhen Univ., Shen Zhen Li Lin, Shanghai Univ., Shanghai Liu Huashan, Central South Univ., Changsha Liu Libin, Central South Univ., Changsha Liu Xingjun, Xiamen Univ., Xiamen Ma Hongwen, China Univ. of Geosciences, Beijing Ouyang Yifang, Guangxi Univ., Nanning Qin Gaowu, Northeastern Univ., Shenyang • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Rao Guanghui, Inst. of Phys., Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing Shen Jianyun, General Research Inst. for Nonferrous Metals, Beijing Song Gongbao, Southweat Univ. of Sci. & Tech., Mianyang Song Lizhu, Jilin Univ., Changchun Song Xiaoyan, Beijing Univ. of Tech., Beijing Su Xuping, Xiangtan Univ., Xiangtan Sun Lixian, Dalian Inst. of Chem. Phys., Chinese Academy of Sciences, Dalian Wang Bowen, Hebei Univ. of Tech., Tianjin Wang Cong, Beihang Univ., Beijing Wang Cuiping, Xiamen Univ., Xiamen Xing Xianran, Univ. of Sci. & Tech. Beijing, Beijing Yan Jialin, Guangxi Univ., Nanning Zhai Yuchun, Northeastern Univ., Shenyang Zhao Jingtai, Shanghai Inst. of Ceramics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai Zhou Huaiying, Guilin Univ. of Electron. Tech., Guilin 1. Publications in 2013 Research fields : Thermodynamics of Materials; Designing and development of Auto Steels. Lin Li Professor Shanghai University
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